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Messages - K'tan Dantaktee

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The Flood / Re: If people are allowed to carry firearms
« on: January 12, 2015, 10:18:40 PM »
How about we just don't have people walking around with lethal weapons at all times?
That would be better, rather than being so paranoid that you think you need it.

But I mean hey, if you want to look like ultra geek walking around with a sword/mace...good luck not having people think you're mental.
Who wants to mess with the guy carrying a sword/mace? Checkmate.
Someone with a gun/bow.

And that's why I carry a gun too.
Where the fuck do you live where you need all these weapons? Compton? Detroit?

I live in a place where you have to worry about both criminals and wildlife. We got bears walking past drug dealers here, bro.
So instead of fearing for your life around every corner, why don't you move to someplace where everything isn't trying to kill you?
Where would be the fun in that? I enjoy the challenge.
"the chance that I might be able to kill someone out of 'self defense' someday excites me"

I enjoy combat. The rush of adrenaline, the triumph of beating an opponent, the feel of their blows, etc.

But that's because of my rather messed up life and just general necessity. I've adapted to my surroundings; and combat skills are necessary in my surroundings.
People like you shouldn't be allowed to carry lethal weapons in public.

Why not? I'm perfectly qualified, responsible, careful, and safe. Better a good madman than a bad madman.

Its not like I walk around waving a handgun in the air, occasionally popping rounds off.
How about we just don't have people walking around with lethal weapons at all times?
That would be better, rather than being so paranoid that you think you need it.

But I mean hey, if you want to look like ultra geek walking around with a sword/mace...good luck not having people think you're mental.
Who wants to mess with the guy carrying a sword/mace? Checkmate.
Someone with a gun/bow.

And that's why I carry a gun too.
Where the fuck do you live where you need all these weapons? Compton? Detroit?

I live in a place where you have to worry about both criminals and wildlife. We got bears walking past drug dealers here, bro.
So instead of fearing for your life around every corner, why don't you move to someplace where everything isn't trying to kill you?
Where would be the fun in that? I enjoy the challenge.
...are you a Neanderthal? This is 2015, you don't have to fight for your life everyday.

Why not? I'd rather die in a glorious fight than let some stupid illness kill me.

And? Best case scenario is just a quiet and painless death. I'm saying that of those two, dying in combat is preferable. If I die, its because of my own fault and weakness; not because some genes say so.
You're a paranoid twitchy gun advocate who wants violence and there's no reason anyone like you should be allowed to carry lethal weapons in public because you pose a bigger threat to the public than any actual criminal and you're as far from responsible as anyone can get.

He said it all himself.
He likes fighting, he's paranoid, and he is a gun advocate. Paranoid and liking fighting doesn't mean he's going to open fire on a crowd of people because he thinks they're plotting to arm a nuke in town's square.
But he's much more likely to be judge, jury, and executioner in a situation that doesn't require it.

In such a situation, you have no choice but to be so; or you risk innocent lives being ended. While loss of life of any kind is a shame, is it not better for the criminal to die than the innocents? In such situations, there is no third option. Either you act, or you don't; and all evil needs to achieve victory is for good men to stand by and do nothing.
Yeah, no.
Get a taser or pepper spray. You're not the kind of person who should be deciding who lives or dies.
I do, but tasers and pepper spray don't always work. People can and have walked past such measures.
You saying you've used it before?
Go ahead and tell me about all the life and death scenarios you've been in.

That is irrelevant to the argument. While not telling you my life story makes me seem like some lying little pleb, I don't care. It wouldn't add anything to the debate; therefore I will not add them to the debate.

The Flood / Re: If people are allowed to carry firearms
« on: January 12, 2015, 10:14:46 PM »
How about we just don't have people walking around with lethal weapons at all times?
That would be better, rather than being so paranoid that you think you need it.

But I mean hey, if you want to look like ultra geek walking around with a sword/mace...good luck not having people think you're mental.
Who wants to mess with the guy carrying a sword/mace? Checkmate.
Someone with a gun/bow.

