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Messages - Mr. Admirals

Pages: 1 ... 141516 1718 ... 55
The Flood / Re: quantum computing sounds pretty cool tbh fam
« on: December 01, 2015, 01:32:22 PM »
My discrete math class nearly got our professor to drop the lecture he was giving us and tell us how a quantum computer works.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: December 01, 2015, 01:04:13 PM »
As you can see, my profile picture is a clear example of darkhorse/10 artwork
Sad thing is that the art in the last few issues was actually pretty nice

Clearly it got a decent budget because the series was ending

I notice that AI has three different coloured "eyes."

We know blue shit for Forerunners was likely Builders.

Orange is military.

Suppose green would be Lifeworkers?
Colors don't represent the castes of Forerunners. They represent states of being/status for Forerunner devices.

IE, we associate green lights with functioning/activated electronics in our society, that doesn't mean green = electronics.

Not to mention the simple answer of the colors chosen are aesthetically pleasing. The blandness and grayness of Forerunner structures is not the status quo of their architecture. It's really only used for installations of a utilitarian nature [like military sites] because there's no reason to have them look appealing. Civilian structures used a larger variety of colors and aesthetic features than just grey/white metal. Most common of which is hardlight decorations.

(The Didact's home is a pretty good example; it was constructed out of bedrock with radioactive fossils interspersed throughout that glowed at night)

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 - No splitscreen
« on: November 30, 2015, 10:16:53 PM »
This thread is cancer.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: November 30, 2015, 12:30:07 AM »

What a surprise.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: November 30, 2015, 12:09:33 AM »
HaloFollower is going around making a million "Hola is Kill" videos. God help us

why do you need a three minute exposition just to explain the plot of halo

the only people who are going to watch this video are people who already--

oh fuck it
In the comments he says it was a class project.

Which is arguably worse than being a project just for youtube.
He had to show this in class? May the Mantle protect him.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: November 29, 2015, 12:16:53 PM »
so are people still playing this game a month later

While the game is arguably lacking content, unlike Destiny, every update that adds content is going to be free. Buying the game is the only thing you need to do to get the full experience.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: November 28, 2015, 11:06:53 PM »
Hunting Blue Team
The civil war
The Guardians
AI revolt

It's all a jumbled clusterfuck and jumps around between them.
Fucking Brian Reed a shit.

Then there's the actual important stuff that the game needed but fails to actually go into. Like The Domain, Blue Team development, and the entire 'Next 72 Hours' Escalation arc.
Right, except they're all directly tied together.

Hunting Blue Team reveals the nature of Cortana
The nature of Cortana makes them realize they need the Guardian on Sanghelios (hence Civil War)
The Guardian on Sanghelios leads to the truth behind the Guardians
The truth behind the Guardians reveals why Cortana is calling them (Created Mantle)

The goal of the game through every stage is always related to Blue Team or Cortana. The game doesn't suddenly just switch to Osiris focusing on ending the Blooding Years, they're still after Blue Team. It's a back drop to the true point of the story (Hunting Chief and what it means for him to be a hero), just like how all the various events in Halo 4 serve as a background to the true purpose of Halo 4 (Chief and Cortana's relationship).

I agree, it would have been nice if they delved into the Domain a bit more, but for what the game needed to do, it explained it adequately, and the audio logs provide intrigue for fans of the lore. TN72H is completely irrelevant to Halo 5's plot and would have served literally no purpose being explained in the game. Lack of Blue Team development I can agree with, but at the same time, from a lore perspective, there's not much to develop. They've all been on the same page for ~30 years.

Blaming Brian Reed for Halo 5's story issues are silly and immature. He's not the sole person dictating the direction or dialogue of the story. You've got Vociferous, Frank O'Connor, Symantha Reagor, Jeff Easterling, and Morgan Lockhart to name the writers at 343i I'm familiar with. Any perceived slack or lack of quality that Reed has is going to be scrutinized and talked about extensively by the rest of the writing and story team (for Halo 5). Same goes for everyone else involved.

