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Messages - Jim

Pages: 1 ... 282283284 285286 ... 438
The Flood / Re: so i watched The Phantom menace last night
« on: February 16, 2015, 02:58:14 PM »
Second worst Star Wars movie with one of the best OSTs for any movie just for this one perfect song


The Flood / Re: Finally dusted off some of my guitar gear
« on: February 16, 2015, 02:56:51 PM »
>gear for shit music

The Flood / Re: Clothes Thread Mk2
« on: February 15, 2015, 11:43:34 PM »

The Flood / Re: Have we ever had a thread where we like every post?
« on: February 15, 2015, 10:40:10 PM »

The Flood / Re: Singers with amazing voices
« on: February 15, 2015, 08:03:02 PM »
W. Axl Rose
Ozzy Osbourne
James Hatfield
Wow no

The Flood / Re: Singers with amazing voices
« on: February 15, 2015, 08:02:31 PM »
Bruce Dickinson
W. Axl Rose
Ozzy Osbourne
James Hatfield
i forgot ozzy

also, *hetfield
Ozzy is a terrible vocalist. He just fit with Sabbath really well but that's it.

« on: February 15, 2015, 06:10:27 PM »
>Thought this was gunna be a Suicidal Tendencies thread

All because of influence and the elements they helped push into other genres. (Discharge bringing Punk ideas into Metal and other heavy music, King Crimson for the seed of Prog that was, I think, strongest in them. Black Sabbath for inventing a new genre and planting seeds for other genres with the help of people like Zeppelin.)
that's what i thought

i think trent reznor fits that mold rather well with regards to industrial, and, more recently, experimental
I just don't feel his influence is broad enough to really include him. I mean, if I did, I would also have to include The Beatles, Rush, Yes, Swans, Napalm Death, Death, the Sex Pistols, Greenday, and a shitload of other bands and artists.
But i also suppose with that in mind I could take out bands like Melvins and Pink Floyd.

All because of influence and the elements they helped push into other genres. (Discharge bringing Punk ideas into Metal and other heavy music, King Crimson for the seed of Prog that was, I think, strongest in them. Black Sabbath for inventing a new genre and planting seeds for other genres with the help of people like Zeppelin.)
that's what i thought

i think trent reznor fits that mold rather well with regards to industrial, and, more recently, experimental
I just don't feel his influence is broad enough to really include him. I mean, if I did, I would also have to include The Beatles, Rush, Yes, Swans, Napalm Death, Death, the Sex Pistols, Greenday, and a shitload of other bands and artists.

That doesn't tell me how they deserve it. Madonna doesn't deserve it either. Neither of them do.
who do you think deserves it, and why do you think they deserve it
>The Velvet Underground/Lou Reed
>King Crimson
>Black Sabbath
>Jimi Hendrix
>Led Zeppelin
>Perhaps David Bowie
>Honestly, Nirvana
>Judas Priest and/or Motorhead
>Joy Division
>Probably Iron Maiden
>Talking Heads
>Pink Floyd

All because of influence and the elements they helped push into other genres. (Discharge bringing Punk ideas into Metal and other heavy music, King Crimson for the seed of Prog that was, I think, strongest in them. Black Sabbath for inventing a new genre and planting seeds for other genres with the help of people like Zeppelin.)

I don't even like some of these bands.

However, I also acknowledge it's the hall of FAME, but if they really felt that way they'd have put Rush in there a long time ago, not recently.

The Flood / Re: Singers with amazing voices
« on: February 15, 2015, 05:10:10 PM »
You have such shit taste, OP. God.


Billie Holiday
Ian Curtis
Rob Halford
Famine (Peste Noire)
Neige (Peste Noire, Alcest and a couple other bands. I don't like his clean vocals, though.)
Messiah Marcolin
Lux Interior
Jim Morrison
Nick Drake
Craig Pillard

Okay first of all, the Rock and Roll hall of fame is and always will be and always has been a complete joke. Nobody takes it seriously because it's retarded. Second of all, NIN do not deserve it. Third, Stevie Ray Vaughn sucks cock. Fourth, Lou Reed deserved it way more.
I agree with this statement, except maybe the part about them deserving to be in the HoF. Given the list of people inducted, I'd say they are more deserving than most.
But how

I had more examples till I realized that this was all I need.
That doesn't tell me how they deserve it. Madonna doesn't deserve it either. Neither of them do.

Early Green Day really isn't that bad but everything after American Idiot shouldn't even exist
Agreed. They should have just given up because a pop-punk band just can't outdo a release like American Idiot.
American Idiot sucks. Everything after Dookie sucks cock and even Dookie is just okay.

