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Messages - Coco

Pages: 1 ... 747576 7778 ... 86
Gaming / Re: The Crucible is a fucking joke.
« on: December 13, 2014, 06:42:04 PM »
Destiny's multiplayer is everything I hate about CoD times 10.

Having a beer or two wouldn't affect your judgment so terribly that you'd suddenly have wild sex, when regularly you'd be insistent on not.

You could have told her that you don't drink, and still have gone with her.  Some people just want to go to a bar with company, and being a reliable DD doesn't hurt either.

The Flood / Re: Is it fun to stream on Twitch?
« on: December 13, 2014, 01:48:44 AM »
I think it's kinda fun.  I've had a total 60 viewers or something, and each stream only gets like 2 people to watch it, but I'd like to think I play Battlefield and Halo well enough to pique a few people's interest.

The Flood / Re: Meanings of your usernames?
« on: December 13, 2014, 01:43:35 AM »
A lot of my friends call me Coco.

Gaming / Re: Where do you get the feather skull in Halo 2 Anniversary?
« on: December 12, 2014, 05:15:00 PM »
It's next to the golden warthog on Metropolis.

Gaming / Re: Was Joel the bad guy? (TLoU) (Obvious spoilers)
« on: December 12, 2014, 04:49:55 PM »
He denied the world a chance at recovery so he could have his daughter back, in a way.
Not really.
The Fireflies had already tried and failed multiple times to create a cure from those with an immunity. Ellie wouldn't have been an exception.
What I'm saying is that Ellie was another chance at recovery, not necessarily a guaranteed success.  I'm not saying I wouldn't make the same decision, either way.

The Flood / Re: Would you try out his new bed with him?
« on: December 12, 2014, 01:58:22 PM »
I don't sleep with janitorial equipment

Gaming / Re: Was Joel the bad guy? (TLoU) (Obvious spoilers)
« on: December 12, 2014, 01:52:39 PM »
Yeah, he was, and it didn't help that he lied to Ellie about it, making it so she couldn't make the choice herself.  He denied the world a chance at recovery so he could have his daughter back, in a way.

Gaming / Re: New game hype?
« on: December 12, 2014, 01:47:10 PM »
Uncharted 4
Arkham Knight
Future Battlefield 4 DLC

Gaming / Re: Halo 2 with skulls on is fucking insane.
« on: December 12, 2014, 09:30:21 AM »
I forgot how much I loved the sputnik skull.  I got through legendary off a shit ton of superbounces and crazy grenade jumps.

The Flood / Re: Anal prolapse
« on: December 11, 2014, 09:20:28 PM »

Gaming / Re: I need something to make.
« on: December 11, 2014, 05:56:45 PM »
3D modeling the users on this site would be fun.

The Flood / Re: 8 TB harddrive
« on: December 11, 2014, 12:01:30 AM »
Pfft.  No need, I got an 8 PB HDD right now.

The Flood / Re: Having to wear a suit to school
« on: December 10, 2014, 09:36:31 PM »
I went to Catholic school for 2 years, and they made us wear hideous polos and khakis, plus a teacher could make you shave your beard.  Everyone looked asexual.  Personally, I like suits, so I would have preferred those.

Gaming / Re: Biggest Gaming Controversy of 2014?
« on: December 10, 2014, 08:16:28 PM »
Gamergate, because even outside the community, shittons of non-gamer feminazis/SJWs and anti-feminist extremists were all over it to spread their halfassed slacktivism dribble, and non-gaming journalism clickbaited the fuck out of it.

Gaming / Re: Favorite childhood games
« on: December 10, 2014, 08:08:18 PM »
Pokemon Blue
Banjo Kazooie
Paper Mario
Zelda OoT, Majoras Mask, Wind Waker, and Twilight Princess

But the most dear to my heart...

The Flood / Re: McDonald's removing several items on the menu
« on: December 10, 2014, 03:29:36 PM »
Somehow, I feel like this is going to have a backlash greater than that of the Ferguson decision.

The Flood / Re: 4K
« on: December 09, 2014, 11:08:42 PM »

Exodia, motherfuckers

The Flood / Re: 4K
« on: December 09, 2014, 11:07:43 PM »


Gaming / Re: How many of you play Minecraft on the PC?
« on: December 09, 2014, 09:30:47 PM »
I'd play with you, if you wanted.

Gaming / Re: What games have you been playing lately?
« on: December 09, 2014, 05:44:41 PM »
MCC mostly.  Just finished my solo Legendary run for Halo 2.  That leaves just 1 and 3.
Other than that, Battlefield 4 and Payday 2 when my friends are on.  I've also been picking up on Titanfall's survival mode, which is surprisingly pretty entertaining.

Gaming / Re: More Battlefield 4 content on the way
« on: December 09, 2014, 02:40:01 PM »
Please bring back Damavand Peak and Isla Innocentes. We need more good Rush maps.
Is rush as unpopular on consoles as it is on PC?  I think DICE is reluctant, because BF4's rush implementation was pretty sloppy, and the community prefers conquest because of it.

Gaming / Re: Is Bungie as bad as Jagex now?
« on: December 09, 2014, 11:47:55 AM »
I quit Runescape when Halo 3 came out.  What is Jagex up to?

