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Messages - Ian

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The Flood / Re: Is Powerade okay for a cold?
« on: January 19, 2017, 09:21:47 PM »
Plz no bully in this thread

I think you're just a bitch

The Flood / Is Powerade okay for a cold?
« on: January 19, 2017, 09:20:04 PM »
I'm a picky bitch with what I eat and drink so I always need something flavorful to drink, as such my fridge is never really stocked up on anything other than milk and Powerade. Now I have a cold and I've been too tired all day to go to the store to buy OJ and some bottles of water. So I've been guzzling down whatever Powerade I do have since a tip that's often passed around is to just drink a lot.

I know it's no substitute for OJ or plain water but will it do anything for me?

The Flood / Re: Petition to unban verbatim
« on: January 19, 2017, 09:12:50 PM »
LC has stated several times that his ban length was from more than just his shitty comment.

but 2 months is out of wack for a weightless threat, a shitty joke even.

Either ban him every tine he's a shit for 1-2 days or don't bother, not wait until he's hit some arbitrary monthly shit-quota and slapping a cumulative time ban on him.

Serious / Re: Gambia HAPPENING
« on: January 19, 2017, 06:01:56 PM »
You stopped trying to update for no reason.

I already asked that question. The The Gambia Megathread was providing updates, you merged it with this "thread". You have only yourself to blame.

Global-Government supporters would be the right term for them then. It seems on the subject of the EU, people I associate with have a habit of steering to an extreme. "The EU isn't enough" along with "We need a central government that is divided among the continents!" and "One race, one government!" it truly scares the shit out of me.

Also, May literally praised (on the topic of Brexit yesterday), and I quote, "the forces of liberalism... and globalisation that have had - and continue to have - such an overwhelmingly positive impact on our world…" Her speech was pretty hypocritical and flawed, imo, but Brexit is heading right for even more globalism if it succeeds.

Serious / Re: Anime is destroying America
« on: January 19, 2017, 03:45:01 PM »
Holy shit this is scary.

Third nuke when?!

The Flood / Re: Petition to unban verbatim
« on: January 19, 2017, 02:01:35 PM »
Knowing Verb, he'll gloat he got the ban lifted and strut around saying it was unjustified. Even if he sat on the full length he'd still probably do the latter, you give him too much credit.

Whatever lesson that was to be learned, has probably been learned by now.

Please keep these articles coming, I fully support the UKs decisions and I want to BTFO my colleagues IRL who are shouting globalist BS.

The Flood / Re: Petition to unban verbatim
« on: January 19, 2017, 01:22:42 PM »
Petition to ban Chally until he finds Jesus.

Petition to ban Gaara444 until he gets a gf

The Flood / Re: Petition to unban verbatim
« on: January 19, 2017, 01:14:43 PM »
No, he needs his timeout.

Why the fuck wasn't he executed? He bombed innocent people.

Gaming / Re: Today was a good day.
« on: January 19, 2017, 12:10:37 PM »
>TFW I have two Collector's Edition copies of FFXII and two PS2 consoles but both consoles are broken and I have to wait for my tax return to get a new one and play it.
>TFW I wont be able to finish it either because The Zodiac Age is coming out sometime this quarter.

The Flood / Re: Why is 'geek culture' even a thing
« on: January 19, 2017, 12:08:15 PM »
Generally huge fans try to take as much of an interest into the subject as possible. It's like someone saying they're a mathematician but doesn't know the Quadratic Formula.

Well I mean it's possible to be a huge fan of the movies and not really want to pay much attention to supplementary materials like books

The Flood / Re: Look at all of this crying
« on: January 19, 2017, 11:53:33 AM »
This meme is causing a lot of angry debate in the comment section. Let's be clear about something.
/r/dankmemes is NOT a "censoring" subreddit. We do not remove posts simply because it's mean. There are incredibly questionable subreddits all over Reddit and the content of those places are about 400x worse then the context of this meme.
This is dankmemes and we have every kind of meme under the sun. If this triggers you, there are countless other meme subs available for your use which can be found using Reddits search function.
Reporting this meme is useless because it's not going anywhere. A post like this comes through every blue moon. They are not common.
For those of you triggered by this meme, as always, the mods of dankmemes offer you a place to vent your anger - /r/REEEEEE
As always,
Mod = Fags

Crybaby SJWs BTFO.

The Flood / Re: Why is 'geek culture' even a thing
« on: January 19, 2017, 11:52:04 AM »
It's more to do with the stigma surrounding the people who enjoyed those things is from yesteryear. The idea of the average "Nerd" being some kid with khakis going up to his belly button, broken glasses and waxed hair to the side, a ballpoint pen in his buttoned down shirt's right chest pocket, shit load of freckles and acne to balance his buck teeth and braces. That image is gone now. Your average Joe who grooms himself better breaks that stereotype as soon as they show interest in that.

However, a lot of it also comes from how it's portrayed too. The big appeal in comic book heroes was how they were extraordinary, so the less average person had a huge interest in it, because it was a form of self insertion. But in newer movies where we have the most handsome actors playing these roles and acting normal in a way their original fans wouldn't "Haha I have a FAMILY and love sports and other shit!" (Avengers AoU) it kind of disenfranchises the individuals who originally supported those works.

I don't know, I'm half on the boat on not caring because I'm not the dweeb I was back in seventh grade, but it's frustrating trying to talk to an individual who says they LOVE Star Wars but has no idea who Thrawn is.

The Flood / Re: Petition to unban verbatim
« on: January 19, 2017, 11:11:29 AM »

Serious / President Obama's Final Press Conference
« on: January 19, 2017, 10:48:43 AM »

Key points from the conference:

-Obama couldn't bring himself to fully admit that Russia was 100% involved in meddling with the election. Claims Sanctions were meant to punish for Crimea.

