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Messages - Coco

Pages: 1 ... 181920 2122 ... 86
It just felt like a campaign that cut a lot of corners.  It seemed like it had an idea worth exploring, and was hyped up like crazy in the ads, but was super anticlimactic.  The whole story felt like a bunch of missed opportunities, where characters could have been really valuable, but were rather just a bunch of set-pieces progressing through a series of chores without question or emotion.

On top of that, and this is just a personal gripe, I'm not a huge fan of how much more in-your-face the whole "chosen hero of the entire universe" tone is.  I liked being a military badass, where people were like "holy shit...a Mark V", rather than "OMG ITS SPACE JESUS, THE ONLY ONE THAT CAN SAVE US".

Me?  No, but I've never helped either.
A few people really should.

The Flood / Re: Can I ask you guys something?
« on: June 11, 2016, 05:41:34 PM »
I mean, they're normally a good way of gaining perspective.

Uhh, what implied that I wasn't referring to your referral of my original post? You went full retard as they say on the interwebs.
Oh, it can be a pain in the ass when your arguments harp on nothing and are drawn out of your asshole.  My bad.

No, I'm not trying to sound smart, I'm trying to make you sound dumb. Some would call it bullying of the weak, but I call it self-proclaimed justice.
You're trying way too hard.

You're god damn right it's a good post. It is the best post in this thread. The worst one must be yours that basically jerks the OP off by clearly saying what the OP was implying. Also, start being more original, and maybe less braindead, Jerkoff.
lol le babby's first day of 4Chan edgy racial slur.  Gleaming with thought.
Wait, you're an oldfag? I'm so sorry sir, I overstepped my boundaries. Please forgive me!

Is that how you pictured my response to your reply? Yeah, unlikely, buddy, unlikely. Wait a minute, no, you didn't expect me to respond that way, you're not that stupid. You probably didn't expect anything, no, in fact, you probably just wanted to feel as though you had a spine. That must excuse the pathetic garbage of a thing you'd call a reply that appears ahead of us all. Holy shit that's pathetic. You've reached a lower point, cuckoo

I was referring to your original post, retard.
My god, your arguments consist of deconstructing and overanalyzing the most irrelevant aspects of whatever's thrown at you, filling in random gaps with your own mindless bullshit, and hoping that maybe you'll sound like you have more than 2 brain cells.  You're trying too hard.

You're god damn right it's a good post. It is the best post in this thread. The worst one must be yours that basically jerks the OP off by clearly saying what the OP was implying. Also, start being more original, and maybe less braindead, Jerkoff.
lol le babby's first day of 4Chan edgy racial slur.  Gleaming with thought.

Counter Strike

No, I don't watch anime, you fucking gook
Top-notch post there, bridge builder.

They saw them the closest.

The Flood / Re: Normal People memes puzzle me
« on: June 11, 2016, 11:24:17 AM »


Pokemon's for children



The Flood / Re: Fabriktor or Detolf?
« on: June 10, 2016, 07:12:45 PM »
I think the detolf looks more appealing, personally.  I mean, based off the pictures, the legs in the fabriktor look kind of ugly.

You know, if you are concerned about things that happen in video games - then clearly you don't have real problems.

People who complain about women in video games, DO NOT REPRESENT ALL WOMEN. Do you think Syrian women give a single half of a fuck about what women wear in vidya? Yeah, that's right - they have real problems.
It's pretty ironic and close-minded:
-To think there is 100% gender equality here currently
-To think these women have nothing left to do but bitch about 3D models
-To respond to a 16 minute argument with such a condescending and thoughtless argument

...and then preach advocacy for gender-equality.

Why do you have to have "real" problems to look at media analytically?  Why does tackling something like this mean nothing because Syrians have it worse?  That's such a shallow argument, because you can always wave off an issue by saying someone has it worse.  Do we just halt all progress until Syria gets its shit together?

I'm not saying I agree with Anita, but my god do people defensively go after her existence like unintelligible monkeys.  I want to see actual arguments, not "this video is fucking retarded and she's a dumb cunt, but I won't say why".  Once again, they're just a bunch of YouTube videos, and she'd be completely voiceless if people didn't make such a big deal out of her.

Gaming / Re: Overwatch review
« on: June 10, 2016, 06:32:34 PM »
The one thing that Overwatch does extremely well is keeping the community together.  The Halo community, for example, is extremely split between casual and competitive gamers, and each Halo after 3 has been killing itself trying to figure out who to pander to.  The community is split, and the games usually have extremely casual gameplay that people despise and ditch the game over...and then shoehorn in a "you will get fucked by tryhards" mode that no one wants to step into.  At that point, they might as well have 2 different games.

