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Messages - Mr. Admirals

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Gaming / Re: Which Halo had the best "look"
« on: December 23, 2014, 03:07:35 AM »
>Only main Halo game that doesn't feature a Halo
Yes it does.
You don't get to explore it
The other 3 main games have you explore a Halo.
Again, and?
Why didn't we get to explore installation 03 if it's a main Halo game.
Because it wasn't relevant to the events of Halo 4.
Just because it's a main title doesn't mean that a Ring has to be involved.
lemon pls it's called Halo for a reason
With that logic, Reach or ODST shouldn't be called Halo.

The only reason the franchise is called Halo is because Bungie never expected to go beyond the first game. But now that it is, you can really look at the series being called Halo because everything that happens in the games is because Halo was fired.
Notice how I said main title not spinoff.
There's really now dictum that states such a thing, is there?

Halo 3, you didn't even explore the ring. You visited areas you went to in Halo CE. And it was only for a nostalgia trip.

Gaming / Re: Which Halo had the best "look"
« on: December 23, 2014, 12:08:16 AM »
>Only main Halo game that doesn't feature a Halo
Yes it does.
You don't get to explore it
The other 3 main games have you explore a Halo.
Again, and?
Why didn't we get to explore installation 03 if it's a main Halo game.
Because it wasn't relevant to the events of Halo 4.
Just because it's a main title doesn't mean that a Ring has to be involved.
lemon pls it's called Halo for a reason
With that logic, Reach or ODST shouldn't be called Halo.

The only reason the franchise is called Halo is because Bungie never expected to go beyond the first game. But now that it is, you can really look at the series being called Halo because everything that happens in the games is because Halo was fired.

All that money, and he got the color of the engines wrong...
I don't think they make the parts he needed in trans blue.

Could just be low burn or something.
True as well.

All that money, and he got the color of the engines wrong...

Gaming / Re: Halo 5: Guardians Beta - Early Access Thoughts
« on: December 22, 2014, 06:38:16 PM »
From watching Ninja's stream yesterday.

Sprint needs to go.
Clamber needs to go.

Everything else I've seen looks decent. The game has some potential.
Sprint can stay. It just needs to be nerfed to hell and back so it's only useful at the beginning of the match/spawn. (I know you disagree).

Well of course I disagree. If you have to nerf something into the ground for it to be acceptable, what the fuck is the point of having it anyway?
You have it because it makes the player feel empowered.

Cool Buzzword M80
You want to tell that to my professor, and the Game Design department at my school?

I'd love too!

 Although, I'm sure they know it's a buzzword too, so It'd be a pointless gesture

You think I'm only using that word for sprinting...

Gaming / Re: Halo 5: Guardians Beta - Early Access Thoughts
« on: December 22, 2014, 03:20:06 PM »
From watching Ninja's stream yesterday.

Sprint needs to go.
Clamber needs to go.

Everything else I've seen looks decent. The game has some potential.
Sprint can stay. It just needs to be nerfed to hell and back so it's only useful at the beginning of the match/spawn. (I know you disagree).

Well of course I disagree. If you have to nerf something into the ground for it to be acceptable, what the fuck is the point of having it anyway?
You have it because it makes the player feel empowered.

Cool Buzzword M80
You want to tell that to my professor, and the Game Design department at my school?

Gaming / Re: Halo 5: Guardians Beta - Early Access Thoughts
« on: December 22, 2014, 02:18:54 PM »
that Halo 5 actually has less auto-aim than Halo CE

That's how it seems but

Halo CE had literally suuuuuch a small amount of bullet magnetism. So it might be that Halo 5 has more bullet magnetism than CE. Because it's easier to paint over targets in Halo 5 than it is to do in Halo CE.

Is any of H5's bullet magnetism outside of the reticule? Like, if your reticule is not on the player by even a pixel, will it hit? CE's bullet magnetism is contained entirely within the crosshairs, so that may be what Josh means.

Oh, I completely forgot to mention this! Your melee doesn't connect unless your reticle is on the enemy player. There's still a lunge, and there might be a bit of leeway, but if you're not aiming at your opponent, you'll miss the melee.

Possibly. Halo 5's gunplay is great though. Easily the best since CE. And about the Melee, yeah, I got into a lot of awkward melee fights because a bunch of us tried to spam melee before aiming.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5: Guardians Beta - Early Access Thoughts
« on: December 22, 2014, 01:01:10 AM »
that Halo 5 actually has less auto-aim than Halo CE

That's how it seems but

Halo CE had literally suuuuuch a small amount of bullet magnetism. So it might be that Halo 5 has more bullet magnetism than CE. Because it's easier to paint over targets in Halo 5 than it is to do in Halo CE.

