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Messages - Mr. Admirals

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Gaming / Re: >yfw you find out Sprint will remain in Halo 5
« on: February 02, 2015, 04:57:08 PM »
I miss the fun stuff when I'm at school huh?

Sprint in Halo 5? Well, I doubt 343 would increase the base player speed to compensate, so I expect them to leave it in. Clambering is cool, but it's weird not jumping as high as I did in Halo CE-2-3.

Do I think it causes issues? Yeah.
Maps are stretched, and people run from battles. Sure the whole "you sprint then your shield won't recharge" idea is great, but people still run from battles all the time.

I'll still play it at launch, I may get bored of it like Halo 4, but it's not my ideal incarnation of Halo. However I don't make the decisions, so what happens happens.
Sprint isn't confirmed to be in. It most likely will be, but not yet.

We don't even know how Halo 5 is being rebalanced yet. Bravo confirmed that Josh Holmes is working on the list of changes they're making based on Beta feedback. It'll be out soon.

As for Sprint, I do agree with part of your assessment. However, 343i has also said that Sprint originally had much harsher penalties before the beta. Hopefully they'll be reinstated. I think that Sprint is good and fun mechanic if it can only be used offensively. If it can be used defensively, It doesn't work.

I think this Beta wasn't executed very well though. We are supposedly having BTB in Halo 5.
Yet, we didn't touch a vehicle in The Beta. Play on a big map, have 8-8 teams.

If BTB is in (which it should, it's Halo for crying out loud), then I expect it to be pretty broken.
In the context of it being called the "Halo 5: Guardians Arena Multiplayer Beta" I think it was executed quite well.

We haven't even heard a single thing about BTB in Halo 5 yet. Let's wait for official info before determining its brokenness, then we can debate over that. For all we know, BTB will be vastly different than the Arena side. Traditionally, BTB has just been Arena Halo blown up to 16 players on large maps. Nothing else.

Gaming / Re: >yfw you find out Sprint will remain in Halo 5
« on: February 02, 2015, 04:47:42 PM »
I miss the fun stuff when I'm at school huh?

Sprint in Halo 5? Well, I doubt 343 would increase the base player speed to compensate, so I expect them to leave it in. Clambering is cool, but it's weird not jumping as high as I did in Halo CE-2-3.

Do I think it causes issues? Yeah.
Maps are stretched, and people run from battles. Sure the whole "you sprint then your shield won't recharge" idea is great, but people still run from battles all the time.

I'll still play it at launch, I may get bored of it like Halo 4, but it's not my ideal incarnation of Halo. However I don't make the decisions, so what happens happens.
Sprint isn't confirmed to be in. It most likely will be, but not yet.

We don't even know how Halo 5 is being rebalanced yet. Bravo confirmed that Josh Holmes is working on the list of changes they're making based on Beta feedback. It'll be out soon.

As for Sprint, I do agree with part of your assessment. However, 343i has also said that Sprint originally had much harsher penalties before the beta. Hopefully they'll be reinstated. I think that Sprint is good and fun mechanic if it can only be used offensively. If it can be used defensively, It doesn't work.

Gaming / Re: >yfw you find out Sprint will remain in Halo 5
« on: February 02, 2015, 04:28:40 PM »
I can't tell if challenger is being a ruse master or actually believes this.
I'm fairly gullible when it comes to this type of thing so I can't provide input. But I give him the benefit of the doubt because I believe everyone is good natured at heart.

Gaming / Re: >yfw you find out Sprint will remain in Halo 5
« on: February 02, 2015, 04:27:34 PM »
Not really, you're just wrong.
Would you care to actually substantiate your argument with evidence? When I have stated you were wrong, I provided rather concrete evidence to support my argument. If you want to have a "Yes! No!" argument, find someone else.

It does, that's why it was so popular.
Except that now you're repeating yourself. Halo 2 was popular even when it was severely broken and unbalanced for close to 6 months. I think that is enough evidence to refute that the competitiveness is what made it popular. Of course, once tournaments began to be held, that attracted more attention. You can really do that with any game though.

Look at Smite, the recently had a HUGE ass tournament that raked in a ton of money and attention for the game and devs, despite the fact it's arguably inferior to LoL. Call of Duty has done this before as well despite the fact it's not even that competitive.

