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Messages - Mr. Admirals

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Gaming / Re: Here is what was added in Halo 5's new update
« on: January 26, 2016, 01:44:32 PM »
Forgers can no longer "weld" Mantises

What is the point of fixing a glitch that does nothing but improves the game?
I find it odd too, but I do wonder if it has to to with how you can't rotate the Mantis on a Z or Y axis.

Dunno why he'd pull the game. It's got mostly positive reviews. I'd keep it on the market, but still offer refunds.

Oh well, at least he's got integrity.

Gaming / Re: Star Wars Battlefront DLC announced
« on: January 26, 2016, 01:37:31 PM »
The update is pretty meh honestly. I assume it was free?

Gaming / Re: Here is what was added in Halo 5's new update
« on: January 26, 2016, 01:35:39 PM »
Additionally, they added the ability to switch teams in-game, meaning that we know have Halo 2-style infection in the game.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: January 25, 2016, 11:02:03 AM »
One thing that just occurred to me is that John's dry sense of humor is gone from the game. I wonder if that was intentional.
He's not exactly in the best emotional state...

Remember when 343 said microtransactions would fund new content being added to the game? That was such a funny fucking joke.
Actually, I don't remember that at all. To my knowledge, they only claimed the microtransactions would be used to help support the HWC.

The Flood / Re: The Archive Meme Trilogy
« on: January 15, 2016, 01:03:49 AM »
Eh, the trilogy got progessivly worse with each installment.

I r8 8.8/8 m8.

Gaming / Re: Let's make a game.
« on: January 14, 2016, 01:43:59 AM »
I'd love to help, but my computer's got stupid memory leak issues.

And for game jam ideas, I'm used to people on a team of 4-5 for 48 hours. Seen some crazy ass shit come out of that.

Anyway, a turn based mech game.
  • It'd be a multiplayer game between two players.
  • It'd work in 2D or 3D
  • Players choose a base mech, then go on to customize it with armor and weapons
  • For the actual gameplay, one player would go first chosing what to do based on a limited pool of points they get per turn
  • When one player is done making their turn choice, the game begins to play in slow-motion, giving the other player time to react based on what is occurring
  • IE: Player 1 fires a swarm of missiles at Player 2's Legs and ends its turn; player two responds by jumping to dodge the missiles and fires a laser at Player 1, so on and so forth
  • After each round/match, the game would then show what the fight looked like in real time
  • Damage is not uniform, allowing you to target specific parts and pieces of your opponent

In a lot of in depth open world games, all the shit around you CAN be daunting, because you don't know exactly where to start, or how much accomplishment you're getting from it in the grand scheme of things.

Yeah, I know that feeling entirely. I zoomed out in TW3 map and saw all those question marks and said to myself "this is gonna be a grind isn't it?"

I didn't even look at the map. I rode my horse to some fat spanish guy in a tower then gave up because I had no clue
That's just the smallest area of TW3 too

Game's huge

Thankfully it's not grindy, and the quests are usually pretty unique, more than fetch quests and usually have neat little stories to them

I might give it another shot en
I can back that up. Practically every quest in the game has a moral decision(s) that needs to be made and many of them affect what happens later on as well. Doesn't really do anything brand new as far as RPGs or Open Worlds go, but I've never played a game with such a rich world and story before; believable too.
Agreed with this. My main surprise was the invading empire, Nilfgaard, wasn't the generic "hurr durr evul and oppressive" empire you're used to in any fantasy ever. Instead you actually saw them helping the citizens out, enforcing laws to get order back, and a bunch of other things empires actually freaking do.

I was pleasantly surprised by it all.
I was about to say that I thought the Nilfgaardians are in the wrong, then I remembered literally every faction and person in the game is either a piece of shit, or a piece of shit trying to do good in the world (problem is, everyone thinks they're doing good).

Legit Early-ish Game Spoilers:
Before I got into the groove of playing the game, the only motive I had to play it was to resolve the Baron's story as I found it to be much more relate-able then the main quest (first Witcher game after all). So I didn't know the game was so heavy on moral decisions. Thought it was sort of strange how complex a sub-plot was becoming. Anyway, I'm dealing with the Crones and I have the choice to release the Druid-spirit-thingy. He says he'll free the orphans because the Crones have taken them. So I tell him to hold on and head over to the orphanage. Well they're gone, so I decide he's telling the truth, and let him free.

Then later on I began to realize how much I fucked up. Find out the dude murdered an entire village. Find out he took the kids to god knows where. Baron's wife dies as a result. *holyshit*

Head back to Crow's Perch to get my reward and console the Baron. See he's hanging from the tree. Find out his thug subordinates have taken over.


Wanted to shut the game off at that point, but then I realized why the game got GOTY. Jesus. Never thought'd I'd have to choose between saving a handful of orphans, or ensuring the prosperity and safety of Crow's Perch.

Now I can't go back to Crow's Perch without feeling sad. ;_;

In a lot of in depth open world games, all the shit around you CAN be daunting, because you don't know exactly where to start, or how much accomplishment you're getting from it in the grand scheme of things.