Oh, I completely forgot to mention this! Your melee doesn't connect unless your reticle is on the enemy player. There's still a lunge, and there might be a bit of leeway, but if you're not aiming at your opponent, you'll miss the melee.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5: Guardians Beta - Early Access Thoughts
« on: December 22, 2014, 12:57:49 AM »
First Impressions were great, looks fun!

However some minor things I didn't like:
-Sniper needs a re-done, seems to bulky and Wall-E look still, that Halo 4 had.
-Announcer sounds like he's being sarcastic at times... 'Double Kill'.. the way he says that now.. yuck.
-Not a fan of Spartan Call outs, or Bro Groups at the start & end of each match.
-Sprinting Animation with Guns (Seems very Blackops) and Sprint flares on the side of screens not a fan off.
The flaring at the side of the screen is an indicator, along with your reticle change, to let you know you've reached terminal velocity and can either Charge or Slide.

I hope they'll change the scope as well. Then again, it's not much more different than the CE scope.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5: Guardians Beta - Early Access Thoughts
« on: December 22, 2014, 12:12:16 AM »
Day 3 thoughts complete.

Read them if you want, I'm actually gonna go back and talk about the ranking system.

Gaming / Re: Do you still have faith in 343 or Bungie?
« on: December 21, 2014, 08:30:54 PM »
I hope you're not referring to Blur and CA and (Studio tht did the terminals). All of the outsourced work was amazing.

No. I actually hope Blur worked on Halo 5 or any future Halo titles. It's a different story for the companies who are responsible for the terrible release.
Blur won't be doing the Halo 5 cutscenes.
Actually, I believe they are.

Gaming / Re: Do you still have faith in 343 or Bungie?
« on: December 21, 2014, 04:51:42 PM »
. All of the outsourced work was amazing.


A) didn't know it was outsourced
B) I dont know what te UI is like

Pretty much everything in the game has been outsourced to hell and back, aside from the OT games. I don't think 343i actually made a single part of the "new" content
The campaign is what they wholly worked on.

Gaming / Re: Do you still have faith in 343 or Bungie?
« on: December 21, 2014, 04:50:48 PM »

So to confirm: the isolated reports of flinch are baseless?
Pretty much. I've been able to get quite a few unintentional snapshots because I was de scoped and then fired.

Gaming / Re: The new zoom mechanic for Halo 5 is great.
« on: December 21, 2014, 02:35:06 AM »
Uh huh. Yeah, I don't care for 'natural', whatever it's supposed to mean. Seeing my Spartan move around more "realistically" like it's Mirror's Edge/Titanfall/CoD really does nothing at all for me, and when that comes in as something that intrudes on the game for me, it starts to do negatives for me.
Well, it certainly seems you've made up your mind. No point in trying to alter your opinion.

Would you be willing to bet on that in a week? Two? Next year?
I'd be willing to bet that up until January 18th. A year from now, I have no idea how the game will play.

It's a double edged sword. You've just got to dull the bad blade. Which is what I'm advocating for.

Uh, no. Just no. Jetpack was bad in the same way Sprint, AL, AC, and PV were bad. It wasn't that everybody didn't have them, it was that it was terrible for map design and for gameplay. Splash damage from Rockets? Worthless. Hide behind cover? Flies above you. It was broken for basic gameplay.
That's what I'm saying though. There were so many different abilities, and all the players in the game were going to have different ones, that the maps or even the game couldn't be adequately designed.

IE, if Jet Pack was a player trait, I envision a game where the maps are fantastically vertical, and explosive power weapons (like the rocket launcher), have a slight lock on to other players.

What's stopping the new things from being any different? Admirals, question everything, be cynical, the Beta is the time for that.
I've been taking note, looking at bullshit scenarios. Whenever I use a Spartan Ability decently or poorly, it either doesn't help me, or gets me killed. When I use them well though... That's where the magic happens.

I'll keep my eye out, but frankly, the both of us have always tended to have a language disconnect. We misinterpret what we mean. I appreciate all the question you've been asking, keep them coming, but I suggest giving the beta a go for yourself. What I've learned is that you've got a very particular list of things you like and dislike in video games. I'm trying my best to meet that list adequately, but only you can really test it against the game.

