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Messages - Isara

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Septagon / Re: Isara's Design Improvements
« on: October 10, 2014, 11:59:10 PM »
Updated the OP to showcase the current plans.

Septagon / Re: Isara's Design Improvements
« on: October 10, 2014, 11:32:14 PM »
Exactly what I am thinking. The desktop version (say, someone still uses a small resolution screen at work or school) will have a drop down, though. I'll see about the CSS/JS/HTML and interweaving everything when the right time comes, though.

Yep. Dropdowns hate mobile phones, though, so we might want to think about recycling some of my website code for the dropdown (it uses javascript and the menu button you were probably thinking about:

Septagon / Re: Isara's Design Improvements
« on: October 10, 2014, 11:27:49 PM »
Actually, the second idea involves that. That the profile/user stuff is under a drop down with only the avatar being displayed on the top right, and the rest of the bar is taken by search, links and the logo. When the resolution is too small, then a new button (I didn't think of the logo, I thought of something on the left of it)  appears with the drop down selection and the links disappear leaving a small space between this combo with the logo, and the search/avatar combo.

I am working on this, so when it's at some point that I can show, I think it will be more clear what we are talking about here. Also, I'll later finish up and share the plan I have for the design as it comes to dates and such things.

If you remove the "Welcome," and just have the display name, it would make things less cramped. The logo could also be bumped over to the left a bit, which would free up space.

On smaller displays, we could turn the logo into a dropdown menu for the forum links.

Septagon / Re: Isara's Design Improvements
« on: October 10, 2014, 11:21:03 PM »
Critiques are the reason I decided to make the thread public.

Also, lol, why did I forget gaming? I am sorry, gaming. I also have the concern about the links being up there on a personal level. On lower resolutions it would shift the links into an additional bar at the bottom. Since the design as I said before aims to be dynamic, it means that it will adjust itself to the given conditions.

The group of forum links / header is what will float. Imagine that you scroll down and the distance between the top, links (if any in-between) and path/search bar will disappear and making it into an unique piece.

That's the first idea, right now I am working on the second one which should make things more manageable in both larger and smaller resolutions with at the same time being less of a long chunk of a header.

I think the second idea will prove better. I thought this one wouldn't take this much space, it's nice for a set of fixed links, but we dynamically have more or less links depending on the new, hidden forums that must appear up there.

Although everyone seems to like the sleekness it has, so at least that was proven as a correct direction.

I'm liking the upper right and the style of the logo is starting to grow on me (still not completely sold on in yet, but I think it'll get there).

I am concerned about how you are wanting this thing to float on the screen (and by that I mean the image wasn't clear). Is it just the logo, forum link strip, and user info that floats? I am also worried about room for the forum links, as I'd like to have room for the HQ forum (for the staff) and a bit of wiggle room for another if we so please (and you're missing Gaming).

I'm a big fan of the color and layout choices, but the selection box around the forum links looks out of place to me. Just some critiques.

Septagon / Re: Isara's Design Improvements
« on: October 10, 2014, 10:58:27 PM »
Alright, work continues on the design. The header has reached the stage that this early draft is aiming for.

A little explanation; the news selection is highlighted as if your mouse were over it, ready to click on it. The others are on their "default" / idle state. The icons below the avatar are temporary, but I am tackling with the concept from Bungie.old of having some controls there, so I think that someone should be able to quickly check their PM's, alerts, settings and logout or login from the top right. (Also access their profile)

The location of the ads should be what's below that initial path / search bar combo. The plan is to also make the notifications appear in-between these two, which I will show in a later version.

I applied some changes to the logo, earlier in smaller resolutions it was clear it looked too jagged, and that the septagon itself, and the 7 were a little out of line.

Small version (Focus on header only)
Large version (So you can check the surroundings a little)

Septagon / Re: Isara's Design Improvements
« on: October 10, 2014, 10:17:10 PM »
You are correct, I feel like punching in the face whoever d-- Oh. Anyway. Yes, I need to fix the characters' bottom parts to run at the same height.