Reed being the main person responsible for 343i's story shortcomings is a fucking autistic-tier meme in the same skein as blame the Jews.


Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: November 28, 2015, 09:06:36 PM »
Doing too much at once does affect narrative flow, though.

A lot.
Like I said though I'm not getting this "too much stuff".

I'd actually argue Halo 4 tried to do too much. More so than any other Halo really.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: November 28, 2015, 09:02:41 PM »
and well executed.
and people call me the shill
Compare the production value and flow of the story to Halo 4's.

now what?
You cheeky cunt. Haha.

Now tell me which one has better narrative flow and a better produced campaign.
Stop editing your posts then.

Halo 4.
Halo 5 was all over the place for the majority
the campaign tried to do too much at once and achieved almost nothing
Doesn't really have to do with narrative flow or production value.

Too much at once though? Never got that feeling.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: November 28, 2015, 08:57:20 PM »
and well executed.
and people call me the shill
Compare the production value and flow of the story to Halo 4's.

now what?
You cheeky cunt. Haha.

Now tell me which one has better narrative flow and a better produced campaign.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: November 28, 2015, 08:54:08 PM »
and well executed.
and people call me the shill
Compare the production value and flow of the story to Halo 4's.

The campaign is a really smooth well oiled machine.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: November 28, 2015, 08:51:11 PM »
>make the franchise just books



Well, they're gonna run out of ideas eventually. They can't keep rehashing the same old multiplayer. So they're gonna try and find new ways to sell it. That's gonna get a little ridiculous over time. And they keep dropping the ball on the campaigns.
You think this is dropping the ball?

Take a gander over at Reach and Halo 3...

Halo 5 may not be the best story in the franchise, but it's competent and well executed.

Oh yeah, I love how the scorpion is literally a rolling piece of shit now. So slow that you can outwalk it. And poor map design leaving bottlenecks so that the damn thing gets cluster fucked or highjacked. At this point it's basically a giant sniper rifle on treads.

Hilarious actually.
Something might be wrong with your controller actually. Scorpions outrun a Spartan sprinting at full speed in Halo 5.

This is on flat terrain. Scorpions are piss poor climbers now. If there's a pebble in the road it's gonna slow down. I've tested it with friends. They barely outrun a Spartan. So any incline whatsoever, and the vehicle is fucked.
If by pebble, you mean large rock, then yes.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: November 28, 2015, 04:25:18 PM »
>make the franchise just books


It'd make the lore better, but Halo's not just about the lore, so I really wouldn't support such a notion.

Anyway, I've wanted to do this, dunno why, what's everyone's favorite levels from each Halo (FPS)?

Halo CE - The Silent Cartographer
Halo 2 - The Great Journey
Halo 3 - Covenant
Halo 3: ODST - Data Hive
Halo: Reach - The Pillar of Autumn
Halo 4 - Midnight
Halo 5: Guardians - The Breaking

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: November 28, 2015, 02:16:53 PM »
Played a little more of Halo 5. One thing I can say I appreciate is their art direction for the campaign. Like damn they put their A game into it. It's such a shame though. The more I went along in the campaign, the more I was just sort of left with a feeling of really wanting it to be good.

It seems like for every good thing there was, there was some dopey decision made to counteract it.

To me, part of the game feels tacked on. You could cut away all the missions related to Cortana, and you'd instead be left with a game based around how the galaxy is changing, with the political ball game on Sanghelios, Humanity making efforts to re-expand on old worlds, and so on.

And it would've felt like more was accomplished. But instead we've got a whitewash over basically everything Halo 4 pulled. Didact returns and claims the Forerunners are returning, sounding more like an omen than a good thing. Cortana dies at the end of the game.

And Halo 5 just drops it. Cortana magically ends up on Genesis because the Mantle's approach went into slipspace, or somehow managed to, conveniantly after it was gutted by a nuclear explosion. The Forerunner activity isn't the result of the Forerunners, just Cortana.