The Rubik's Cube is a ton of fun and challenging/competitive. Just like Halo.
I would argue against how fun a Rubix cube actually is if you don't know how to solve it. As for the challenging aspect, sure but the competitiveness wasn't built into the Rubix cube. It's a construct of its fans and buyers.

The Halo trilogy has the best and most competitive gameplay. End of story m'lord.
Saying something doesn't just make it true. Show me why it's true.

Gaming / Re: >yfw you find out Sprint will remain in Halo 5
« on: February 02, 2015, 04:10:52 PM »
To be fair, every Halo has had some different tweaks to mechanics that have drastically changed the skill gap.  Halo 2 had weird hitboxes, but had a hitscan BR.  Halo 3 had shitty netcode and spread-y BR, but better aim assist/bullet magnetism levels.  Both H2 and H3 were still very competitive because they still had an incredible emphasis on map control, movement/strafing, communication, predictability/even starts, etc... and weren't too bogged down by randomness. 

Reach and 4 became a problem when randomness was kicked into high gear, aim assist was turned back up, movement was awkward, bloom on single-shot precision weapons made fights about risk-vs-reward in terms of controlling rate of fire, equal starts were removed, automatic weapons were buffed to the same level as guns with more complexity, etc...  The vanilla games encouraged abusing randomness and casual mechanics more than it did soft-skills like communication.

Overall, I'd say Halo 5 has done infinitely more good than harm.  It might still have sprint, but I think the very low aim assist, return to equal starts, good base movement speeds + movement acceleration (something that Reach fucked up), etc... make up for something.  At least in Halo 5, I definitely feel an emphasis in teamwork, like old times.

Nonetheless, you'd be out of your mind if you thought any console shooter was more competitive than something like Quake.

>tfw no one realises you were joking
Look at what you fucking unleashed.
Fair enough point.

Where I'm coming from though is that the guns grenades and melee is the most central aspect of the game. If you fuck those up, the rest of the game will suffer consequently.

Gaming / Re: >yfw you find out Sprint will remain in Halo 5
« on: February 02, 2015, 04:08:27 PM »
i like halo 1/2/3/odst a lot, but im not gonna pretend like they were perfect. halo 2 was kinda like SSBM in that the glitches with the game artificially increased the skill cap because they were replicable, like wavedashing. a lot of people think that the glitches/bugs made it bad, and im ok with that, but it was also the most competitive fps of the console age so

INB4 Lemon
meh i dont really care about the opinions of people who suck at multiplayer

let him come
You know, after years of personal conflict and deliberation on the matter, I think I've come to the conclusion that the button combos aren't a bad thing. Of course, how they were present in Halo 2 wasn't acceptable. After the Community latched onto them, Bungie should have began to spread the knowledge about them so everyone knew about them and had equal access to them. Additionally, if they were intentionally programmed into the game, they could then have been balanced properly and be more conistsent.

Of course, I've never been able to intetnionally pull one off a button combo so I can't really testify to how consistent they are.
And we're supposed to take you seriously when it come to multiplayer why?
I really don't think my ability to pull of a button combo affects the validity of my opinion. Truth be told, I've never made an actual effort to pull any of them off. The only attempts to do them has been: "Hmm... I feel like attempting a button combo." *try once or twice* "Welp, back to the game".

Keep in mind of course, I've never had anyone teach more, nor have I looked up how to even do them.

And now I strongly suspect you are going to strawman me with an ad hominem argument.

Gaming / Re: >yfw you find out Sprint will remain in Halo 5
« on: February 02, 2015, 03:46:02 PM »
>tfw no one realises you were joking
I suspected as such.

An excuse to use that amazing .gif I presume?

Gaming / Re: >yfw you find out Sprint will remain in Halo 5
« on: February 02, 2015, 03:45:12 PM »
Nah I'm good.
It was irrelevant anyway I suppose.

Except Halo was in that position. Because it's better and more competitive.
Actually, the alleged competitiveness and quality of Halo 2 has nothing to do with then the game was made.

"Halo was popular because it was popular"
That's not what I said. Social functionality can obviously help, but it's not intrinsically tied to popularity. Let's take the Rubix cube for example. It's just a puzzle. It was never designed to provide an esiaer access to people. Yet it is extremely popular.

+1 me all you like, because in the end you're defending randomized and babyfied gameplay, and I'm arguing against it.

