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Messages - Jim

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The Flood / Re: Where's Kiyo?
« on: October 14, 2014, 01:04:04 PM »
More importantly, who cares?

The Flood / Re: Love...
« on: October 14, 2014, 02:36:48 AM »

The Flood / Re: Love...
« on: October 14, 2014, 02:34:46 AM »

ther we go

The Flood / Re: Love...
« on: October 14, 2014, 02:33:57 AM »
Please destroy my Dark Hole

The Flood / Re: Love...
« on: October 14, 2014, 02:31:10 AM »

ther we go

The Flood / Re: It's Been Good, Peace Out!
« on: October 14, 2014, 02:29:30 AM »
We've all got terms that we don't enjoy being referred to as.
Please don't assume things, Das. You're better than that.

The Flood / Re: It's Been Good, Peace Out!
« on: October 14, 2014, 02:28:33 AM »
So I just finally get here, and Camnator's already leaving? This is bullshit.
Life sucks like that, I guess you'll have to google your own booty. doesn't feel as good for some reason.
Something special to hand picked Cam booty.
It's almost like interacting with a real woman, only she's actually a man who enjoys Halo Wars and Nutella far more than he should

The Flood / Re: It's Been Good, Peace Out!
« on: October 14, 2014, 02:26:59 AM »
So I just finally get here, and Camnator's already leaving? This is bullshit.

Looks like it was over a misunderstanding. His thread wasn't locked because of certain peoples feelings, it was locked because we don't want adsense to kick us out until we can find a suitable replacement ad agency.
Can I just say that maybe you should try to make things like this more clear next time?

The Flood / Re: Spongebob is such an asshole
« on: October 14, 2014, 02:26:05 AM »

The Flood / Re: It's Been Good, Peace Out!
« on: October 14, 2014, 02:24:48 AM »
So I just finally get here, and Camnator's already leaving? This is bullshit.

The Flood / Re: It's Been Good, Peace Out!
« on: October 14, 2014, 02:24:33 AM »
Jesus, people.
>we can't talk about things that bother us and should instead ignore them

okay, honey
I'm just annoyed that every time the subject of trans issues comes up, it has to turn into a big fu­cking flamewar because people like you think that the trans people here should just put up with the constant insults and harassment.

Really, it's disappointing more than anything.
I think that harassment should never be a thing. Insults should be used freely and it shouldn't matter who calls who what.
Maybe the insults would be easier to take if trans people actually had their rights.
I mean that's basically why it's more casual for gay and black people now.

I understand that, but take out your anger on the pieces of shit who wont give you your rights, not on some kids in a forum calling each other names.
Or maybe you could not be a dick instead.
Or maybe you could stop trying to tell me what I should and should not do and let me act the way I want to act. I think it's retarded that I have to feel like I might be banned if I wanna call someone a name in joke online.
Brah, I have yet to be warned or banned for my rather crude and potentially abusive jokes. I'm thinking like, you gotta try for them to do anything.
Well now  that I more understand Cheat's reasoning for locking the threads me and Cam made, my issue less about this site itself and more in general. I've felt this way before because of people who get upset over retarded shit like words.

And I'm also arguing with Nuka because he thinks that people shouldn't be allowed to use those words.
I'm sort of with Nuka in a sense though... like, you should technically be able to say whatever within legalities, but, the use of generally offensive terminology around those who take offense to such things should be considered as ill advised and should be socially untolerated.

Holy shit do I like to use long words when I drink.
But it's dumb to get offended by words.

The Flood / Re: Spongebob is such an asshole
« on: October 14, 2014, 02:23:18 AM »
You're dumb and I hate you

The Flood / Re: Love...
« on: October 14, 2014, 02:22:31 AM »
Our love

Is like the flowers

The rain, the sea and the hours

The Flood / Love...
« on: October 14, 2014, 02:20:15 AM »
Love will tear us apart, again.

The Flood / Re: It's Been Good, Peace Out!
« on: October 14, 2014, 02:19:36 AM »
Jesus, people.
>we can't talk about things that bother us and should instead ignore them

okay, honey
I'm just annoyed that every time the subject of trans issues comes up, it has to turn into a big fu­cking flamewar because people like you think that the trans people here should just put up with the constant insults and harassment.

Really, it's disappointing more than anything.
I think that harassment should never be a thing. Insults should be used freely and it shouldn't matter who calls who what.
Maybe the insults would be easier to take if trans people actually had their rights.
I mean that's basically why it's more casual for gay and black people now.

