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Topics - Ian
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« on: August 09, 2016, 03:24:21 PM »
Leader that interviewed me answered most of my questions, they said Casting would call me if I get approved after they finish with their other candidate. Some points that he answered were:
>I'm looking for a move that's vertical, not horizontal in terms of career growth. This would be a horizontal move, not vertical. They have had other cast members move up to coordinator and then manager, however it is a rarity.
>Will I be cross trained in other stores? You can be cross-trained in the other stores in Zone 3 that include: Days Of Christmas, Goofy's Candy Company, Art of Disney, and World of Memories. However once again, it is a rarity.
He used to be a manager on Main Street at the Magic Kingdom. I forgot to ask him about his experiences there, since Magic Kingdom Main Entrance is a position I'm thinking of transferring to since I already know the coordinators in that field since technically the store I work at now is under them.
« on: August 08, 2016, 09:56:58 PM »
 Gaston literally did nothing wrong. >He was the best hunter in the township and worshiped by many as a hero for his skill. >He was a little crude and misogynistic but let's remember this is a town where the whole god damn town sung about how odd Belle is for reading a book. >He insisted that the beast, who'd by this point kidnapped an elderly man, then later his daughter, was a threat that had to be killed. >He wanted Maurice, whose inventions had exploded and caused him harm, and his mad ravings - prior to seeing the beast, locked up in an asylum. >After that first rejection by Belle, sure he's feeling low about it. What does he do? He goes to a bar and has a few drinks where his mates pep him up. What does Gaston do to earn the mantle of villain? >He dies trying to protect his town from the beast - who had freakishly humanoid furniture attack people, and that's after kidnapping. Gaston was right about everything.
« on: August 03, 2016, 04:44:49 PM »
 Next Tuesday I have an interview at Design-A-Tee, a small but iconic store on the Marketplace side of Disney Springs (formerly Downtown Disney). I don't know whether or not I want to go through with it, I'm extremely torn and confused on recent developments. I hate my current location, the TTC outside of Magic Kingdom so much. It's a slow dead festering shit hole with no advancement. However because it's so slow that I've been able to excel there, I can't handle lots of business, huge lines of people and lots of bodies all in one spot drives me crazy and causes some anxiety. The store I'm at is super slow and even then I freak out when it starts to get super crowded in there. I've met a lot of friends I've grown attached to at TTC but leaving will mark an end and I will probably slowly lose contact with them just like I did when I first left Disney Springs. That's the absolute last thing I want, that and coupled with Design-A-Tee being very niche in comparison to other merchandise locations at Disney, I'm unsure if there's any room for advancement there either; this is what is causing my torn view and uneasiness about this. I'm confused on what to do, I don't want to leave my friends but I don't want to waste my career away in some small store in front of a parking lot.
« on: August 03, 2016, 11:37:24 AM »
I went there two days in a row this week and they only counted one visit for my Chiptopia rewards!  It's alright, I have two days of work back to back where I get off before 8pm so I guess I can have two more times this week, but I really like variety....
« on: August 03, 2016, 10:29:24 AM »
« on: July 29, 2016, 10:58:49 AM »
Any of you who used to know me somewhat well on knew I had a shitty situation almost two years back with a girl. I [kind of/half-assed] asked her out since she was leaving, got a half answer, then she tells me over the phone she never wants to speak to me again.
Every time this happens I feel I get slightly better at it, but the sting still hits hard. It's rolling around again, closing the store tonight with a QT intern from Tennessee and tonight's her last night. I want to say something, anything, but the fear of awkwardness and rejection afterwards is holding me back. Plus I clock out an hour before she does so I have a feeling the Goodbyes are going to be quick and abrupt.
The positive note is that unlike the last several attempts, I do feel I built up a somewhat strong friendship with her, but that only makes this whole situation more volatile.
How do I go about this tonight without fucking up?
« on: July 28, 2016, 09:24:46 PM »
 Just the advertising picture looked good enough. :^)
« on: July 25, 2016, 11:25:06 PM »
O'er rotted Soil, under blighted Sky, A dread Plague the Wicked has wrought. In the Light of the Gods, Sword-Sworn at his Side, 'Gainst the Dark, the King's battle is fought. From the Heavens high, to the Blessed below, Shines the Beam of a Peace long besought. "Long live thy Line and these Stones divine, For the Night when All comes to Naught."
