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Messages - Mr. Admirals

Pages: 1 ... 8910 1112 ... 55
Well Halo 4's story was pretty shit soooo...
Whether or not you agree with the direction Halo 4's story took, his respect for previous works in a franchise and continuity make him respectable. In the BTS Halo 4 videos, he was the only one talking about the past of Halo, while everyone talked about the future.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 February update - Hammer Storm
« on: February 14, 2016, 10:04:00 AM »
Noble 6?

It's based off of Mk. VII
To be fair, it does look like one of the artists set out with the express intention of turning Mark V (B) into autism.
Probably because Mk. VII looks similar to Mk. V(B).
Probably because that's what the cosmetic look was based off of.
Isn't that what I just said?

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 February update - Hammer Storm
« on: February 13, 2016, 09:55:41 PM »
Noble 6?

It's based off of Mk. VII
To be fair, it does look like one of the artists set out with the express intention of turning Mark V (B) into autism.
Probably because Mk. VII looks similar to Mk. V(B).

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 February update - Hammer Storm
« on: February 13, 2016, 08:52:29 PM »

Oh God, what have they done to you, Noble 6?
Noble 6?

It's based off of Mk. VII

Gaming / Re: Joe and Marty recently talked on Twitter
« on: February 11, 2016, 03:57:31 PM »
"EDIT: I forgot the second part of your post. Gravitational waves were discovered, cementing Einstein's Theory of General Relativity further and giving us a new method of observing the cosmos with unparalleled accuracy"

The THESAURUS is out, lads
We're criticizing diction now? Glad to know you're a mature, rational individual.
You're getting upset over people not liking what you like, glad to know you're a mature, rational individual.
Now you're just projecting what you think I'm trying to say.
I mean, you get upset when people don't like Halo a lot, or have to make a scene about it.
Gotta provide sources for 'dat claim sonny. I don't recall that.

Gaming / Re: Joe and Marty recently talked on Twitter
« on: February 11, 2016, 03:54:37 PM »
"EDIT: I forgot the second part of your post. Gravitational waves were discovered, cementing Einstein's Theory of General Relativity further and giving us a new method of observing the cosmos with unparalleled accuracy"

The THESAURUS is out, lads
We're criticizing diction now? Glad to know you're a mature, rational individual.
You're getting upset over people not liking what you like, glad to know you're a mature, rational individual.
Now you're just projecting what you think I'm trying to say.

Gaming / Re: Joe and Marty recently talked on Twitter
« on: February 11, 2016, 03:51:17 PM »
"EDIT: I forgot the second part of your post. Gravitational waves were discovered, cementing Einstein's Theory of General Relativity further and giving us a new method of observing the cosmos with unparalleled accuracy"

The THESAURUS is out, lads
We're criticizing diction now? Glad to know you're a mature, rational individual.

Gaming / Re: Joe and Marty recently talked on Twitter
« on: February 11, 2016, 03:49:22 PM »
How about you nico nico smiles don't derail the topic?
It's too late. We've entered maximum over rustle

Gaming / Re: Joe and Marty recently talked on Twitter
« on: February 11, 2016, 03:40:28 PM »
Holy shit. You literally can't post anything Halo or Bungie related on this site without someone getting assblasted.

10/10 shit community.
Leave then?

People dont like Halo here, what else is new?
No, because I enjoy my time on this site.
Then dont be surprised when somebody poops everywhere because they just dont care about a game you like.


It's one thing to say, I don't like X because x,y,z. It's another to act like X physically abused you as a child. And Rocketman did make the astute point of mentioning that it's not just Halo or Bungie on this site. It's every topic.

Gaming / Re: Joe and Marty recently talked on Twitter
« on: February 11, 2016, 03:33:18 PM »
Holy shit. You literally can't post anything Halo or Bungie related on this site without someone getting assblasted.

10/10 shit community.
Leave then?

People dont like Halo here, what else is new?
No, because I enjoy my time on this site.

EDIT: I forgot the second part of your post. Gravitational waves were discovered, cementing Einstein's Theory of General Relativity further and giving us a new method of observing the cosmos with unparalleled accuracy.

Gaming / Re: Joe and Marty recently talked on Twitter
« on: February 11, 2016, 03:23:21 PM »
This "argument" is incredibly stupid so I'm bowing out.

Gaming / Re: Joe and Marty recently talked on Twitter
« on: February 11, 2016, 02:43:24 PM »
And you


And that wasn't even passive aggressive. It was crude and direct.
Sure, it goes to me, but I'm not the one trying to avert the blame onto the people who called me out on my shit. That's why you played yourself. Learn to take responsibility.

And in what context is this not a passive aggressive question?

"Are we supposed to care that people who left a shitt company dont hate each other?"

Gaming / Re: Joe and Marty recently talked on Twitter
« on: February 11, 2016, 02:30:09 PM »
Holy shit. You literally can't post anything Halo or Bungie related on this site without someone getting assblasted.

It's not exclusive to Halo or Bungie topics.

ANYWAYS yes it's nice and all that these 2 get along still. To make it clear I'm not saying posting this is dumb. I was responding to the OP's comment "No bad blood between the two I guess".

Again, pretty much nobody thought they hated each other.
Doesn't change what I said. You still posted passive aggressively and then continued on with a shit-show when you could have just politely corrected Whiteflame to begin with.

Now look where we are.

