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Messages - Mr. Admirals

Pages: 1 ... 131415 1617 ... 55
Gaming / Re: Halo 5 Content Update 2 - Cartographer's Gift
« on: December 03, 2015, 10:39:00 PM »
When does it come out
This month. We've got info on it coming next week according to the last Canon Fodder. We'll see if the Community Update says anything.

Gaming / Halo 5 Content Update 2 - Cartographer's Gift
« on: December 03, 2015, 10:17:23 PM »

M41 Rocket Launcher
Warzone: Battle of Noctus
Arena: Overgrowth
Big Team Battle: Antifreeze and Burial Mounds
Forge 5.0
30+ New REQs
Halo World Championship: $2 Million Prize Pool

Gaming / Re: >E3 2017
« on: December 03, 2015, 01:00:56 AM »
0/10 didn't mention Dan Ayoub.

The Flood / Re: New Batman vs Superman trailer just came out
« on: December 02, 2015, 11:55:37 PM »
why does anyone even bother posting bvs shit on this site when it receives nothing but vehement hatred every time
That's literally why I stopped posting Halo threads here.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 is pretty awesome.
« on: December 02, 2015, 09:36:07 PM »
i should get around to finishing that
whoops lol

I may be on again in a little while. Would you want to join me?
I could join in for an hour and a half. I get out of class at 3:25 and go eat at 5:00.

Think you'll be on then?

Is that CST?

If so then yeah, I may have an hour or two before dinner. And I don't know how many times i'll be pulled away to do stuff. (Like laundry) but yeah I can possible get on at around 3:30
Yeah, CST, so a bit less than an hour from now.

Yeah, just send me a friend request so that I can invite you when we're both on.
What level you on?

Don't remember the name, i'm on the Meridian mission just after the

Master Chief and Spartan Locke fistfight.

And just passed the elevator section before hopping off.

Major Spoilers
Hope you enjoyed all 3 missions of "The Greatest Manhunt in Gaming History"
4 actually. And the hunt lasts until the last mission of the game...

Serious Spoiler:
...when you rescue Blue Team from Cortana.

Why'd you spoil the game?

I'm impatient
Your loss, not mine.
Not much of a loss tbh
Loss is relative.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 is pretty awesome.
« on: December 02, 2015, 06:45:28 PM »
i should get around to finishing that
whoops lol

I may be on again in a little while. Would you want to join me?
I could join in for an hour and a half. I get out of class at 3:25 and go eat at 5:00.

Think you'll be on then?

Is that CST?

If so then yeah, I may have an hour or two before dinner. And I don't know how many times i'll be pulled away to do stuff. (Like laundry) but yeah I can possible get on at around 3:30
Yeah, CST, so a bit less than an hour from now.

Yeah, just send me a friend request so that I can invite you when we're both on.
What level you on?

Don't remember the name, i'm on the Meridian mission just after the

Master Chief and Spartan Locke fistfight.

And just passed the elevator section before hopping off.

Major Spoilers
Hope you enjoyed all 3 missions of "The Greatest Manhunt in Gaming History"
4 actually. And the hunt lasts until the last mission of the game...

Serious Spoiler:
...when you rescue Blue Team from Cortana.

Why'd you spoil the game?

I'm impatient
Your loss, not mine.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 is pretty awesome.
« on: December 02, 2015, 06:43:19 PM »
i should get around to finishing that
whoops lol

I may be on again in a little while. Would you want to join me?
I could join in for an hour and a half. I get out of class at 3:25 and go eat at 5:00.

Think you'll be on then?

Is that CST?

If so then yeah, I may have an hour or two before dinner. And I don't know how many times i'll be pulled away to do stuff. (Like laundry) but yeah I can possible get on at around 3:30
Yeah, CST, so a bit less than an hour from now.

Yeah, just send me a friend request so that I can invite you when we're both on.
What level you on?

Don't remember the name, i'm on the Meridian mission just after the

Master Chief and Spartan Locke fistfight.

And just passed the elevator section before hopping off.

Major Spoilers
Hope you enjoyed all 3 missions of "The Greatest Manhunt in Gaming History"
4 actually. And the hunt lasts until the last mission of the game...

Serious Spoiler:
...when you rescue Blue Team from Cortana.

Why'd you spoil the game?

Gaming / Re: "You either die as a hero"
« on: December 02, 2015, 06:41:43 PM »

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 is pretty awesome.
« on: December 02, 2015, 06:18:58 PM »
i should get around to finishing that
whoops lol

I may be on again in a little while. Would you want to join me?
I could join in for an hour and a half. I get out of class at 3:25 and go eat at 5:00.

