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Messages - Ian

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The Flood / Re: Either I'm growing up or I'm really no longer myself.
« on: March 28, 2016, 10:11:34 AM »
VN's are video games you dipshit.

I don't even like video games anymore. I just sit at home all day polishing knives and playing shitty Japanese ero visual novels.

The Flood / Re: Either I'm growing up or I'm really no longer myself.
« on: March 28, 2016, 08:49:16 AM »
I gave my friend all my Naruto and Bleach volumes. I was up to volume 56 on Naruto and 28 on Bleach, I simply didn't have the space anymore and I never caught back up on either titles. Unfortunately my interests took a different turn, I have a nasty habit of procrastinating hobbies. I've been collecting Gundam model kits but I haven't put any of them together, something I hope to accomplish in the next few days that I have off.

Video games are worse, I'll buy a game, play it for six hours then just drop it completely. Nothing about the game will turn me off but I just never feel like playing it. Same with anime, took me two years to finish Hyouka, and I have all five seasons of Dragonball but for whatever reason I haven't put the last season in and finished it yet.

The only anime that's really kept my interest up is Eva but it's been four years since the last movie and as for games? FFXIV has been pretty much been my sole game I have been playing for two years now.

The Flood / Re: Her messages on facebook
« on: March 28, 2016, 08:35:30 AM »
Ask to see the texts again since you "didn't get them". Maybe it;s something good, better than wasting your liver away at a bar somewhere.

The Flood / Re: Humans are no strangers to war
« on: March 27, 2016, 11:52:49 PM »
Man, that guy became such a bitchboy in the third game.

The Flood / Re: Day 17 of no AC in FL
« on: March 27, 2016, 10:42:53 PM »

Sorry bby, I'd let you stay with me if I could.

No you're not. Senpai probably doesn't even know what Senpai means.

I'm Senpai

The Flood / Re: Day 17 of no AC in FL
« on: March 27, 2016, 10:41:07 PM »
I'm saving my first time for Senpai....or Kohai....whoever comes around first.

If you come over here I can make you cum

The Flood / Day 17 of no AC in FL
« on: March 27, 2016, 10:38:13 PM »
Please, someone driver over to Kissimmee and put a bullet through my head. I'm too weak to raise my hands above my keyboard and mouse.

Please kill....

The Flood / Re: Dear Moderators of Sep7agon...
« on: March 27, 2016, 10:24:15 PM »
Correct one for you maybe.

Yep, and it just so happens to be the correct one.

The Flood / Re: Dear Moderators of Sep7agon...
« on: March 27, 2016, 10:17:28 PM »
You are entitled to your opinion.


Ayako is best Fate girl.

The Flood / Re: Dear Moderators of Sep7agon...
« on: March 27, 2016, 10:00:23 PM »
Still better than worm slut.

Shame best girl in her respective series doesn't even need to be a girl.

The Flood / Re: Dear Moderators of Sep7agon...
« on: March 27, 2016, 09:45:46 PM »
>Some generic Tsundere
>Somehow above mother fucking King Arthur

She is literally perfect, stay mad.

These is why Saberfags have shit opinions

The Flood / Re: Why is anime not real?
« on: March 27, 2016, 09:27:06 PM »

The Flood / Re: Dear Moderators of Sep7agon...
« on: March 27, 2016, 09:23:27 PM »
Slightly above her worm slut sister, but that's not saying much when Saber set the bar so high.

Tohsaka a shit.

I'm awake now. Fetch me my tea.

Serious / Re: Do you feel like you owe YouTube vloggers anything?
« on: March 27, 2016, 07:20:57 PM »
The only thing I've done for a Youtube vlogger was make a thank you video showing off my new computer because I binge watched all his computer building videos for like two weeks straight before I actually got all my parts so I would know what I was doing.

The Flood / Re: Why is anime not real?
« on: March 27, 2016, 07:01:47 PM »

The Flood / Re: Need bar tips for tonight
« on: March 27, 2016, 12:10:58 PM »
So you have no idea what she said? Jesus Christ this is absolutely asinine. At least hear her out, everything she said could've been completely positive and you're just going to throw it away because YOU want something too fast and didn't get it?

Flaker messaged me on facebook after I did last night. Not going to even read it. I already over texted her so it's beyond repair. Going to feel good to hopefully have sex again tonight, been a while. i hope I get lucky.

The Flood / Re: Nice Marvel shilling sperglords
« on: March 27, 2016, 06:47:04 AM »
The problem is this movie is legitametly good and almost every negative reaction to it has "Copying Marvel!" Somewhere into it. DC/WB was practically forced into this and ya know what? They rocked it hard, there's bitterness somewhere with all the critics, and I doubt they're still sour about Affleck being Batman.

Hating a DC film =/= liking Marvel's films. Fewer people give a shit about taking sides than you seem to think.