Gaming / Re: >yfw you find out Sprint will remain in Halo 5
« on: February 02, 2015, 03:36:09 PM »
i like halo 1/2/3/odst a lot, but im not gonna pretend like they were perfect. halo 2 was kinda like SSBM in that the glitches with the game artificially increased the skill cap because they were replicable, like wavedashing. a lot of people think that the glitches/bugs made it bad, and im ok with that, but it was also the most competitive fps of the console age so

INB4 Lemon
meh i dont really care about the opinions of people who suck at multiplayer

let him come
You know, after years of personal conflict and deliberation on the matter, I think I've come to the conclusion that the button combos aren't a bad thing. Of course, how they were present in Halo 2 wasn't acceptable. After the Community latched onto them, Bungie should have began to spread the knowledge about them so everyone knew about them and had equal access to them. Additionally, if they were intentionally programmed into the game, they could then have been balanced properly and be more conistsent.

Of course, I've never been able to intetnionally pull one off a button combo so I can't really testify to how consistent they are.

Gaming / Re: >yfw you find out Sprint will remain in Halo 5
« on: February 02, 2015, 03:07:29 PM »
Sprint kills gameplay
only if maps arent stretched to compensate
>humongo maps for 4v4
>super slow gameplay
>no teamwork because everybody's desperately sprinting to the action
It's a good thing Halo 5 doesn't suffer from that.
LOL You have literally no idea what you're talking about when it comes to multiplayer.
What a completely pathetic and baseless assumption.
Nope. You support all the elements that have destroyed Halo's multiplayer.

You're a casual player. That's fine, but don't act like you know what's best for Halo.
Supporting equal starts and non-random gameplay, and dismissing custom Loadouts, random gameplay, and armor abilities is supporting the elements that "destroyed" Halo?

I'm confused.
>supporting Halo 5's shitty gameplay

I apologize, but does Halo 5 not follow what many consider to be the core staples of Halo?

Equal Starts, Map Control, emphasis on guns grenades melee, accurate and balanced weapons, non-randomized elements.

Honestly, I don't know why I continue. Because it's quite evident that you are going to continually point and laugh at everyone who doesn't share your exact opinion. Which is quite preposterous, because if you haven't noticed, I have yet to dismiss your opinion.

Though, truthfully, I'm edging towards categorizing you into the Halo 2/3 bandwagon. Which is ironic because those aren't very good examples of what Halo should be. Who knows, I could be wrong. Maybe the key to success for Halo is having casualized as shit gameplay and random spread.

I digress.
>Halo 2
>random spread
>thinks Halo 5 isn't casual

If you note, I did not specifically single out Halo 2. I mentioned both 2 and 3. However, whereas two lacks the random spread (only on its precision weapons), it is heavily weighted down by a hilarious amount of aim assist and bullet magnetism.
Halo CE, Halo 2, and Halo 3 have excellent multiplayer. Note how MLG dropped Halo afterwards.
Halo CE has excellent multiplayer. Halo 2 and 3 does/did not. They were mediocre at best thanks to the laughable hand holding and randomness. Emphasis on the "at best".

MLG dropping Halo doesn't really mean anything because games are put on the circuit based on how much money MLG is payed by advertisers and publishers. I don't have a full comprehension of the MLG circuit, but the research I've put in indicates that.

Of course, I'm not denying that Halo Reach and Halo 4 had a base multiplayer that was unsatisfactory and unfit for eSports.
That's where you're wrong. Halo 2 and 3 are extremely competitive.
Sure, they may appear super competitive compared to Reach or Halo 4, but they really aren't in the grand scheme of things.

Again, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the secret to competitive eSport material is hand-holding and randomess.
There was absolutely nothing random about Halo 2 or Halo 3. If you played MLG or watched it your know that. Or maybe you watched it but couldn't really see.
Have you even seen or used the Halo 3 BR?


The spread in Halo 3 was random on every precision weapon (though not to the extent of Reach) excluding the Sniper Rifle and Beam Rifle.

Halo 2's precision weapons may not have random spread, but its automatics sure do. Of course, that doesn't stop Halo 2 from having massively noobified hand holding gameplay.


>the spread is random
>you could consistently get 4 shot kills if you knew how to aim
>Halo 2 is noobified
>launched multiplayer gaming for consoles and started competitive gaming on consoles
"If you knew how to aim".

Ohohohoho.... How wrong you are.


