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Messages - K'tan Dantaktee

Pages: 1 ... 101112 1314 ... 19
The Flood / Re: Official True Korea thread
« on: January 12, 2015, 03:03:23 PM »
Growing up in North Korea, Yeonmi had seen executions before. She remembers her mother piggy­backing her to public squares and sports stadiums to watch the spectacles used by Kim Jong-il’s Workers’ Party to silence even the slightest whisper of dissent.
But this killing lodged in her mind. Yeonmi watched in horror as the woman she knew was lined up alongside eight other prisoners and her sentence was read out. Her crime was having watched South Korean films and lending the DVDs to friends. Her punishment in this most paranoid of dictatorships was death by firing squad.
As the executioners raised their weapons, Yeonmi covered her face. But she looked up again, just in time to see an explosion of blood and the woman’s body crumple to the ground. ‘It was a shock,’ she remembers. ‘It was the first time I felt terrified.’
So I heard you were banned, and dying? Please get unbanned, or die faster. No offense, it's just that you have no impact on my life, and I don't know you, so it'd be much better for me.

>Making serious post in North Korea thread

You've gone incoherent.

The Flood / Re: Official True Korea thread
« on: January 12, 2015, 03:01:22 PM »


The Flood / Re: Official True Korea thread
« on: January 12, 2015, 03:00:05 PM »


Because the worst case scenario for Christians is the best case scenario for Atheists. Ponder that for a second.

The Flood / Official True Korea thread
« on: January 12, 2015, 02:47:29 PM »
The Glorious Leader, Kim Jong-Un, has given me permission to create a thread highlighting the glorious glory nation of glory that is True Korea.


ITT: We discuss and highlight True Korea.

The Flood / Re: So I'm banned for an undetermined amount of time on
« on: January 10, 2015, 11:00:37 PM »
Well that explains why your sorry ass is over here. I thought you weren't going back because you didn't want people knowing that you aren't dead.

Everybody there knows I'm still alive. As I stated on there numerous times, my doctor's rough estimate was around 2016.

story time

TL;DR I have severe airborn allergies on top of other genetic diseases and a high chance of cancer. These airborn allergies can kill me, and have nearly done so on 4 separate occasions. If I so much as breath pollen/animal hair/dust in, my throat closes, my respiratory system shuts down, and a bunch of other horrible things that would provide me with a long and agonizing death. The more its left untreated, the worse it gets. My meds suppress my allergies by suppressing my immune system. My allergies have gotten continually worse since my birth, and my meds have had to be constantly increased in dosage. My dosage is now at the point of where my immune system is suppressed to the point of where its like I have AIDS. So, either I stop taking my meds and my body breaks down and my allergies kill me, or I fight my allergies and my body breaks down and my meds kill me. My doctor said that my body can not take this type of punishment much longer. I've tried a few different alternatives to my medications, but nothing have proved fruitful. I'm trying some natural and organic remedies this week; hopefully that venture proves fruitful but I highly doubt it.
Well that sucks.

Still how did you derail a whole forum? Also how is the old bnet doing? I have not set foot in there for months. I can barely remember the forums.

The Desticles took Community, I set out to take it back; the first three pages were covered in mass spam topics denouncing LFGs.
Nice. Next time there needs to be a raid and a huge bunch of threads on Bungie day whose topics is basically RIP bungie or rememberance ofbungie in it glory days.

On the anniverasry of the update a raid about the death of Bungie and speeches and posts about the death bungie.

Well Seventh Column and OffTopic are still untaken by the Desticles. Those two forums are the last uncorrupted bastions on the mains.
The Seventh Column will never be what it used to be.
Actually, it pretty much is what it was on B.old.

Dead and full of hardcore Bungie vets. might've improved since the last time I saw it, but I highly doubt that. Hardcore Bungie vets now will basically be desticles if they stuck around anyway.

Playing Destiny =/= being a Desticle.

The Flood / Re: So I'm banned for an undetermined amount of time on
« on: January 10, 2015, 10:56:39 PM »
Well that explains why your sorry ass is over here. I thought you weren't going back because you didn't want people knowing that you aren't dead.