The Flood / Re: Need bar tips for tonight
« on: March 27, 2016, 06:43:40 AM »
Sometimes I wonder if this is all an act or something, you can't seriously crave sexual attention that much can you?

Serious / Re: What keeps you going?
« on: March 27, 2016, 01:56:23 AM »
I am simply me, I'm not out to famous or the next big success. I simply want to push the limits of what I personally can do and through reaching smaller, manageable goals, accomplish something bigger in the long run.

The Flood / Re: Nice Marvel shilling sperglords
« on: March 27, 2016, 01:44:51 AM »
You look at the audience reviews of the movie and then look at the critics reviews and there's clearly a conflict there. There's just no fucking way the audience is wrong on this. I seriously believe reviewers have a Marvel bias.

My mother always said when you point a finger at someone else, there are always 4 pointing back at you. This won't go over well, but have you considered that you might be the one with shit taste in movies? 37% of the viewers thought it fresh... Sounds like you're a 37 percenter.

The Flood / Re: Nice Marvel shilling sperglords
« on: March 26, 2016, 07:31:51 PM »
Oh I plan to eventually see TWS, and not just because Chris Evans is in it.

As for the idle guard thing, I'm not saying it's not wrong to do it, but I'm not going to go out of my way to hark on the movie for it when plenty of movies have done it before. It's hard for me to criticize it so much when it's a rarity for movies to do it right over wron,g and I'm just a brain dead cinema monkey who's more focused on Batman being Batman.

And even if they did, just because it's "common place" to not give a shit about small details like that doesn't really excuse the fact that the movie is still worse for it.

I guess that's fair, I'm just saying this new Luthor didn't really bother me because he did what needed to be done with a Luthor. Nothing else was really needed I guess, but maybe you're right in that muscle man Lex should've been in instead of Mark Zuckerberg.

I'm open to new interpretations too, but not when they're worse than the tried-and-true versions everyone is familiar with. Being different for the sake of being different? Nah. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Considering the main focus on the movie is the conflict between the two heroes, I don't find it a problem to see Luthor setting the stages of the other conflicts both in this film and the next one.

That's another issue with the movie altogether.

The Flood / Re: Nice Marvel shilling sperglords
« on: March 26, 2016, 07:19:08 PM »
More well versed than I am of Marvel. I can not comment on CA2 or DP in how they treat guards though as I had not seen either and I'm pretty used to those types of characters doing that since I got enough of it in Star Wars (Watchmen is another movie notorious for idle troops). Maybe Disney just puts more resources/effort into what goes on in the background but it seems like a money sink because that's not what you're supposed to be focused on.

And I get you on Luthor, I really do. If they had kept ripped body builder Luthor I would've been ecstatic, but I guess I'm just more open to a new take on Luthor than most comic fans are considering how iconic he is to Superman. But I feel like if they had cast Luthor a more appropriate way, it would've squandered him more since Luthor was mostly just the guy setting up the events, not necessarily partaking in them.

The Flood / Re: Nice Marvel shilling sperglords
« on: March 26, 2016, 07:05:13 PM »
Most of those overly-dramatic comments are made by Luthor and he was purposefully doing it to show how deranged Lex really is, otherwise we'd just think he's only a little eccentric instead of being a legitimate madman.

As for the small mistakes, there was plenty of moments of idle guards in Nolan's trilogy, TDKR being the worst offender. The grenade? Maybe you're right but I didn't really think much about it until you brought it up.

Pacing was worse than Man of Steel, dialogue was garbage ("Your Doomsday." "The red capes are coming." "Son of Krypton versus Bat of Gotham!" "Save... Martha..."), casting was god-awful (Ben is the saving grace, here. Seriously the best part of the movie is him). Action scenes were visually impressive but they're often ruined by small, stupid mistakes that any other director could and easily would change. For example, in the Knightmare sequence, the fight was, on the surface, awesome! But then you see multiple Supermax guards in the background literally just standing there until Snyder told them it was their turn to attack Bats. Or in the warehouse when he's going to save Martha, instead of shooting him out-right, the thug just pulls out a fucking frag grenade so that Zack has an excuse to include an awesome explosion in the background.

Sorry, but I really didn't see this. The ankle thing may have seemed over done, but considering how much of an edge Batman had over Superman when he was weak, just about anything Batman did may have come off that way. Also Batman was training some pretty crazy stuff right before his fight, I wouldn't put it past him to be able to fling a crate like that (especially if we don't even know if it's crazy heavy or not).

The special effects at times were just so poorly done, they actually reminded me vaguely of Batman and Robin. When Bats begins to swing Superman around in the port from the ankle? That was the faking shit I've ever seen in my life. Or when Batman yanks the crate above his head, even though that's physically impossible, during the warehouse fight. Just absolutely ridiculous.