"Launched multiplayer gameing for consoles"

I suggest you do some research on the matter....

As for competitive gaming, I can garantee that if Call of Duty was in the same position as Halo 2 was, it would have done the same.

The popularity was due to the social connectivity Halo provided which was a new experience for so many. This is true when you take into account that people were playing the shit out of Halo 2, even when the BR was as accurate as the SMG and took 6 shots with a headshot to kill someone.

Gaming / Re: >yfw you find out Sprint will remain in Halo 5
« on: February 02, 2015, 02:55:12 PM »
Sprint kills gameplay
only if maps arent stretched to compensate
>humongo maps for 4v4
>super slow gameplay
>no teamwork because everybody's desperately sprinting to the action
It's a good thing Halo 5 doesn't suffer from that.
LOL You have literally no idea what you're talking about when it comes to multiplayer.
What a completely pathetic and baseless assumption.
Nope. You support all the elements that have destroyed Halo's multiplayer.

You're a casual player. That's fine, but don't act like you know what's best for Halo.
Supporting equal starts and non-random gameplay, and dismissing custom Loadouts, random gameplay, and armor abilities is supporting the elements that "destroyed" Halo?

I'm confused.
>supporting Halo 5's shitty gameplay

I apologize, but does Halo 5 not follow what many consider to be the core staples of Halo?

Equal Starts, Map Control, emphasis on guns grenades melee, accurate and balanced weapons, non-randomized elements.

Honestly, I don't know why I continue. Because it's quite evident that you are going to continually point and laugh at everyone who doesn't share your exact opinion. Which is quite preposterous, because if you haven't noticed, I have yet to dismiss your opinion.

Though, truthfully, I'm edging towards categorizing you into the Halo 2/3 bandwagon. Which is ironic because those aren't very good examples of what Halo should be. Who knows, I could be wrong. Maybe the key to success for Halo is having casualized as shit gameplay and random spread.

I digress.
>Halo 2
>random spread
>thinks Halo 5 isn't casual

If you note, I did not specifically single out Halo 2. I mentioned both 2 and 3. However, whereas two lacks the random spread (only on its precision weapons), it is heavily weighted down by a hilarious amount of aim assist and bullet magnetism.
Halo CE, Halo 2, and Halo 3 have excellent multiplayer. Note how MLG dropped Halo afterwards.
Halo CE has excellent multiplayer. Halo 2 and 3 does/did not. They were mediocre at best thanks to the laughable hand holding and randomness. Emphasis on the "at best".

MLG dropping Halo doesn't really mean anything because games are put on the circuit based on how much money MLG is payed by advertisers and publishers. I don't have a full comprehension of the MLG circuit, but the research I've put in indicates that.

Of course, I'm not denying that Halo Reach and Halo 4 had a base multiplayer that was unsatisfactory and unfit for eSports.
That's where you're wrong. Halo 2 and 3 are extremely competitive.
Sure, they may appear super competitive compared to Reach or Halo 4, but they really aren't in the grand scheme of things.

Again, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the secret to competitive eSport material is hand-holding and randomess.
There was absolutely nothing random about Halo 2 or Halo 3. If you played MLG or watched it your know that. Or maybe you watched it but couldn't really see.
Have you even seen or used the Halo 3 BR?


The spread in Halo 3 was random on every precision weapon (though not to the extent of Reach) excluding the Sniper Rifle and Beam Rifle.

Halo 2's precision weapons may not have random spread, but its automatics sure do. Of course, that doesn't stop Halo 2 from having massively noobified hand holding gameplay.


Gaming / Re: >yfw you find out Sprint will remain in Halo 5
« on: February 02, 2015, 02:48:43 PM »
Chally so butthurt over his precious nostalgia-lo
Are you implying the quality of the series hasn't gone down since Halo: Reach?
they games were never that great to begin with

I'm not sure where you pulled the idea that I was implying anything other than exactly what I said. I never even mentioned reach
The more I play different games and apply game design to all of them, the more I realize that the Halo games really aren't that special.

Of course, I love the story, and I've played the games most of my life, so sticking with the franchise feels like greeting a good friend.