Think you'll be on then?

Is that CST?

If so then yeah, I may have an hour or two before dinner. And I don't know how many times i'll be pulled away to do stuff. (Like laundry) but yeah I can possible get on at around 3:30
Yeah, CST, so a bit less than an hour from now.

Yeah, just send me a friend request so that I can invite you when we're both on.
What level you on?

Don't remember the name, i'm on the Meridian mission just after the

Master Chief and Spartan Locke fistfight.

And just passed the elevator section before hopping off.

Major Spoilers
Hope you enjoyed all 3 missions of "The Greatest Manhunt in Gaming History"
4 actually. And the hunt lasts until the last mission of the game...

Serious Spoiler:
...when you rescue Blue Team from Cortana.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 is pretty awesome.
« on: December 02, 2015, 02:39:30 PM »
i should get around to finishing that
whoops lol

I may be on again in a little while. Would you want to join me?
I could join in for an hour and a half. I get out of class at 3:25 and go eat at 5:00.

Think you'll be on then?

Is that CST?

If so then yeah, I may have an hour or two before dinner. And I don't know how many times i'll be pulled away to do stuff. (Like laundry) but yeah I can possible get on at around 3:30
Yeah, CST, so a bit less than an hour from now.

Yeah, just send me a friend request so that I can invite you when we're both on.
What level you on?

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 is pretty awesome.
« on: December 02, 2015, 02:37:30 PM »
i should get around to finishing that
whoops lol

I may be on again in a little while. Would you want to join me?
I could join in for an hour and a half. I get out of class at 3:25 and go eat at 5:00.

Think you'll be on then?

Is that CST?

If so then yeah, I may have an hour or two before dinner. And I don't know how many times i'll be pulled away to do stuff. (Like laundry) but yeah I can possible get on at around 3:30
Yeah, CST, so a bit less than an hour from now.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 is pretty awesome.
« on: December 02, 2015, 02:27:40 PM »
i should get around to finishing that
whoops lol

I may be on again in a little while. Would you want to join me?
I could join in for an hour and a half. I get out of class at 3:25 and go eat at 5:00.

Think you'll be on then?

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 is pretty awesome.
« on: December 02, 2015, 01:47:57 PM »
Also, i'll be playing the campaign while i'm making this thread
Campaign has god-tier level and enemy design.

Story's meh. Not good, but not bad.

I'm so glad they upgraded Knights to mini-bosses. Those damn Watchers were so annoying and now they aren't around as much. Soldiers are a nice replacement.
Make the Knights feel more deadly and competant too.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 is pretty awesome.
« on: December 02, 2015, 01:02:34 PM »
Also, i'll be playing the campaign while i'm making this thread
Campaign has god-tier level and enemy design.

Story's meh. Not good, but not bad.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 is pretty awesome.
« on: December 02, 2015, 01:01:11 PM »
Been playing for a little bit now and having a blast, no forge is a bummer but I still am loving the gameplay and the visuals are great.

When does forge come back again?
Sometime this month.

I'd guess the middle of the month.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: December 02, 2015, 11:02:43 AM »
Finally got Halo 5 today. Might get to play it later tonight, so that should be interesting.

Tips for someone who was on the fence and has done nothing but look at the changes made to the movement with horror and disgust? Only reason I got it is because it was like 25$ and you guys seem to enjoy it.
Use the Spartan Abilities often and chain them together.

If you're having trouble reaching a ledge, try a stabilize jump.

Crouch jumping up to ledges, while difficult can be incredibly valuable as it allows you to shoot instead of sacrificing a few frames to clamber.

Cautiously use Ground Pound. It'll often get you killed, even if you successfully pull it off.

Don't mindlessly sprint into combat. Sprinting everywhere will literally get you killed and screw your team over.

Campaign serves as an excellent playground to get used to the Spartan Abilities.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: December 02, 2015, 10:50:42 AM »
I love the new Tank design. Honestly, I like all the UNSC vehicle designs now more than their previous incarnations aside from the pelican - Reach pelican best pelican.

Maybe it's because I'm weirdly reminded of the Halo Wars version of them, particularly the tank.

Honestly, I also really like the new Covenant look, too. The new vehicle designs look awesome, I love the new Wraith, but I kind of eish they used these designs for either the Swords or Covenant rather than just a paint job for each. Say, if the Covenant used the older gear from the prior ganes because they couldn't innovate much while Thel gets the shiny new toys.
H2A Pelican is best Pelican.

Anyway, speaking of Covie vehicles, they redesigned them to make them have the same art-style as their starships. Make it uniform.

