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Messages - Jim

Pages: 1 ... 368369370 371372 ... 438
The Flood / Re: Are you bothered by cold?
« on: December 03, 2014, 05:49:57 PM »
Not at all. I thrive in it. Hate the heat, though.

The Flood / Re: Humor me
« on: December 03, 2014, 05:36:43 PM »

The Flood / Re: Wat haz I mist?
« on: December 03, 2014, 05:01:39 PM »

It's funny that you think I care what you think about me.
Where did I say that? I know you don't give a shit.
You were saying is at though it were an insult. It's not.

Does it really matter what people think? On an obscure internet forum, no less?
If I want to have a serious discussion - yes. If I have the reputation of an ignorant, annoying shit, nobody will bother with me.

Flood is for having fun, and serious is for serious business. I don't see how that should affect the "reputation" you seem to be hellbent on maintaining.
Because they're not as separate as you think. If Jim decided to post in Serious, I'd laugh at him and not bother with him.
It's funny that you think I care what you think about me.

and I do post in Serious

I find kids to be very irritating and refuse to procreate.
Yeah, you're the one refusing...

What's that suppose to mean?
He's trying to tell you nobody would fuck you even if you wanted to.
You can't either.
I don't know who I've been fucking for the last 3 years. Someone should tell my girlfriend it isn't me...
I can lie on the internet too.
>implying i'm lying
It's cool. I'm used to people being jealous.
Ahahahahahahahaha no.
Not sure what else you would be. You're either mad or jealous. Which one is it?
Neither, I just think you're retarded.
That's nice, dear.
Reported for hate speech.
Yawn. Get some new material.
Be important enough to get new material for. You're just boring for the most part. Such a shit lord.
So you keep replying...why?
The post count, nigga.
..and yet you still can't manage to keep your account in good standing.
>actually caring about this as though it matters at all
Considering most of my posts are in Serious - yes, I do care how people perceive me. If I'm a raging asshole all the time, people wont take me seriously.

Case in point: "Arky killed himself" thread
jesus christ you must be fun IRL


I find kids to be very irritating and refuse to procreate.
Yeah, you're the one refusing...

What's that suppose to mean?
He's trying to tell you nobody would fuck you even if you wanted to.
You can't either.
I don't know who I've been fucking for the last 3 years. Someone should tell my girlfriend it isn't me...
I can lie on the internet too.
>implying i'm lying
It's cool. I'm used to people being jealous.
Ahahahahahahahaha no.
Not sure what else you would be. You're either mad or jealous. Which one is it?
Neither, I just think you're retarded.
That's nice, dear.
Reported for hate speech.
Yawn. Get some new material.
Be important enough to get new material for. You're just boring for the most part. Such a shit lord.
So you keep replying...why?
The post count, nigga.
..and yet you still can't manage to keep your account in good standing.
>actually caring about this as though it matters at all

I find kids to be very irritating and refuse to procreate.
Yeah, you're the one refusing...

What's that suppose to mean?
He's trying to tell you nobody would fuck you even if you wanted to.
You can't either.
I don't know who I've been fucking for the last 3 years. Someone should tell my girlfriend it isn't me...
I can lie on the internet too.
>implying i'm lying
It's cool. I'm used to people being jealous.
But you're ugly
And still getting more pussy than you. Stay mad.
I'd rather get no pussy than cool ranch dorito pussy
I don't even know what that means.
Stank pussy smellin' like cool ranch doritos
Is that supposed to be an insult? Cool Ranch Doritos are the best Doritos.
So you like the fact that your girlfriends vagina smells like cool ranch doritos?

I find kids to be very irritating and refuse to procreate.
Yeah, you're the one refusing...

What's that suppose to mean?
He's trying to tell you nobody would fuck you even if you wanted to.
You can't either.
I don't know who I've been fucking for the last 3 years. Someone should tell my girlfriend it isn't me...
I can lie on the internet too.
>implying i'm lying
It's cool. I'm used to people being jealous.
But you're ugly
And still getting more pussy than you. Stay mad.
I'd rather get no pussy than cool ranch dorito pussy
I don't even know what that means.
Stank pussy smellin' like cool ranch doritos

The Flood / Re: It's official!
« on: December 03, 2014, 04:02:12 PM »
I will legit quit this site if Class got any kind of power outside of

I find kids to be very irritating and refuse to procreate.
Yeah, you're the one refusing...