In the video you linked me about the controller schemes. Why is Zoom separate from Smart-Link? Does it mean something else now?
It shouldn't. My only guess for that is that not all weapons classify for Smart Scope?

Well, that's good and bad, I guess. Everyone's all over the place like a bunch of flies, huh? Seems a bit too frantic, then.
Not exactly. I mean that because the mobility is up, it's generally harder to stay below radar, that and the map flow is really nice, so when layers have control of a section of the map, which frequently happens, it's hard to sneak up on them.

No new animations? They made that retarded Pistol running animation, couldn't they have at least done a good assassination one?
Hey, at least it actually looks like you're running the way you would with a pistol, and not start to hold it like a rifle. =P

Gaming / Re: Do you still have faith in 343 or Bungie?
« on: December 21, 2014, 01:27:14 AM »
Bungie I have lost all faith in. 343i still has yet to prove themselves. Halo 5 will make or break everything.
If you're expecting a traditional Halo experience, you're going to be disappointed. If it does comfort you though, Halo 5 does have a heavy emphasis on Arena mechanics.
We'll see how well received it is at release. I don't mind a few new game mechanics so long as they don't attempt to turn it into some CoDified twitch shooter abomination like they did with Halo 4. If Halo 5 is good enough to be a killer app, then I will buy an Xbone for it.
Kill times are fairly fast, but not because it's been turned into a twitch shooter, it's because the accuracy is so damn high on all the weapons. The pacing of the game has definitely been sped up as well.

Ideally, you'll want to play a match or two of the beta and follow the game's development to see for sure. So many fans have been shaken up by Reach and Halo 4, so I don't feel comfortable encouraging you to get it.

But I am enjoying it.

Gaming / Re: Do you still have faith in 343 or Bungie?
« on: December 21, 2014, 01:21:52 AM »
Bungie I have lost all faith in. 343i still has yet to prove themselves. Halo 5 will make or break everything.
If you're expecting a traditional Halo experience, you're going to be disappointed. If it does comfort you though, Halo 5 does have a heavy emphasis on Arena mechanics.

That's the vibe I'm getting.

It looks fun as all hell, but just not the traditional Halo.

The "Combat Evolved" medal secured my purchase though.
Dude, I got a BXR medal today. Don't know if it's actually in the game, but a medal for it certainly is.

Chronarch is absolutely in love with it. Though it sounds to me like he's been stricken with the honey-moon period. The combat in general is really satisfying. Really the only moments in the game where I've thought, "That's unfair" is the instances where an enemy player was able to sprint away when he was going to lose. With the added shield-sprint relationship though, it's fairly easy to just track them down and finish them off if you don't run into any of his teammates.

Gaming / Re: The new zoom mechanic for Halo 5 is great.
« on: December 21, 2014, 01:16:05 AM »
That's no different than saying that you don't need to use AA's, Sprint, and Perks in Halo 4. Players haven't learned how to fully utilize them, they're still playing around. Sooner or later, if not currently, you will be punished and be at a severe disadvantage if you choose not to use these abilities. Choosing not to utilize a feature you dislike doesn't make the feature go away, or be less problematic.

Adapt. Gee, first time I've heard that one.
Wait. I seriously just said to adapt in a non-passive aggressive way. Wow. That actually slipped past me. In an effort to amend that, I will say that these abilities are very natural. At least Sprint, Thruster Pack, Smart Scope, and Clamber. The other three you can really get away with not using and aren't staples of the game's current required mechanics.

Just as the Jetpack adds to the skill gap, right? You can move vertically with ease, do you have any idea what levels of skill the Jetpack added to the game in Halo Reach and 4?! And of course, the legendary skill of Armor Lock!
Here's the thing, those didn't really add anything because not everyone in the match had them. It lead to an unbalanced playing field and map flow.

Armor lock in general is just a stupid idea because it just prolongs combat. That's not good game design.

If Jet Pack was made a player trait, and the maps were designed accordingly, then I'd acknowledge a legitimate skill gap. Granted, the mechanics would have needed to be changed because the Reach and Halo 4 jetpacks were too straightforward.

What does Sprint & Zoom/Smart-Link & Zoom mean? What does Zoom mean?
Could you elaborate a bit? I don't fully understand the questions.