And the shittiest part about it all, is that now we're stuck with that jarring ass writing and story direction.

Halo 5 to me is basically just an almost good game. So close. So, far.
To be fair, we've known the core of the Mantle's Approach entered slipspace, leaving for an unknown destination for (I think) a year now. None of us knew what to make of it, or thought it was important. After all, how could we have known the Domain would have made a resurgence?

Interestingly though, the story that Halo 5 is telling was planned out before they knew what was going to happen in Halo 4. Which is a shame because I liked Halo 4's story. Who knows though, it'll probably directly affect Halo 6, just like Halo CE directly impacted Halo 3.

After hearing that on the sprint, it did shed some light on why Halo Escalation and Halo 5 more or less rendered everything you did in Halo 4 worthless.
Saving Earth and humanity wasn't worthless. Activating the Librarian's genesong wasn't worthless.

But defeating the didact, only for him to return with six more composers, before defeating him again and pretty much not changing the status quo (Aside from unnecessarily killing black team) and killing Cortana only to bring her back later on is making the entire final Halo 4 mission useless. Spending the entirety of Spartan Ops, Escalation and Kilo-5 building up Jul 'Mdama to just kill him off in a cutscene with no build up at all is just an awful waste of a good character.

The Meridian stuff in Halo 5 was pretty good, and I enjoyed seeing a glassed Outer Colony and I also enjoyed seeign the Sangheili Civil War get a conclusion of sorts. But everything regarding Cortana was a mess from start to finish, and i wish the game had just concentrated on the two arcs I mentioned, with the Hunting Blue Team stuff as an overall driving factor for Osiris.
1. Bringing the Didact back allowed for more Prometheans to be made.
2. It introduced the plot-point of Halo having a connection to the Composer (IE channeling its energies).
3. Allowed for 859 Static Carillon to take Gamma Halo into hiding for whatever 343i's got planned
4. It actually had the Chief and Didact interact
5. Got Blue Team back together

I would have agreed regarding Cortana coming back making Halo 4's ending worthless, but I don't.

Cortana is not the same Cortana. Her motivations and allegiances are completely different. The climax of Halo 5 mirrors the end of Halo 4 with a complete role reversal.

Coming back from the dead ain't a natural process... She was completely fragmented when she found the Domain and had to piece her personality spikes back together.

I just think that entire story arc could have done with a full six issues like the others or a fully-fledged novel on it's own
It'd be better for the lore if the entire franchise was just books. But that don't make money like Transmedia™ products do.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: November 28, 2015, 02:06:05 PM »
Oh yeah, I love how the scorpion is literally a rolling piece of shit now. So slow that you can outwalk it. And poor map design leaving bottlenecks so that the damn thing gets cluster fucked or highjacked. At this point it's basically a giant sniper rifle on treads.

Hilarious actually.
Something might be wrong with your controller actually. Scorpions outrun a Spartan sprinting at full speed in Halo 5.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: November 28, 2015, 02:04:54 PM »
Played a little more of Halo 5. One thing I can say I appreciate is their art direction for the campaign. Like damn they put their A game into it. It's such a shame though. The more I went along in the campaign, the more I was just sort of left with a feeling of really wanting it to be good.

It seems like for every good thing there was, there was some dopey decision made to counteract it.

To me, part of the game feels tacked on. You could cut away all the missions related to Cortana, and you'd instead be left with a game based around how the galaxy is changing, with the political ball game on Sanghelios, Humanity making efforts to re-expand on old worlds, and so on.

And it would've felt like more was accomplished. But instead we've got a whitewash over basically everything Halo 4 pulled. Didact returns and claims the Forerunners are returning, sounding more like an omen than a good thing. Cortana dies at the end of the game.

And Halo 5 just drops it. Cortana magically ends up on Genesis because the Mantle's approach went into slipspace, or somehow managed to, conveniantly after it was gutted by a nuclear explosion. The Forerunner activity isn't the result of the Forerunners, just Cortana.