Gaming / Re: >yfw you find out Sprint will remain in Halo 5
« on: February 02, 2015, 02:45:13 PM »
Sprint kills gameplay
only if maps arent stretched to compensate
>humongo maps for 4v4
>super slow gameplay
>no teamwork because everybody's desperately sprinting to the action
It's a good thing Halo 5 doesn't suffer from that.
LOL You have literally no idea what you're talking about when it comes to multiplayer.
What a completely pathetic and baseless assumption.
Nope. You support all the elements that have destroyed Halo's multiplayer.

You're a casual player. That's fine, but don't act like you know what's best for Halo.
Supporting equal starts and non-random gameplay, and dismissing custom Loadouts, random gameplay, and armor abilities is supporting the elements that "destroyed" Halo?

I'm confused.
>supporting Halo 5's shitty gameplay

I apologize, but does Halo 5 not follow what many consider to be the core staples of Halo?

Equal Starts, Map Control, emphasis on guns grenades melee, accurate and balanced weapons, non-randomized elements.

Honestly, I don't know why I continue. Because it's quite evident that you are going to continually point and laugh at everyone who doesn't share your exact opinion. Which is quite preposterous, because if you haven't noticed, I have yet to dismiss your opinion.

Though, truthfully, I'm edging towards categorizing you into the Halo 2/3 bandwagon. Which is ironic because those aren't very good examples of what Halo should be. Who knows, I could be wrong. Maybe the key to success for Halo is having casualized as shit gameplay and random spread.

I digress.
>Halo 2
>random spread
>thinks Halo 5 isn't casual

If you note, I did not specifically single out Halo 2. I mentioned both 2 and 3. However, whereas two lacks the random spread (only on its precision weapons), it is heavily weighted down by a hilarious amount of aim assist and bullet magnetism.
Halo CE, Halo 2, and Halo 3 have excellent multiplayer. Note how MLG dropped Halo afterwards.
Halo CE has excellent multiplayer. Halo 2 and 3 does/did not. They were mediocre at best thanks to the laughable hand holding and randomness. Emphasis on the "at best".

MLG dropping Halo doesn't really mean anything because games are put on the circuit based on how much money MLG is payed by advertisers and publishers. I don't have a full comprehension of the MLG circuit, but the research I've put in indicates that.

Of course, I'm not denying that Halo Reach and Halo 4 had a base multiplayer that was unsatisfactory and unfit for eSports.
That's where you're wrong. Halo 2 and 3 are extremely competitive.
Sure, they may appear super competitive compared to Reach or Halo 4, but they really aren't in the grand scheme of things.

Again, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the secret to competitive eSport material is hand-holding and randomess.

Gaming / Re: >yfw you find out Sprint will remain in Halo 5
« on: February 02, 2015, 02:06:11 PM »
Sprint kills gameplay
only if maps arent stretched to compensate
>humongo maps for 4v4
>super slow gameplay
>no teamwork because everybody's desperately sprinting to the action
It's a good thing Halo 5 doesn't suffer from that.
LOL You have literally no idea what you're talking about when it comes to multiplayer.
What a completely pathetic and baseless assumption.
Nope. You support all the elements that have destroyed Halo's multiplayer.

You're a casual player. That's fine, but don't act like you know what's best for Halo.
Supporting equal starts and non-random gameplay, and dismissing custom Loadouts, random gameplay, and armor abilities is supporting the elements that "destroyed" Halo?

I'm confused.
>supporting Halo 5's shitty gameplay

I apologize, but does Halo 5 not follow what many consider to be the core staples of Halo?

Equal Starts, Map Control, emphasis on guns grenades melee, accurate and balanced weapons, non-randomized elements.

Honestly, I don't know why I continue. Because it's quite evident that you are going to continually point and laugh at everyone who doesn't share your exact opinion. Which is quite preposterous, because if you haven't noticed, I have yet to dismiss your opinion.

Though, truthfully, I'm edging towards categorizing you into the Halo 2/3 bandwagon. Which is ironic because those aren't very good examples of what Halo should be. Who knows, I could be wrong. Maybe the key to success for Halo is having casualized as shit gameplay and random spread.

I digress.
>Halo 2
>random spread
>thinks Halo 5 isn't casual

If you note, I did not specifically single out Halo 2. I mentioned both 2 and 3. However, whereas two lacks the random spread (only on its precision weapons), it is heavily weighted down by a hilarious amount of aim assist and bullet magnetism.
Halo CE, Halo 2, and Halo 3 have excellent multiplayer. Note how MLG dropped Halo afterwards.
Halo CE has excellent multiplayer (even then, compare it to PC Arena shooters, and you realize that Halo CE is casualized as shit for an Arena shooter.). Halo 2 and 3 does/did not. They were mediocre at best thanks to the laughable hand holding and randomness. Emphasis on the "at best".

