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Messages - Ushan

Pages: 1 ... 666768 6970 ... 239
The Flood / Re: Do you care for the general well being of this site
« on: November 21, 2015, 02:08:59 AM »
All things end.

Gaming / Re: PS4 is getting PS2 backwards compatability
« on: November 21, 2015, 01:19:52 AM »
I always wanted to try out Jak and Daxter.

The Flood / Re: How many AP's did you take in high school?
« on: November 20, 2015, 10:31:55 PM »

The Flood / Re: hon hon hon
« on: November 20, 2015, 09:10:44 PM »
baguette et incest

The Flood / Re: Favorite style of beer?
« on: November 20, 2015, 05:33:29 PM »
Stouts or IPAs depending on what I'm eating with them.

The Flood / Re: Holy fuck, South Park is killing it this season.
« on: November 20, 2015, 12:27:01 AM »
To my knowledge they haven't said anything that hasn't been said before hundreds of times.

The Flood / Re: Americans, how do you pronounce the word 'twat'?
« on: November 19, 2015, 11:13:37 PM »
Twat, because I lived outside of America for most of my life and because I'm not a twat.

Also if you're going to Europe then visit Wales. It's well cool.
sheep fondler pls go
wales isn't a real country

Jog on you twat we've got fucking castles everywhere. Wales is well good mun.

Why do Americans pronounce twat so weirdly? It's T W A T, it's not even that hard to say.

Are you talking about how Americans pronounce it Twot? The word's not as big a thing in America and it's generally an odd word for vagina, and I think some people are trying Britishize and failing miserable it because it's a thing said in England much more frequently than America and some Americans are just totally gay for British things.

It sounds so unnatural when they say it. It's perfectly normal over here, it just sounds weird hearing it somewhere else.

I remember getting looks of moral outrage after I first used it while trying to banter with some of the kids at my lunch table during my first few days of American high school. I'm honestly still a little confused over it.

The Flood / Re: fuck calorimetry
« on: November 19, 2015, 11:01:48 PM »
The only part of that I remember from high school Chemistry is burning Cheetos for a lab or something.

And if you're both in highschool and are staying at home for the holidays, why aren't you planning on watching Pulp Fiction and Jackie Brown with her as well? Probably wouldn't be a bad idea to throw in From Dusk Till Dawn, either.

Well I mean, best case scenario is that she comes over for a couple of days and we watch my entire Tarantino collection. Starting with Reservoir Dogs all the way to Django (including True Romance). I'm just trying to be realistic -- she has responsibilities, like work, family. She also lives pretty far from me, and I won't have a car during the winter break. The must-watch movies are the ones I listed before.

Ask her to a sleep over now, so she has time to plan for it, then.

Also if you're going to Europe then visit Wales. It's well cool.
sheep fondler pls go
wales isn't a real country

Jog on you twat we've got fucking castles everywhere. Wales is well good mun.

Why do Americans pronounce twat so weirdly? It's T W A T, it's not even that hard to say.

Are you talking about how Americans pronounce it Twot? The word's not as big a thing in America and it's generally an odd word for vagina, and I think some people are trying Britishize and failing miserable it because it's a thing said in England much more frequently than America and some Americans are just totally gay for British things.

TBH, I'm starting to get the impression you guys are frenemies insted of friends.

our relationship is exactly like that of dwight and jim on the office (US version)

where i'm jim, ironically

so we get on each other's nerves but we're actually good mates in the end

Then he'll get over it. He might get pissed off over it initially, but he'll come around.

She's your friend and should be among the first on the list of people that you can be completely transparent with.

I'm all for honesty, but like I said, it's ill-timed.

Well, I don't want to pressure you into something that I don't really have any investment in and no knowledge of the situation and the people involved outside of what you've told me, but bad timing isn't necessarily got destroy your chances with this woman.

Watch Django with her before you see it to get her into that western feel.

Yeah, ideally. My problem with Django is that it shouldn't be your first Tarantino movie. Reservoir Dogs > Kill Bill > Inglorious > Django is the ideal order IMO. So I'd rather her see Reservoir before Django, than have to rush Django just so she "gets" what Tarantino's all about. Idk, I'll play it by ear.