And the shittiest part about it all, is that now we're stuck with that jarring ass writing and story direction.

Halo 5 to me is basically just an almost good game. So close. So, far.
To be fair, we've known the core of the Mantle's Approach entered slipspace, leaving for an unknown destination for (I think) a year now. None of us knew what to make of it, or thought it was important. After all, how could we have known the Domain would have made a resurgence?

Interestingly though, the story that Halo 5 is telling was planned out before they knew what was going to happen in Halo 4. Which is a shame because I liked Halo 4's story. Who knows though, it'll probably directly affect Halo 6, just like Halo CE directly impacted Halo 3.

After hearing that on the sprint, it did shed some light on why Halo Escalation and Halo 5 more or less rendered everything you did in Halo 4 worthless.
Saving Earth and humanity wasn't worthless. Activating the Librarian's genesong wasn't worthless.

But defeating the didact, only for him to return with six more composers, before defeating him again and pretty much not changing the status quo (Aside from unnecessarily killing black team) and killing Cortana only to bring her back later on is making the entire final Halo 4 mission useless. Spending the entirety of Spartan Ops, Escalation and Kilo-5 building up Jul 'Mdama to just kill him off in a cutscene with no build up at all is just an awful waste of a good character.

The Meridian stuff in Halo 5 was pretty good, and I enjoyed seeing a glassed Outer Colony and I also enjoyed seeign the Sangheili Civil War get a conclusion of sorts. But everything regarding Cortana was a mess from start to finish, and i wish the game had just concentrated on the two arcs I mentioned, with the Hunting Blue Team stuff as an overall driving factor for Osiris.
1. Bringing the Didact back allowed for more Prometheans to be made.
2. It introduced the plot-point of Halo having a connection to the Composer (IE channeling its energies).
3. Allowed for 859 Static Carillon to take Gamma Halo into hiding for whatever 343i's got planned
4. It actually had the Chief and Didact interact
5. Got Blue Team back together

I would have agreed regarding Cortana coming back making Halo 4's ending worthless, but I don't.

Cortana is not the same Cortana. Her motivations and allegiances are completely different. The climax of Halo 5 mirrors the end of Halo 4 with a complete role reversal.

Coming back from the dead ain't a natural process... She was completely fragmented when she found the Domain and had to piece her personality spikes back together.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: November 28, 2015, 12:26:07 PM »
Played a little more of Halo 5. One thing I can say I appreciate is their art direction for the campaign. Like damn they put their A game into it. It's such a shame though. The more I went along in the campaign, the more I was just sort of left with a feeling of really wanting it to be good.

It seems like for every good thing there was, there was some dopey decision made to counteract it.

To me, part of the game feels tacked on. You could cut away all the missions related to Cortana, and you'd instead be left with a game based around how the galaxy is changing, with the political ball game on Sanghelios, Humanity making efforts to re-expand on old worlds, and so on.

And it would've felt like more was accomplished. But instead we've got a whitewash over basically everything Halo 4 pulled. Didact returns and claims the Forerunners are returning, sounding more like an omen than a good thing. Cortana dies at the end of the game.

And Halo 5 just drops it. Cortana magically ends up on Genesis because the Mantle's approach went into slipspace, or somehow managed to, conveniantly after it was gutted by a nuclear explosion. The Forerunner activity isn't the result of the Forerunners, just Cortana.

And the shittiest part about it all, is that now we're stuck with that jarring ass writing and story direction.

Halo 5 to me is basically just an almost good game. So close. So, far.
To be fair, we've known the core of the Mantle's Approach entered slipspace, leaving for an unknown destination for (I think) a year now. None of us knew what to make of it, or thought it was important. After all, how could we have known the Domain would have made a resurgence?

