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Messages - Isara

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« on: August 05, 2015, 08:30:04 AM »
So, how is this better than Kojima and Del Toro?

Gaming / Re: Favorite and least favorite MGS game?
« on: August 03, 2015, 11:59:29 PM »
Between all the games, my favorite is Metal Gear Solid, since its writing has so many interesting bits that they don't take place in Metal Gear Solid 3, but the latter offers a more interesting and memorable story than the original. Especially since in the latter, the actions that take place haunt the character and to an extent the player since they are the ones who must pull the trigger to end The Boss' life, and feel like spitting in the face of the CIA for what occurred.

However, in Metal Gear Solid, things like emotions, and the story itself is told through the characters. Otakon falling for Sniper Wolf and being emotional, wondering whether love can bloom in a battlefield can be a metaphor for some of Solid Snake's thoughts since he is at the time, falling in love with Meryl. However, Solid Snake is a cold blooded and haunted killer who can't really express those emotions, especially on the battlefield that was Shadow Moses, so Otakon, a more common person who hasn't suffered from atrocities and war, he works as someone to deliver emotional responses that albeit are silly, they are essential ones that Snake cannot comfortably express.

On Metal Gear Solid 3, the relationship between the characters is slightly worse than what it was in MGS, nonetheless it's good, but the relationship between who Big Boss interacts with it's always either limited, or you know that he's being played by EVA. On the other hand, it compensates by giving a mentor like The Boss and the most interesting codec calls in the series. From fun ones, to depressing ones and simple explanations of game mechanics and weapons, the codec is something people try to listen again and again without a stop simply because in MGS3 it's more awesome than it was in MGS4 or what it will be in the future.

But the codec had its moments in Metal Gear Solid, and it's even more fun how it literally breaks the fourth wall for you to find the codec number for Meryl. There are some interesting conversations, but they are mostly told via Miller or Nastasha, and they hold up for you to learn more about either Alaska or the guns you're using and the military systems.

So, I think hands down, Metal Gear Solid is superior due to its characters, storytelling, but albeit loses a little in the fact that the characters in the codec are more interesting in Metal Gear Solid 3, since most people never speak to Miller or Nastasha outside their automatic calls.

Now, for the worst game? I am confident that Koji Pro lost its track while making titles for the PSP. Portable Ops for example was an interesting game, but didn't offer that much on the table like Peace Walker did, I think it's unfair because Peace Walker upped the standards for PSP games in a sense, since it offered a whole experience, and not just another spin off or side story, it's an actual Metal Gear Solid title, on the PSP, and it's a great game, but yeah, for the worst in the series, Portable Ops+ is my choice.

Gaming / Re: The Truth about Bloodborne's story
« on: August 03, 2015, 08:28:34 AM »
You know what's the creepiest line in the game? The first time you meet the original Hunter in the Dream and he tells you that you can "use" the doll.

Oh... I see.

this is a joke that was posted a lot when you weren't very active

Gaming / Re: Jesus fuck competitive Halo players are unbearable
« on: August 02, 2015, 06:22:25 AM »
competitive Halo players

Skyrim will be remembered through nostalgia glasses as one of the best games ever made.

Sky rim is the benchmark for modern gaming...

I didn't feel any kind of connection with any of Halo: Reach's characters. It felt that the story should have been at least 20+ missions to give a whole feeling about each character's personality, and that's really impossible to happen. The only one you appreciate even a little is Jeorge, and that's because he has a few lines and displays a personality and a character.

Seriously, Bungie has some great minds, but it's incredibly funny how they can't make humane characters. What drama is there when you don't care about the characters who die? Why should you care that Emile is dead, because of the two seconds in the intro scene where he just stares at you?

The secret to making good games, outside of gameplay (hands down, shooting things in a Bungie game is fun) is that you should put some effort into making your characters memorable in a good way. They must have personalities, dialogue a story, so you give a damn about what you're doing in the world you are doing and why you should be doing it.