Gaming / Re: More Battlefield 4 content on the way
« on: December 09, 2014, 11:14:45 AM »
mmmm imagine a remaster of Oasis from BC1 and BC2.  Also gimme Seine Crossing.

The Flood / Re: What are some nicknames you've earned?
« on: December 09, 2014, 01:05:03 AM »

Keeping it simple.

The Flood / Re: Why are fat women so fucking godly? NSFW
« on: December 08, 2014, 01:33:41 PM »
And people say manatees are endangered.

Gaming / Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions
« on: December 08, 2014, 01:14:34 PM »
In practically every debate you get yourself into, you build your arguments with "there's no way I can be wrong, because what I say is fact"
yeah, no

never said that
not once in my entire life

if you're just going to blatantly misquote me like that, then i'm done, you're muted, bye
along with challengerX and the british fucktard, which i should have done long ago

Here's a small list of a few things you've said in the last day or two, where your arguments are based on waving off any counterarguments on the basis of "I'm right because I am"

Because PC gaming sucks, objectively. It's a fact. Regardless of how much I personally know about it, it's still a fact.
What you think is irrelevant.
You can't prove me wrong.
You are a dreadfully pointless human being.
Because it's still a fact, regardless of how much I personally know about it.
If there's no games for me, there's no games for every single person that matters to me when it comes to playing games. It's as objective as it could possibly get from my perspective.
It's objective that I think PC gaming sucks. Because it does.
If you fail to convince me your cause, then... there you go. You failed. In other words, you lose.
You mean your shitty, retarded, cunt-headed definition of lore?
Or my expanded definition? Because the expanded definition is what I'm going with.
Continue losing.
Okay then, enjoy muting me for pointing out that you're shit at arguing.  That'll sure show me. I wasn't ever necessarily picking sides, just telling you that you need to work on how you argue your stance.  But muting me like an overly defensive bitch works, too.

Gaming / Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions
« on: December 08, 2014, 12:58:53 PM »
I win when you stop generating arguments that kill the brain cells of everyone reading them.

You're just mad that I hate mods. Okay.
Find me one place where I tried to "convert" your stance on mods. 

I don't care what you think about it: I'll continue to improve graphics and add grass, and I'll continue to pick and choose which mods I find harmless to the lore, such as improved textures, lighting, and deco.  I disagree with your stance, but I'm not arguing the point itself, but rather how awfully and close-mindedly you back it up.

I really resent that you're just kinda saying shit like that, but not providing any reasons how my opinion isn't well backed up. Because challengerX did a piss-poor job. Do you enjoy wasting people's time?
In practically every debate you get yourself into, you build your arguments with "there's no way I can be wrong, because what I say is fact" and then ignore or wave off counterarguments when they flip you on your ass, and proceed to veer the entire debate into nonsense.

In the SFV thread, among others, you argue that consoles are objectively superior, using misinformed arguments leading me to believe that you have no idea what a computer even looks like, until your entire assertion of superiority was whittled down to contradictions, confusing objectivity with subjectivity, and "because it's still a fact, regardless of how little I personally know about it".

In this thread, you've descended into an argument about how the English language is all arbitrary, solely because people picked up on you misusing a word in one of your incredibly bold assertions that modders piss on lore.  You waving off arguments is represented perfectly, when you ask "who the fuck cares what lore means", when a page ago, you were firmly asserting that lore is something so fragile that fixing a bug, or adding some grass is akin to pissing on the Mona Lisa.

Your arguments eventually end up at: "what you think is pointless, because I say so" followed by "however, what I think is fact, and you can't change it, because I say so".

Be honest, I'd like to know whether or not I should just mute your ass.
>Muting on
>Muting on a offsite

Seriously?  Don't be so sensitive to criticism.

Gaming / Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions
« on: December 08, 2014, 11:54:26 AM »
If people call you out on retarded logic, it's not because they care deeply about changing your opinion; they're just pointing out how terrible you back your opinions up.
Is that not synonymous?

Like... in every way?
No, they're just trying to figure out how you manage to dress yourself in the morning.  I don't think anyone deeply cares one way or the other if you agree with them.

For example, I don't care that you prefer consoles to PCs, but I'm still going to call you out on how poorly you back up your misinformed assertions.  I don't win if I get you to have some sort of epiphany that makes you immediately sell all of your consoles to go build yourself a computer.  I win when you stop generating arguments that kill the brain cells of everyone reading them.

Gaming / Re: PC gaming thread
« on: December 08, 2014, 11:41:24 AM »
In the year and a half that I've owned a gaming PC, I've gained up to around 200 games so far.  I've only ever paid close to retail price for maybe 2 or 3 games, and everything else, I've gotten for pocket change.  A massive chunk of that is games I'll never feel like playing, but I'll get an 8 game bundle for like $3, which is still significantly less than the one or two games I want by themselves.

Overall, I've probably spent around $350 for my entire games collection, a lot of which are AAA titles like Resident Evil, Borderlands, Battlefields, Diablo, Elder Scrolls, Batman Arkham games, Bioshocks, Fallouts, I always find it adorable when console kiddies go off about how expensive gaming computers are, because I'd be spending upwards of $2000 to replicate my game library on an Xbox with shitty used games, plus a good chunk of my money has gone towards charity, rather than some Gamestop exec.

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