And that's why I carry a gun too.
Where the fuck do you live where you need all these weapons? Compton? Detroit?

I live in a place where you have to worry about both criminals and wildlife. We got bears walking past drug dealers here, bro.
So instead of fearing for your life around every corner, why don't you move to someplace where everything isn't trying to kill you?
Where would be the fun in that? I enjoy the challenge.
"the chance that I might be able to kill someone out of 'self defense' someday excites me"

I enjoy combat. The rush of adrenaline, the triumph of beating an opponent, the feel of their blows, etc.

But that's because of my rather messed up life and just general necessity. I've adapted to my surroundings; and combat skills are necessary in my surroundings.
People like you shouldn't be allowed to carry lethal weapons in public.

Why not? I'm perfectly qualified, responsible, careful, and safe. Better a good madman than a bad madman.

Its not like I walk around waving a handgun in the air, occasionally popping rounds off.
How about we just don't have people walking around with lethal weapons at all times?
That would be better, rather than being so paranoid that you think you need it.

But I mean hey, if you want to look like ultra geek walking around with a sword/mace...good luck not having people think you're mental.
Who wants to mess with the guy carrying a sword/mace? Checkmate.
Someone with a gun/bow.

And that's why I carry a gun too.
Where the fuck do you live where you need all these weapons? Compton? Detroit?

I live in a place where you have to worry about both criminals and wildlife. We got bears walking past drug dealers here, bro.
So instead of fearing for your life around every corner, why don't you move to someplace where everything isn't trying to kill you?
Where would be the fun in that? I enjoy the challenge.
...are you a Neanderthal? This is 2015, you don't have to fight for your life everyday.

Why not? I'd rather die in a glorious fight than let some stupid illness kill me.

And? Best case scenario is just a quiet and painless death. I'm saying that of those two, dying in combat is preferable. If I die, its because of my own fault and weakness; not because some genes say so.
You're a paranoid twitchy gun advocate who wants violence and there's no reason anyone like you should be allowed to carry lethal weapons in public because you pose a bigger threat to the public than any actual criminal and you're as far from responsible as anyone can get.

He said it all himself.
He likes fighting, he's paranoid, and he is a gun advocate. Paranoid and liking fighting doesn't mean he's going to open fire on a crowd of people because he thinks they're plotting to arm a nuke in town's square.
But he's much more likely to be judge, jury, and executioner in a situation that doesn't require it.

In such a situation, you have no choice but to be so; or you risk innocent lives being ended. While loss of life of any kind is a shame, is it not better for the criminal to die than the innocents? In such situations, there is no third option. Either you act, or you don't; and all evil needs to achieve victory is for good men to stand by and do nothing.
Yeah, no.
Get a taser or pepper spray. You're not the kind of person who should be deciding who lives or dies.
I do, but tasers and pepper spray don't always work. People can and have walked past such measures.

The Flood / Re: If people are allowed to carry firearms
« on: January 12, 2015, 10:13:33 PM »
Uh, guns are pretty cool. I carry a 3.5in. switchblade with me everywhere except for school, but that's mostly for practical reasons. Never had to use a gun outside of hunting, and I hope I never have to.

Exactly. I hope I never have to take another person's life, but I am prepared to do so if, God forbid, I ever need to take such measures.

The Flood / Re: If people are allowed to carry firearms
« on: January 12, 2015, 10:11:22 PM »
How about we just don't have people walking around with lethal weapons at all times?
That would be better, rather than being so paranoid that you think you need it.

But I mean hey, if you want to look like ultra geek walking around with a sword/mace...good luck not having people think you're mental.
Who wants to mess with the guy carrying a sword/mace? Checkmate.
Someone with a gun/bow.

And that's why I carry a gun too.
Where the fuck do you live where you need all these weapons? Compton? Detroit?

