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Messages - Isara

Pages: 1 ... 585960 6162 ... 72
The Flood / Re: It's Been Good, Peace Out!
« on: October 14, 2014, 05:01:58 AM »
So... People dislike this place, custom made, and being worked onto being more welcoming as people attempt to forge some content, and then prefer a free forum that will legitimately under most conditions attempt to limit your experience, and at some point even retain copyright over your own content? I mean, we do have some diversities, but I never felt things were this way...

I won't pitch into details about the accusations of favouritism as I am not aware of any such situation. However, if the issue is within the forum software, layout and such then please do not hesitate to share. I am here to work and improve the software and its design for everyone.

These are tough times as we are looking to move towards a new advertiser. Certain things, which annoy us all will be something we must deal with until we can assert a new advertiser who doesn't impose an iron fist onto its websites. I ask for more patience until we can settle ourselves down with a proper advertiser and we are free to express ourselves. Bungie had to answer to Microsoft, and for now, we have to answer to Google's AdSense, but this is not a long-term relationship, it's a temporary one that maybe in a few days or a week or two will be over. I promise that I will work with Cheat to improve the current conditions to the most of my capability.

If anyone feels like signing up:

Registration is restricted. It's up to me to approve you in however.

The Flood / Re: What did you have for breakfast today?
« on: October 14, 2014, 03:56:07 AM »
No, I just eat in a healthy manner and keep my food intake in check. Can't look good if you let yourself go guilty loose.

Are you a Hobbit?

The Flood / Re: What did you have for breakfast today?
« on: October 14, 2014, 03:40:11 AM »
A small bowl of cereals, and fat-free Greek yoghurt. Second breakfast is natural orange juice. Third will be coffee.

News / Re: Food for Thought #03: Metal Gear Solid: The Phantom Pain
« on: October 14, 2014, 03:33:44 AM »
I agree that Kojima makes most of his characters look great, handsome and even sexy regardless of their gender. The issue comes on how much of their appearance, however, is applied to their character. Someone might view a bare-chested Big Boss who fights a crocodile as a male power ideal, but what about a bare-torso female sniper?

Yeah, people's minds jump directly into the conclusion that it's probably just another incentive for the male audience, and maybe, it is in a manner. On the other hand, what does it mean for us to be in a world where a female character without her torso being covered gets more controversy than a warmonger training children to war?

Maybe we aren't there yet, to separate between multiple layers of dark things. Perhaps, most people online are simply afraid of the many fears they experience every day. The combination of those fears, the anonymity and the possibility to speak to an audience, maybe, and just maybe lets certain people point fingers as they grab onto the trigger and send accusations without solid facts beneath their thoughts.

I don't blame people for thinking that about Quiet, or for not giving enough attention to Big Boss training children into soldiers. Everyone has a diverse opinion and view, but my point is that such an opinion shouldn't be used to pass judgement on a title, but only used to expose your personal feelings on it.

Of course, in your case you are not passing judgement, but just the other day someone confessed that Quiet's character as far it was shown during the different trailers and official material made them avoid, if not hate the game itself.

Meanwhile their opinion has a true place, it's the act of passing judgement on a game based on different settings and characters without effectively knowing about what on goes into the game itself. Probably, when the game will be released, another wave of controversy-- of people who probably never played, nor experienced the game in one manner or another will follow as they figure out some key plot elements that are not exactly the happiest things that can happen to any character, from rape, to murder and betrayal.

On the other hand, those who will experience the game and will express their feelings, the emotions they felt including disgust will be able to understand why they felt that way, and why exactly it bothers them, without relying on some sort of personality cult revolving about a blogger and simply agreeing with them.

I don't like when people just nod off and agree with me and go off repeating my opinion. I want people to think, to reflect on what a game made them feel, what they think about certain moments, or even the most random things such as the way the main character moves, or whether that the game world feels real or not. That's why I have started doing "Food for Thought" articles.

Reviews simply give an opinion. I want to give my opinion, but based on that I want people to think the same points I went over through, so I can exchange them, so people can exchange opinions and have a mature discussion. At the end of the day, some will disagree, but there is nothing to lose in such an exchange. There are only the rewards to reap.