Overwatch is the kind of game that supports extremely competitive gameplay, but remains accessible (and more importantly: appealing) to a less competitive player...and it's all the same exact game.  You can be absolutely terrible at shooters, and still feel like and be a valuable asset to your team.  I think it will continue to have an extremely healthy community, because it's the kind of game that lets players ease themselves into playing competitively by making them want to get better and cooperate with their teams.

throw punch those bitches.

Watch out, you might build a bad reputation, man.

Considering what's posted here on a daily basis, and your post history, I think I'll be just fine.  I don't need to prove myself, because this isn't the place for "esteemed bridge-builders".  This argument would have been even slightly appropriate had it been in literally any other thread: instead, it's in one that barely stands on its own.

And it's really cute that you think that your lack of respect is what I should consider a consequence.  I can't tell, are you just trying to establish a pecking order on some barely-involved member so that you look slightly less retarded to everyone else?

The Flood / Re: Someone offers you $500,000 to do angel dust
« on: June 10, 2016, 03:34:54 PM »
I mean, think about it like this: people pay to have it, so it can't be a bad deal.

Gaming / Re: Titanfall 2 Megathread
« on: June 10, 2016, 03:33:30 PM »
According to Reddit it's a fake. The guy that made it did a similar concept for Battlefront last year apparantly

That's probably true.
*sigh* I want a helmet.

Gaming / Re: Titanfall 2 Megathread
« on: June 10, 2016, 03:24:10 PM »
You get a fucking helmet

The Flood / Re: Who is your favorite member of the Gang and why
« on: June 10, 2016, 03:18:49 PM »
I got caught by the D.E.N.N.I.S. system.

Let me guess, the title triggered you, so you just had to reply without reading anything. Either that or you did read everything but you thought that this reply would get you likes so it'd be worth it.

I wrote that I'm talking about people who don't use logic, so it'd be safe to assume that I'm talking about internet. If you were unable to make that conclusion, then reading a reply I wrote previously would clearly state that I was talking about online encounters.

If you're not gonna bother being a part of the thread, then why bother? You strike me as the type of user who never gets into anything. All he does is come into a thread, make a remark, then bail.

You're looking way too far into it.  Calm down, kid.
I didn't think I had to scan my way through each thread to gather as much info as I can before making my scholarly contribution to the Sep7agon archive.  Especially when it comes to your asinine issues.

And now looking at every other response in this thread, why am I being held to some completely different standard of seriousness?

Gaming / Re: Infinite Warfare pre-order numbers are in
« on: June 10, 2016, 12:41:30 PM »

You let it simmer until you get home to post to Tumblr about how you were straight up assaulted for real.

The Flood / Re: watermelon
« on: June 10, 2016, 10:30:32 AM »
I fail to see what's wrong with this.

So what exactly would a real egalitarian do to accomplish their goal?  Sounds exactly like an #AllLivesMatters kid, who defensively bitches on internet forums and Facebook at anyone who points out a problem, without actually doing or offering anything themselves.

Also, I like how the self-proclaimed egalitarian also started off with "pffft women have nothing left to bitch about except 3D models".  Yup.  Nothing left.

Gaming / Re: Let's be real here...
« on: June 10, 2016, 08:47:06 AM »
Gravity hammers at 300% speed was the only real option.

Gaming / Re: Infinite Warfare pre-order numbers are in
« on: June 09, 2016, 10:57:43 PM »
I want the "Treyarch is good" meme to die. They literally just reskin whatever the other company makes and they somehow get praise for being "innovative". WaW was just a reskinned MW, BLOPs was just a reskinned MW2, BLOPS2 was just a reskinned MW3, there is no denying this.

-Treyarch has become the only CoD developer worth playing.  When every other year, a non-BLOPS game comes out, it's shit.

Advanced Warfare, Ghosts, and MW3 are laughing stocks, whereas BLOPS 2 and 3 are actually popular.  That isn't because of magic and brand loyalty.

Already pre ordered 6 times: one for each character on both platforms.

While we're at it, remember #AllLivesMatter

The Flood / Re: In your opinion, what makes a normie?
« on: June 09, 2016, 12:31:01 PM »
Faps to interracial MLP vore less than twice a week.

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