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Messages - Jim

Pages: 1 ... 426427428 429430 ... 438
The Flood / Re: Your opinion of me :D
« on: October 16, 2014, 01:32:03 AM »
ur an fgt

The Flood / Re: A "test" for atheists
« on: October 15, 2014, 09:49:27 PM »
Oh its all good when its a "test for religious people" but when its a test for atheists its considered bait and moved to the flood.

HAHAHAHAHAH Biased mods are biased.
Cry some fuc­king more.

You've become the biggest whiner. What happened to "bullying makes you stronger" and "stop being a pus­sy"?
mad :^)

The Flood / Re: Why I'm leaving
« on: October 15, 2014, 09:42:22 PM »





The Flood / Re: I am keeping this page open and not leaving
« on: October 15, 2014, 09:41:23 PM »
Excuse me, I live in America

The Flood / Re: I'm leaving this site for the night
« on: October 15, 2014, 09:40:49 PM »
nite m8 peace out homie

The Flood / Re: I am keeping this page open and not leaving
« on: October 15, 2014, 09:39:45 PM »
Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaame <l:^)
*sips maple semen*

The Flood / I am keeping this page open and not leaving
« on: October 15, 2014, 09:38:31 PM »

The Flood / Re: A "test" for atheists
« on: October 15, 2014, 09:35:24 PM »
Oh its all good when its a "test for religious people" but when its a test for atheists its considered bait and moved to the flood.

HAHAHAHAHAH Biased mods are biased.
Oh its all good when its a "test for religious people" but when its a test for atheists its considered bait and moved to the flood.

HAHAHAHAHAH Biased mods are biased.
Oh its all good when its a "test for religious people" but when its a test for atheists its considered bait and moved to the flood.

HAHAHAHAHAH Biased mods are biased.
Oh its all good when its a "test for religious people" but when its a test for atheists its considered bait and moved to the flood.

HAHAHAHAHAH Biased mods are biased.
Oh its all good when its a "test for religious people" but when its a test for atheists its considered bait and moved to the flood.

HAHAHAHAHAH Biased mods are biased.
Oh its all good when its a "test for religious people" but when its a test for atheists its considered bait and moved to the flood.

HAHAHAHAHAH Biased mods are biased.
Oh its all good when its a "test for religious people" but when its a test for atheists its considered bait and moved to the flood.

HAHAHAHAHAH Biased mods are biased.
Oh its all good when its a "test for religious people" but when its a test for atheists its considered bait and moved to the flood.

HAHAHAHAHAH Biased mods are biased.
Oh its all good when its a "test for religious people" but when its a test for atheists its considered bait and moved to the flood.

HAHAHAHAHAH Biased mods are biased.
Oh its all good when its a "test for religious people" but when its a test for atheists its considered bait and moved to the flood.

HAHAHAHAHAH Biased mods are biased.
Oh its all good when its a "test for religious people" but when its a test for atheists its considered bait and moved to the flood.

HAHAHAHAHAH Biased mods are biased.
Oh its all good when its a "test for religious people" but when its a test for atheists its considered bait and moved to the flood.

HAHAHAHAHAH Biased mods are biased.
Oh its all good when its a "test for religious people" but when its a test for atheists its considered bait and moved to the flood.

HAHAHAHAHAH Biased mods are biased.
Oh its all good when its a "test for religious people" but when its a test for atheists its considered bait and moved to the flood.

HAHAHAHAHAH Biased mods are biased.
Oh its all good when its a "test for religious people" but when its a test for atheists its considered bait and moved to the flood.

HAHAHAHAHAH Biased mods are biased.
Oh its all good when its a "test for religious people" but when its a test for atheists its considered bait and moved to the flood.

HAHAHAHAHAH Biased mods are biased.
Oh its all good when its a "test for religious people" but when its a test for atheists its considered bait and moved to the flood.

HAHAHAHAHAH Biased mods are biased.
Oh its all good when its a "test for religious people" but when its a test for atheists its considered bait and moved to the flood.

HAHAHAHAHAH Biased mods are biased.
Oh its all good when its a "test for religious people" but when its a test for atheists its considered bait and moved to the flood.

HAHAHAHAHAH Biased mods are biased.
Oh its all good when its a "test for religious people" but when its a test for atheists its considered bait and moved to the flood.

HAHAHAHAHAH Biased mods are biased.
Oh its all good when its a "test for religious people" but when its a test for atheists its considered bait and moved to the flood.