What's that suppose to mean?
He's trying to tell you nobody would fuck you even if you wanted to.
You can't either.
I don't know who I've been fucking for the last 3 years. Someone should tell my girlfriend it isn't me...
I can lie on the internet too.
>implying i'm lying
It's cool. I'm used to people being jealous.
But you're ugly
And still getting more pussy than you. Stay mad.
I'd rather get no pussy than cool ranch dorito pussy

I find kids to be very irritating and refuse to procreate.
Yeah, you're the one refusing...

What's that suppose to mean?
He's trying to tell you nobody would fuck you even if you wanted to.
You can't either.
I don't know who I've been fucking for the last 3 years. Someone should tell my girlfriend it isn't me...
I can lie on the internet too.
>implying i'm lying
It's cool. I'm used to people being jealous.
But you're ugly

Unliked the thread as thoughts of bad kids came to mind. Jim, there are good kids, and bad kids, but your title includes both.
There is no such thing as a bad kid, just bad adults.
except in cod

you high bro? some kids are shits.
Because their parents are shits
That doesn't mean the kids aren't shits
It does ps you're shit

I find kids to be very irritating and refuse to procreate.
Yeah, you're the one refusing...

Unliked the thread as thoughts of bad kids came to mind. Jim, there are good kids, and bad kids, but your title includes both.
There is no such thing as a bad kid, just bad adults.
except in cod

you high bro? some kids are shits.
You are shit.

Unliked the thread as thoughts of bad kids came to mind. Jim, there are good kids, and bad kids, but your title includes both.
There is no such thing as a bad kid, just bad adults.
except in cod

you high bro? some kids are shits.
Because their parents are shits

I smoke weed because it's fun.
I smoke cigarettes because they kill stress.
I smoke ecigs for both of the above reasons.
I'm pretty sure that you can find other ways of having fun.

You could meditate; listen to music; or wind off.
I do all of those things. And they're all as harmless as weed.


Laughing at yourself again? I hope you know that weed is literally better for you than eating a Big Mac.
>going to mcdonalds
The point is that it's harmless.

Unliked the thread as thoughts of bad kids came to mind. Jim, there are good kids, and bad kids, but your title includes both.
There is no such thing as a bad kid, just bad adults.
except in cod

I smoke weed because it's fun.
I smoke cigarettes because they kill stress.
I smoke ecigs for both of the above reasons.
I'm pretty sure that you can find other ways of having fun.

You could meditate; listen to music; or wind off.
I do all of those things. And they're all as harmless as weed.


Laughing at yourself again? I hope you know that weed is literally better for you than eating a Big Mac.
>going to mcdonalds

I smoke weed because it's fun.
I smoke cigarettes because they kill stress.
I smoke ecigs for both of the above reasons.
I'm pretty sure that you can find other ways of having fun.

You could meditate; listen to music; or wind off.
I do all of those things. And they're all as harmless as weed.



Only idiots abuse any kind of substance
The autism is real.
Notice "abuse".
"Abuse" means "use" in our fucked up society. If I smoke a joint, I'm "abusing drugs."
You are, but I already know you're an idiot so it isn't news to me.

Only idiots abuse any kind of substance

The Flood / Re: Everyone should be gay
« on: December 03, 2014, 03:26:21 PM »
Fuck, Verbatim's back? Right when this forum was starting to get good...
It was never going to be good because you're here


did you just post a shitty standup set from a shitty comedian who makes shitty music and is overall shitty?

get AIDS

Alright OP, let me drive to the AIDS store.
also stop by the jerkstore cus they ran out of their stock of YOU LOL

but they shit everywhere and theyre so duuummbbbbb
dude lmao ikr my baby cousin wet himself all over my fedora collection what a fag lol i was so mad >:(

I went on and they helped me rebuild my collection tho so it's cool xD

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