Cosmogony 15:2 "Nadir" With the game only two months away, I thought it would be a good idea to have a XV thread since the launch is getting closer (plus XIV is in a lul period following patch 3.3 so there's not much activity going on in that megathread). I got the Ultimate Collectors Edition preordered, and I have Platinum Demo finished and saved on my Xbox's HDD, I've been ready for the game for ten years. Is anyone else excited?
« on: July 22, 2016, 02:54:08 PM »
I wonder what's inside!  Due to the advertising nature of this item, today's unboxing will actually go much faster than previous installments. Came from Amazon, in a big box too. Either it's one giant product or it's a number of multiple smaller ones....
« on: July 19, 2016, 07:33:20 PM »“To all the Evangelion fans, I’m really, really keeping you all waiting,” Anno recently said (via Oricon). “I am truly sorry.”
Continuing, Anno was quoted as saying, “Evangelion can only be described as my soul. It’s a work that chips off parts of me.” It got to the point where nothing was left, and Anno felt trapped while making Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo. He didn’t have a chance to recharge.
“Up until then, after doing the third entry Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo, I thought I wasn’t going to make any more,” Anno said. He then got the offer to do Godzilla Resurgence. “At that time, I went into talks with Toho, and it saved me. I think this is how I’m able to keep making Evangelion. However, since it is a fact that I’m making everyone wait, I deeply apologize for that.” Sounds like when Godzilla is finished (comes out in ten freakin days btw!!) Anno doesn't plan on idling for very long.
« on: July 17, 2016, 11:57:17 AM »
There's now MORE availability for walking in to a restaurant literally no one gives a flying fuck about and only choose to eat there because the other more notable ones are booked! They put shit like that in because they feel we'll get asked questions pertaining to these topics, but never once have I ever been asked a question on anything the front page talks about. Like, if someone is bitching about a show being dark, they're not going to be satisfied being told that a performance that appeared an hour earlier (and has now ended) would've suited them better.
« on: July 16, 2016, 12:19:29 PM »
Let's look at those delicious ratings while we wash down the damage control buttblasted with the tears of Paul Feig crying that his career has just been flushed down the toilet. Right there in the bowl along with Sony. lad, 74% certified "Fresh", I bet the sales for opening day reflect the opinion of these critics on the high quality film and- million Pffffffffffffffffffffft, How do you fuck up this hard? Enough with the bullshit: This movie is irredeemable garbage and it wont even make half its investment in its opening weekend. Seriously, 45 million by the end of Sunday? What a fucking disaster. Don't fucking expect a comeback in revenue afterwards, next week it's going up against Ice Age for the kids, and Star Trek for everyone else (Star Trek being progressive in its own right but doesn't push it as the only thing its got going for it). China blocked it because they're afraid of spooky scary ghosts, so don't expect any cushion numbers from the east. This movie is objectively bad, end of discussion. Anyone who says otherwise is in full on damage control. Their dreams of making a successful franchise on this new gang is dead and in the grave, where it rightfully belongs. Next time, don't demonize the people you're trying to pander to and hope they'll still buy tickets to see your shitty movie.
« on: July 13, 2016, 11:10:34 PM »
Everyone's doing it.
« on: July 12, 2016, 08:30:21 PM »
Let it be known that not actually answering legitimate criticisms and doubling down on playing the name game over the internet will cost you money. How are the early screenings of Ghostbusters 2016 looking? "Great" Is what idiots say without the implying quotations. Now that the Tumblrinas have gotten what they wanted, they're still blind to the problems right in their own face. They got their movie, they got to insult people illegitimately, and their movie is bombing before even launching. Insulting people with legitimate claims like how shitty the animation, acting, and jokes look for being nothing more than sexist misogynists, and you wonder why no one wants to see it? "B-But Ian! Word of mouth will spread that the movie is good after its initial opening weekend!" It's kind of funny in the above comments no one's even trying to defend it with it not being the opening weekend yet, they're already jumping to deranged conspiracy theories of women-haters boycotting the movie. As for the fate of this obvious train wreck after this weekend? Yeah, not like it's sandwiched in front of a movie with far more appeal and a director that (while ALSO being progressive in his own right) isn't a self-loathing misandrist... See you all at the theaters on the 21st!