I live in a place where you have to worry about both criminals and wildlife. We got bears walking past drug dealers here, bro.
So instead of fearing for your life around every corner, why don't you move to someplace where everything isn't trying to kill you?
Where would be the fun in that? I enjoy the challenge.
"the chance that I might be able to kill someone out of 'self defense' someday excites me"

I enjoy combat. The rush of adrenaline, the triumph of beating an opponent, the feel of their blows, etc.

But that's because of my rather messed up life and just general necessity. I've adapted to my surroundings; and combat skills are necessary in my surroundings.
People like you shouldn't be allowed to carry lethal weapons in public.

Why not? I'm perfectly qualified, responsible, careful, and safe. Better a good madman than a bad madman.

Its not like I walk around waving a handgun in the air, occasionally popping rounds off.
How about we just don't have people walking around with lethal weapons at all times?
That would be better, rather than being so paranoid that you think you need it.

But I mean hey, if you want to look like ultra geek walking around with a sword/mace...good luck not having people think you're mental.
Who wants to mess with the guy carrying a sword/mace? Checkmate.
Someone with a gun/bow.

And that's why I carry a gun too.
Where the fuck do you live where you need all these weapons? Compton? Detroit?

I live in a place where you have to worry about both criminals and wildlife. We got bears walking past drug dealers here, bro.
So instead of fearing for your life around every corner, why don't you move to someplace where everything isn't trying to kill you?
Where would be the fun in that? I enjoy the challenge.
...are you a Neanderthal? This is 2015, you don't have to fight for your life everyday.

Why not? I'd rather die in a glorious fight than let some stupid illness kill me.

And? Best case scenario is just a quiet and painless death. I'm saying that of those two, dying in combat is preferable. If I die, its because of my own fault and weakness; not because some genes say so.
You're a paranoid twitchy gun advocate who wants violence and there's no reason anyone like you should be allowed to carry lethal weapons in public because you pose a bigger threat to the public than any actual criminal and you're as far from responsible as anyone can get.

He said it all himself.
He likes fighting, he's paranoid, and he is a gun advocate. Paranoid and liking fighting doesn't mean he's going to open fire on a crowd of people because he thinks they're plotting to arm a nuke in town's square.
But he's much more likely to be judge, jury, and executioner in a situation that doesn't require it.

In such a situation, you have no choice but to be so; or you risk innocent lives being ended. While loss of life of any kind is a shame, is it not better for the criminal to die than the innocents? In such situations, there is no third option. Either you act, or you don't; and all evil needs to achieve victory is for good men to stand by and do nothing.

Florida is the sweaty, dirty, STD infested chode of North America.

The Flood / Re: If people are allowed to carry firearms
« on: January 12, 2015, 10:02:59 PM »
How about we just don't have people walking around with lethal weapons at all times?
That would be better, rather than being so paranoid that you think you need it.

But I mean hey, if you want to look like ultra geek walking around with a sword/mace...good luck not having people think you're mental.
Who wants to mess with the guy carrying a sword/mace? Checkmate.
Someone with a gun/bow.

And that's why I carry a gun too.
Where the fuck do you live where you need all these weapons? Compton? Detroit?

I live in a place where you have to worry about both criminals and wildlife. We got bears walking past drug dealers here, bro.
So instead of fearing for your life around every corner, why don't you move to someplace where everything isn't trying to kill you?
Where would be the fun in that? I enjoy the challenge.
"the chance that I might be able to kill someone out of 'self defense' someday excites me"

I enjoy combat. The rush of adrenaline, the triumph of beating an opponent, the feel of their blows, etc.

But that's because of my rather messed up life and just general necessity. I've adapted to my surroundings; and combat skills are necessary in my surroundings.
People like you shouldn't be allowed to carry lethal weapons in public.

Why not? I'm perfectly qualified, responsible, careful, and safe. Better a good madman than a bad madman.

Its not like I walk around waving a handgun in the air, occasionally popping rounds off.
How about we just don't have people walking around with lethal weapons at all times?
That would be better, rather than being so paranoid that you think you need it.

But I mean hey, if you want to look like ultra geek walking around with a sword/mace...good luck not having people think you're mental.
Who wants to mess with the guy carrying a sword/mace? Checkmate.
Someone with a gun/bow.