That's something the Halo 3: ODST team thought out pretty well, especially with one of the ODST trailers ("We are ODST") and I keep wondering why nothing like that was ever shown in Halo or even Destiny in-game. If you had an intro like that about who Six is that would have made more sense and established a connection to them. In Halo 3: ODST the connection with the world is formed through the exploration, you reconstruct the story, and hence you connect with the views and personalities each character has. Wherever you return into The Rookie, you are again playing your part in the story.

Let's ask the serious question here; why in Destiny the guardian is heroic? The Guardian was resurrected after probably dying a horrible death when the darkness came, and most likely everything they knew is either gone or ruined. There's no explanation as to why they are ready to fight for the Traveler, or as to understanding the world around them. You literally wake up from DEATH and you're told "hey, let's run, some creepy-ass aliens are trying to kill you" and you just go with it? If this happened in a film then it would be a bad film, so why does Destiny get a free pass on that? (I am looking at you, game "journalists" that handed awards to a game that has little to no story)

Gaming / Re: Thank you based Kojima
« on: August 01, 2015, 07:23:50 AM »
Arigato, Kojima-san.

I remember when Crystal came by, the game was already more interesting than what it was in Pokemon Red, at least the Silver and Gold version with the Day / Night cycle varying Pokemon spawns added an additional layer of making the world feel more real. The moment that you also go up the mountain to fight Red is also one that hasn't been repeated in the future installments.

I also fondly remember Ruby and Sapphire, I enjoyed those games due to the customizations, and the Pokemon themselves. After that I've just been losing more and more interest, because the games are changing into something different from what I was familiar with in the games.

Gaming / Re: GTA V mod is trying to turn the game into a RPG
« on: July 30, 2015, 05:40:45 PM »
This isn't new, people have been doing this (and done much more in-depth) work in GTA: SA's mutliplayer mods. Of course, the "journalist" on Kotaku doesn't mention that, nor brings it up, since they probably don't know. Just another trashy "look at this shiny" article without any real depth or meaning besides making more content.

The Flood / Re: Where will users be in the 20 years?
« on: July 19, 2015, 11:15:20 PM »
Stuck in a VR world due to Oculus Rift v3 malfunction.

Serious / Re: You're made dictator for a day
« on: July 19, 2015, 11:04:03 PM »
I find someone that looks like me to appear in public in my stead, and leave the country running to someone else meanwhile I am chilling in my villa retreat somewhere in the world.

Someone should write a book about the inner workings of Seto's mind.

Gaming / Re: Games you hate
« on: July 18, 2015, 09:58:18 PM »
Kingdom Hearts is the only game that I hate.

Gaming / Re: Fallout 4 gameplay trailer - the start of the game
« on: July 18, 2015, 09:53:31 PM »
Maybe, but the Deathclaw was shown multiple times, and part of the same mission was shown at E3. Well, it just shows that Fallout 4 is quite scripted, I do wonder if there's any choice in approach in the mission, or it's going to be more "on rails" kind of thing. However, it's just showing one of the early game missions, so it might be wrong to assume something like that.

I think the laser musket (or whatever it was) hasn't been seen, and the power armored fight with the deathclaw is fairly new. Both are pretty cool.

He has to pay 100k USD, when he is the type to steal 30 USD. Yeah, he's ruined.
Tate, 18, was booked at the West Valley Detention Center and is being held on $100,000 bail, police said.

Gaming / Re: Fallout 4 gameplay trailer - the start of the game
« on: July 18, 2015, 09:45:58 PM »
I don't see anything new to be honest, little gameplay has been shown besides what was seen from E3. Bethesda's being quite conservative with what it shows.

Septagon / Re: Cheat fix your dumb website you jew
« on: May 21, 2015, 01:12:50 PM »

The Flood / Re: If there are no stupid questions
« on: May 20, 2015, 03:29:28 PM »
Every time a professor says it during the first lecture of the semester, they will regret it at some point in the semester.

It's funny how thinking about this does actually make you want to be violent? So it kinda kills the purpose of punishing someone for playing a game with a backdrop of violence? Maybe, the truth is that pedagogy is messing up the current generations so much, that the society we are developing will be so thirsty for violence that will lead for so many people to seek violence through the media, and so the media will always give more and more violence and sex.

Oh wait. It's happening.

