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Messages - Ian

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The Flood / Re: Monthly Tinder Profile Write-up Contest
« on: December 30, 2016, 10:12:16 AM »
About me:

I'm a Katana enthusiast. These blades are folded over ten thousand times and cut through solid steel. They're also the perfect length for concealment underneath my trench coat when I walk the city streets at night, monitoring any activity from the dead beat jocks who don't treat women like the princesses that they are (those same jocks that don't think trilbies are cool). When I'm not busy trying to make the streets safer for all the ladies out there (;D), I spend my time debating in intellectual discussions about the plight of male's rights and how video games are the deepest forms of media in our time.

Some of my favorite movies are: The 40 Year Old Virgin, Pokemon 2000, Deadpool, and the original TMNT (That's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for short).

Some of my goals are upgrading my ride to a new modern moped. You don't need a license for a moped and I refuse to get a DL because for far locations my mother can just take me. I'd also like to learn how to cook my own chicken tenders, that way I don't need to rely on others to make them for me when I'm hungry at 2am and wont have to wake up my mom's BF to cook them for me. I'm also a strong advocate for AUTISM awareness and how internet terrorism is causing the suicide rate of our enlightened children to skyrocket.

What I'm looking for:

Someone who wants to go on an adventure, singing in the rain, and cuddling. We don't need to have sex right away, cuddling is a'okay (;D). Preferred standards are short blonde hair (so you'll look like my waifu Chie from Persona 4). Is okay with paying for the first date (since making men pay first shows the blight against males in our current society) and can't be more than 160 pounds. If you're looking for something more serious/long term, having a job is a must (those chicken tenders aren't going to buy themselves!) but around enough for enough cuddling (or more eheheheheh......).

Serious / Re: 35 Russian "Operatives" told to leave the US
« on: December 30, 2016, 09:56:44 AM »
You can't have your cake and eat it too. If you don't want to be part of our society, then you shouldn't be able to use our legal tender. Because that's part of our society that you're leeching off of, yet you wouldn't care to contribute anything yourself? How parasitic.

I'm obviously limited because of government intervention. For example I can't go out and cut down trees to build my own log cabin and live the rest of my life hunting because the government has made that illegal, they need their hands on everybody's lives. So when I speak of isolating myself from society, I mean it in the most legally possible method available.

And yeah, wills aren't quite good enough. You talk about this sense of entitlement towards the things you've "earned," but there are a few quandaries about that. 1.) if you won the lottery, you did not "earn" that prize. You just won it. And 2.) inheritance is not earned either. It's inherited.

Your principles seem rather inconsistent and ill-thought-out.

What difference does it make? The money is mine now, I simply made that money by spending three bucks at a gas station or sat around and waited for rich royalty uncle from Nigeria to pass away. But at least its going to someone else to better their life, even after I die. You're just upset I'm not giving it to everybody in which I respond: 1. I am not legally obligated to do so. 2. For someone like you who strongly advocates for bigger government and more social programs, you sure do want me to drop everything into charity (which doesn't garner the same results in more social-safety net countries, just look at Europe in comparison to the US in terms of charitable donations).

The Flood / Re: I turn 21 next saturday
« on: December 30, 2016, 09:41:16 AM »
I just went to Hooters for my 21st, didn't drink though. Not really into alcohol.

The Flood / Re: One of my old school bullies has died
« on: December 30, 2016, 09:40:19 AM »
There's a difference between harmless teasing and legitimate bullying.

But you're so pickonable

The Flood / Re: Monthly Tinder Profile Write-up Contest
« on: December 30, 2016, 09:38:03 AM »
What are the basic outlines of the profile we need to contribute to?

The Flood / Re: One of my old school bullies has died
« on: December 30, 2016, 09:36:29 AM »
I still hope all my bullies bite the bullet early, fuck all of them. I hope a chemical spill or terrorist attack happens them, they wont get any sympathy from me.

Serious / Re: 35 Russian "Operatives" told to leave the US
« on: December 30, 2016, 09:32:40 AM »
If I die and give it all to my family via a will is that still in the wrong? I don't want to bother with society (and Uncle Sam will still get his tax cut out of it regardless of how I ask for it as a payment) and I shouldn't be obligated to be a part of it.

See, you're just trying to use "keeping to myself" as a safety blanket for selfish, repugnant behavior.