In my opinion, if anyone is going to complain about the sexualiziation of a female character from Kojima, than they must clearly not be familiar with his portrayal of rugged, muscular, also overly sexualized male characters.

Gaming / MOVED: Food for Thought #03: Metal Gear Solid: The Phantom Pain
« on: October 13, 2014, 05:06:16 PM »
Food for Thought #03: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain was moved to  News.

Read the article here:

News / Food for Thought #03: Metal Gear Solid: The Phantom Pain
« on: October 13, 2014, 05:04:11 PM »

There's a fascination in being a secret agent. Something that perhaps started from the stories of espionage between secret agencies of one nation against another. In truth, Metal Gear Solid is a series that focuses on infiltration, and effectively completing a mission.

However, it's much more than that. Metal Gear Solid games tend to touch sci-fi, paranormal, fantasy themes even, letting the player to have a broad exposure to many subjects. One solid example is secrecy in Metal Gear Solid, in Metal Gear Solid 2 is about information, data and its gathering, Metal Gear Solid 3 tackles a more cold war theme about weapon advancement, and loyalty, Peace Walker about nuclear deterrence and Metal Gear Solid 4 is more akin to the grand awaited finale to an action-packed story filled with many interesting characters that can only be compared to hollywood due to its focus on cutscenes. (Which people criticized for taking up plenty of the game, but that's another story)

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain features a battle-scarred, rough-looking, and vengeance-driven Big Boss. Since the events of Ground Zeroes— where Mother Base has been destroyed, all the great feelings that came from building it in Peace Walker, gathering many people under your wing, and driven by the same goal; freedom, a place to be, is slowly destroyed. It can only be compared to taking a great painting and desaturating it, and then staining it with blood and images of horror.

There's quite a theme. Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes actually also covers rape in one of its darker shades. Of course, such a sensible subject was met with plenty of criticism. After all, it's not that easy to portray such a traumatizing event, but at the same time avoid the player from dropping the controller from mere disgust.

Did anyone ever want a game that traditionally featured a darker theme return to its origins? Metal Gear Solid was quite dark as a game, but the mood became brighter in the following titles. When someone is met with Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is met with not only questions— as Kojima enjoys pitching different theories and fantasies, but surprise.

Surprise of a character's deep change. Personalities change over the year. Some events make us better people, other events... Make us worse. Big Boss, Kazuhira Miller, and Quiet are actually examples of such dramatic personality changes. How is it to play a game which over the years featured characters whose personalities were one way, but due to the events in the story they changed?

Quiet was met with the most criticism out of those three. The reason is that she's a female, but also goes around with her torso exposed. Personally, I don't see an issue. She's not a “babe” kind of character, which is shown easily from the trailer, but there is a solid point in that; if Kojima Productions doesn't give a proper and cohesive story about her personality, and clothing choice then it will only add validity to the idea that she was made that way to appeal to the male audience.

Returning to Big Boss, he now trains children to war which he only did that a little in the past, but now he does it actively, and is unending loyal to his fallen comrade-at-arms. His lust for vengeance against Cypher slowly takes over, turning him, his loyal friend, Kaz, and all of Mother Base into devils.

The intent was to show such a dramatic change. To let the player play as the villain. Effectivelly and practically from what one can witness from the game's release material, Big Boss is the anti-hero of the story, including all the main characters that are featured.

Being a villain can be enjoyable, but only if the right triggers are pressed towards the player. Someone who blatantly becomes “the bad guy” without a reason, or expresses emotions, feelings and thoughts that have no reasoning behind them will not be a fun character to play as. Instead, one with a story, and reacts with emotion, feelings and proper dialogue is likely to be successful in delivering the message.

What do you think about characters changing personalities in games? How do you think that a change in personality affects your enjoyment of a character such as Big Boss?

Food for Thought is a series of critical outlooks on games written by Isara exclusively for Metal Gear Solid, Konami,, and the Konami logo are trademarks of Konami in Japan and other countries.

News / Re: Meet the new Admin
« on: October 13, 2014, 03:32:38 PM »
No, but progress on it is public, and can be followed in its own thread, and everyone is encouraged to leave some feedback as I work on it.