-Doesn't have a comment on Assange willing to come to the US.

-Spanish reporter tries to (subtly) criticize Obama for ending Wet Foot, Dry Foot. Obama claims that in normalizing relations with Cuba, immigrants from Cuba are treated equally as other immigrants from countries.

-More Israel/Palestine 2-state solution belief, nothing really important.

-Claims voter fraud does not exist in any form whatsoever. I agree with him that there's a problem of people who can vote but don't. But having no restriction on who comes to the booths is objectively bad.

-Literally every other reporter has tried to play identity politics and subtly insinuate that America is going to be destroyed when Obama leaves.

So in general: Obama and a very tiny few of the reporters were sensible about the new administration, everyone else was subtly being irrational.

Serious / Re: Gambia HAPPENING
« on: January 18, 2017, 09:39:29 PM »

Serious / Re: Gambia HAPPENING
« on: January 18, 2017, 08:08:57 PM »
>Shouting in an empty room by yourself is professional
>A variety of people chiming in on the situation isn't

Mine is more professional, AND WAS HERE FIRST. Psy, I demand you let my thread absorb Challys!

Sorry but your bread just isn't as professional as mine. It's cluttering the forum at this point.

Serious / Re: Gambia HAPPENING
« on: January 18, 2017, 07:57:54 PM »
Fuck off Chally I WAS HERE FIRST!

Gaming / Re: I got Permabanned on Xbox Live AMA
« on: January 18, 2017, 03:18:32 PM »
There's more than one map in the BTB Playlist, and if people refused to acknowledge that, they suffered the consequences.

how obnoxious

Serious / Re: Gambia HAPPENING
« on: January 18, 2017, 03:13:29 PM »
They have the backing of the UN, the only reason there isn't any real Western force participating is because Gambia is outnumbered 12 to 1. Considering how the current Gambian president stole power in a coup without any deaths, such a large stack of force against him will probably keep the invasion (if one is necessary) to minimal casualties.

without the meddling of the west?



This sucks, the school I went to as a kid had some ties to gambia and it's a shame to see it on the precipice like this. I hope he steps down peacefully, it'd be awful to come to power peacefully (sort of) only to end up going out in bloodshed.

Serious / Gambia HAPPENING
« on: January 18, 2017, 02:48:59 PM »

>Senegal has amassed troops on the border
>Given a midnight deadline for the Gambian President to step down
>Nigeria is sending troops as well

Gaming / Re: I got Permabanned on Xbox Live AMA
« on: January 18, 2017, 09:27:33 AM »
Mine was fine until Reach came out, then it plummeted  when Reach came out. Every time I got a slayer variant of Hemorrhage in either BTB or Invasion I kept killing myself to bring my team's score down. If anyone betrayed me for doing so I kicked them then went right back to killing myself.

Protip for playing Reach: The BTB playlist is NOT called the Hemorrhage Playlist.

Supposedly for the XB1 days though it somehow went up. According to my Xbox LIVE profile I have a reputation as a good player. Which is odd since I rarely play multiplayer games anymore.

Gaming / Re: What's the best Halo game?
« on: January 17, 2017, 04:10:47 PM »
I'm not saying 3 was perfect, but it didn't have the most labor put into it with thought. There's too much wrong with Reach for it to stand as the best in the series with just its netcode. 3 rarely had balancing issues in its gameplay, and changes to balance was done scarcely but with good reason.

If Halo 3 had Reach's netcode if would be the best Halo, but Halo 3 always liked to pick hosts that play on remote tropical islands thousands of miles away from civilization.

Gaming / Re: What's the best Halo game?
« on: January 17, 2017, 04:06:08 PM »
I never had that problem, and that's far more preferable than the death machine Reach had.

I too enjoyed shooting people with the Scorpion 7 times before a shot registered to kill them

Gaming / Re: What's the best Halo game?
« on: January 17, 2017, 03:15:31 PM »
>There are people that think 2 is better than 3

I think you guys are letting the nostalgia cover up shit like Standbying, super jumps, cheating, and that cliff hanger ending. 2 was by no means bad, but 3 was the most polished Halo game to date.

The Flood / Re: faggots deserve to be beaten mercilessly.
« on: January 17, 2017, 03:08:44 PM »
I like the Loaf in this thread, can we keep this one?

In the defense of those individuals, there are a LOT of desperate people that will latch onto anything without proof to destroy Trump. They could get a piece of cardboard covered in crayon saying Trump lynches black people every night while shitting on a portrait of President Obama and there would be people who would believe it without proof. The complete crock of shit that is #GoldenShowerGate is perfect proof of that. Still zero evidence and people are praying it sticks (protip: It wont).

people are still convinced Russia didn't do a single thing and it's people just being upset at Hillary losing or something.

Gaming / Re: Eternal /FFXIV/ Thread *STORMBLOOD EXPANSION*
« on: January 17, 2017, 02:44:09 PM »
I'm going to get the 3.5 spoiler right out of the way:

Paplymo sacrifices himself to stop Ilberd (The Griffin) from summoning Rahlger with Nidhogg's eyes.

r/ffxiv is crying bitch tears because I refuse to turn off the title in game I earned for completing 3.5 part 1's MSQ.

Paplymo's Final Witness

They call me an asshole for having the title on when others can turn off titles from THEIR settings. Then the mod came in and banned one of the idiots for calling me an asshole. REMINDER: Guilt tripping people with an unjustified sense of superiority does not give you the right to be the TRUE dick. And the mods agree with me.

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