When I was in first grade, on Halloween, me and my friend both had plastic swords and got into a sword fight. We both got our names put on the board without even a warning. To this day, I think that was a bullshit call.

This is just some next-level shit.

Septagon / Re: Cheat fix your dumb website you jew
« on: May 20, 2015, 03:17:00 PM »

Despite what everyone keeps saying, I do know what I'm doing with groups. Everything will be okay.

Septagon / Re: Cheat fix your dumb website you jew
« on: May 20, 2015, 03:15:36 PM »
Yeah, Cheat discussed this stuff with me the other day. I can confirm that at least from what I saw so far it's a solid plan, but the couple months ETA is accurate with the amount of things we're pushing into a huge, much needed and promised update. (Mobile users, please don't kill me yet)

Couple months, most likely. I'm still working out the details, but that, groups, and a slew of other things will be fixed and improved.

Gaming / Re: Bungie stepped it up with House of Wolves
« on: May 20, 2015, 03:11:57 PM »
> Still owns vanilla game
> Memories of disappointment still fresh
> Never forget.

Gaming / Re: Dark souls Smough and Ornstein
« on: May 19, 2015, 12:16:29 AM »
These two jerks and Capra Demon are probably the biggest challenge for many players.

Septagon / Re: Report Sep7agon V2 Bugs or Issues here
« on: May 07, 2015, 01:07:29 PM »
If you can wait a little bit more then that would be great. I thought I had time to finish up a fix, but that wasn't the case, sadly. I am dealing with some uni work, and I am almost done. So it'll happen. I am also terribly sorry for the delay in the reply.

So hey how much longer until mobile gets fixed?

Gaming / Re: Fact: Halo is for boys. Destiny is for MEN.
« on: May 02, 2015, 10:00:05 AM »

Gaming / Re: HUNTtheTRUTH is now HUNTtheSIGNAL
« on: May 02, 2015, 09:59:47 AM »
Hunt the Signal is now Hunt the Hype with Mountain Dew and Doritos.

inb4 War of Gears a "free" game that allows you to play through the tutorial, and then you pay $0.99 per level, and you get some relevant ads that know your Google searches from the night you don't remember. It also drinks your phone battery as if it were water in an oasis.

Serious / Re: Mandatory military conscription
« on: April 30, 2015, 06:04:43 AM »
They will force you to join if you don't show up when the exemption is complete. (You get an exemption for the requested duration, and you are expected to show up at the given date, and the biggest exemption is up to eight years) Unless you leave the country, you might get the MP knock at your door and take you to a military court. Usually you end up staying a couple of years as a conscript. If you leave the country then you are listed as a deserter-- and it's better that you don't step in the country again.

And that's how the system works for Greeks, it might be different for non-natives moving to Greece, but I don't know the details there. I am quite sure that they don't really want to advertise the draconian conscription to someone who is moving in the country.

I'm asking this question since I'm finally nearing the end of the process of getting an exemption from being forced to serve in the Greek Armed Forces. Well, it's not like they'd even force me to join at this point given their current financial situation, but still.

Serious / Re: Mandatory military conscription
« on: April 30, 2015, 05:55:26 AM »
In Greece, a country that borders with so many regions it seems ineffective. There are too many bases, and despite the amount of men who are put into mandatory service, those bases are still mostly empty. A modern country needs a professional army, not a bunch of weekend temporary soldiers.

Also, the role of indoctrinating people into society has been mostly replaced by higher education such as technical schools and universities that further show how this system is obsolete when you have near-30-year old conscripts spending nine months in an empty military base on some mountain.

It's not unethical, but it lacks any fundamental need besides a waste of resources, money which lead to the manipulation of statistics (conscripts don't appear as unemployed) and semi-free human resources for the military. (In Greece, conscripts get paid 10 Euros per month, regardless of their duties, but it might vary on current family status; e.g. number of children and age in family, dead parents and similar things)

There are also suicides committed during conscription, but those are largely underplayed by the media, and sometimes completely covered and forgotten. Some conscripts also are concerned about poor sanitation (instances of a random conscript with no training being selected as paramedic and injecting people without the skill or know-how, or cases of using the same needle on multiple soldiers)

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