Okay first of all, the Rock and Roll hall of fame is and always will be and always has been a complete joke. Nobody takes it seriously because it's retarded. Second of all, NIN do not deserve it. Third, Stevie Ray Vaughn sucks cock. Fourth, Lou Reed deserved it way more.
I agree with this statement, except maybe the part about them deserving to be in the HoF. Given the list of people inducted, I'd say they are more deserving than most.
But how

The Flood / Re: My new cosplay!
« on: February 15, 2015, 01:29:59 AM »
Did you actually do this? Cus if not someone should

The Flood / Re: What do you think is going on in this pic?
« on: February 15, 2015, 01:11:40 AM »
Some autist who likes Mass Effect and comic books decided he'd make a le wacky zany mashup using the in game models.

this is why i say anonymity is a cancer
You're wrong, tit tumor.

it's not about you, it's about people's perception of you

unless you don't care about looking like an elitist cunt, which i can understand
but i mean
On here? Nah. In person I do. If someone told me Soundtracks for the Blind was the best Swans album, I'd just say "Eh I never got the hype that album gets, I don't like it."

But on here it's more fun to tell people they're cancerous tit tumors for liking shit music.


other people's adoration of something tends to intensify my hatred of it, if i didn't like it in the first place

i don't recommend doing this
Makes no difference to me if I already don't like it.

hey jim what do you think of tesla

i just got back from one of their shows
I have honestly never bothered to listen to them outside of like once 4 years ago or so. I don't even remember what they sound like.
i thought they were okay

but you tend to think things are either GOOD

or fucking awful

like, what is "okay" to you
genuinely curious
The Mountain Goats - Zopolite Machine
Most comic book movies.
Crystal Castles these albums

I often exaggerate and say I hate something when I really just don't like it that much. Soundtracks for the Blind is a good example. The only hate I have for it is the praise it gets with /mu/ drones when it's really a pretty meh album.

The Flood / Re: Everyone went and saw 50 shades of gray today
« on: February 14, 2015, 10:57:47 PM »
apparently 50 shades only got thirty million in the box office

that is shockingly far under my expectations
Probably because when it's on paper it's safe and "not porn" because books are artistic and not porn.

But on screen it becomes porn.

Can't have middle aged, horny women looking at porn.

The Flood / Re: Worst members of 2015
« on: February 14, 2015, 10:40:47 PM »
Where am I you cat raping whore

hey jim what do you think of tesla

i just got back from one of their shows
I have honestly never bothered to listen to them outside of like once 4 years ago or so. I don't even remember what they sound like.

What if I told you

I just like blues scales and overdrive.
If that's your only reason for listening to something you should really reevaluate yourself.

"I like fukin blues n overdrive man B))))))))"

well, it doesn't make this stuff any less pleasing to my ears, so whatever.

Oh, I happen to be listening to this at the moment too.

Undertow was a metal album
Have fun fondling yourself in Motley Crue-esque drag while listening to Kenny

The Flood / Re: Hang on, just hang on a second...
« on: February 14, 2015, 10:28:10 PM »
I am so confused right now

The Flood / Re: Everyone went and saw 50 shades of gray today
« on: February 14, 2015, 10:27:25 PM »
Banged 2 milfs at the same time earlier this morning.

Then I woke up and got some breakfast. Didn't do much afterward.

What if I told you

I just like blues scales and overdrive.
If that's your only reason for listening to something you should really reevaluate yourself.

"I like fukin blues n overdrive man B))))))))"


>there are people on this planet who dislike SRV

Jim shitting up another music thread as usual.
Stevie Ray Vaughn and all other "white boy blues" musicians are talentless faggots who decided they would become Nickelback: The Genre. Every song sound the same as the last but maybe with a faster tempo or a different key. It's music exclusively for white moms who visit bars where fat guys in cowboy hats hang out. Blues died with people like Son House, but honestly the music is completely different, anyway. It has devolved. Even people like BB King just play whitewashed garbage.

People who listen to white boy blues like to talk about "feeling"

"Oh, but Clapton's got so much feeling, man. You just don't get it, you can't hear the passion in SRV's playing, man."


Playing a fucking blues lick doesn't give you "feeling." It's the same mentality of "oh well this kid plays Flight of the Bumblee accurately at a fast tempo so he must be a fucking child prodigy genius!"
No he's just a fucking kid who learns mechanical bullshit. At the same time, SRV is just some white dude who gets on stage looking like a complete tool and who farts out some rehashed fucking blues licks and people eat it up because they're idiots. It's not impressive. It's boring music. It doesn't challenge you. It's safe and secure because you can't hit a fucking "Wrong" note in a blues scale. It's not fun to listen to. It's shit.

Well that's stupid. You're stupid.
green day was INDUCTED

it's a wonder they are even fucking eligible

makes perfect sense to have NIN somewhere in there--and we have 11.3 million motherfuckers who agree with me
NIN doesn't deserve. Greenday doesn't deserve it.

Please explain how NIN deserves to be in the rock and roll hall of fame?
you know what? maybe they don't

that doesn't mean i'd still like to them on there
Well that's stupid. You're stupid.

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