Ooh! Is it going to be eye-rape white colored?  I hope it's eye-rape white colored.

Pleased to meet you.

Uh, whom?

Septagon / Re: The Site Update
« on: October 13, 2014, 02:48:23 PM »
I know a person that might be able to help. Send the hardware information on a PM with detail of what should and doesn't work. (And what was tried to get it to work) I'll get in touch with that person, and maybe they might help out.

Yes, it's a nightmare.

The Flood / Re: How average or good is my internet connection?
« on: October 13, 2014, 08:22:47 AM »
No, it's the average speed in Greece.

Oh boy that's shit. Are you using a potato to surf the net?

The Flood / Re: How average or good is my internet connection?
« on: October 13, 2014, 08:02:28 AM »
Do I win?


Septagon / Re: Things are too spaced out.
« on: October 13, 2014, 07:32:55 AM »
Please, elaborate.

Septagon / Re: Patch Notes
« on: October 13, 2014, 07:00:07 AM »
  • [2014.10.13] Care Patches 1.1.5
    • Fixed the alerts notifications having an odd background
    • Changed moderator approval thread background into something readable
    • Fixed missing error message coloring

News / Re: Meet the new Admin
« on: October 13, 2014, 04:40:46 AM »
The title comes with the whole package of responsibilities, but my focus isn't moderating forum discussion. I still do need access to the tools to know, and edit them accordingly either way. As an Architect, my work consists on creating, maintaining, managing and planning the current, future forum software features and manage the community to an extent.

Actually... I didn't expect for Cheat to trust me, or the staff in the first place. I always wanted to work on an active, strong, ambitious and involving project with a community like Sep7agon's, and this is my opportunity to truly shine by doing unparalleled work that might make even Bungie a little jealous.

Of course, everything I do, and my role still answers to Cheat, and the community in general.

Does that come with all the mod and the admin abilities, or is Architect something different?

Septagon / Re: Sep7agon_V2 > Project Thread
« on: October 13, 2014, 04:30:04 AM »
Interesting suggestion. I'll look into it for the next patch for the current version.

The Flood / Re: Cheat is the absolute worst admin
« on: October 13, 2014, 03:18:06 AM »
I have to admit that the skeleton ASCII art is impressive as it actually looks spooky.

Septagon / Re: Sep7agon_V2 > Project Thread
« on: October 12, 2014, 11:02:11 PM »
You become paranoid and try to invoke chat about how a shade of red is obnoxious compared to another at 3 AM.

So hey, how's it feel to be an admin?

Septagon / Patch Notes
« on: October 12, 2014, 10:42:36 PM »

I'll be working on miscelleneous patches at the same time I am focusing my work on the next version of Sep7agon. These patches are mainly style-related ones, but also some small features are included. Note that I will be reporting here the patches I have finished, and I think are worthy of being a version of their own, but the time of their application in the main forums will differ. (Due to the differences in timezone, schedule and all other practical reasons between Cheat, and I)

  • [2014.10.13] Care Patches 1.1.0
    • Retained all the live patches to the pagination
    • Fixed an issue where the background showed in the pagination on the body
    • Changed notification, error, and informative message colors
    • Adjusted list bottom margin
    • Alerts now have a darker theme
  • [2014.10.12] Care Patches 1.0
    • Added pagination buttons on all applicable pages on the current forum
    • Modified successful PM notification style, and BBCode for the Code tag

Septagon / Re: Sep7agon_V2 > Project Thread
« on: October 12, 2014, 10:14:58 PM »
As I said, certain elements will be like Bungie.old, and the new style is based on Bungie.old's. Post bodies, titles and such won't be touched.

We're still going to keep it like Bungie.old right?

News / Re: Meet the new Admin
« on: October 12, 2014, 09:20:44 PM »
Eventually, that project is undergoing in this thread. In the meantime I am working on small patches for our current version.

Does this mean we're getting a make over?

News / Re: Meet the new Admin
« on: October 12, 2014, 07:54:48 PM »
It's not personal, but we just have a sadistic way of thinking when it comes to keep our test su-- I mean, players within a sandbox.

i was killed by the architects yesterday
you guys love torturing me, dont you?