Are Assassinations gone?
They are still in the game. We're just seeing a lot less of them because of the increased mobility. Really makes it difficult to actually pull them off. I like it that way. Assassinations appear to be carried over from Halo 4. Unsure if they are placeholder, but I doubt it because they have updated sound design for them.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5: Guardians Beta - Early Access Thoughts
« on: December 21, 2014, 01:02:47 AM »
Finished my Day 2 analysis.

Gaming / Re: Do you still have faith in 343 or Bungie?
« on: December 21, 2014, 12:25:25 AM »
Bungie I have lost all faith in. 343i still has yet to prove themselves. Halo 5 will make or break everything.
If you're expecting a traditional Halo experience, you're going to be disappointed. If it does comfort you though, Halo 5 does have a heavy emphasis on Arena mechanics.

Gaming / Re: The new zoom mechanic for Halo 5 is great.
« on: December 21, 2014, 12:22:23 AM »
Now, I think that's wrong. Call of Duty created a different kind of UI for FPS and Shooter games in general, but it's only modern if you equate modern with popular.
Not really.

of or relating to the present or recent times as opposed to the remote past.
"the pace of modern life"

There's nothing in my mind saying you can't have a more classic Halo UI scheme that's still modern, as in it's how Halo is for this period in time. Diversity is always good, and we shouldn't all change to something because it's more popular. Note: I'm not entirely sure what we're talking about here by using UI(user-interface).
UI is what allows the player to understand what's going on with the game. Graphics are UI, the gun having kickback and producing a flash while vbrating your controller is UI, the HUD is a UI.

My examples aren't necessarily what has been modernized though.

He was talking about how they subtract, if not eradicate, the concept of  trick jumps, grenade jumps, and having all movement be basic. With all these extra mechanics, movement is no longer basic, it becomes more complicated, while more options can be good, it can also go to the point of having too many options making it seem impossible to prepare for everything, which makes it seem random and bad. I've not played it, so I can't say which I think it's closer to.
They can still be basic if you want. You're not forced to use them.

And there's a formula to them. Once two or more players have engaged in combat, the use of things like Sprint or clamber stop. Really the only movement ability which is used is Thruster Pack, which functions similarly to how it does in Halo 4 (can't fire while using it). Of course sprint and those abilties are used when fleeing combat, which is why I'm advocating for their further nerfing/rebalancing.

Lastly, these abilities, they are used in very predictable scenarios, making them easy to adapt to.

Player Sprinting at you with their thrusters flaring = Charge (Or Slide, but no one uses that and it's not useful)
Player hovering above you = Ground Pound (pretty much a death sentence if you miss a player with it BTW)
Player Hovering with gun at ready = Hover
Player pulling themselves up over a ledge = clamber (literally the same thing as jumping up to the ledge)

You will be forced to when others find out how best to use them, that is the key. It's the beta, everybody sucks now, but when the final game releases people will have their experience from the Beta and will have time to further get these mechanics down. Then, and only then, will we be seeing their true extent over gameplay. We will see it to an extent with Pros and as the more competent players spend time in the Beta, but it won't be the same as later on.
Which is entirely true. It creates a skill gap and a learning curve, does it not? Is that a bad thing?

Really, that's what decides it? They really should make it a toggleable option in the menu like with crouching. I don't know how much sway you and Halo Follower have with 343i, but I'd really suggest that to them. It sounds like something really simple to me. What are the control schemes by the way, same as usual with a new default?
Totally, totally.

Apologies if the video quality is shitty.

Is it like Halo 2/3 Truskill ranking, or what?

That's the Reach/Halo 4 EXP based system, right? Just for buying armor like in Reach? Can you confirm that means we won't have them tied to Commendations like they stupidly were in Halo 4?
Take a look.

I think it's better than 1-50. Also, gaining XP for your SR is HEAVILY tied to if you win or lose the match. I'm only an SR10 after 2 days of continuous play. Doesn't look like there's any commendations, but we are a year out.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 Beta - Blue Team is spooky
« on: December 20, 2014, 10:56:53 PM »
The victory screen is cringeworthy >_>

this whole game looks cringeworthy <_<

I'm picking up a sniper rifle!
It is nice to know if your team has the sniper.

MLG Spartan Chatter is pretty easy to tune out, but hopefully you can toggle it.

Gaming / Re: Do you still have faith in 343 or Bungie?
« on: December 20, 2014, 09:14:13 PM »
Nope, Bungie is ruined and 343i is still trying their hardest to kill Halo. I expect the multiplayer and campaign to be as shit as Halo 4.
The cringe is real.