Yes, if you win it big at the lottery, you'd be an asshole to keep it all for yourself.

The Flood / Re: harry potter is awesome
« on: December 30, 2016, 09:29:03 AM »
Harry Potter was pretty neat the first three books/movies. Then it immediately went to shit near the end of Goblet of Fire. Everything afterwards was just various levels of negative infinity in terms of quality. As soon as Voldemort was resurrected, the story became hot garbage.

Also fuck Rowling.

Serious / Re: 35 Russian "Operatives" told to leave the US
« on: December 30, 2016, 09:24:34 AM »
So if I win the lottery by some method or run across ending up with enough money to keep me sustained for life. Is it wrong to move to some house in the middle of nowhere out in the country and just being isolated from society?

That's not what I've been saying at all.

Gaming / Re: I've thoroughly enjoyed FF XV
« on: December 30, 2016, 09:21:36 AM »
I-VI are rather western though, they're just not bogged down by Tolkenism. And because they're old they play similar to Pokemon as far as combat goes. It wasn't until VII when Nomura took over and slathered belts and leather on everybody. But the gameplay for even the more easetrn designed titles are still solid.

I still highly recommend XII, best in the series. I love XV, it was very fun but it's dwarfed by XII in terms of quality.

Trust me, I know. I've seen her play it. Definitely not my thing. Looks like FF is a series I might never touch.

Serious / Re: 35 Russian "Operatives" told to leave the US
« on: December 30, 2016, 09:17:30 AM »
That is exactly what Verb and Charlie have been saying though. If I'm keeping to myself I must be selfish.

Keeping to yourself isn't the same as being selfish.

Gaming / Re: I've thoroughly enjoyed FF XV
« on: December 30, 2016, 08:35:38 AM »
X is super eastern/anime-like. Just a forewarning.

Only reason I'd even try it is because I have FF XV sitting right next to me, so I'm not gonna get one of the others as well. My girlfriend has FF X remastered on the PC though, so I suppose I could play that one as well.

Serious / Re: 35 Russian "Operatives" told to leave the US
« on: December 30, 2016, 08:34:49 AM »
Keeping to yourself is not a negative trait.

So because you were bullied in preschool, selfishness is a good trait?

Serious / Re: 35 Russian "Operatives" told to leave the US
« on: December 29, 2016, 11:58:10 PM »
Sharing and showing compassion for individuals that did nothing but ensure your life is hard and miserable is illogical. I was taught to share at MY discretion, because the adults (as awful as they were) knew asking me to share with kids that did nothing but pick on me was just fucking stupid.

You can't set a universal ideal for humanity because everyone has their own individual ideals that will clash with others. My ideal is to live completely separate from everyone else, isolated would be kind of a good word. But too many people have drowned themselves in Locke's shitty view of a social contract.

Doesn't retract from my point. We train kids to share and to handle our own shit. It's one of the first lessons we teach.

Anarcho-Communism is the human ideal.

Serious / Re: 35 Russian "Operatives" told to leave the US
« on: December 29, 2016, 11:51:31 PM »
No, I remember it fondly. I remember all the fucking garbage kids that destroyed the origami bat I worked all year for in art and were Hell bent to make sure I went home sad every day. My teachers knew I didn't have to play with others or even interact with them much. Good riddance to those shitty excuses for human beings.

You must not remember preschool very well. My kids go to the best in preschool in San Diego. You know what? Put 30 of those little fuckers on a playground and all the Teachers can do is make them share, bandage boo boos and show them where the potty is when they do the pee pee dance.

If that isn't anarcho-communism, I don't know what is

Serious / Re: 35 Russian "Operatives" told to leave the US
« on: December 29, 2016, 11:46:40 PM »
>Someone should die for keeping what they earned.

Wew lad.

Legally, anyone who does anything selfish should probably be shot.

Serious / Re: 35 Russian "Operatives" told to leave the US
« on: December 29, 2016, 11:42:43 PM »
Legally, no I don't.

Ethically, yes you do.

Gaming / Re: I've thoroughly enjoyed FF XV
« on: December 29, 2016, 11:40:59 PM »
I actually have the game for Xbox but don't know if I'll play it partially because of this. Never really played FF before so I might as well, but eh... This thread gives me hope at least.