And that's why I carry a gun too.
Where the fuck do you live where you need all these weapons? Compton? Detroit?

I live in a place where you have to worry about both criminals and wildlife. We got bears walking past drug dealers here, bro.
So instead of fearing for your life around every corner, why don't you move to someplace where everything isn't trying to kill you?
Where would be the fun in that? I enjoy the challenge.
...are you a Neanderthal? This is 2015, you don't have to fight for your life everyday.

Why not? I'd rather die in a glorious fight than let some stupid illness kill me.

And? Best case scenario is just a quiet and painless death. I'm saying that of those two, dying in combat is preferable. If I die, its because of my own fault and weakness; not because some genes say so.
You're a paranoid twitchy gun advocate who wants violence and there's no reason anyone like you should be allowed to carry lethal weapons in public because you pose a bigger threat to the public than any actual criminal and you're as far from responsible as anyone can get.

How am I a threat?

Then why don't we just take back? Are you lot really just going to let a bunch of spamming retards take our once beloved site? The reclamation of #­gaming showed that they can be beaten through hard work and determination.

The Flood / Re: If people are allowed to carry firearms
« on: January 12, 2015, 09:59:05 PM »
How about we just don't have people walking around with lethal weapons at all times?
That would be better, rather than being so paranoid that you think you need it.

But I mean hey, if you want to look like ultra geek walking around with a sword/mace...good luck not having people think you're mental.
Who wants to mess with the guy carrying a sword/mace? Checkmate.
Someone with a gun/bow.

And that's why I carry a gun too.
Where the fuck do you live where you need all these weapons? Compton? Detroit?

I live in a place where you have to worry about both criminals and wildlife. We got bears walking past drug dealers here, bro.
So instead of fearing for your life around every corner, why don't you move to someplace where everything isn't trying to kill you?
Where would be the fun in that? I enjoy the challenge.
"the chance that I might be able to kill someone out of 'self defense' someday excites me"

I enjoy combat. The rush of adrenaline, the triumph of beating an opponent, the feel of their blows, etc.

But that's because of my rather messed up life and just general necessity. I've adapted to my surroundings; and combat skills are necessary in my surroundings.
People like you shouldn't be allowed to carry lethal weapons in public.

Why not? I'm perfectly qualified, responsible, careful, and safe. Better a good madman than a bad madman.

Its not like I walk around waving a handgun in the air, occasionally popping rounds off.
How about we just don't have people walking around with lethal weapons at all times?
That would be better, rather than being so paranoid that you think you need it.

But I mean hey, if you want to look like ultra geek walking around with a sword/mace...good luck not having people think you're mental.
Who wants to mess with the guy carrying a sword/mace? Checkmate.
Someone with a gun/bow.

And that's why I carry a gun too.
Where the fuck do you live where you need all these weapons? Compton? Detroit?

I live in a place where you have to worry about both criminals and wildlife. We got bears walking past drug dealers here, bro.
So instead of fearing for your life around every corner, why don't you move to someplace where everything isn't trying to kill you?
Where would be the fun in that? I enjoy the challenge.
...are you a Neanderthal? This is 2015, you don't have to fight for your life everyday.

Why not? I'd rather die in a glorious fight than let some stupid illness kill me.

And? Best case scenario is just a quiet and painless death. I'm saying that of those two, dying in combat is preferable. If I die, its because of my own fault and weakness; not because some genes say so.

The Flood / Re: If people are allowed to carry firearms
« on: January 12, 2015, 09:55:29 PM »
How about we just don't have people walking around with lethal weapons at all times?
That would be better, rather than being so paranoid that you think you need it.

But I mean hey, if you want to look like ultra geek walking around with a sword/mace...good luck not having people think you're mental.
Who wants to mess with the guy carrying a sword/mace? Checkmate.
Someone with a gun/bow.

And that's why I carry a gun too.
Where the fuck do you live where you need all these weapons? Compton? Detroit?

