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Messages - Naoto

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Gaming / Re: Konami is dead, don't even bother buying MGS V.
« on: July 17, 2015, 12:00:53 AM »
A Hideo Kojima Game

Gaming / Re: Have you ever had someone play a retro game, and...
« on: July 16, 2015, 11:59:05 PM »
Its usually the other way around. Most people I know can handle 2D, but 3D just destroys non-gamers. They just can't seem to wrap their head around moving in a 3D space.

Takes a few hours of serious effort to grasp operating two thumbsticks simultaneously, and then they don't map the areas out in their head automatically like you do irl. Lots of getting lost. Most just give up rather than get over the hump.

The Flood / Re: Fucking Naruto logic...
« on: July 16, 2015, 11:41:34 PM »
Read that as Naoto logic at first. Was like 'bring it bitch'.  :P

Your logic is shit anyway.
Bring it bitch.


We live in the same state iirc. I'll fight you.
State away I thought. I'm going across country for a few months anyways.
Come Oct tho we fisticuffs at dawn.

The Flood / Re: Fucking Naruto logic...
« on: July 16, 2015, 11:37:13 PM »
Read that as Naoto logic at first. Was like 'bring it bitch'.  :P

Your logic is shit anyway.
Bring it bitch.

The Flood / Re: Fucking Naruto logic...
« on: July 16, 2015, 11:35:53 PM »
Read that as Naoto logic at first. Was like 'bring it bitch'.  :P

Most people have only seen Fury Road I think.

While Road Warrior and Mad Max are better imo I don't think people coming from Fury Road are going to enjoy them as much. Thunderdome is just bleh.

The Flood / Re: There's gonna be a Fight Club "rock opera".
« on: July 16, 2015, 02:53:17 PM »
God damnit Verb. There's one fucking rule.
there's actually eight
See you're breaking two just saying that.

The Flood / Re: There's gonna be a Fight Club "rock opera".
« on: July 16, 2015, 02:48:49 PM »
God damnit Verb. There's one fucking rule.

The Flood / Re: So is everyone here enjoying Monster Girl animu?
« on: July 16, 2015, 02:46:13 PM »
Snakes are not for fucking.

Say no to snake pussy.
Note as the best girl attempts to remove any competition from basic bitches.

The Flood / Re: The weebs on this site are in denial
« on: July 16, 2015, 01:54:03 PM »

Gaming / Re: Lovely planet
« on: July 16, 2015, 07:14:46 AM »
Weird. Probably not something I'd play, but it does look different. For an indie it's ok.

I played a lot of Fable 3 co-op. Don't know how they haven't done an open world with that series yet.

The Flood / Re: New Nazca lines
« on: July 15, 2015, 06:43:51 AM »
Unicorns confirmed.

The Flood / Re: So is everyone here enjoying Monster Girl animu?
« on: July 15, 2015, 06:42:14 AM »
Watched the first episode. Its lewd and weird. I approve.

One of he few areas I find myself disagreeing with him. The Gulf War =/= the 2003 Iraq war. Saddam was invading Kuwait for oil. Had he been victorious he would have had substantial control over world prices. It was a fairly united effort, and was over and done with rather quickly. There was no nation rebuilding. No teaching democracy. No fighting an insurgency of fundamentalist terrorist. The world shoved him out of Kuwait, and that was that. A necessary move imo.

I still think he's the best candidate so far by far.

Gaming / Re: Konami is dead, don't even bother buying MGS V.
« on: July 14, 2015, 11:44:11 PM »
I think a more powerful message would be buying this game and then never buying another konami game. Really drives home the point that this dude was the reason the games were good
tbh I don't really think they'll care. They are pretty much out of gaming. The next metal gear will be mobile or a pachinko machine.
or a mobile pachinko machine
let's make it together kiyo before they do
I should report you for malicious harassment for that.

Gaming / Re: Konami is dead, don't even bother buying MGS V.
« on: July 14, 2015, 11:41:30 PM »
I think a more powerful message would be buying this game and then never buying another konami game. Really drives home the point that this dude was the reason the games were good
tbh I don't really think they'll care. They are pretty much out of gaming. The next metal gear will be mobile or a pachinko machine.
or a mobile pachinko machine

Gaming / Re: Konami is dead, don't even bother buying MGS V.
« on: July 14, 2015, 11:39:08 PM »
I think a more powerful message would be buying this game and then never buying another konami game. Really drives home the point that this dude was the reason the games were good
tbh I don't really think they'll care. They are pretty much out of gaming. The next metal gear will be mobile or a pachinko machine.

The Flood / Re: Brb
« on: July 14, 2015, 11:21:12 PM »
Must be hot in that tux.

Septagon / Re: i think there should be a new poll on moderation style
« on: July 14, 2015, 11:05:34 PM »
How isn't it? It's not the first time he has done it and the posts wasn't setup to be funny it was setup to be insulting.