Everybody there knows I'm still alive. As I stated on there numerous times, my doctor's rough estimate was around 2016.

story time

TL;DR I have severe airborn allergies on top of other genetic diseases and a high chance of cancer. These airborn allergies can kill me, and have nearly done so on 4 separate occasions. If I so much as breath pollen/animal hair/dust in, my throat closes, my respiratory system shuts down, and a bunch of other horrible things that would provide me with a long and agonizing death. The more its left untreated, the worse it gets. My meds suppress my allergies by suppressing my immune system. My allergies have gotten continually worse since my birth, and my meds have had to be constantly increased in dosage. My dosage is now at the point of where my immune system is suppressed to the point of where its like I have AIDS. So, either I stop taking my meds and my body breaks down and my allergies kill me, or I fight my allergies and my body breaks down and my meds kill me. My doctor said that my body can not take this type of punishment much longer. I've tried a few different alternatives to my medications, but nothing have proved fruitful. I'm trying some natural and organic remedies this week; hopefully that venture proves fruitful but I highly doubt it.
Well that sucks.

Still how did you derail a whole forum? Also how is the old bnet doing? I have not set foot in there for months. I can barely remember the forums.

The Desticles took Community, I set out to take it back; the first three pages were covered in mass spam topics denouncing LFGs.
Nice. Next time there needs to be a raid and a huge bunch of threads on Bungie day whose topics is basically RIP bungie or rememberance ofbungie in it glory days.

On the anniverasry of the update a raid about the death of Bungie and speeches and posts about the death bungie.

Well Seventh Column and OffTopic are still untaken by the Desticles. Those two forums are the last uncorrupted bastions on the mains.
The Seventh Column will never be what it used to be.
Actually, it pretty much is what it was on B.old.

Dead and full of hardcore Bungie vets.

The Flood / Re: So I'm banned for an undetermined amount of time on
« on: January 10, 2015, 10:54:59 PM »
fuck you and your rules

You rebellious little shit...

The Flood / Re: So I'm banned for an undetermined amount of time on
« on: January 10, 2015, 10:48:51 PM »
Well that explains why your sorry ass is over here. I thought you weren't going back because you didn't want people knowing that you aren't dead.

Everybody there knows I'm still alive. As I stated on there numerous times, my doctor's rough estimate was around 2016.

story time

TL;DR I have severe airborn allergies on top of other genetic diseases and a high chance of cancer. These airborn allergies can kill me, and have nearly done so on 4 separate occasions. If I so much as breath pollen/animal hair/dust in, my throat closes, my respiratory system shuts down, and a bunch of other horrible things that would provide me with a long and agonizing death. The more its left untreated, the worse it gets. My meds suppress my allergies by suppressing my immune system. My allergies have gotten continually worse since my birth, and my meds have had to be constantly increased in dosage. My dosage is now at the point of where my immune system is suppressed to the point of where its like I have AIDS. So, either I stop taking my meds and my body breaks down and my allergies kill me, or I fight my allergies and my body breaks down and my meds kill me. My doctor said that my body can not take this type of punishment much longer. I've tried a few different alternatives to my medications, but nothing have proved fruitful. I'm trying some natural and organic remedies this week; hopefully that venture proves fruitful but I highly doubt it.
Well that sucks.

Still how did you derail a whole forum? Also how is the old bnet doing? I have not set foot in there for months. I can barely remember the forums.

The Desticles took Community, I set out to take it back; the first three pages were covered in mass spam topics denouncing LFGs.
Nice. Next time there needs to be a raid and a huge bunch of threads on Bungie day whose topics is basically RIP bungie or rememberance ofbungie in it glory days.

On the anniverasry of the update a raid about the death of Bungie and speeches and posts about the death bungie.

Well Seventh Column and OffTopic are still untaken by the Desticles. Those two forums are the last uncorrupted bastions on the mains.

The Flood / Re: So I'm banned for an undetermined amount of time on
« on: January 10, 2015, 10:43:39 PM »
Well that explains why your sorry ass is over here. I thought you weren't going back because you didn't want people knowing that you aren't dead.

Everybody there knows I'm still alive. As I stated on there numerous times, my doctor's rough estimate was around 2016.

story time

TL;DR I have severe airborn allergies on top of other genetic diseases and a high chance of cancer. These airborn allergies can kill me, and have nearly done so on 4 separate occasions. If I so much as breath pollen/animal hair/dust in, my throat closes, my respiratory system shuts down, and a bunch of other horrible things that would provide me with a long and agonizing death. The more its left untreated, the worse it gets. My meds suppress my allergies by suppressing my immune system. My allergies have gotten continually worse since my birth, and my meds have had to be constantly increased in dosage. My dosage is now at the point of where my immune system is suppressed to the point of where its like I have AIDS. So, either I stop taking my meds and my body breaks down and my allergies kill me, or I fight my allergies and my body breaks down and my meds kill me. My doctor said that my body can not take this type of punishment much longer. I've tried a few different alternatives to my medications, but nothing have proved fruitful. I'm trying some natural and organic remedies this week; hopefully that venture proves fruitful but I highly doubt it.
Well that sucks.