HAHAHAHAHAH Biased mods are biased.
Oh its all good when its a "test for religious people" but when its a test for atheists its considered bait and moved to the flood.

HAHAHAHAHAH Biased mods are biased.
Oh its all good when its a "test for religious people" but when its a test for atheists its considered bait and moved to the flood.

HAHAHAHAHAH Biased mods are biased.
Oh its all good when its a "test for religious people" but when its a test for atheists its considered bait and moved to the flood.

HAHAHAHAHAH Biased mods are biased.
Oh its all good when its a "test for religious people" but when its a test for atheists its considered bait and moved to the flood.

HAHAHAHAHAH Biased mods are biased.
Oh its all good when its a "test for religious people" but when its a test for atheists its considered bait and moved to the flood.

HAHAHAHAHAH Biased mods are biased.
Oh its all good when its a "test for religious people" but when its a test for atheists its considered bait and moved to the flood.

HAHAHAHAHAH Biased mods are biased.
Oh its all good when its a "test for religious people" but when its a test for atheists its considered bait and moved to the flood.

HAHAHAHAHAH Biased mods are biased.
Oh its all good when its a "test for religious people" but when its a test for atheists its considered bait and moved to the flood.

HAHAHAHAHAH Biased mods are biased.
Oh its all good when its a "test for religious people" but when its a test for atheists its considered bait and moved to the flood.

HAHAHAHAHAH Biased mods are biased.
Oh its all good when its a "test for religious people" but when its a test for atheists its considered bait and moved to the flood.

HAHAHAHAHAH Biased mods are biased.
Oh its all good when its a "test for religious people" but when its a test for atheists its considered bait and moved to the flood.

HAHAHAHAHAH Biased mods are biased.
Oh its all good when its a "test for religious people" but when its a test for atheists its considered bait and moved to the flood.

HAHAHAHAHAH Biased mods are biased.
Oh its all good when its a "test for religious people" but when its a test for atheists its considered bait and moved to the flood.

HAHAHAHAHAH Biased mods are biased.
Oh its all good when its a "test for religious people" but when its a test for atheists its considered bait and moved to the flood.

HAHAHAHAHAH Biased mods are biased.
Oh its all good when its a "test for religious people" but when its a test for atheists its considered bait and moved to the flood.

HAHAHAHAHAH Biased mods are biased.
Oh its all good when its a "test for religious people" but when its a test for atheists its considered bait and moved to the flood.

HAHAHAHAHAH Biased mods are biased.
Oh its all good when its a "test for religious people" but when its a test for atheists its considered bait and moved to the flood.

HAHAHAHAHAH Biased mods are biased.

The Flood / Re: Apply to become my side bitch
« on: October 15, 2014, 09:32:18 PM »

Oh god, I hope that doesn't catch on
If you didn't want it to catch on, dustbutt, you wouldn't have said anything about it.



The Flood / Re: Born too late to explore the world.....
« on: October 15, 2014, 09:01:26 PM »
if you remember this hidden gem your childhood was epic!!

The Flood / Re: Your reaction if Bungie declared bankruptcy tomorrow
« on: October 15, 2014, 07:25:59 PM »

Serious / Re: I absolutely despise humility and modesty
« on: October 15, 2014, 06:46:29 PM »
Then I don't get what there is to discuss, because that's basically completely true.

Serious / Re: I absolutely despise humility and modesty
« on: October 15, 2014, 06:36:22 PM »
I'd argue that people like Richard Dawkins propagate the idea that people who don't have the same education or knowledge that they do are inferior, so I can't say I do not feel some sympathy for people who feel brow beaten by people because they are limited in their knowledge. They probably act that way because people like Dawkins make them afraid to challenge their opinions. I'm not saying it's right, but that's why the term "stupid question" exists.

And using the term "I don't know" is, by definition,exercising humility.

I'd say saying "I don't know" is just exercising honesty when faced with epistemic uncertainty.
Saying "I don't know" is stating I am limited in my knowledge and understanding of this subject.

By definition, it is exercising humility.

I think op is referring to a categorically different kind of "humility".

Where you can call saying "I don't know" when you actually don't know something humility it is also just being honest. Whereas the type of "humility" op is referring too can almost be taken to mean "I don't know and I don't care to know" and playing it off as being humble, it's almost disingenuous in a way.

Perhaps he could have worded it better to be more clear.
That's not humility, it's purposely going out of your way to be ignorant.

And I actually addressed the main topic, Meta.