For stuff like dingo though I'd just say the only reason that person is getting called dingo is for how they're reacting to it. Its a ridiculous thing to get offended by. So the dogpiling on that is more of a criticism on that persons tolerance levels, and the fact that for a while we were editing it out of posts. That got me to join in. Same with retard. If someone consistently says stupid stuff then people should be allowed to casually call them on it. Harassment =/= criticism.

There's a certain point there where people need to look inward and ask if maybe its not everyone else and if its something they are doing. Rather then just saying 'well this hurts my feelings'. But there are definitely cases of going over the line and needing to be reigned in.

Just because he's being insulting doesn't make it harassment. Is he constantly pming you? Is he following around to every thread? Or did he just insult you a couple times? Are we all now free from insult?

Septagon / Re: i think there should be a new poll on moderation style
« on: July 14, 2015, 11:04:38 AM »
The problem is that when we moderate harassment like this, on a case by case basis, it can be seen as "giving special treatment" or even "singling someone out." This is the whole problem that I have wih non-malicious insults: it allows the jerks to hide behind that "non-harassing" insult clause in the rules. It tends to make moderation a political minefield sometimes.
That's understandable, but I think moderation is going to be a political minefield no matter what you do. Its just the social dynamic aspect of forums and moderating speech.

As far as the giving favor stuff there are times where that's a legitimate call out, and times where its not. If I decide I don't want to be called a platypus are the ninjas gonna start editing that out of peoples posts? The question is how many steps does it take for all of it to fall apart into a ridiculous mess. If the answer is less than two its probably not a good moderation choice.

Again no matter what you do moderation is going to be a case by case basis. Ninjas are going to do stuff differently then other ninjas no matter how much you all sit down and talk it out. When its late at night and you're the one guy online its going to be your call.

There's a line there where you have to say well these are the rules and if you're actually harassing someone you going to run into problems. If you don't like that too bad. That's not favoritism or special treatment. At the same time trying to moderate jerkish behavior out the the flood seems like a recipe for disaster to me. No matter where you move the line people are going to be hiding within the rules. But you can't warn people for not breaking the rules. That's only going to be countered by the social dynamic, and we'll all determine what's acceptable and what's not naturally.

Edit: What I'm saying is jerkish behavior is open to interpretation. Do Deci, Elegiac, or Kinder think a lot of people here are jerks? Ye. Do a lot of people think they tend to be sperglords? Ye. Who's right? Well both depending on what's being said. Sometimes people bring the drama on themselves, and sometimes people cross the line with dogpiling.

That's what I mean by a case-by-case basis. You can't just say 'Rule 5: don't be a jerk to anyone ever', and expect it to cover everything. Just doesn't work in practice.

Septagon / Re: i think there should be a new poll on moderation style
« on: July 14, 2015, 10:23:45 AM »
I'm glad you clarified this in particular, because earlier, it seemed to me that you were trying to make an arbitrary distinction between traditionally offensive words and words that you'd be hard-pressed to find any malicious context for. Like, "here is a list of words that are considered offensive, and aren't okay to harass people with, and here's a list of words you are allowed to harass people with, because who could possibly be offended by these words?" I'm glad that's not what you're saying.

When you ask me where I draw the line--I draw it the same place you do. I just make it clear that anything is possible. I'm not saying that the idea of "chair" being used as an insult isn't ridiculous--but it's possible.

The easiest scenario that I could contrive would be that... Maybe someone might have had a traumatic experience with a chair at some point in their life. Is that silly? Yeah. Is that realistic? Not really. Is it within the realm of possibility? Yes. Should you harass that person by calling them a chair over and over? Probably not.

That's all I'm saying.
I get ya. I don't think we are as far apart as I originally thought.

I can't really define harassment just clear cut like that. It'd have to be on a case by case basis. If there's someone who refuses to use proper pronouns for people do we ban them? No I don't think so. Now if they're going around and derailing every thread following people then yeah that's worthy of warning or higher.

For stuff like dingo though I'd just say the only reason that person is getting called dingo is for how they're reacting to it. Its a ridiculous thing to get offended by. So the dogpiling on that is more of a criticism on that persons tolerance levels, and the fact that for a while we were editing it out of posts. That got me to join in. Same with retard. If someone consistently says stupid stuff then people should be allowed to casually call them on it. Harassment =/= criticism.

There's a certain point there where people need to look inward and ask if maybe its not everyone else and if its something they are doing. Rather then just saying 'well this hurts my feelings'. But there are definitely cases of going over the line and needing to be reigned in. Especially if you're looking to monetize the site.

And if someone got upset over being called a chair I think they have bigger problems in life. They should probably recognize that they are putting a bit too much stock in their feelings. No one has a right to never be offended.

But again. I think we agree enough for the most part. All three rule sets cover this enough for most people's standards. My original post was more about funposting and locked threads anyways. (Which I'm not looking to jump into another giant debate on. I gots things I need to do today)

We'll have the poll and we'll stay hybrid, and neither of us will be happy. So there's that to look forward to. :P

Septagon / Re: i think there should be a new poll on moderation style
« on: July 14, 2015, 09:44:07 AM »
What is your definition of harassment?
Not chair, dingo, or retard for one.