MLG dropping Halo doesn't really mean anything because games are put on the circuit based on how much money MLG is payed by advertisers and publishers. I don't have a full comprehension of the MLG circuit, but the research I've put in indicates that.

Of course, I'm not denying that Halo Reach and Halo 4 had a base multiplayer that was unsatisfactory and unfit for eSports.

Gaming / Re: >yfw you find out Sprint will remain in Halo 5
« on: February 02, 2015, 01:51:12 PM »
Sprint kills gameplay
only if maps arent stretched to compensate
>humongo maps for 4v4
>super slow gameplay
>no teamwork because everybody's desperately sprinting to the action
It's a good thing Halo 5 doesn't suffer from that.
LOL You have literally no idea what you're talking about when it comes to multiplayer.
What a completely pathetic and baseless assumption.
Nope. You support all the elements that have destroyed Halo's multiplayer.

You're a casual player. That's fine, but don't act like you know what's best for Halo.
Supporting equal starts and non-random gameplay, and dismissing custom Loadouts, random gameplay, and armor abilities is supporting the elements that "destroyed" Halo?

I'm confused.
>supporting Halo 5's shitty gameplay

I apologize, but does Halo 5 not follow what many consider to be the core staples of Halo?

Equal Starts, Map Control, emphasis on guns grenades melee, accurate and balanced weapons, non-randomized elements.

Honestly, I don't know why I continue. Because it's quite evident that you are going to continually point and laugh at everyone who doesn't share your exact opinion. Which is quite preposterous, because if you haven't noticed, I have yet to dismiss your opinion.

Though, truthfully, I'm edging towards categorizing you into the Halo 2/3 bandwagon. Which is ironic because those aren't very good examples of what Halo should be. Who knows, I could be wrong. Maybe the key to success for Halo is having casualized as shit gameplay and random spread.

I digress.
>Halo 2
>random spread
>thinks Halo 5 isn't casual

If you note, I did not specifically single out Halo 2. I mentioned both 2 and 3. However, whereas two lacks the random spread (only on its precision weapons), it is heavily weighted down by a hilarious amount of aim assist and bullet magnetism.

Gaming / Re: >yfw you find out Sprint will remain in Halo 5
« on: February 02, 2015, 01:44:25 PM »
Sprint kills gameplay
only if maps arent stretched to compensate
>humongo maps for 4v4
>super slow gameplay
>no teamwork because everybody's desperately sprinting to the action
It's a good thing Halo 5 doesn't suffer from that.
LOL You have literally no idea what you're talking about when it comes to multiplayer.
What a completely pathetic and baseless assumption.
Nope. You support all the elements that have destroyed Halo's multiplayer.

You're a casual player. That's fine, but don't act like you know what's best for Halo.
Supporting equal starts and non-random gameplay, and dismissing custom Loadouts, random gameplay, and armor abilities is supporting the elements that "destroyed" Halo?

I'm confused.
>supporting Halo 5's shitty gameplay

I apologize, but does Halo 5 not follow what many consider to be the core staples of Halo?

Equal Starts, Map Control, emphasis on guns grenades melee, accurate and balanced weapons, non-randomized elements.

Honestly, I don't know why I continue. Because it's quite evident that you are going to continually point and laugh at everyone who doesn't share your exact opinion. Which is quite preposterous, because if you haven't noticed, I have yet to dismiss your opinion.

Though, truthfully, I'm edging towards categorizing you into the Halo 2/3 bandwagon. Which is ironic because those aren't very good examples of what Halo should be. Who knows, I could be wrong. Maybe the key to success for Halo is having casualized as shit gameplay and random spread.

I digress.

Gaming / Re: >yfw you find out Sprint will remain in Halo 5
« on: February 02, 2015, 01:30:22 PM »
Sprint kills gameplay
only if maps arent stretched to compensate
>humongo maps for 4v4
>super slow gameplay
>no teamwork because everybody's desperately sprinting to the action
It's a good thing Halo 5 doesn't suffer from that.
LOL You have literally no idea what you're talking about when it comes to multiplayer.
What a completely pathetic and baseless assumption.
Nope. You support all the elements that have destroyed Halo's multiplayer.