I don't really know what your situation in life is, but if you're still in highschool, you've got lots of time between now and January, especially with the winter break, unless one or both of you are going to be spending it away from home.

And if you're both in highschool and are staying at home for the holidays, why aren't you planning on watching Pulp Fiction and Jackie Brown with her as well? Probably wouldn't be a bad idea to throw in From Dusk Till Dawn, either.

No it isn't.

Well I mean, it is kind of my fault. Regardless of whether or not he's justified to feel that way, I'm the one who caused him to feel that way.

Only in the sense that the Wright Brothers are responsible for 9/11

You have no more control of your own feelings than he has his, and you'd be a fool to put your own happiness behind his because of how he feels. If he can't be a mature adult about this then he's not someone you want as a friend.

I just really care about my friends, man. Especially when it comes to romance, because I get it better than most.

It's good to care about your friends but you can't feel bad for being better adjusted and/or sex appeal.

At the very most, tell him that you have feelings for the girl and that you're going to go out with her as a courtesy to him. Though, if you reckon he my react belligerently, I'd advise against it in the event he tries to slash your chances with your fancy.

That's what I see happening. Make him the asshole by approaching him and saying no. I get it. Preemptive strike, essentially.

My suggestion wasn't about making him the asshole, it was showing him that you still consider him enough of a friend to be honest with him.

TBH, I'm starting to get the impression you guys are frenemies insted of friends.


But it's not like that with her. I can't explain it. I can just... walk up to her, and converse for an hour.

Well, that's great, just tell her how you feel, something along the lines of "I like you, I find it easy to be myself with you, would you want to go on a date with me?"

So it's got less to do with "be a man"

Nothing to do with masculinity, just decency. She's your friend and should be among the first on the list of people that you can be completely transparent with.

and more to do with "be graceful and conscientious about people's emotions".

That's all well and good, and I commend you on your sensitivity to the feelings of others, but you can't be throwing your own happiness under the bus just to make everyone else happy.

The Hateful Eight is coming out in America on the 8th of January, if you haven't asked her out by then, here's your opportunity if you can't think of anything more original than dinner, a movie and a walk through the park/beach.

Yeah, you read my mind. I hope to have watched at least Reservoir Dogs/Inglorious with her by that point, so she kind of gets what Tarantino is all about. I'm counting down the days to that movie, so yeah, I'm definitely going to ask her to see it.

Watch Django with her before you see it to get her into that western feel.


Really, if they start taking it personally even after you've explained then that's quite immature. It's not backstabbing if it's not premeditated and the feeling is mutual.

Well, yeah, it's immature. But he's no paragon of virtue -- he's going to feel the way he feels whether he wants to or not, and that'll be my fault regardless of how this shinding goes down.

No it isn't. You have no more control of your own feelings than he has his, and you'd be a fool to put your own happiness behind his because of how he feels. If he can't be a mature adult about this then he's not someone you want as a friend.

At the very most, tell him that you have feelings for the girl and that you're going to go out with her as a courtesy to him. Though, if you reckon he my react belligerently, I'd advise against it in the event he tries to slash your chances with your fancy.

Well groovy, ask her out when you're giving her the mixtape. You can bond over how you wish culture had stagnated after you two were born.

I won't ask her out, but I'll just invite her to my place for some Tarantino and chill or something.

FTR, I don't wish culture had stagnated after we were born.

Nigga, honesty is the most important aspect of a healthy relationship right after mutual attraction, and you're not going to get into one by pussyfooting around it.

Also, I never thought you did, I was just teasing you.

Also, The Hateful Eight is coming out in America on the 8th of January, if you haven't asked her out by then, here's your opportunity if you can't think of anything more original than dinner, a movie and a walk through the park/beach.

>Why are you even trading mixtapes? Did the nineties never end for you guys?

My car only takes CDs, and she's an old-school gal. She's more 80's music, I'm more... everything before and after (meaning 70s and 90s).

I don't know, I think it's kind of neat.