If I went to every one of your posts calling you a chair I'd be annoying at most, and people would quickly get tired of me and give me flak for it.

Clearly nigger and faggot don't qualify either under the current set up.

But I'm seeing your larger point of if its a constant malicious thing then it crosses a line. Which again I agree with and is covered under all three systems. You seem to use the definition of malicious too cavalierly for me though. Chair is ridiculous, and I hope I've made that point.

There's definitely a grey area there though, and that's probably a conversation that's constantly going on with society as a whole. People are going to be offended by things that others are not. So where do you draw the line? My vote is far away from chair and dingo.

Septagon / Re: i think there should be a new poll on moderation style
« on: July 14, 2015, 09:32:31 AM »
I typically call people by whatever pronouns they wish. Though I do tend to view people by their biological sex in my head. Not something I've been able to get past.

I think getting upset over stuff like the all caps trans jokes is dumb. Or flipping out over someone refusing to use preferred pronouns. Its just revealing a weakness that will always be exploited. Be confident in who you are enough to take a few on the chin.

Stuff like xe xir xher etc is fucking stupid tho. I refuse to use it.
I agree with everything here, except I would still contend that, though you should be confident enough in who you are not to get offended by such things, that doesn't give us a free ticket to be dickheads. You think it does, and that's the ultimate thing that you haven't really explained yet.
Agreed for the most part. You can only take so much. People are human after all and do have feelings. Like anything there's a balance you have to walk.

I (again) don't condone harassment. Nor does the lax system. The definition of harassment is what we are disagreeing on here.

Septagon / Re: i think there should be a new poll on moderation style
« on: July 14, 2015, 09:21:42 AM »
Out of curiosity, how do you feel about transfolk? People who prefer that you use pronouns that don't match up with their biological sex. Do you go out of your way not to follow their wishes? If not, why?
I typically call people by whatever pronouns they wish. Though I do tend to view people by their biological sex in my head. Not something I've been able to get past.

I think getting upset over stuff like the all caps trans jokes is dumb. Or flipping out over someone refusing to use preferred pronouns. Its just revealing a weakness that will always be exploited. Be confident in who you are enough to take a few on the chin.

Stuff like xe xir xher etc is fucking stupid tho. I refuse to use it.

Edit: holy shit I fucked up this post.

Septagon / Re: i think there should be a new poll on moderation style
« on: July 14, 2015, 09:18:36 AM »
You do know we are going to be testing this now  ;)

I want that chair warning like a mother fucker.
It's probably not gonna work for a variety of reasons. Mainly

1. I'm not offended and I don't feel harassed
2. Your intent isn't malicious

Out of curiosity, how do you feel about transfolk? People who prefer that you use pronouns that don't match up with their biological sex. Do you go out of your way not to follow their wishes? If not, why?
I don't even know how you could possibly have a malicious intent when calling someone a chair.
I just want a warning for it. I feel like it'd poetically prove my point.

Septagon / Re: i think there should be a new poll on moderation style
« on: July 14, 2015, 09:13:38 AM »
Why are you such a chair tho?
See, again, the only reason it doesn't work here is because you're not harassing me--you're trying to make a political statement. Now, if I walked out of this forum and you trailed all of my posts by responding with that every time, I might have sufficient grounds to report you for not only harassing me, but spamming the forum.
You do know we are going to be testing this now  ;)

I want that chair warning like a mother fucker.

Septagon / Re: i think there should be a new poll on moderation style
« on: July 14, 2015, 09:06:20 AM »
I should make it clear, though, that I think harassment is a much bigger deal than simply offending somebody.

If someone is offended, for example, when I use the word "nigger" out of its malicious context, they can go jump off a cliff.
Why are you such a chair tho?

Septagon / Re: i think there should be a new poll on moderation style
« on: July 14, 2015, 09:03:23 AM »
Stop being such a chair Verb.
See, it doesn't work like that. If you trailed my every post and called me a "chair" for the sole purpose of getting a rise out of me, that would be considered harassment. Yes.

The reason it doesn't work this time is because your intent isn't to offend me, but to illustrate a (weak and misguided) point. I shouldn't have to school you through this.

Septagon / Re: i think there should be a new poll on moderation style
« on: July 14, 2015, 09:00:09 AM »
Verb you're talking about the word dingo being 'malicious harassment'. What would you call it?
No, I'm talking about how any word has the potential of being used for malicious harassment. The word could be "cunt," or "dickless retard," or "fat flaming faggot," or "dingo," or "chair".

If you can't tell if someone is using the word "dingo" with normal intent, jocular intent, or malicious intent, then that's on you. I'm saying it's really easy to tell the difference, unless your honest argument is that some words are okay to harass people with, because they aren't traditionally considered offensive, while the ones that are traditionally considered offensive should be banworthy.

Which is what is called an arbitrary line in the sand.
Stop being such a chair Verb.

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