Interestingly though, the story that Halo 5 is telling was planned out before they knew what was going to happen in Halo 4. Which is a shame because I liked Halo 4's story. Who knows though, it'll probably directly affect Halo 6, just like Halo CE directly impacted Halo 3.

After hearing that on the sprint, it did shed some light on why Halo Escalation and Halo 5 more or less rendered everything you did in Halo 4 worthless.
Saving Earth and humanity wasn't worthless. Activating the Librarian's genesong wasn't worthless.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: November 28, 2015, 11:56:28 AM »
Played a little more of Halo 5. One thing I can say I appreciate is their art direction for the campaign. Like damn they put their A game into it. It's such a shame though. The more I went along in the campaign, the more I was just sort of left with a feeling of really wanting it to be good.

It seems like for every good thing there was, there was some dopey decision made to counteract it.

To me, part of the game feels tacked on. You could cut away all the missions related to Cortana, and you'd instead be left with a game based around how the galaxy is changing, with the political ball game on Sanghelios, Humanity making efforts to re-expand on old worlds, and so on.

And it would've felt like more was accomplished. But instead we've got a whitewash over basically everything Halo 4 pulled. Didact returns and claims the Forerunners are returning, sounding more like an omen than a good thing. Cortana dies at the end of the game.

And Halo 5 just drops it. Cortana magically ends up on Genesis because the Mantle's approach went into slipspace, or somehow managed to, conveniantly after it was gutted by a nuclear explosion. The Forerunner activity isn't the result of the Forerunners, just Cortana.

And the shittiest part about it all, is that now we're stuck with that jarring ass writing and story direction.

Halo 5 to me is basically just an almost good game. So close. So, far.
To be fair, we've known the core of the Mantle's Approach entered slipspace, leaving for an unknown destination for (I think) a year now. None of us knew what to make of it, or thought it was important. After all, how could we have known the Domain would have made a resurgence?

Interestingly though, the story that Halo 5 is telling was planned out before they knew what was going to happen in Halo 4. Which is a shame because I liked Halo 4's story. Who knows though, it'll probably directly affect Halo 6, just like Halo CE directly impacted Halo 3.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: November 27, 2015, 09:18:38 PM »
I finished installing the update today and decided to play some Halo 5. Played some breakout, BTB and warzone. I really regret actually spending time to download that fucking update now.

A rant I made on another site I frequent
Considering how poor this console generation is, from a hardware standpoint, I don't see it lasting anywhere near as long as the 360/ PS3

Consequently, I heavily doubt we'll be getting any major Halo title after Halo 6 on the XB1. So really, Halo 6 is my make or break point for both the series and console gaming. Halo is the only console exclusive game I play or have any interest in, and I don't particularly want to spend money on a console just for a franchise that could be going downhill by that point when I could use the money to build a PC. If Halo 6 is as sub-par as Halo 5 (both story and multiplayer), I cannot see myself buying the next Xbox console. I'd probably just watch YT playthroughs of the games and buy the books, if they're even worth buying by that point.

Halo 5, Escalation, my general distaste for the Precursor/ Ancient Human stuff and shit like FoRAnimated is starting to pile up. I guess it took Halo 5 for me to start thinking critically about 343i properly, and now I just can't stop seeing warning signs that the franchise is going downhill even in the story department. Considering I've had literally no urges to play Halo 5 since the first week of launch (I only played as long as I did because I was too lazy to update Battlefield), that's saying something about the longevity of the game. At this point, if forge is in anyway broken and custom games options are sub-par, I'm removing Halo 5 from my hard drive. It's honestly ridiculous that a game with such little content as Halo 5 is taking up close to 80-fucking-gigabytes of hard drive space when Fallout 4 takes less than thirty. Reach and Halo Wars will be backwards compatible soon, and they are both far better and more enjoyable games each alone than Halo 5 is in it's current state. I was okay with forge having a delayed release because I thought there would be content enough to satisfy two months of play time - I barely got two weeks out of it. I think that this game's custom games community will end up the same way as Halo 4 and MCC - simply nonexistent. The more I play Halo 5, the more I realise that it's probably one of the worst value for money games I've ever bought. At this point, I would rather play vanilla Destiny. At least the gunplay in that wasn't terrible.