You're a casual player. That's fine, but don't act like you know what's best for Halo.
Supporting equal starts and non-random gameplay, and dismissing custom Loadouts, random gameplay, and armor abilities is supporting the elements that "destroyed" Halo?

I'm confused.

Gaming / Re: >yfw you find out Sprint will remain in Halo 5
« on: February 02, 2015, 01:19:56 PM »
Sprint kills gameplay
only if maps arent stretched to compensate
>humongo maps for 4v4
>super slow gameplay
>no teamwork because everybody's desperately sprinting to the action
It's a good thing Halo 5 doesn't suffer from that.
LOL You have literally no idea what you're talking about when it comes to multiplayer.
What a completely pathetic and baseless assumption.

Gaming / Re: >yfw you find out Sprint will remain in Halo 5
« on: February 02, 2015, 01:10:17 PM »
Sprint kills gameplay
only if maps arent stretched to compensate
>humongo maps for 4v4
>super slow gameplay
>no teamwork because everybody's desperately sprinting to the action
It's a good thing Halo 5 doesn't suffer from that.

Gaming / Re: >yfw you find out Sprint will remain in Halo 5
« on: February 02, 2015, 01:09:37 PM »
Also, where was this confirmed?

Gaming / Re: >yfw you find out Sprint will remain in Halo 5
« on: February 02, 2015, 01:02:50 PM »
That's the reaction of everyone on Team Beyond. That's for sure.

Gaming / Re: Awesome Halo Machinimas
« on: February 02, 2015, 12:13:02 AM »

How has this not been posted?

The Flood / Re: Jurassic World Trailer
« on: February 01, 2015, 07:51:12 PM »
I'm not gonna lie, It looks pretty bad.

i am concern

Gaming / Re: How would YOU finish off a trilogy?
« on: January 29, 2015, 07:53:44 PM »
I think we can all agree is that Halo 3 is a textbook example of how not to end a trilogy.

I think the way they ended it (having the Master Chief be thought dead) was pretty cool, though.
Yeah, except the Arbiter was like, "Nah man, he's alive" to Hood at the end of Halo 3. No one got that though because everyone misinterpreted  "Were it so easy." (even I).

But if everyone misinterpreted what he said (I don't see how you could misinterpret that, but okay), then it fulfilled it's purpose of ending the trilogy like that. Everyone assumed he was dead.

It's not like Arby could've known he was alive.
I always assumed he meant, "If only it was easy to accept his death."

As a 12 year old, that's a pretty easy thing to misinterpret.

Gaming / Re: How would YOU finish off a trilogy?
« on: January 29, 2015, 03:12:20 PM »
I think we can all agree is that Halo 3 is a textbook example of how not to end a trilogy.

I think the way they ended it (having the Master Chief be thought dead) was pretty cool, though.
Yeah, except the Arbiter was like, "Nah man, he's alive" to Hood at the end of Halo 3. No one got that though because everyone misinterpreted  "Were it so easy." (even I).

Gaming / Re: How would YOU finish off a trilogy?
« on: January 29, 2015, 10:18:30 AM »
I think we can all agree is that Halo 3 is a textbook example of how not to end a trilogy.

The Flood / Re: Have any of your friends ever died?
« on: January 29, 2015, 09:40:03 AM »
Yup. He's the one that got me into Gears of War too. A real shame he never got to find out how the trilogy ended.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 Story Predictions?
« on: January 28, 2015, 12:58:31 PM »

Covenant and Prometheans again because 343i doesn't want to take risks, and wants to draw the story out for at least three more games. We won't get the return of the Precursors/Flood or find the remaining Forerunners.

Storm Cove-, ahem, Covenant, start using that element from Nightfall on outer colonies.
The latter is impossible, did you even watch Nightfall?
Did you even watch the Second Stories?

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 Story Predictions?
« on: January 28, 2015, 10:13:41 AM »
I just hope they don't do a Requiem and just blow up whatever new thing(s) there are because they don't know what else to do with them

That idea was pitched as a joke in a meeting that someone took seriously.
It didn't go quite like that but yeah. Often times the jokes are crazy ideas that get pitched are used.

News / Re: Inside the Infinium Labs Phantom Console.
« on: January 27, 2015, 05:48:46 PM »
How have I not heard of this?

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