I live in a place where you have to worry about both criminals and wildlife. We got bears walking past drug dealers here, bro.
So instead of fearing for your life around every corner, why don't you move to someplace where everything isn't trying to kill you?
Where would be the fun in that? I enjoy the challenge.
"the chance that I might be able to kill someone out of 'self defense' someday excites me"

I enjoy combat. The rush of adrenaline, the triumph of beating an opponent, the feel of their blows, etc.

But that's because of my rather messed up life and just general necessity. I've adapted to my surroundings; and combat skills are necessary in my surroundings.
People like you shouldn't be allowed to carry lethal weapons in public.

Why not? I'm perfectly qualified, responsible, careful, and safe. Better a good madman than a bad madman.

Its not like I walk around waving a handgun in the air, occasionally popping rounds off.

Aren;t you young?

Nope; I'm 24ish.

The Flood / Re: If people are allowed to carry firearms
« on: January 12, 2015, 09:54:45 PM »
How about we just don't have people walking around with lethal weapons at all times?
That would be better, rather than being so paranoid that you think you need it.

But I mean hey, if you want to look like ultra geek walking around with a sword/mace...good luck not having people think you're mental.
Who wants to mess with the guy carrying a sword/mace? Checkmate.
Someone with a gun/bow.

And that's why I carry a gun too.
Where the fuck do you live where you need all these weapons? Compton? Detroit?

I live in a place where you have to worry about both criminals and wildlife. We got bears walking past drug dealers here, bro.
So instead of fearing for your life around every corner, why don't you move to someplace where everything isn't trying to kill you?
Where would be the fun in that? I enjoy the challenge.
...are you a Neanderthal? This is 2015, you don't have to fight for your life everyday.

Why not? I'd rather die in a glorious fight than let some stupid illness kill me.
I wish gun/knife nuts would stop pretending it's about safety and just call it like it is - you like weapons.

Why not both?

I use them for safety purposes, and because I like weapons.
If your primary concern was safety, you would move.

And run just because the going is tough? Never.

And it's not about my safety; its about the safety of others. I couldn't care less whether I live or die; but you start messing with the innocent and/or people who can't defend themselves, THAT'S when I take action.

The Flood / Re: If people are allowed to carry firearms
« on: January 12, 2015, 09:52:17 PM »
How about we just don't have people walking around with lethal weapons at all times?
That would be better, rather than being so paranoid that you think you need it.

But I mean hey, if you want to look like ultra geek walking around with a sword/mace...good luck not having people think you're mental.
Who wants to mess with the guy carrying a sword/mace? Checkmate.
Someone with a gun/bow.

And that's why I carry a gun too.
Where the fuck do you live where you need all these weapons? Compton? Detroit?

I live in a place where you have to worry about both criminals and wildlife. We got bears walking past drug dealers here, bro.
So instead of fearing for your life around every corner, why don't you move to someplace where everything isn't trying to kill you?
Where would be the fun in that? I enjoy the challenge.
"the chance that I might be able to kill someone out of 'self defense' someday excites me"

I enjoy combat. The rush of adrenaline, the triumph of beating an opponent, the feel of their blows, etc.

But that's because of my rather messed up life and just general necessity. I've adapted to my surroundings; and combat skills are necessary in my surroundings.
People like you shouldn't be allowed to carry lethal weapons in public.

Why not? I'm perfectly qualified, responsible, careful, and safe. Better a good madman than a bad madman.

Its not like I walk around waving a handgun in the air, occasionally popping rounds off.

The Flood / Re: If people are allowed to carry firearms
« on: January 12, 2015, 09:50:35 PM »
How about we just don't have people walking around with lethal weapons at all times?
That would be better, rather than being so paranoid that you think you need it.

But I mean hey, if you want to look like ultra geek walking around with a sword/mace...good luck not having people think you're mental.
Who wants to mess with the guy carrying a sword/mace? Checkmate.
Someone with a gun/bow.

And that's why I carry a gun too.
Where the fuck do you live where you need all these weapons? Compton? Detroit?