The multiplayer is just frustrating; I rarely feel I get killed because the other person was better than me. That, combined with a story that just gets worse every time I think about it (combined with lolescalation) and I'm left with pretty much two positive things to say about Halo 5; the soundtrack is awesome and seeing sanghelios was amazing. That's it.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: November 27, 2015, 02:53:26 PM »
I won some stuff from 343i. So, yeah.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: November 26, 2015, 03:26:44 PM »
Played a couple missions on Sangheilios.

So pretty. Wanna see all the other various homeworlds.
Well Balaho isn't out of the question since Spartan-IV's can breathe methane :^)
That's not true.
From Initiation 2:

It's more of a "if need be you can do this" thing
That's not breathing. That's surviving. They're not actually using methane molecules to carry energy in their blood.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: November 26, 2015, 11:57:56 AM »
Played a couple missions on Sangheilios.

So pretty. Wanna see all the other various homeworlds.
Well Balaho isn't out of the question since Spartan-IV's can breathe methane :^)
That's not true.

Might sound lame, but how about asking what made her go for him while she lived happily with you.
It's cause he was a chad


goofy looking

Easy upgrade
That should tell you everything you already need to know.

Nien Nunb is back to save the galaxy. Muthafucka should be a five star general by now.


Is that Lando's copilot from the Battle of Endor?

The Flood / Re: What it is with all these cucks and their sangheili names?
« on: November 25, 2015, 10:00:23 PM »
That's a surprisingly accurate example actually.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: November 25, 2015, 09:49:25 PM »
Reminder that Rampancy got Spartan permabanned from the Halo Archive (TM)

How'd he manage that?
Okay, it's a long story.

Intro video:

Basically, the Warrior Servant board was a shitposting heaven before certain members started complaining about the memes. These were newer members. The moderation instantly supported them but a vote was still held for the next Warrior Servant councilor. I was winning at first, then Another Locust declared himself a Warrior Servant so he could vote against me as he had a major crush on Emi-Didact. Eventually, Emi-Didact won thanks to Locust's abuse and he told Emi to start censoring/deleting meme posts in the private board. We didn't like this, so we voiced our complaints. Eventually, the same members started complaining about memes in the chat thread, and after some explosiveness memes were banned from the chat thread. The memers and I complained about this and some of the other bullshit the Archive moderation has been up to and ended up being banned.
Shdooby went into a Skype chat with the administration to talk about this and basically they treated him like shit, and acted like complete cunts but we DID get our bans moved to temporary ones. Once we were unbanned things kinda calmed down but there was still tension. People weren't allowed to talk about what had happened under threat of punishment. All the shitposters were moved to the Lifeworkers and memes were still banned from the Chat Thread. Can't remember the details between, but I went on holiday in August and while I was away some crazy shit happened that resulted in the rest of the memers getting banned, except Baconshelf and myself.
When I got back, things were calm until September, when one day I asked if the memers would ever be unbanned. Grizzlei, the living embodiment of the bad part of modern feminism, responded saying that we weren't allowed to mention what happened. I jokingly offered her some "rare pepes" in exchange for their unbanning. She, being the shill she is, immediately thought I was talking about dick pics and threw a shitfit:

Things escalated and Mendicant Bias came in:

So I made my final meme post: The opening of the Meme Vault, a spoiler tag filled with a hundred rare pepes.
Note that Mendicant Bias said he'd ban me faster than "Palmer popping Halsey".
It took him half an hour to permaban me, and when he finally did it I could still post.

So yeah, I haven't explained it in much detail but that's how we all got banned. Now we're all over here and on The Omega Point.
Please finish the video. That was incredible and had me laughing my ass off.

At the same time, all that meme-posting and banter on the Archive gave me cancer.

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