Still how did you derail a whole forum? Also how is the old bnet doing? I have not set foot in there for months. I can barely remember the forums.

The Desticles took Community, I set out to take it back; the first three pages were covered in mass spam topics denouncing LFGs.

The Ninjas got pissed.

The Flood / Re: So I'm banned for an undetermined amount of time on
« on: January 10, 2015, 10:29:05 PM »
There's something I personally find more appealing about bladed weapons vs ballistic. Since childhood I've been charging people with sticks and it's a wholesome practice I recommend to anyone looking for anonymous action.
It's like adventure potential, every day! For any situation where there's distance between you and the assailant, you'd think ballistic weapons would be favorable, right?
Wait, by ballistics are we talking guns? Because I'm thinking in guns currently.

Guns, bows, crossbows, etc.

If it shoots something, it counts.

The Flood / Re: So I'm banned for an undetermined amount of time on
« on: January 10, 2015, 10:27:34 PM »
Well that explains why your sorry ass is over here. I thought you weren't going back because you didn't want people knowing that you aren't dead.

Everybody there knows I'm still alive. As I stated on there numerous times, my doctor's rough estimate was around 2016.

story time

TL;DR I have severe airborn allergies on top of other genetic diseases and a high chance of cancer. These airborn allergies can kill me, and have nearly done so on 4 separate occasions. If I so much as breath pollen/animal hair/dust in, my throat closes, my respiratory system shuts down, and a bunch of other horrible things that would provide me with a long and agonizing death. The more its left untreated, the worse it gets. My meds suppress my allergies by suppressing my immune system. My allergies have gotten continually worse since my birth, and my meds have had to be constantly increased in dosage. My dosage is now at the point of where my immune system is suppressed to the point of where its like I have AIDS. So, either I stop taking my meds and my body breaks down and my allergies kill me, or I fight my allergies and my body breaks down and my meds kill me. My doctor said that my body can not take this type of punishment much longer. I've tried a few different alternatives to my medications, but nothing have proved fruitful. I'm trying some natural and organic remedies this week; hopefully that venture proves fruitful but I highly doubt it.

The Flood / Re: So I'm banned for an undetermined amount of time on
« on: January 10, 2015, 10:17:44 PM »
Well that explains why your sorry ass is over here. I thought you weren't going back because you didn't want people knowing that you aren't dead.

Everybody there knows I'm still alive. As I stated on there numerous times, my doctor's rough estimate was around 2016.

The Flood / So I'm banned for an undetermined amount of time on
« on: January 10, 2015, 10:15:27 PM »
I got banned for derailing an entire forum almost completely by myself; I don't feel like constantly switching between alts on there, as I already dislike using alts to begin with. Until my ban expires, I'm using these forums instead.

So, I'm stuck with you guys and vice versa. Lets just enjoy this, k?

ITT: We discuss Bladed Weapons vs Ballistic Weapons, and which we prefer.

Well, generally speaking



I've enjoyed all the talks with you, and all the game nights, raids, etc.
A fun guy to talk with; a person I can relate with in my faith, and one of the few people I truly call a "friend" online.

Always a pleasure man! And when I'm done with this single, I'll definitley shoot it your way for a listen  8)

Sounds good; can't wait to hear it.

The Flood / Re: What would you do if you caught your kid watching porn
« on: January 10, 2015, 10:08:53 PM »
I'd sneak in behind him quietly, get my face right by his ear, and whisper

"This was the first porno your mom and I ever watched together."

And then, he would never watch porn again. Problem solved.

The Flood / Re: Do you think in Japan
« on: January 10, 2015, 10:06:19 PM »
I'm fairly sure that actually IS a thing over there.

Well, generally speaking


The Flood / Re: Hot femboy thread
« on: January 10, 2015, 10:03:57 PM »
>Is confused
>Dick stuck in fan

I honestly don't know if this thread is about females or males, and whether I should be turned on or cringing.
This is the gay offsite. I don't know what you were expecting.