I live in a place where you have to worry about both criminals and wildlife. We got bears walking past drug dealers here, bro.
So instead of fearing for your life around every corner, why don't you move to someplace where everything isn't trying to kill you?
Where would be the fun in that? I enjoy the challenge.
...are you a Neanderthal? This is 2015, you don't have to fight for your life everyday.

Why not? I'd rather die in a glorious fight than let some stupid illness kill me.
I wish gun/knife nuts would stop pretending it's about safety and just call it like it is - you like weapons.

Why not both?

I use them for safety purposes, and because I like weapons.

The Flood / Re: Best hamburger combination?
« on: January 12, 2015, 09:47:15 PM »
First of all: rake your tongue with sandpaper if you enjoy onions on burgers (or anything, really, but just consider it only "burgers" for now).

Pretzel bun
Meat patty
Fried egg
More bacon

Dip in ranch and enjoy.
You forgot to add heart attack to your list
Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize this was the no-fun health-zone. What is yours made out of? Recycled cardboard and soy?

Its a burger thread. Check your health concerns at the door, you freaking communist.

The Flood / Re: If people are allowed to carry firearms
« on: January 12, 2015, 09:46:15 PM »
How about we just don't have people walking around with lethal weapons at all times?
That would be better, rather than being so paranoid that you think you need it.

But I mean hey, if you want to look like ultra geek walking around with a sword/mace...good luck not having people think you're mental.
Who wants to mess with the guy carrying a sword/mace? Checkmate.
Someone with a gun/bow.

And that's why I carry a gun too.
Where the fuck do you live where you need all these weapons? Compton? Detroit?

I live in a place where you have to worry about both criminals and wildlife. We got bears walking past drug dealers here, bro.
So instead of fearing for your life around every corner, why don't you move to someplace where everything isn't trying to kill you?
Where would be the fun in that? I enjoy the challenge.
"the chance that I might be able to kill someone out of 'self defense' someday excites me"

I enjoy combat. The rush of adrenaline, the triumph of beating an opponent, the feel of their blows, etc.

But that's because of my rather messed up life and just general necessity. I've adapted to my surroundings; and combat skills are necessary in my surroundings.

The Flood / Re: If people are allowed to carry firearms
« on: January 12, 2015, 09:43:36 PM »
How about we just don't have people walking around with lethal weapons at all times?
That would be better, rather than being so paranoid that you think you need it.

But I mean hey, if you want to look like ultra geek walking around with a sword/mace...good luck not having people think you're mental.
Who wants to mess with the guy carrying a sword/mace? Checkmate.
Someone with a gun/bow.

And that's why I carry a gun too.
Where the fuck do you live where you need all these weapons? Compton? Detroit?

I live in a place where you have to worry about both criminals and wildlife. We got bears walking past drug dealers here, bro.
So instead of fearing for your life around every corner, why don't you move to someplace where everything isn't trying to kill you?
Where would be the fun in that? I enjoy the challenge.
...are you a Neanderthal? This is 2015, you don't have to fight for your life everyday.

Why not? I'd rather die in a glorious fight than let some stupid illness kill me.

The Flood / Re: If people are allowed to carry firearms
« on: January 12, 2015, 09:41:52 PM »
I live in one of the best neighborhoods in the area
Doesn't sound like it...

It is.

So think about what the other neighborhoods must be like.

The Flood / Re: If people are allowed to carry firearms
« on: January 12, 2015, 09:39:03 PM »
How about we just don't have people walking around with lethal weapons at all times?
That would be better, rather than being so paranoid that you think you need it.

But I mean hey, if you want to look like ultra geek walking around with a sword/mace...good luck not having people think you're mental.
Who wants to mess with the guy carrying a sword/mace? Checkmate.
Someone with a gun/bow.

And that's why I carry a gun too.
Where the fuck do you live where you need all these weapons? Compton? Detroit?