Esienberg/Luthor didn't actually bother me as much as I thought. I mean it felt a little weird to have this scrawny twig that could snap at any moment play Lex, but he really grew on me throughout the movie showing they were going for a deranged scientist over someone who wanted to stand toe to toe with Superman.

Lex Luthor is just... no. The worst thing I've ever seen. And it's not Eisenberg's fault, it's the character direction I have a problem with.

There are so many things I absolutely LOVED about the film but I can't just say it's a good movie because of that... it's a piece of shit with moments of brilliance thrown in there. As are most of Snyder's films.

The Flood / Re: Nice Marvel shilling sperglords
« on: March 26, 2016, 06:33:36 PM »
What was ass about it? And God help you if one of the things you say is having the appearances of the other heroes in there.

It was ass and I'm a straight-up DC shill. You just have bad taste, evidently.

The Flood / Re: Nice Marvel shilling sperglords
« on: March 26, 2016, 06:29:31 PM »
It is certainly better than what everybody is making it out to be. I seriously think there's a Marvel bias going on that's manipulating people's judgement on the movie. I only found one thing jarring and that was the whole Wayne dreaming scenario, but I couldn't find anything actually making the movie be as low as people are putting it.

So, you found it good meaning everyone else is bias and wrong?

The Flood / Nice Marvel shilling sperglords
« on: March 26, 2016, 06:18:53 PM »
Just saw Batman vs. Superman. Seriously, how much did Disney pay reviewers to say it was a bad movie? I went in there expecting a 5/10 and got an easy 8. And those reviews on Rotten Tomatoes? There's clearly a bias, with a solid 75% approval from everyone else, there's just no fucking way.

The movie was solid, WB/DC is stepping its game up and it's apparent. Justice League is going to go to fucking town and push DC back into relevancy. I dunno, maybe people are still butthurt over the whole Affleck thing but he made a great Bruce Wayne.

The Flood / Re: New AI destroys professional Go Players
« on: March 25, 2016, 04:06:04 PM »

The Flood / Re: New AI destroys professional Go Players
« on: March 25, 2016, 09:55:52 AM »
Go is a Chinese strategy board game, the aim is to surround more territory than your opponent. Creating AI to play Go is considerably harder than creating one for Chess. The strategy involved in a game of Go is much more complex than chess, with a game of Go being able to have 10^170 moves whereas Chess is only 10^120.

What's go

The Flood / New AI destroys professional Go Players
« on: March 25, 2016, 09:39:59 AM »
Since there was a thread on Microsoft's new AI taking a temporary leave, I figured some users might find this article interesting, there's been a victory on the AI front.

A new aggressive Go AI is crushing through professional competition. It won a 3-0 shutout against one of the best Go players in South Korea.

Move after move was exchanged and it became apparent that Lee wasn’t gaining enough profit from his attack.
By move 32, it was unclear who was attacking whom, and by 48 Lee was desperately fending off White’s [AlphaGo's] powerful counter-attack.

I can only speak for myself here, but as I watched the game unfold and the realization of what was happening dawned on me, I felt physically unwell.

Generally I avoid this sort of personal commentary, but this game was just so disquieting. I say this as someone who is quite interested in AI and who has been looking forward to the match since it was announced.

One of the greatest virtuosos of the middle game had just been upstaged in black and white clarity. AlphaGo’s strength was simply remarkable and it was hard not to feel Lee’s pain

The last two games will be played regardless of the fact that AlphaGo won. The AI is extremely cunning and makes no mistakes.

EDIT: Just read that games four and five already took place. Lee won game four but game five ended with AlphaGo winning.

EDIT: EDIT: Just read the Wikipedia article on the match, found something interesting:

Prior to 2015,[11] the best Go programs only managed to reach amateur dan level.[12] On the small 9×9 board, the computer fared better, and some programs managed to win a fraction of their 9×9 games against professional players. Prior to AlphaGo, some researchers had claimed that computers would never defeat top humans at Go.[13] Elon Musk, an early investor of Deepmind, said in 2016 that experts in the field thought AI was 10 years away from achieving a victory against a Go top professional player.[14]

The match AlphaGo versus Lee Sedol is comparable to the 1997 chess match Deep Blue versus Garry Kasparov. There IBM's Deep Blue computer's defeat of reigning champion Kasparov is seen as the symbolic point where computers became better than humans at chess.[15]

AlphaGo is most significantly different from previous AI efforts in that it applies neural networks, in which evaluation heuristics are not hard-coded by human beings, but instead to a large extent learned by the program itself, through tens of millions of past Go matches as well as its own matches with itself. Not even AlphaGo's developer team are able to point out how AlphaGo evaluates the game position and picks its next move. Monte Carlo tree search is also used in a major way to improve the reasoning efficiency of the program.

>"Fix her"

Yeah, they're certainly going to repgram her to spout predetermined lines if any negative term is brought up. Because you know, that's real learning.

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