Don't you talk about Septy that way mate.
Hey, I'm just saying, it's embarrassing to see someone treat a fantasy like real life.

Halo games being as shitty as Halo 4 is a very, very real danger.
Just as I thought, we're on a completely different page. As is everyone on this site...

Gaming / Re: Do you still have faith in 343 or Bungie?
« on: December 20, 2014, 09:09:28 PM »
Nope, Bungie is ruined and 343i is still trying their hardest to kill Halo. I expect the multiplayer and campaign to be as shit as Halo 4.
The cringe is real.

Don't you talk about Septy that way mate.
Hey, I'm just saying, it's embarrassing to see someone treat a fantasy like real life.

Gaming / Re: Do you still have faith in 343 or Bungie?
« on: December 20, 2014, 09:05:15 PM »
Nope, Bungie is ruined and 343i is still trying their hardest to kill Halo. I expect the multiplayer and campaign to be as shit as Halo 4.
The cringe is real.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 Beta - Blue Team is spooky
« on: December 20, 2014, 09:04:04 PM »
They got phat stacks for doing that.

Well, it wasn't anyone at 343i, but the point is that the people who did do it probably got a nice sum of cash.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 Beta - Blue Team is spooky
« on: December 20, 2014, 08:06:09 PM »
The victory screen is cringeworthy >_>
It becomes hilarious when you realize they had to mo-cap it in real life.
It's like the Destiny dance animation, though. You start to feel bad for the intern/mocap dude they forced to do that.
No interns at 343i. Everyone there is full time.

I don't feel bad though. They got phat stacks for doing that.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 Beta - Blue Team is spooky
« on: December 20, 2014, 07:55:25 PM »
The victory screen is cringeworthy >_>
It becomes hilarious when you realize they had to mo-cap it in real life.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 Beta - Blue Team is spooky
« on: December 20, 2014, 07:06:41 PM »
Lol, I love that glitch. Only had it happen once.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5: Guardians Beta - Early Access Thoughts
« on: December 20, 2014, 07:04:33 PM »
From watching Ninja's stream yesterday.

Sprint needs to go.
Clamber needs to go.

Everything else I've seen looks decent. The game has some potential.
Sprint can stay. It just needs to be nerfed to hell and back so it's only useful at the beginning of the match/spawn. (I know you disagree).

Well of course I disagree. If you have to nerf something into the ground for it to be acceptable, what the fuck is the point of having it anyway?
You have it because it makes the player feel empowered.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5: Guardians Beta - Early Access Thoughts
« on: December 20, 2014, 06:03:14 PM »
Okay, pretty much the first clip I've watched of the Halo 5 Beta, and the kill that happens at 1:42 really caught my eye. I didn't notice it at first until the commentator mentioned his surprise at it, but it looks like he got a "Sniped" kill in the killfeed, which in previous games meant it was a Head Shot IIRC. However, if you freeze the frame, it's clear that he was aiming at the guy's crotch. The recoil looks like it stopped at the head of the other player, so was that a glitch b/c of final place of recoil, or does "Sniped" only mean "killed by a Sniper Rifle" and the guy had low/no shields?

Clamber is casualized yes, but it leads to some great map design and combat encounters. Part of it, is that it keeps your movement flow going. Where as before, you lost momentum for jumping over ledges, you no longer do.
You lost momentum from jumping, in what Halo game was that? I can't recall one that had movement physics that cancelled/lowered momentum when a player jumped. A player not being able to stand in place on a moving vehicle and jump then land in the same spot, because of the Law of Conservation of Momentum didn't exist in any Halo game to date, is something I recall though. Really, they should fix that, it was really annoying in Halo 3 while riding the Elephant.
When you had to jump up to a ledge that required your full height, you had to stop moving to reach it.

You're referring the ledges where you can make the jump using a parabolic jump.

Clamber makes all the jumps like the parabolic ones.
I've never had difficulty crouch-jumping while in motion....
There are seldom ledges like that in previous Halo games. And the ones that are generally require you to stop, because you need that height that you can only get by jumping with little motion.

I'm not saying Clamber is a flawless addition. It has it's baggage, but what it brings to the table might be enough to cancel it out.

Again, you're not required to use it either. You can toggle it so you actually have to make a second jump press to clamber the ledge. Of course you'll be at a disadvantage for choosing not to grapple, but I'm just throwing that out there.

I don't mind clamber, you do, that's not going to change.

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