So sadly I doubt we'll see very many of the old ships in game.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: December 01, 2015, 11:05:13 PM »
Remember when forerunner architecture was monolithic

lovely times
you mean dull, grey and ugly?

yeah i remember that
I prefer the one that isn't chrome and doesn't hurt my eyes as much.

Yeah man I loved Halo Reach's forge palette too
I fail to see how it would've been improved with chrome, more protrusions, and lots of lights.

Besides, Reach's forge palette problem isn't because of Bungie's forerunner designs in 1-3, it needed more than forerunner blocks. Still, there's plenty of different colors and parts from 1, 2 and 3 that would've looked better than pieces they used.
Because it wouldn't be the same ugly grey everything
You're right, it would be the same ugly chrome everything instead.

Bungie geometry mixed with 343i art-design is god-tier. <3 H2A

(Can we just have a thread where we post pictures of Forerunner architecture?)
Wait, I thought 343i weren't really involved with H2A art design?
343i created highly detailed art design documents for the various factions and environments of Halo. They can just hand those out to other people (and I know that 343i had a few inhouse artists develop art assets for H2A).
Oh. So why does Halo 4 & 5 look so damn over designed and silly, then?
I dunno. Personal preferences? It all looks really simple to me. Simple shapes, with easy to follow detailing (parallel lines & repeating patterns).

The whole point is what I'm saying is that 343i's art design mixed with bungie's geometry/architecture is great. Which is literally what H2A is. Bungie architecture/geometry overlaid with 343i art design.
So long as they go back to the old Warthog I'll be happy.
Utilitarian UNSC is best UNSC.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: December 01, 2015, 11:00:55 PM »
Remember when forerunner architecture was monolithic

lovely times
you mean dull, grey and ugly?

yeah i remember that
I prefer the one that isn't chrome and doesn't hurt my eyes as much.

Yeah man I loved Halo Reach's forge palette too
I fail to see how it would've been improved with chrome, more protrusions, and lots of lights.

Besides, Reach's forge palette problem isn't because of Bungie's forerunner designs in 1-3, it needed more than forerunner blocks. Still, there's plenty of different colors and parts from 1, 2 and 3 that would've looked better than pieces they used.
Because it wouldn't be the same ugly grey everything
You're right, it would be the same ugly chrome everything instead.

Bungie geometry mixed with 343i art-design is god-tier. <3 H2A

(Can we just have a thread where we post pictures of Forerunner architecture?)
Wait, I thought 343i weren't really involved with H2A art design?
343i created highly detailed art design documents for the various factions and environments of Halo. They can just hand those out to other people (and I know that 343i had a few inhouse artists develop art assets for H2A).
Oh. So why does Halo 4 & 5 look so damn over designed and silly, then?
I dunno. Personal preferences? It all looks really simple to me. Simple shapes, with easy to follow detailing (parallel lines & repeating patterns).

The whole point is what I'm saying is that 343i's art design mixed with bungie's geometry/architecture is great. Which is literally what H2A is. Bungie architecture/geometry overlaid with 343i art design.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: December 01, 2015, 10:52:37 PM »
Remember when forerunner architecture was monolithic

lovely times
you mean dull, grey and ugly?

yeah i remember that
I prefer the one that isn't chrome and doesn't hurt my eyes as much.

Yeah man I loved Halo Reach's forge palette too
I fail to see how it would've been improved with chrome, more protrusions, and lots of lights.

Besides, Reach's forge palette problem isn't because of Bungie's forerunner designs in 1-3, it needed more than forerunner blocks. Still, there's plenty of different colors and parts from 1, 2 and 3 that would've looked better than pieces they used.
Because it wouldn't be the same ugly grey everything
You're right, it would be the same ugly chrome everything instead.

Bungie geometry mixed with 343i art-design is god-tier. <3 H2A

(Can we just have a thread where we post pictures of Forerunner architecture?)
Wait, I thought 343i weren't really involved with H2A art design?
343i created highly detailed art design documents for the various factions and environments of Halo. They can just hand those out to other people (and I know that 343i had a few inhouse artists develop art assets for H2A).

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: December 01, 2015, 10:49:22 PM »
CMT forerunner architecture best forerunner architecture

It's like the detailing of Reach's Forge blocks mixed with overdesigned CE architecture.

The Flood / Re: Batman V Superman or Civil War
« on: December 01, 2015, 10:07:21 PM »
Some of you guys saying DC is more deep and meaningful need to get real. Man of Steel was a Transformers movie with superheroes instead of robots.
Sure, there was certainly a lot of action, but there was enough dialogue to provide emotional depth and weight to what was occurring, making it much more interesting than transformers and the typical Marvel movie.