I understand that, but take out your anger on the pieces of shit who wont give you your rights, not on some kids in a forum calling each other names.
Or maybe you could not be a dick instead.
Or maybe you could stop trying to tell me what I should and should not do and let me act the way I want to act. I think it's retarded that I have to feel like I might be banned if I wanna call someone a name in joke online.
Brah, I have yet to be warned or banned for my rather crude and potentially abusive jokes. I'm thinking like, you gotta try for them to do anything.
Yeah, I mean...I feel like there's a difference between making a "joke" and being malicious.
What my problem is, is that Noelle got upset because Camnator used a word she didn't like. I know that's not why it was locked, but I am saying it's STUPID to get offended by words.

The Flood / Re: It's Been Good, Peace Out!
« on: October 14, 2014, 02:16:27 AM »
Jesus, people.
>we can't talk about things that bother us and should instead ignore them

okay, honey
I'm just annoyed that every time the subject of trans issues comes up, it has to turn into a big fu­cking flamewar because people like you think that the trans people here should just put up with the constant insults and harassment.

Really, it's disappointing more than anything.
I think that harassment should never be a thing. Insults should be used freely and it shouldn't matter who calls who what.
Maybe the insults would be easier to take if trans people actually had their rights.
I mean that's basically why it's more casual for gay and black people now.

I understand that, but take out your anger on the pieces of shit who wont give you your rights, not on some kids in a forum calling each other names.
Or maybe you could not be a dick instead.
Or maybe you could stop trying to tell me what I should and should not do and let me act the way I want to act. I think it's retarded that I have to feel like I might be banned if I wanna call someone a name in joke online.
Brah, I have yet to be warned or banned for my rather crude and potentially abusive jokes. I'm thinking like, you gotta try for them to do anything.
Well now  that I more understand Cheat's reasoning for locking the threads me and Cam made, my issue less about this site itself and more in general. I've felt this way before because of people who get upset over retarded shit like words.

And I'm also arguing with Nuka because he thinks that people shouldn't be allowed to use those words.

The Flood / Re: It's Been Good, Peace Out!
« on: October 14, 2014, 02:10:22 AM »
Jesus, people.
>we can't talk about things that bother us and should instead ignore them

okay, honey
I'm just annoyed that every time the subject of trans issues comes up, it has to turn into a big fu­cking flamewar because people like you think that the trans people here should just put up with the constant insults and harassment.

Really, it's disappointing more than anything.
I think that harassment should never be a thing. Insults should be used freely and it shouldn't matter who calls who what.
Maybe the insults would be easier to take if trans people actually had their rights.
I mean that's basically why it's more casual for gay and black people now.

I understand that, but take out your anger on the pieces of shit who wont give you your rights, not on some kids in a forum calling each other names.
Or maybe you could not be a dick instead.
Or maybe you could stop trying to tell me what I should and should not do and let me act the way I want to act. I think it's retarded that I have to feel like I might be banned if I wanna call someone a name in joke online.

The Flood / Re: It's Been Good, Peace Out!
« on: October 14, 2014, 02:08:04 AM »
I think people that treat you differently because you're trans are scum sucking parasites who don't deserve to live.
Yes, Class, he just called you a scum sicking parasite.
Can you read?
lol, I'm so dumb.
Glad you got over the denial phase

The Flood / Re: It's Been Good, Peace Out!
« on: October 14, 2014, 02:06:48 AM »
Jesus, people.
>we can't talk about things that bother us and should instead ignore them

okay, honey
I'm just annoyed that every time the subject of trans issues comes up, it has to turn into a big fu­cking flamewar because people like you think that the trans people here should just put up with the constant insults and harassment.

Really, it's disappointing more than anything.
I think that harassment should never be a thing. Insults should be used freely and it shouldn't matter who calls who what.
Maybe the insults would be easier to take if trans people actually had their rights.
I mean that's basically why it's more casual for gay and black people now.

I understand that, but take out your anger on the pieces of shit who wont give you your rights, not on some kids in a forum calling each other names.

The Flood / Re: It's Been Good, Peace Out!
« on: October 14, 2014, 01:51:28 AM »
Jesus, people.
>we can't talk about things that bother us and should instead ignore them

okay, honey
I'm just annoyed that every time the subject of trans issues comes up, it has to turn into a big fu­cking flamewar because people like you think that the trans people here should just put up with the constant insults and harassment.

Really, it's disappointing more than anything.
I think that harassment should never be a thing. Insults should be used freely and it shouldn't matter who calls who what.