News / Re: Meet the new Admin
« on: October 12, 2014, 07:36:08 PM »
Thanks, and I won't let you people down with my new role in the community. Much work is to be done.

Are you kidding? Coding outside in nature is a bad idea. Never try it.

Cheat and Isara sitting in a tree, C-o-d-e-i-n-g. :P

Septagon / Re: So I got to Heroic...
« on: October 12, 2014, 07:11:38 PM »
Deci, you can do it!


Damn. I still have a mountain to climb. :/

Septagon / Re: Sep7agon_V2 > Project Thread
« on: October 12, 2014, 06:47:48 PM »
I am trying to find the correct edge. Thread bodies, title bars, and other things will stay this way. Others, well, I am working on them and seeing if they are liked or not.

We shouldn't keep trying to look like b.old, having things reminiscent of it is fine. However, its best that we start breaking away as our own site.

Septagon / Re: What I'm Working On
« on: October 12, 2014, 01:40:48 PM »

I'll be working on miscelleneous patches at the same time I am focusing my work on the next version of These patches are mainly style-related ones, but also some small features are included. Note that I will be reporting here the patches I have finished, and I think are worthy of being a version of their own, but the time of their application in the main forums will differ. (Due to the differences in timezone, schedule and all other practical reasons between Cheat, and I)


The Flood / Re: hi
« on: October 12, 2014, 11:21:46 AM »
Yeah, it's my first language. I am impressed that actually translators-- especially Google Translator can "guess" the Greek version of English words in a literal manner.
Dafuq? Translate dat
good evening, flood

in greek

The Flood / Re: Is anyone even doing anything?
« on: October 12, 2014, 10:16:23 AM »
Working on the forum pagination.


Gaming / Re: Best Game Trailers.
« on: October 12, 2014, 09:27:46 AM »
The most memorable, and favorite of mine is the very original trailer for World of Warcraft. I know, it's a little "bad" compared to so many titles, and considering how old World of Warcraft is... At the time, when I first saw the trailer, the idea of an MMO was brand new to me. MMOs were not that big in Greece at the time, names like EverQuest? Only few people knew them at the time, later on they catches up fast, though.

WarCraft III CD: World of Warcraft Trailer

Secondly, it's the World of Warcraft Cataclysm trailer. I like everything in it. The character is set up well, what's incoming, what will change, and how, and the epic outlook on what's to come is all there. People maybe disliked the changes, but the trailer is something that I always enjoyed.

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm trailer

And finally, it's the trailer for Halo 3 with Chopin's raindrops. Just the idea of creating all those miniatures to feature a much darker side in the game's story, how rough the covenant-human war looked compared to the bright mood of the game was an experience on its own.

Halo 3: Believe


It came on my mind that not giving this trailer a spot would be quite mean. I wanted to add a single Metal Gear Solid trailer, but not all of them. Otherwise I'd be exaggerating. So, among those, I decided to include the newest, and the one that made a further impact on me.

I am one of those players that went through Peace Walker. The mood is much better, as Mother Base grows, and grows, and Big Boss realizes his destiny. So, watching this trailer just shows how much has changed, both in Mother Base, and Big Boss' personality.

Differently from other games with Big Boss... He's the villain. He's a warmonger. He will use violence, to fight other evils. Will train children to war, he will drink and paste his dead comrades' blood on his body for the sake of vengeance.

Games over the years, have, and will focus on vengeance. However, Big Boss' vengeance has truly eaten him, his body, and mind, much more that what I have witnessed over the years in many games' main characters.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

The Flood / Re: hi
« on: October 12, 2014, 09:18:32 AM »
Καλησπέρα, Φλάντ!

The Flood / Re: If you were the Captain of a Pirate Ship
« on: October 12, 2014, 09:09:55 AM »
Reminds me I should play a little bit more of Black Flag, or Sid Meier's Pirates! I also like the shanties.


The Flood / Re: Awright m9s, you know what time it is?
« on: October 12, 2014, 12:47:15 AM »
Almost 9 AM here. Not doing anything in particular.

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