« on: July 07, 2016, 08:06:06 PM »
I'm trying to avoid Fox News and MSNBC: likely Democratic presidential nominee learned this week that she will not face criminal charges over her use of private email. The FBI said that although she had sent and received sensitive material there was no evidence of intent. Now that inquiry is over, the State Department will reopen its review. As well as the former secretary of state, it will also include some of her former aides, all of whom have now left the department. A spokesman for the department, John Kirby, said: "We will aim to be as expeditious as possible, but we will not put artificial deadlines on the process." Former officials can still face "administrative sanctions," he said. That could range from counselling and warnings to the revocation of security clearances. I don't blame Comey for his initial decision, nor do I doubt his integrity. However, anyone who says he didn't fumble over the Committee meeting today would be wrong. I don't believe he's at fault for doing it though, it's incredibly hard to answer the questions for an individual who's not even at the meeting. But with him saying ten different version of "Well yeah but...." this outcome was inevitable.
« on: July 06, 2016, 07:37:55 PM » want to beliiiieeeevvvveeee........ They've had the "Next Evangelion work" advertised for several months now but it appears they're getting rather desperate since they're willing to take in students and basically saying "Experience doesn't matter, we'll tell you what to do".
« on: July 06, 2016, 02:58:18 PM »
Despite what some people here would have you believe. We have a dynamic range of people with different view points and opinions on any particular subject. No two individuals believe exactly the same thing on any subject that's brought up here. However, because a good number of people may have similar beliefs, there's been a notion going around that a hive mind is forming.
This is false, as no one is condemning the difference of opinions (because once again, they're all varied). Just because an insignificantly small number of users don't share your 100% exact view point, does not mean there is a hive mind of wrong people working against you here.
It is possible that said user base with similar opinions might actually be bigger than what I claim it is. Or that even if it's small it might not be as insignificant as I might make it seem. Regardless of either of these unlikely situations being the case, if you feel that you're still being marginalized in your opinion, I would ask that you look back and see if posts really are trying to silence you.
And no, people automatically having a different opinion than you is not oppressing your view point.
« on: June 30, 2016, 03:33:01 PM »
This stems from another comment I made in response to PSU about moving out. Looking back on it now, half of the adult figures in my life (parents, teachers, people who are supposed to instill wisdom on me) are either complete fucking idiots or are intentionally trying to keep my own personal happiness down because they might have an inferiority complex of some sort. I'm hoping it's the former cause I'm not some deranged conspiracy theorist, but God damn did some of them say the dumbest shit.
"Living on your own is awful and a hard experience!" Bullshit. Just because you couldn't cope with responsibility of personal choice and always need some authority figure in your personal life doesn't mean my personal freedom and right to my own self interest is a bad thing.
"You NEED to go to college to be happy!" I'm still going to college but it's still going to fuck over the people who say this because of another bullshit thing they say. Happiness is entirely up to you, and if I'm happy making 15 bucks an hour doing something entry level for the rest of my life? Who are you to say I failed? Once again, another situation on an encroaching overreaching authority figure instilling their subjective views as an objective world view.
"You NEED to go into STEM to be successful!" This is even more fucking stupid. And is basically saying "You can do whatever you long as you go to college!" and then adding on more and more requirements "But you can do whatever you long as it's X, Y, or Z!" The whole point of higher education is the ability to pursue a career in what YOU want to do. But once again, why have your responsibility of personal choice if some uneducated authority figure can decide for you?
"Always listen to your elders!" Obviously ignoring the racist old people, how could I ever take advice like this seriously after the last three arguments are made up on a foundation of horse shit.
I have come to learn that half of all role models (the ones spouting this irredeemable garbage) have some sort of phobia against personal freedom of choice and liberty and as such, needs some overreaching parental force to dominate every facet of their life, and because of this everyone must need the same form of baby care. The whole point of growing up is being able to make choices for yourself. If you want to be coddled like a man-child in your thirties because you chose to listen to irrational adults as a child go ahead, but please don't force that view on others.
« on: June 27, 2016, 10:26:30 PM »
Also, tips to survive being in a delirious state while in pain afterwards would be nice.
« on: June 20, 2016, 07:59:18 PM »
It was meh.
« on: June 18, 2016, 11:49:13 AM »
A movie myth of the 70's has been leaked online. The Day The Clown Cried, a holocaust movie where Jerry Lewis (both actor and director) stars as a washed up clown and ends up in a Nazi concentration camp. He must make the difficult act of using his skills to lure Jewish children into their deaths. Lewis himself has done everything he could to hide the movie, calling it a shame. He only wanted his film to be visible when it becomes open source, years after the death of the creator. However some versions of the movie survived and was leaked. The film is also undisturbed at the Library of Congress when he donated a number of his films, including this one. Having seen the 30 minute rough cut of it, I really don't see how it's "shameful". I mean yeah, it's blatant Oscar bait, but it's not as pandering as 12 Years A Slave. I think Lewis is being a bit too hard on himself here.