The Flood / Re: It's Been Good, Peace Out!
« on: October 14, 2014, 01:50:31 AM »
]To the first bit of red: I stepped in to edit your thread title because I knew it could get flagged by Google. I'm right there with you; I have a foul mouth and loathe those who try to curb my vocabulary.Unfortunately in order for this whole forum thing to work, you have to be able to support the forum. Ads do this well and we don't ask for money from any of you, but you have to play ball and not do stupid shit that could crash the forum.

This isn't a negotiation. If you use explicit words or phrases in the OP or the thread title, it'll get changed for you so that Adsense doesn't kick us out. We're exploring other advertisement options, but the first alternative is massively failing, so we need to keep adsense for a while longer.
What the fuck I had no idea that's what you meant.

What kind of bullshit is that?

The Flood / Re: It's Been Good, Peace Out!
« on: October 14, 2014, 01:47:42 AM »
I think people that treat you differently because you're trans are scum sucking parasites who don't deserve to live.
Yes, Class, he just called you a scum sicking parasite.
Can you read?

The Flood / Re: It's Been Good, Peace Out!
« on: October 14, 2014, 01:45:26 AM »
Jesus, people.
>we can't talk about things that bother us and should instead ignore them

okay, honey

The Flood / Re: It's Been Good, Peace Out!
« on: October 14, 2014, 01:43:47 AM »
I think people that treat you differently because you're trans are scum sucking parasites who don't deserve to live.
I see you are illiterate

The Flood / Re: It's Been Good, Peace Out!
« on: October 14, 2014, 01:43:12 AM »
And I'd also like to point out, Noelle, that there have been MANY times when you've said mean shit to other people and done the exact same things that you seem to hate, but OH IT'S DIFFERENT BECAUSE SHEMALE IS OFFENSIVE BUT WHAT I SAY ISN'T

The Flood / Re: It's Been Good, Peace Out!
« on: October 14, 2014, 01:41:31 AM »
then please explain to me why I've met many trans people who do not care? Noelle is honestly the only one I know personally who gives a shit.
Insult me all you want, I can take the bullshit, to an extent. The reason I usually get into arguments with people like you though, is because I wish to help defend others who may be dealing with similar problems as myself but do not wish to be open about it. They may still feel hurt by the negative and disgusting things you say, but you do not care because to you it is just text on a screen. On the other side of that, are real people, and when you begin attempting to use actual serious issues against those people as a way to try and insult them, then it does become serious, it is no longer just internet "fun".
My problem with you is that you get upset over stupid, trivial bullshit, and take it upon yourself to try and suffocate the freedom that people often want out of a forum. I think people that treat you differently because you're trans are scum sucking parasites who don't deserve to live. I do not sympathize with any bullshit they like to drum up inside their angry, worthless heads. My problem with you is that you think people shouldn't be ALLOWED to use those terms, and that it's wrong. It's not. Saying you're OFFENDED by something means absolutely jack shit. I do not give a shit if you're offended, and I don't think you should give a shit if something offends me. The only time moderation should EVER step in is when it become harassment, and I absolutely agree there are some people who treat you and others in ways that I think SHOULD be bannable. that does not give you a fucking right to tell me what words I can and cannot use.

The Flood / Re: It's Been Good, Peace Out!
« on: October 14, 2014, 01:32:13 AM »
P.S. I like to dress up in women's clothing so please stop using the word "Dr*g queen" as it is offensive to me. Thank you

The Flood / Re: It's Been Good, Peace Out!
« on: October 14, 2014, 01:31:29 AM »
lol at mods locking threads out of political correctness
b-but one retarded shemale got offended so that means it's b-bad and we have to lock the thread!!!!!

fracking please, normal trans people don't give a shit about words like that because they're not retarded.
Any trans person not in the porn industry generally finds it insulting...
Cisgendered crossdressers typically find it extremely insulting.
Aside from porn stars, drag queens, and a few other exceptions, the vast majority aren't exactly happy with this label.
Please see above post

The Flood / Re: It's Been Good, Peace Out!
« on: October 14, 2014, 01:30:35 AM »
lol at mods locking threads out of political correctness
b-but one retarded shemale got offended so that means it's b-bad and we have to lock the thread!!!!!

fracking please, normal trans people don't give a shit about words like that because they're not retarded.
Any trans person not in the porn industry generally finds it insulting...
Cisgendered crossdressers typically find it extremely insulting.
More importantly, I think we should ask why do we give a shit what they think, and not just allow free speech across the site like normal people would?

The Flood / Re: It's Been Good, Peace Out!
« on: October 14, 2014, 01:29:27 AM »
But I am pretty sure shemale was always offensive, fyi.
Incredibly so.
Maybe to  oversensitive man-children, yes.

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