The bottom of the Sep7agon not running parallel to the bottom of the text is actually bugging me a little >.>

Not sure who Focnr is... I am not being stopped though. So it means my work is welcome.
I guess Focnr is out of the job....

Please don't hurt me Focnr.
So is Isara the new Focnr?

The Flood / Re: OKAY...So I know what I want for Christmas
« on: October 10, 2014, 02:19:25 PM »
What do you need that thing for? Is Germany invading?

Septagon / Re: Isara's Design Improvements
« on: October 10, 2014, 11:44:36 AM »
The font is "Play" I chose it based on the license and looks. I am going to look into more fonts, but the purpose of that first sample is to get a better idea of what it should look like. (Keep in mind to send those statistics when you can, though, I am sorry to bother you this much, but I need to have an idea nonetheless)

I am a fan of giving more room in between the outer septagon and the inner one of the logo, though. Also, what don't are you using?

Gaming / Re: Aaaaaaand I'm bored with Destiny
« on: October 10, 2014, 10:53:00 AM »
I've put down Destiny due to my work heating up... I should really launch it up and shoot some aliens on the face. while yelling "Indiscriminate justice!"

Septagon / Re: Isara's Design Improvements
« on: October 10, 2014, 10:48:00 AM »
This one is not necessarily an improvement, but I sort of wanted to play with branding ideas for Sep7agon to match with the design I have on my head, the current logo wouldn't match. (The edges look a little rough because I carelessly scaled it down from its original size, without cleaning it) The purpose is to listen to feedback though. Do you like the "O" being twisted like this? Do you feel the font matches more the polygon effect?


The Flood / Re: What are the three things you cannot live without?
« on: October 10, 2014, 10:21:22 AM »
Internet, electricity, clean water, food, general body care accessories, soaps, shampoos...

Serious / Re: The worlds first successfully implanted prosthetic arm
« on: October 10, 2014, 07:44:12 AM »
Marvelous, soon enough we will be like Deus Ex.

Septagon / Re: Cheat, We need shitty Flash games
« on: October 10, 2014, 07:33:08 AM »
I mentioned this only because I think we can put some kind of ads when the game is loading. But there are many issues that makes the idea unfeasible (especially copyright-related issues, but the patents by now must have expired) Without some kind of advertisement, I think the extra bandwidth required to make many users load these games is not a good thing.

Again, I think it would be one of those features to think about when all the major issues, ideas and such have been strengthened and there's room to start adding goodies. So don't get excited, by "later" I mean maybe December or January at least to start tackling on the concept and its implementation.

Isara is love
Isara is life

Gaming / Re: Original Xbox sounds.
« on: October 10, 2014, 07:03:46 AM »
Wow, very nice. I never thought of extracting them from my own Xbox.

Septagon / Re: Isara's Design Improvements
« on: October 10, 2014, 06:57:13 AM »
The first sketches for the main page, and profile ones are done. I'll proceed to implement them in photoshop later. I will also work on the sketches for the mobile version of the website.

Septagon / Re: Cheat, We need shitty Flash games
« on: October 10, 2014, 06:45:59 AM »
There is some manner to implement Nes classics into a website, so you can theoretically interwove that with the forums, but I am not sure about web-based high score features. I'll look into that much later on, though.

Septagon / Re: Isara's Design Improvements
« on: October 10, 2014, 04:12:01 AM »
Not really, it's just using their API. You don't even need to connect your Xbox Live account, simply having the gamer tag's name can pull out the public data at any time. Same applies with PSN and Steam. They are different systems, some work is involved, but it's nothing tragically difficult. (The two accounts will never be intermixed, since we don't need that, and that's more complex than what is needed)

Wouldn't that require the accounts to be linked? Which in turn would require working together with Microsoft, Sony, and Valve to do?

Well, now that's quite a creepy one. Why didn't she just mute, and block him and move on? That's typically the best thing to do with most gamers you meet in matchmaking anyway.