(Plus, there's a ton of parallels with MoS and Halo 4 so the story just naturally resonates with me)

Jor El = Librarian
General Zod = Didact
Kal-El = Master Chief
Louis Lane = Cortana
World Engine = Composer

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: December 01, 2015, 09:48:59 PM »
Remember when forerunner architecture was monolithic

lovely times
you mean dull, grey and ugly?

yeah i remember that
I prefer the one that isn't chrome and doesn't hurt my eyes as much.

Yeah man I loved Halo Reach's forge palette too
I fail to see how it would've been improved with chrome, more protrusions, and lots of lights.

Besides, Reach's forge palette problem isn't because of Bungie's forerunner designs in 1-3, it needed more than forerunner blocks. Still, there's plenty of different colors and parts from 1, 2 and 3 that would've looked better than pieces they used.
Because it wouldn't be the same ugly grey everything
You're right, it would be the same ugly chrome everything instead.

Bungie geometry mixed with 343i art-design is god-tier. <3 H2A

(Can we just have a thread where we post pictures of Forerunner architecture?)

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: December 01, 2015, 08:22:21 PM »
One of my main complaints is the lack of any dedicated Forerunner sites. You only really touch the surface of them. Nothing like Halo CE - 4 where you spend a good portion inside, outside, and on them.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: December 01, 2015, 05:10:55 PM »
Since the lights don't mean anything, it would be nice if they made the different Forerunner factions' have their own distinct architectural design. Have they tried anything like that yet?
They do mean something.

They haven't tried it to my knowledge though.
Misspoke, I meant that since the lights don't tell anything about what faction owns it. Anyway, you have anything down on what each color means?
Blue - Standard/Normal/Nominal
Orange - Aggressive/Unbound/Rampant
Green - Support/Diagnostical/Repair

Obviously, this isn't uniformly used. Some colors may be chosen for aesthetic reasons (MP) and this especially can go for Monitors, where 2401, 686, and 049 all had a red color scheme and weren't rampant.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: December 01, 2015, 04:31:39 PM »
Remember when forerunner architecture was monolithic

lovely times
No, I actually don't.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: December 01, 2015, 04:30:18 PM »
Since the lights don't mean anything, it would be nice if they made the different Forerunner factions' have their own distinct architectural design. Have they tried anything like that yet?
They do mean something.

They haven't tried it to my knowledge though.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: December 01, 2015, 04:18:40 PM »
As you can see, my profile picture is a clear example of darkhorse/10 artwork
Sad thing is that the art in the last few issues was actually pretty nice

Clearly it got a decent budget because the series was ending

I notice that AI has three different coloured "eyes."

We know blue shit for Forerunners was likely Builders.

Orange is military.

Suppose green would be Lifeworkers?
Colors don't represent the castes of Forerunners. They represent states of being/status for Forerunner devices.

IE, we associate green lights with functioning/activated electronics in our society, that doesn't mean green = electronics.

Not to mention the simple answer of the colors chosen are aesthetically pleasing. The blandness and grayness of Forerunner structures is not the status quo of their architecture. It's really only used for installations of a utilitarian nature [like military sites] because there's no reason to have them look appealing. Civilian structures used a larger variety of colors and aesthetic features than just grey/white metal. Most common of which is hardlight decorations.

(The Didact's home is a pretty good example; it was constructed out of bedrock with radioactive fossils interspersed throughout that glowed at night)

Maybe so. But the Forerunners seem pretty proud of their high level AI's. The one portrayed there is interesting if you start to look at it's design.

Look at the three colours on the eyes and take my colour theory into account. Notice how they're ringed and connected to each other. Forerunner society had three big powerhouse classes. The scientists, Lifeworkers, Military, Promethians, and Engineers, Builders.

So, if we take a look at that big interconnected ring, what does it encompass?

The symbol in the middle of the machines faceplate. And if I remember right, that's the symbol of the mantle, no?

See where I'm going here?

It's a theory many of us had back in 2012 when 343i introduced greater variety in their architecture.

The idea was that:

Blue = Lifeworker/Builder
Red/Orange = Warrior-Servant/Promethean
Green = Miner

However, 343i shot this theory down in early 2013 and gave the explanation I just gave you; that the colors are not indicative of a faction or rate, and serve a similar purpose that status lights do to us.

Gaming / Re: RWBY: Grimm Eclipse BUY NOW!
« on: December 01, 2015, 02:38:10 PM »

RWBY is cringe the show.

The Flood / Re: Batman V Superman or Civil War
« on: December 01, 2015, 02:35:46 PM »

I much prefer the tone of the DCCU.

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