Well groovy, ask her out when you're giving her the mixtape. You can bond over how you wish culture had stagnated after you two were born.

>Your friend doesn't own the girl, she can make her own choices. Do what feels right.
>The music doesn't necessarily make a clear message about where you want the relationship. If you put a bunch romance songs into the mixtape, she's just as likely to think you're gay or you're hung up over some other girl. Just put whatever music you like into it regardless of how you feel about her.
>Why are you even trading mixtapes? Did the nineties never end for you guys?
>Just tell her how you feel if you want the relationship to get romantic.

The Flood / Re: Psy
« on: November 19, 2015, 07:52:39 PM »
Iron Hands = Imperial Fists > Space Wolves = Salamanders > Raven Guard = Blood Angels > Dark Angels = White Scars > Ultramarines

>being this heretical
>being a smurf

>not having giant wolves to ride into battle
>not being space vikings
>not slowly turning into a werewolf thanks to a cock up in your genetics
>not having Bjorn the Fellhanded on your team

Space Furries

Ultra Cucks

But for reals, the Imperial Guard is brutal.

I've gotten nothing against the Imperial Guardsmen.

It takes balls to go into a fight against all the shit they have to face with a t-shirt and a flashlight.


The Flood / Re: Psy
« on: November 19, 2015, 07:46:07 PM »
Iron Hands = Imperial Fists > Space Wolves = Salamanders > Raven Guard = Blood Angels > Dark Angels = White Scars > Ultramarines

>being this heretical
>being a smurf

>not having giant wolves to ride into battle
>not being space vikings
>not slowly turning into a werewolf thanks to a cock up in your genetics
>not having Bjorn the Fellhanded on your team

Space Furries

Ultra Cucks

But for reals, the Imperial Guard is brutal.

I've gotten nothing against the Imperial Guardsmen.

It takes balls to go into a fight against all the shit they have to face with a t-shirt and a flashlight.

The Flood / Re: Psy
« on: November 19, 2015, 07:42:56 PM »
Iron Hands = Imperial Fists > Space Wolves = Salamanders > Raven Guard = Blood Angels > Dark Angels = White Scars > Ultramarines

>being this heretical
>being a smurf

>not having giant wolves to ride into battle
>not being space vikings
>not slowly turning into a werewolf thanks to a cock up in your genetics
>not having Bjorn the Fellhanded on your team

Space Furries

Ultra Cucks

The Flood / Re: Psy
« on: November 19, 2015, 07:40:36 PM »
Iron Hands = Imperial Fists > Space Wolves = Salamanders > Raven Guard = Blood Angels > Dark Angels = White Scars > Ultramarines

>being this heretical
>being a smurf

>not having giant wolves to ride into battle
>not being space vikings
>not slowly turning into a werewolf thanks to a cock up in your genetics
>not having Bjorn the Fellhanded on your team


The Flood / Re: Psy
« on: November 19, 2015, 07:24:53 PM »

Found this the other day.

Space Marines chapter inspired by 1950's America when?

The Flood / Re: note taking thread
« on: November 19, 2015, 07:18:19 PM »
I just write down everything and underline/make a box round what I think I'll forget or what's most important for me to learn.

The Flood / Re: Psy
« on: November 19, 2015, 07:14:04 PM »
Are you trying to flirt with Psy? Because you know his body cannot register those sort of actions, you might make him malfunction.
I am not. Rust buckets are not my thing, maybe yours, but not mine.

I mean, they're no Ultramarines.

Ultra Marines are gay.

Space Wolves or GTFO.

The Flood / Re: Question for all users of Sep7
« on: November 19, 2015, 04:02:33 PM »
Don't Mormons believe that is was the blood of the Israelites or something?

The Flood / Re: ISIS wanted a fight. Now they have it
« on: November 19, 2015, 03:57:11 PM »
The frigging legion parade uniform includes an axe and an apron to keep the uniform clear of blood

what the fuck .-.
The FFL are some badass motherfuckers

They all have beards.

Truly a force not to be fucked with.

The Flood / Re: Give me a good reason not to Nuke Syria?
« on: November 19, 2015, 12:49:08 AM »

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