Yeah, I know that feeling entirely. I zoomed out in TW3 map and saw all those question marks and said to myself "this is gonna be a grind isn't it?"

I didn't even look at the map. I rode my horse to some fat spanish guy in a tower then gave up because I had no clue
That's just the smallest area of TW3 too

Game's huge

Thankfully it's not grindy, and the quests are usually pretty unique, more than fetch quests and usually have neat little stories to them

I might give it another shot en
I can back that up. Practically every quest in the game has a moral decision(s) that needs to be made and many of them affect what happens later on as well. Doesn't really do anything brand new as far as RPGs or Open Worlds go, but I've never played a game with such a rich world and story before; believable too.

In a lot of in depth open world games, all the shit around you CAN be daunting, because you don't know exactly where to start, or how much accomplishment you're getting from it in the grand scheme of things.

Yeah, I know that feeling entirely. I zoomed out in TW3 map and saw all those question marks and said to myself "this is gonna be a grind isn't it?"
D'ya even check what the question marks mean?

It's not that it's boring to me, it's that it's daunting. Playing new open world games is difficult without context of what you're capable of. I feel like a child in a world where I'm supposed to be an adult.

Anyway, keep pushing through the Witcher, it honestly took me a few hours to get past that point, but once I did, I haven't been able to stop playing.

The Flood / Re: The autistic guy in my class is hilarious
« on: January 12, 2016, 07:47:05 PM »
I once convinced my entire Discrete Math class we has a test that day that none of us knew about. Worst part was, I had convinced myself too.

It was for the better though, otherwise I never would have taught myself how to do proof by induction.

Gaming / Re: lmao the Oculus is gonna tank so hard
« on: January 12, 2016, 01:31:49 AM »
VR doesn't work when it doesn't account for your peripherals or display in a resolution higher than 1080p anyway.

Gaming / Re: Bye bye halofollower
« on: January 11, 2016, 11:11:51 PM »
so Admiral is due back then or is he gonna stay on Archive?
What now?
oh hello.
i havent seen you in a long while, probably because i dont go into the halo threads.
I only came back to the site around a month or two ago.

Gaming / Re: Bye bye halofollower
« on: January 11, 2016, 10:01:16 PM »

Gaming / Re: Bye bye halofollower
« on: January 11, 2016, 06:54:26 PM »
so Admiral is due back then or is he gonna stay on Archive?
What now?

Gaming / Re: The Flood from Halo
« on: January 11, 2016, 06:39:52 PM »
Every soldier will be on the level of a Spartan if not every person. And by that point, significant advancements will have been made elsewhere.

This doesn't really endear me to a series I feel has suffered greatly from power creep and inconsistency between canon material. I know that's not a popular opinion on here but I'm just explaining myself.
I think it's a fair opinion.

Gaming / Re: The Flood from Halo
« on: January 11, 2016, 05:02:12 PM »
What's your difficulty in seeing them return in the FPS format?

Also, I don't think they'll be turned into Daleks. It's been 8 years and counting since we last saw the Flood (6 years if you consider their inclusion in Halo Wars worth mentioning).

In the original trilogy, we apparently saw a very minor threat of the Flood, not at all comparable to a true return. In those games humanity came extremely close to extinction. I can't imagine how we could see a legitimate return without significant plot devices used (Cortana or someone else discovering another super-weapon or Precursor technology through the Domain). As a Spartan you can't be the person to discover these things; through an RTS you can see a much broader view of the fight. Basically, it's difficult to see how they could scale the conflict to be accurate to the lore while small enough to experience through a single soldier.
That's because when the Flood does return, humanity will have advanced significantly. Every soldier will be on the level of a Spartan if not every person. And by that point, significant advancements will have been made elsewhere.

"Your mistake is seeing Spartans as military hardware. My Spartans are humanity's next step, our destiny as a species."

"Did the Librarian plan for John specifically, or that level of human, in general?"

Chief hasn't really ever been the one to drive the plot forward or make the big discoveries. A sense of scale is also more of an atmospheric deal. IE Halo 3 had larger battles than Halo Reach even though Reach had more enemies on the battlefield.

Gaming / Re: The Flood from Halo
« on: January 11, 2016, 04:24:34 PM »
Who knows, they might never come back with 343i's hard on for the lifeless Prometheans.
It is a strong theme of the Reclaimer Saga; immaterial life.

>Halo 4/5 plot
>Having important themes

Here's hoping 343 doesn't turn the Flood into the Daleks of the Halo universe -- bringing them back whenever they need a new baddy.

It'd be great in an RTS setting (shit, a prequel series set in the time of the Forerunners would be interesting, though a significant ripoff of Starcraft). I just can't see how they could introduce a true Flood return from the perspective of an FPS.
What's your difficulty in seeing them return in the FPS format?

Also, I don't think they'll be turned into Daleks. It's been 8 years and counting since we last saw the Flood (6 years if you consider their inclusion in Halo Wars worth mentioning).