Serious / Re: I absolutely despise humility and modesty
« on: October 15, 2014, 05:59:33 PM »
I'd argue that people like Richard Dawkins propagate the idea that people who don't have the same education or knowledge that they do are inferior, so I can't say I do not feel some sympathy for people who feel brow beaten by people because they are limited in their knowledge. They probably act that way because people like Dawkins make them afraid to challenge their opinions. I'm not saying it's right, but that's why the term "stupid question" exists.

And using the term "I don't know" is, by definition,exercising humility.

I'd say saying "I don't know" is just exercising honesty when faced with epistemic uncertainty.
Saying "I don't know" is stating I am limited in my knowledge and understanding of this subject.

By definition, it is exercising humility.

Serious / Re: I absolutely despise humility and modesty
« on: October 15, 2014, 05:55:22 PM »
I'd argue that people like Richard Dawkins propagate the idea that people who don't have the same education or knowledge that they do are inferior, so I can't say I do not feel some sympathy for people who feel brow beaten by people because they are limited in their knowledge. They probably act that way because people like Dawkins make them afraid to challenge their opinions. I'm not saying it's right, but that's why the term "stupid question" exists.

And using the term "I don't know" is, by definition,exercising humility.

Serious / Re: I absolutely despise humility and modesty
« on: October 15, 2014, 05:43:10 PM »
The definition of modesty:"the quality or state of being unassuming or moderate in the estimation of one's abilities."
Well, I'm glad to hear you're using the same definition as me.
So you're saying that "I don't know" does not mean you acknowledge a limit to your own abilities? I think you need a nap, kiddo

Serious / Re: I absolutely despise humility and modesty
« on: October 15, 2014, 05:40:21 PM »
You're confusing humility and modesty with being an ignorant retard.
No, I'm saying one has a propensity to lead to the other.

There's a difference between saying "Well, I don't know" - which is perfectly reasonable and not at all modest
The definition of modesty:"the quality or state of being unassuming or moderate in the estimation of one's abilities."

Serious / Re: I absolutely despise humility and modesty
« on: October 15, 2014, 05:29:18 PM »
You're confusing humility and modesty with being an ignorant retard.

Dumb thread

The Flood / Re: I absolutely despise humility and modesty
« on: October 15, 2014, 05:24:24 PM »
Also Richard Dawkins is a retard
hurr xD religion is the cause of everything wrong in the world and I'm right lol!
I can't tell if you're trying to parody me or Dawkins.

Nonetheless, it's a poor parody. And, I might add, not the point of this thread.
ebin bro :^)

The Flood / Re: I absolutely despise humility and modesty
« on: October 15, 2014, 05:21:05 PM »
Also Richard Dawkins is a retard
hurr xD religion is the cause of everything wrong in the world and I'm right lol!

The Flood / Re: I absolutely despise humility and modesty
« on: October 15, 2014, 05:16:27 PM »
I don't care.

Also Richard Dawkins is a retard who should be shot and I'm objectively right the end

The Flood / Who created Meatspin?
« on: October 15, 2014, 05:08:38 PM »
What is he doing now?

The Flood / Re: A bunch of Star Wars VII concept art leaked
« on: October 15, 2014, 03:22:06 PM »
The EU was just too allovertheplace to really blame Disney for canning it. This concept makes me hard though, so I'm optimistic.

The only thing I know for certain  is that these movies cannot be worse than the first two prequels, and I'm confident they'll be much better.

The Flood / Re: Confession thread
« on: October 15, 2014, 03:13:15 PM »
I honestly feel I would go apeshit on a woman if she cheated on me.  It's hypocritical because I feel like I would've cheated on her if the opportunity came my way.
kil urself pls

The Flood / Re: Plug DJ is 2spooky
« on: October 15, 2014, 03:24:24 AM »
Get in here I'm playing a video of a porn track taped over an Angry Birds playthrough

The Flood / Re: I saw an AMA thread and I want attention, AMA
« on: October 15, 2014, 03:18:31 AM »
You are one of the few people on here that are actually cool. Can I add you on Steam?
I rarely use Steam but sure. I believe my steam name is the same as my username on here.

The Flood / Re: I saw an AMA thread and I want attention, AMA
« on: October 15, 2014, 03:18:12 AM »
When you inevitably off yourself, will you stream it?
Suicide is a permanent solution to temporary problems. So no.

The Flood / Re: I saw an AMA thread and I want attention, AMA
« on: October 15, 2014, 03:17:44 AM »
who.......ARE you?
Jim the Jew Lord

hahahahaha jk guys i'm not i would never post on an alt to evade a ban hahahahaha never

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