Newer Final Fantasy titles are really 50/50 on whether or not it will be very eastern/anime-like. I highly recommend FFXII, it's just barely on the border of being more western than eastern in terms of themes, atmosphere, story, and setting and there's enough content to last you AGES. I've put in 200 hours into one save file and still haven't seen everything there is to do in Ivalice. It's getting its HD remaster for the PS4 next year and I have it preordered and I don't even have a PS4 yet.

OT: OP, if you're gonna do endgame, there's an easy method of grinding EXP while making Gil to boot. Go to Past Altissia and buy the 8k Gil meal that gives you a 100% exp boost, then go back to past Lucis and go to the town just outside the Rock of Ravatough. Do the hunt the has you kill 7 wyverns, it's right outside the town so it's super easy to go to the hunt spot and then use travel back to car to easily get back to town to turn it in. Use the Ring of The Lucii to kill all the wyverns in less than two minutes and you'll get 9k exp each run, and you can sell the wyvern wings at the town when they start to stack up. After about two hours you'll have roughly 300-500k exp. When you think you've done it enough, you can go back to Past Altissia and stay at the 15k/30k Gill inn room which will triple you exp tally.

Serious / Re: Sorry, Liberals, bigotry didn't elect Donald Trump
« on: December 29, 2016, 11:31:09 PM »
The Romans didn't limit themselves to Europe either. The Middle East and northern Africa were also under their influence. They dwarf every other empire in terms of accomplishments for that reason alone.

The Romans didn't in terms of language, but they both did in terms of culture, currency, and technology across most of Europe. British obviously expanded their culture and language to the New World.

Serious / Re: 35 Russian "Operatives" told to leave the US
« on: December 29, 2016, 11:27:52 PM »
It's the government's job to make sure we aren't killing each other, not stop a dumb ass from fucking himself over financially.

No, you don't have to share. You have every right to be selfish with your shit and you learn that pretty quickly after preschool.

Do as you like, but everyone shares.

The government only exists to ensure equal distribution of resources. Beyond that? You're on your own.

Serious / Re: 35 Russian "Operatives" told to leave the US
« on: December 29, 2016, 10:49:25 PM »
I'd rather someone call me a shill than suggest I do work for a group >for free.

Also, I'm still trying to wrap my head around the idea that you can be both Anti-Capitalist and Libertarian.

Serious / Re: 35 Russian "Operatives" told to leave the US
« on: December 29, 2016, 06:49:11 PM »
How much does being a DNC shill pay? I might as well quit my job now if I can get paid to literally make up complete bullshit and post it online like you do.

Serious / Re: 35 Russian "Operatives" told to leave the US
« on: December 29, 2016, 03:31:21 PM »
Obama hasn't even announced there's evidence of hacking. He just accused them and said leave without providing proof. It's like he's trying to incite aggression for Trump to deal with before leaving office.

Serious / Re: 2017: Europe's Year of Rage
« on: December 29, 2016, 09:41:02 AM »
I thought for sure Merkel wasn't as popular as this article states and that most of Germany didn't want her running again.

Not that she would listen to them anyways, she's got a proud white country to destroy.

The Flood / Re: I hate fat people so fucking much
« on: December 28, 2016, 02:41:29 PM »
This thread....

The Flood / Re: pineapple on pizza
« on: December 28, 2016, 12:20:38 PM »
There's nothing wrong with being simple.

I hold nothing but contempt for people like you.

The Flood / Re: Phones
« on: December 28, 2016, 12:10:01 PM »
Are you doing anything to help the battery life? I've had my iPhone 5S for almost three years and I've had zero battery issues.

All I know is by now an android phone would be sluggish and this is still going strong.

At the end of the day I can just get one of those battery packs.

The Flood / Re: Phones
« on: December 28, 2016, 12:09:09 PM »
Are Tracfones still a bitch to customize for ringtones and sounds?


The Flood / Re: pineapple on pizza
« on: December 28, 2016, 12:06:37 PM »
Green peppers are alright.

I'm a very plain individual. I don't really like anything on my burgers either, just meat and cheese. Sometimes BBQ sauce but that's usually only in table service restaurants where the burger is mediocre anyways.

Mushrooms are great you fucking faggot.
I bet you also dislike green peppers or a classic ham&onion.

The Flood / Re: Phones
« on: December 28, 2016, 10:00:41 AM »
iPhone 5S

It's alright, but not nearly as customization-friendly as a non-Apple phone.

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