Wait, gay offsite? But if this is a gay offsite, then that means this is a gay thread; and that means my current slight arousal... Oh God... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

you've caught the gay.

Oh no... I've caught the gay!

The Flood / Re: Hot femboy thread
« on: January 10, 2015, 10:02:34 PM »
>Is confused
>Dick stuck in fan

I honestly don't know if this thread is about females or males, and whether I should be turned on or cringing.
This is the gay offsite. I don't know what you were expecting.

Wait, gay offsite? But if this is a gay offsite, then that means this is a gay thread; and that means my current slight arousal... Oh God... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ BEND OVER ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ


I guess I have no choice... now my gayosity is too powerful to overcome.

The Flood / Re: Hot femboy thread
« on: January 10, 2015, 09:58:26 PM »
>Is confused
>Dick stuck in fan

I honestly don't know if this thread is about females or males, and whether I should be turned on or cringing.
This is the gay offsite. I don't know what you were expecting.

Wait, gay offsite? But if this is a gay offsite, then that means this is a gay thread; and that means my current slight arousal... Oh God... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

The Flood / Re: What the fuck lol
« on: January 10, 2015, 09:52:52 PM »
1. Pick the lock on his locker
2. Douse everything in there with gasoline
3. Throw match into locker; close locker
4. ? ? ? ? ? ?
5. PROFIT!!!11!!one

Shouldn't be that big of a deal to him; seeing as how material possessions don't really matter.

The Flood / Re: Is you ass crack hair..
« on: January 10, 2015, 09:49:29 PM »

The Flood / Re: Is anyone else kinda sick of the emo femboy style?
« on: January 10, 2015, 09:47:04 PM »
>Looks at thread, sees picture spoiler box
>"It can't be that bad!"
>Looks through pictures

The Flood / Re: Hot femboy thread
« on: January 10, 2015, 09:44:46 PM »
>Is confused
>Dick stuck in fan

I honestly don't know if this thread is about females or males, and whether I should be turned on or cringing.

The Flood / Re: Depression
« on: January 10, 2015, 01:31:55 PM »
I can actually say that I understand what you're going through.
No, you don't.
Unfortunately the rest of your post was ruined by this one sentence, good intentions or not.

Oh, but I CAN understand what he is going through to a degree. Though our exact circumstances may be different, the end result is the same. Death. I can understand the depression he speaks of; the harrowing and unending darkness and sadness, watching as your mind, body, and very spirit begin to crumble around you, and being helpless to stop it. To truly feel a complete absence of hope. I'm assuming you weren't on when I came clean about a lot of stuff.
Nuka doesn't like to share empathy and sympathy. In fact I'd love to tell you all the shit these people talked about you while you weren't here, but I'm really trying to hold back. All you need to know is that these people are heartless and only care about themselves. Ignore them, it is to your benefit.

I know what goes on here; I know people despise me and talk behind my back. I know that people who actually take the time to get to know me are just branded as "circlejerkers" simply because they don't hate me. I'm at the point where I don't care what they think anymore, and as you advised; I just ignore it.

They don't like me? Too fucking bad.

Who's dying now that we're bashing? What?
Ktan is dying.
Isn't he a pathological liar though?
Trolling =/= pathological lying

Also, while I do not ask/want pity, you bring up a good point. Lot of psychology involved; but I don't feel like getting into it. I am to this site what Noelle (no offense to her, I personally have no issue with her anymore) was to Even if I were to speak truthfully, people would accuse me of lying anyway. The fact of the matter is I AM dying, but nobody cares; and they shouldn't. Its not their issue. The point here is that people want somebody to hate; normal human beings need somebody to hate, they need a villain to direct their hate towards. Unfortunately for me, I fit the bill. I don't blame people either; I've done some truly despicable things, and I'm not proud of it. Its upsetting that even though I have turned away from what I used to do, people still accuse me of such things. But, as Sandtrap told me; fuck you all. I know the truth, and that's good enough for me.

The Flood / Re: What are your aspirations/life plans?
« on: January 10, 2015, 03:04:00 AM »
If I don't die when I am supposed to?

Like jumping on the anti-aging train if it rolls around, or under other circumstances?

My doctor told me in October that I would most likely be dead by 2016; due to genetic issues and ultra-severe air-based allergies. Long story short: the medicine I take to keep me alive is killing me, and if I stop taking it my allergies will kill me.

And that's just the allergies, not accounting for heart disease/heart issues, high rates of cancer on both sides of my family, etc.

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