Gaming / Re: The Flood from Halo
« on: January 11, 2016, 04:06:29 PM »
Who knows, they might never come back with 343i's hard on for the lifeless Prometheans.
It is a strong theme of the Reclaimer Saga; immaterial life.
I get that, and they were more enjoyable to fight in 5. Hopefully the Flood do return next game, because I want to see some Promethean vs Flood action. Throw in the Sentinels too, I especially want to see the return of the Enforcer units.
The Flood won't be in the Reclaimer Saga, especially given what Halo 5 has set up. It'd be too much of a cluster-fuck.

Gaming / Re: The Flood from Halo
« on: January 11, 2016, 04:02:19 PM »
Who knows, they might never come back with 343i's hard on for the lifeless Prometheans.
It is a strong theme of the Reclaimer Saga; immaterial life.

Gaming / Re: The Flood from Halo
« on: January 11, 2016, 03:47:34 PM »
They penned the lore dictating they would.

"We are the Flood. There is no difference. Until all space and time are rolled up and life is crushed in the folds ... no end to war, grief, or pain. In a *hundred and one thousand centuries ... unity again, and wisdom. Until then -sweetness."

*A typo in the book, the correct phrase was meant to be 'one hundred and one millennia.'
This isn't a prophecy, it's just the Primordial talking shit. And "one hundred and one millenia" would be 101,000 years and since it was spoken around 100,000 BCE that timeline fits just fine in the ballpark of the Halo series, in which we saw the Flood return and subsequently defeated.
The array was fired in 97,445 BCE.

The stipulation the Primordial gave is that they will return when humanity has claimed the Mantle. This did not occur in Halo 3, nor was the Flood threat a 'return'.

In the scale of the Forerunner-Flood War, it was a minor threat. Even Rtas declares that.

Gaming / Re: The Flood from Halo
« on: January 11, 2016, 03:15:42 PM »
I think it's fair to bump the thread as I bring new info. So, the quote discrepancy of 10,100,000 versus 101,000 really was gnawing at me, so I ended up just asking Greg Bear himself. Here's his response:

"The Primordial's clock tells time in very round numbers! But clearly it's aiming at a time somewhen around the Halo game epoch..."

Well, that solves that. And what an interesting number system I might add.
"there was a mistake in the book so here's an excuse"
Maybe, maybe not.

If so, it's not the first time a mistake has been used to expand the Halo Universe in depth.

Gaming / Re: The Flood from Halo
« on: January 11, 2016, 02:57:57 PM »
I think it's fair to bump the thread as I bring new info. So, the quote discrepancy of 10,100,000 versus 101,000 really was gnawing at me, so I ended up just asking Greg Bear himself. Here's his response:

"The Primordial's clock tells time in very round numbers! But clearly it's aiming at a time somewhen around the Halo game epoch..."

Well, that solves that. And what an interesting number system I might add.

The Flood / Re: David Bowie dead at 69
« on: January 11, 2016, 12:15:02 PM »
Real shame I'm not bothering to actively listen to his songs until now.

Sad to say though, I wouldn't have known of his talent were it not for MGSV.
HAHAHA Fucking seriously? Are you 12?

Of course I recognize him and his name, I just never put any thought into which songs he did until then.

The Flood / Re: It'd be nice to chat with some folks tonight
« on: January 11, 2016, 02:34:40 AM »
Well, I celebrated New Years at my brother's. Quickly learned he's got a great reputation and is very popular. Many of his friends' jaws hit the floor when they found out I was his brother.

Anyway, the most interesting part of the night, was when these two chicks showed up. One in a legless unitard, and the other while fully clothed, on the chubby side.

So unitard girl decides to take off her jacket and walk around semi-naked. Then the fat chick decides to take her clothes off, leaving nothing but lingerie; revealing too. Didn't really want to see that, but made me laugh my ass off.

Sounds like ya had a better new years than me to be sure.
Yeah. Mine would have been shitty if my bro didn't take pity on me.

The Flood / Re: It'd be nice to chat with some folks tonight
« on: January 11, 2016, 01:53:27 AM »
Well, I celebrated New Years at my brother's. Quickly learned he's got a great reputation and is very popular. Many of his friends' jaws hit the floor when they found out I was his brother.

Anyway, the most interesting part of the night, was when these two chicks showed up. One in a legless unitard, and the other while fully clothed, on the chubby side.

So unitard girl decides to take off her jacket and walk around semi-naked. Then the fat chick decides to take her clothes off, leaving nothing but lingerie; revealing too. Didn't really want to see that, but made me laugh my ass off. 

The Flood / Re: David Bowie dead at 69
« on: January 11, 2016, 01:43:59 AM »
Real shame I'm not bothering to actively listen to his songs until now.

Sad to say though, I wouldn't have known of his talent were it not for MGSV.

Gaming / Re: Favorite Nazi Zombies map
« on: January 10, 2016, 08:23:53 PM »
Der Riese > All

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