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Messages - Coco

Pages: 1 ... 171819 2021 ... 86
The Flood / Re: I have plain greek yogurt but no honey
« on: June 20, 2016, 09:40:01 AM »
Fruit, granola, chocolate.

Gaming / Re: Minor details in games that you appreciate?
« on: June 19, 2016, 11:42:08 PM »
Each gun in Battlefield counts the bullet that's loaded into the chamber.  So reloading while there's ammo left in the mag will give you an extra shot.

A lot of artists that model Assassins Creed's landmarks spent years on just that to make them an exact replica (ex: Notre Dame in Unity).

The Warthog has a working speedometer on it.

I sneak into movies and then buy the ticket if I liked it.  Yup.

The Flood / Re: "I really, really, really like this image"
« on: June 19, 2016, 10:04:39 PM »
I lost.

Gaming / Re: Morphies Law
« on: June 19, 2016, 10:06:19 AM »
Why are devs so lazy they can't put any effort into the environment? It looks like the only thing they've done is make the body morph physics.

Because it's likely a low-budget indie concept.

1) Unity uses C# and JavaScript, and Unreal 4 is this botched version of C++ that has a bunch of extra rules and restrictions (ex: no pure virtual functions allowed on UClasses).  Unreal also has pretty bad documentation for anything that isn't blueprints (which run like 8x slower than C++), so keep that in mind.

2) Those ideas sound pretty out of scope, even for a 1-2 year project.  You're completely on your own and will have to generate all code and assets.  Not to deter you, but you should start small.  Having to worry about good design, sound, art, etc... on top of figuring out things like 3D PCG and AI programming sounds pretty tough for one person.  I suggest you start with mechanics, not detailed stories and premises. 

Gaming / Re: I'm the best Halo player on these forums.
« on: June 18, 2016, 01:30:29 PM »

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: June 18, 2016, 09:35:15 AM »
Damnit I was hoping for a desert map.

You could probably pull off a convincing desert oasis look with this map using tan asteroid terrain, palm trees, and the right lighting/fog.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: June 18, 2016, 01:34:48 AM »

New canvas and forge toys in the next update.
Includes the GRD doll from Reach (that weird armor conspiracy theory doll), golf clubs, big toys, the new REQ hogs, etc...

Gaming / Re: You must build a team using 6 of these Pokemon...
« on: June 17, 2016, 09:10:46 PM »
5 Adesigns and a Potarded for me.

The Flood / Re: thread title that implies I'm demeaning another user
« on: June 17, 2016, 08:11:35 PM »
Ignore this shitpost.

The Flood / Re: tru sucks
« on: June 17, 2016, 06:41:47 PM »
Shut the fuck up deci


Gaming / Morphies Law
« on: June 17, 2016, 06:36:10 PM »

A first person shooter where parts of your character grow and shrink based off of where you shoot people and get hit.  Beautiful.

The Flood / Re: Do you care about clothes / fashion?
« on: June 17, 2016, 01:18:23 PM »
You're obviously pretty gay if you're not having your mom buy your clothes for you at 35.

I care to some extent.  I usually dress business-casual at the most relaxed settings, and I'm noticing that I'm paying a lot more attention to clothes/brands, in general, nowadays.

Why is EA being generous?

Why am I worried?

Why am I gonna try and pick up BF4?

It's to secure your scheckels when BF1 rolls around.

Sweet deal.  I've put so many hours into it on PC, but I wonder if I should get BF4 for Xbone to play with a few friends.  Hmmm.

The Flood / Re: Can I post something without getting banned?
« on: June 17, 2016, 09:45:26 AM »
You watch gay porn out of frenulum-jealousy?

Gaming / Re: Have your own custom Xbox One Controller
« on: June 15, 2016, 01:57:41 PM »
$90 isn't so bad compared to the 3rd party paint jobs that have been around for ages.

That said, I don't really care enough for that kind of stuff.

Mario 3D Land is enjoyable, but hardly ever a challenge.

Link Between Worlds is fantastic.

Luigi's Mansion is a ton of lighthearted fun.

DK Country is a pretty good and challenging platformer.

SSB4 is mandatory.

My roommates swear by MH4U and Fire Emblem.

The Flood / Re: I fucking HATE when people do this.
« on: June 15, 2016, 01:48:08 PM »

My intention in a nutshell. Old meme but it checks out, so nice meme.

Yup. Jokes on us.

Gaming / Re: Insomniac's Spider-man for PS4 Thread
« on: June 14, 2016, 10:37:30 PM »
All of the games since Spider-Man 2 have been irrelevant.  I really hope Insomniac will make a game to match the Arkham series' quality.

The Flood / Re: I'm meeting a 36 year old for a fwb situation
« on: June 14, 2016, 10:31:54 PM »
Oh hay. You didn't die.

The Flood / Re: So Leafy made a vid on Keemstar yesterday
« on: June 14, 2016, 10:21:28 PM »

Yeah, Keemstar's channel is stupid.  He's the person that sees tension between 2 people and pokes at it, but in his case, he also monitizes being that shithead.

Gaming / Re: E3 2016; Microsoft, PC, Ubi and Sony today
« on: June 13, 2016, 03:49:57 PM »

this game needs to up its feedback. Your screen just randomly goes black with "you died".

Gaming / Re: E3 2016; Microsoft, PC, Ubi and Sony today
« on: June 13, 2016, 08:13:15 AM »
Halo 5 campaign damage control DLC maybe?

« on: June 13, 2016, 08:10:34 AM »
Damn, that's fucked.  Good thing she had you to talk to.

Serious / Re: 50 Dead, 53 Injured at Orlando LGBT Nightclub
« on: June 13, 2016, 08:00:52 AM »
Never thought about this, but when all the reporters were there, they said that they could hear all the victims' cell phones constantly going off.  All of their friends and family members were spamming their phones.  That's pretty nightmarish.

Gaming / Re: Whiteflame @ E3 2016 (temporarily back!)
« on: June 12, 2016, 09:46:17 AM »
Jelly.  So jelly.  Take pics.

Also, take some Airborne, drink some orange juice, etc... otherwise, you'll leave feeling like death.

If people actually listened to Del Rio, and he wasn't an irrational prick, Halo 5 would have been avoided
If people listened to Del Rio they'd all have been melted down into robots.

Thus avoiding Halo 5. He's not wrong.

I'm just upset they changed the Rocket Launcher to that ugly green bazooka, only to re-add the original back in recently. Or something like that. That's the info Tru's been feeding me.

It's back and just a REQ now
You can spawn with them and place them around maps in Arena.  It's not just a REQ.

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