Septagon / Re: Isara's Design Improvements
« on: October 10, 2014, 02:35:24 AM »
Right now I am working on the next step in the website's overall design...

How would you feel about profiles actually showing Xbox Live, PSN and or Steam information such as gamer tag, latest played games and such, for those that have their gamer tag linked? Instead of it just being a simple link to your profile?

9, I love coffee.

Serious / Re: Have you discovered what you want to do with your life?
« on: October 10, 2014, 02:28:18 AM »
Many, many years ago. I don't remember exactly when. Slowly, I developed other interests, but of course, I managed to sway them in the way of what I truly wanted.

Gaming / Re: Do you talk online?
« on: October 10, 2014, 01:31:31 AM »
Yes, and no. Depends on the game, and if I am playing with friends.

Gaming / Re: What should I buy?
« on: October 10, 2014, 01:21:28 AM »
I mean, like, whenever I try to plug in and use two wired controllers, the second one doesn't work, and I am forced to use that one as wireless.

If you mean the console doesn't have enough USB ports, it's still like that.

As far as wired controllers go, they have never failed me. Same with the wireless ones.

My Original Xbox Controllers to this day still work.

Gaming / Re: What should I buy?
« on: October 10, 2014, 12:57:12 AM »
Two wired controllers never worked for me on the Xbox 360. Was this changed?

Not only that but I can have a friend use a wired controller as well as me using a wired one so no batteries would ever have to be bought again.

Septagon / Re: Isara's Design Improvements
« on: October 09, 2014, 04:20:03 PM »
It'll not be the same on mobile. They are a step after though. For now I am focusing on the desktop concepts, then I'll move onto the mobile ones.

Edit: it also needs to have a shorter title, as mobile screens will break the line.

Septagon / Re: Isara's Design Improvements
« on: October 09, 2014, 03:32:16 PM »
I am skilled. The process of working on a certain design though has many steps. One of the first steps is to figure out what should, and shouldn't be there. Since the community is small enough to allow this, I think it's better to show some concepts I have to what I want to change, and how, to see if the direction in my head is the one people generally would enjoy here. Last thing I want is that I come up with an idea, and that only few people like it and we end up like

We could use a good graphics artist...

Septagon / Sep7agon_V2 > Project Thread
« on: October 09, 2014, 03:20:38 PM »

The next step of Sep7agon's website is being developed. Unlike what has occured on with the latest updates which drove off most of the community, my objective is to instead cater towards the community.

Community driven content, from news posts, reviews, other articles, to spotify, youtube, and so on are to be given a focus whenever someone visits the main page. Links and profiles reworked to look sleek, clean and showcase your participation in the forum, and gaming profiles.

The plan is quite straightforward. What I hope to achieve in the following months from October is to create a more engaging, cool, and unique website based on what was liked, and what is currently favorable in the community.

  • October 2014
    Initial sketches, designs and interactive versions.
  • November 2014
    The design is implemented to the current forum software in a testing ground.
  • December 2014
    At some point in this month the new version is released.

Now, the purpose of this thread is for me to share the ongoing progress to exchange feedback actively with users and staff. I encourage everyone to leave their thoughts to each new submission, elaborate ones, simple ones, that will help with shaping what's being worked on.

The Flood / Re: The Rules have been Updated
« on: October 09, 2014, 02:46:23 PM »
The Anarchy forum is a fun place, and being around too often spoils the fun of it.

Make the Anarchy forum come up more often, maybe every weekend and every single issue can be discussed there.

The Flood / Re: The Rules have been Updated
« on: October 09, 2014, 02:32:12 PM »
Is the first rule about alts retroactive? We have the user DeeJ for example who now may find himself banned, or maybe one of my alts which is a reference to a Bungie culture character. What about these?

The Flood / Re: For the record.
« on: October 09, 2014, 02:24:21 PM »
Elegiac 2: The Return of the Fox.

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