I live in a place where you have to worry about both criminals and wildlife. We got bears walking past drug dealers here, bro.
So instead of fearing for your life around every corner, why don't you move to someplace where everything isn't trying to kill you?
>why don't you move somewhere without wildlife

Don't liberals berate conservatives when the redneck Reds tell people they should move out of places like Detroit, Atlanta, or the Philly Projects?
Well that argument doesn't work because the people stuck in the hood and such don't have the means to move out of it. I'm presuming ktan does. Surely moving a few neighborhoods away could be beneficial for him.

I live in one of the best neighborhoods in the area.

I still have bears, coyotes, etc. wander into my yard quite often.

The Flood / Re: If people are allowed to carry firearms
« on: January 12, 2015, 09:37:15 PM »
How about we just don't have people walking around with lethal weapons at all times?
That would be better, rather than being so paranoid that you think you need it.

But I mean hey, if you want to look like ultra geek walking around with a sword/mace...good luck not having people think you're mental.
Who wants to mess with the guy carrying a sword/mace? Checkmate.
Someone with a gun/bow.

And that's why I carry a gun too.
Where the fuck do you live where you need all these weapons? Compton? Detroit?

I live in a place where you have to worry about both criminals and wildlife. We got bears walking past drug dealers here, bro.
So instead of fearing for your life around every corner, why don't you move to someplace where everything isn't trying to kill you?
Where would be the fun in that? I enjoy the challenge.

The Flood / Re: Best hamburger combination?
« on: January 12, 2015, 09:35:57 PM »
A plain cheese burger is good enough for me.

Five Guys's Double cheeseburger man. Freaking delicious, and it's literally just meat and cheese.

The Flood / Re: Best hamburger combination?
« on: January 12, 2015, 09:34:42 PM »
Title says it all.

For me; thick and juicy (that's what she said) all-beef patty, thick sliced but melty cheddar cheese, thick cut bacon, crisp lettuce, tomato, mayo, BBQ sauce, and an onion ring or two (depends on the size and thickness of the rings) in between two butter seared sesame seed buns. Definitely not hippie food, but damn if that isn't the tastiest burger of all time. You haven't lived until you've had a burger stacked like that.
home made or restaurant?
You can usually get those at good restaurants; but more often than not you need to put the onion rings on yourself. Five Guys is pretty good; as is this greasy joint I know of in my town.

The Flood / Re: If people are allowed to carry firearms
« on: January 12, 2015, 09:32:56 PM »
Kinder would have to back me up on this, but last time i heard VA law allows you to open carry any size knife/sword. concealed carry is a 3.5" blade length limit though.

I'm not too familiar with VA's laws, but I want to say their blade lengths can't exceed roughly the length of a credit card.

The Flood / Re: If people are allowed to carry firearms
« on: January 12, 2015, 09:31:39 PM »
How about we just don't have people walking around with lethal weapons at all times?
That would be better, rather than being so paranoid that you think you need it.

But I mean hey, if you want to look like ultra geek walking around with a sword/mace...good luck not having people think you're mental.
Who wants to mess with the guy carrying a sword/mace? Checkmate.
Someone with a gun/bow.

And that's why I carry a gun too.
Where the fuck do you live where you need all these weapons? Compton? Detroit?

I live in a place where you have to worry about both criminals and wildlife. We got bears walking past drug dealers here, bro.

The Flood / Re: If people are allowed to carry firearms
« on: January 12, 2015, 09:30:28 PM »
How about we just don't have people walking around with lethal weapons at all times?
That would be better, rather than being so paranoid that you think you need it.

But I mean hey, if you want to look like ultra geek walking around with a sword/mace...good luck not having people think you're mental.
Who wants to mess with the guy carrying a sword/mace? Checkmate.
Someone with a gun/bow.

And that's why I carry a gun too.
Because there's so many people running around with swords, right?

Its for other firearm users/general self-defense. I usually carry multiple weapons on me; I am almost always prepared for every type of situation.
You sounds pretty paranoid.

I am most definitely paranoid; but I'm also prepared. So if crazy shit really ever does happen, I'll be more than ready.