« on: June 16, 2016, 12:03:51 PM »
Went to a place called Shake Shack on International Drive about a month ago. Got a coupon for a free milk shake, burgers and fries there were also pretty good. However it's a bit of ways from where I'm at, about half an hour. So I'm obviously not going to go out of my way to get a free shake and fries when I could get either at several different places in about five minutes. Only went because it was a planned meetup.
What am I supposed to do with this coupon now? It expires in like two weeks.
« on: June 14, 2016, 03:16:56 PM »
Only got enough money for one tee today, which Godzilla design should I go with? No matter the choice the color will be in Military Green. Option 1Option 2Option 3
« on: June 14, 2016, 01:53:49 PM »
I wanted to get some new dank t-shirts with some power level hiding designs on it. I saw some pretty cool ones on a site called Tee-Public but I don't know how trustworthy these sites are. Here's one I wanted to get in Slate blue. My only real online shopping experience is Amazon, Newegg, and CDJapan. I don't know how fishy sites like these tend to be but my brother bought some from Tee Turtle and he was very happy with his purchase, they just don't have designs I want.
« on: June 14, 2016, 10:58:46 AM »
>Get number from QT yesterday >Send friend invite on FB >Still nothing
Or is it one of those things where I'm the only person who keeps FB open in another tab so I can instantly respond to any notification that pops up?
« on: June 08, 2016, 09:12:34 PM »
I know there's a huge amount of W10 fanboys on here, but I'll try to keep the pros and cons of the OS itself out of this. Although I do feel the OS is nothing more than horse shit drenched in hog piss. Microsoft's W10 Upgrade practices is Malware by even the loosest definition of the term. It forces itself onto your computer and holds your system at gunpoint with an "Upgrade or....upgrade" option. Sure you can delay it, but eventually it will try to upgrade and give no option of canceling. Computer technicians such as Carey in the video below have worked with Malware for years and have never seen such an aggressive form of adware infest a computer, and what's worst is Microsoft is getting away with it. It is fucking pathetic and pitiful that Microsoft would drop to such disgusting lengths to force users down a certain path when their founder built Windows on making your Personal Computer actually PERSONAL. You can sign the petition here to have the EFF investigate Microsft's disgusting business practices and have them realize how in the wrong they are.
« on: June 03, 2016, 07:07:02 PM »
The dipshit mods at r/ffxiv banned my entire access to Reddit for two days for "Spam" when I was reporting legitimate rule breaking threads. One of their rules says you need to properly tag image topics so people who don't want to see images all of the front page and just want to see discussion posts can use the "Hide all media filter" and remove them. Well some users REALLY want to attention whore so they tag their images as "Fluff" or even nothing at all so it bypasses the image filter and we're still stuck with their shit on the front page.
So after I clicked the "hide all media" filter, I usually report every image topic I see before hiding it since THAT is legitimate spam. I guess one mod is either butt hurt about following his/her own rules or doesn't know that the other users are spamming the front page doing this because I only reported four posts and that IS a legitimate concern that's brought up EVERY time they ask for improvement on the subreddit.
So I just got banned for following the rules and helping them do their damn job.
« on: June 01, 2016, 07:56:16 PM »
Not the movie, the guy who used to post here. I haven't seen him post in a while.
« on: June 01, 2016, 04:42:44 PM »
Just had Chipotle today. Got a burrito bowl with white rice, pinto beans, chicken, cheese, and hot sauce. Total bill was $6.50. If I had gone grocery shopping: One cup of rice: $1.40 ( Source) One serving of pinto beans: $.06 (Source is same as above) Three chicken leg quarters: $1.17 (Same source) One ounce of Monterey Jack cheese: $0.26 ( Source) One ounce of hot sauce: $0.47 ( Source) Total: $3.36 I would have saved $3.14 had I gone grocery shopping and bought the ingredients myself. If one wants to bring up regional differences in grocery prices, keep in mind there's regional differences in food chain prices as well.
« on: May 27, 2016, 02:25:20 PM »
Folks I don't know about you, but Asuka is a MESS! She is so weak and low energy Rei could do better! I tell you what folks, I'm gonna tell Shinji to get in the fucking robot, and we're gonna making Evangelion great again! Anno has ruined Evangelion!
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