Better safe than sorry; especially with all that is going down lately.
Can't say I feel "safe" knowing paranoid people like you are prowling the streets.

That's too bad. In a less than savory situation, trained people like myself only bring stuff to the table; not take it away. People who carry weapons aren't always just shaky-handed nutcases, brah.
What, you mean an asthma inhaler geek like you?

>Implying I use an asthma inhaler

Where I live, the "geeks" are hardcore outdoorsmen who could probably take everybody on this site in a fight. Sure, there are a few people in my town who are just plain old nerds. But not many. I'm not going to make some preachy self righteous post glorifying myself, but I will say this; I'm not some lightweight little dork who can't snap a twig. Quite the opposite.

The Flood / Best hamburger combination?
« on: January 12, 2015, 09:26:51 PM »
Title says it all.

For me; thick and juicy (that's what she said) all-beef patty, thick sliced but melty cheddar cheese, thick cut bacon, crisp lettuce, tomato, mayo, BBQ sauce, and an onion ring or two (depends on the size and thickness of the rings) in between two butter seared sesame seed buns. Definitely not hippie food, but damn if that isn't the tastiest burger of all time. You haven't lived until you've had a burger stacked like that.

Hunting with a manual rifle is the only way to hunt. You don't need a semi-automatic gun to kill an animal.

A black powder man eh? My dad is big on those.

The Flood / Re: If people are allowed to carry firearms
« on: January 12, 2015, 09:20:34 PM »
How about we just don't have people walking around with lethal weapons at all times?
That would be better, rather than being so paranoid that you think you need it.

But I mean hey, if you want to look like ultra geek walking around with a sword/mace...good luck not having people think you're mental.
Who wants to mess with the guy carrying a sword/mace? Checkmate.
Someone with a gun/bow.

And that's why I carry a gun too.
Because there's so many people running around with swords, right?

Its for other firearm users/general self-defense. I usually carry multiple weapons on me; I am almost always prepared for every type of situation.
You sounds pretty paranoid.

I am most definitely paranoid; but I'm also prepared. So if crazy shit really ever does happen, I'll be more than ready.

Better safe than sorry; especially with all that is going down lately.
Can't say I feel "safe" knowing paranoid people like you are prowling the streets.

That's too bad. In a less than savory situation, trained people like myself only bring stuff to the table; not take it away. People who carry weapons aren't always just shaky-handed nutcases, brah.

The Flood / Re: PSA for my fellow Southerners
« on: January 12, 2015, 09:18:37 PM »
What the fuck, guy? Where's the fucking cole slaw? You don't eat brisket without goddamn coleslaw!
Slaw is fucking awful. Potato salad is what we serve.
Go fuck yourself.

Besides, mac salad>potato salad

Cole Slaw and Macaroni Salad Master Race.

Potato salad is just blech IMO.

The Flood / Re: PSA for my fellow Southerners
« on: January 12, 2015, 09:18:01 PM »
That's some good looking sausage right there.

Also, I AM one of those weirdos who can't stand eating barbecue without a decent helping of sauce; preferably spicy or sweet and smoky. I just don't like dry barbecue meat.

The Flood / Re: If people are allowed to carry firearms
« on: January 12, 2015, 09:15:22 PM »
How about we just don't have people walking around with lethal weapons at all times?
That would be better, rather than being so paranoid that you think you need it.

But I mean hey, if you want to look like ultra geek walking around with a sword/mace...good luck not having people think you're mental.
Who wants to mess with the guy carrying a sword/mace? Checkmate.
Someone with a gun/bow.

And that's why I carry a gun too.
Because there's so many people running around with swords, right?

Its for other firearm users/general self-defense. I usually carry multiple weapons on me; I am almost always prepared for every type of situation.
You sounds pretty paranoid.

I am most definitely paranoid; but I'm also prepared. So if crazy shit really ever does happen, I'll be more than ready.

Better safe than sorry; especially with all that is going down lately.

I don't really use firearms to hunt. I don't really hunt, period. When I do, its with a .22 or a crossbow.

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