Nobody had to respond
Same goes for you.


Gaming / Re: Joe and Marty recently talked on Twitter
« on: February 11, 2016, 02:10:45 PM »
Holy shit. You literally can't post anything Halo or Bungie related on this site without someone getting assblasted.

It's not exclusive to Halo or Bungie topics.

ANYWAYS yes it's nice and all that these 2 get along still. To make it clear I'm not saying posting this is dumb. I was responding to the OP's comment "No bad blood between the two I guess".

Again, pretty much nobody thought they hated each other.
Doesn't change what I said. You still posted passive aggressively and then continued on with a shit-show when you could have just politely corrected Whiteflame to begin with.

Now look where we are.

Gaming / Re: Joe and Marty recently talked on Twitter
« on: February 11, 2016, 12:07:18 PM »
Holy shit. You literally can't post anything Halo or Bungie related on this site without someone getting assblasted.

10/10 shit community.

Gaming / Re: Titanfall 2 is gonna have a single player campaign
« on: February 09, 2016, 12:50:51 PM »
Yeah, love me that grounded feel when the alien civilization has the exact same architecture as the Mayans and the story is Call of Duty in space.

Why are you making fun of Installation 05?

Gaming / Re: Titanfall 2 is gonna have a single player campaign
« on: February 08, 2016, 06:55:30 PM »
Original article

Tl;Dr -

-It will be multi-plat (Playstation included this time)
-Single Player Campaign is in the works
-There is the possibility of a TV series
-They're about a year in development and expect the game to ship april next year-ish

Gotta admit, the inclusion of single player excites me. Titanfall's world is one that interests me, moreso now Halo has turned into space fantasy, whereas Titanfall feels a lot more grounded and gritty. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens in the sequel.
Yeah, love me that grounded feel when the alien civilization has the exact same architecture as the Mayans and the story is Call of Duty in space.

Gaming / Re: New Dark Souls 3 trailer
« on: February 08, 2016, 06:35:20 PM »
My Birthday is gonna be HYPE.

The Flood / Re: The ugly bin
« on: February 06, 2016, 09:15:25 PM »

I think.

Gaming / Re: WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO!?
« on: February 05, 2016, 08:55:08 PM »
The cringe is real.

For the reason why Locke was hunting the chief to me this would be a far better reason than what we got. It strats off the same but when we catch up with the Chief this is what we see. The Chief ends up getting tricked into activating the guardians which Locke doesn't know, but he still see's him doing it. Before they can have their encounter they both end up getting separated and when Locke gets back up to the surface. He see's the guarding leaving and the whole colony is destroyed before anybody was able to make it out. Due to this along with the mass destruction on other human colonies he ends up having the hatred for the Chief we see in the trailer.

It would've been even better if they'd have added Biko to the story so that all that business could have been pinned on him, too
It's sad that people can come up with something withing minutes which is a better story than what 343 did.
More interesting? Maybe.
Better story? That's just silly. He wrote a summary, not a script.

Fuck pizza skins
oh yeah and this

Are we really doing this shit? Why the fuck do I even try?
Welcome to Sep7agon, here's your free shitpost and guaranteed criticism.

There's a reason I don't post Halo threads here anymore.

Surreptitious recovery of Spartan tissue and organs,

Oh shit, how'd this end up happening? Are people hunting spartans or something? Is someone at ONI letting this happen?
No, but if a Spartan falls in battle, I imagine its corpse will be of great medical interest. To the UNSC, or groups looking to reverse engineer Spartan augmentations.

It's just that I's expect in the cases where a Spartan does end up dead it's usually not somewhere where recovery of said body is viable since a vast majority of the time those places end up exploding or being glassed not long afterward.

 By the way I havent listened to all of the Audiologs. What does that forerunner in the domain actualy say? anything important, and are there any other important audiologs?
Well, not very many glassings are being done in the post-war era.

As far as the Builder, the most interesting thing he says is that the Domain is burned but recovering, but the Organon is gone. The rest of his recordings are essentially regarding Bastion (with a few talking about Cortana and Warden).

Surreptitious recovery of Spartan tissue and organs,

Oh shit, how'd this end up happening? Are people hunting spartans or something? Is someone at ONI letting this happen?
No, but if a Spartan falls in battle, I imagine its corpse will be of great medical interest. To the UNSC, or groups looking to reverse engineer Spartan augmentations.

Gotta agree with Zonda on this one, Admirals. I'm sure the forerunners didnt build 2 mile tall robot Phoenixes to protect the galaxy to only give then the ability to teleport and fart EMPs.
"Guardians had numerous roles and functions in service of the Mantle, but the primary one was the monitoring and subjugation of all local power networks. If necessary, Guardians could instantaneously neutralize these networks through a series of debilitating attenuation pulses. The deployment of multiple Guardians allowed the constructs to strategically coordinate their strike, rendering all but the most sophisticated foe completely inefficacious. This method of control was largely unchallenged."

I thought it was only the new models of Mjolnir armor that were being made by private corperations. When was it said that they were producing Spartans as well?
"Surreptitious recovery of Spartan tissue and organs, industrial espionage, independent research, and the release of some augmentation protocols for medical usage has substantially eroded the UNSC’s monopoly on super-soldiers. Though the knowledge and tools are now available for any sufficiently motivated (and wealthy) private party to replicate a Spartan-equivalent enhancement package, few see the need to match the recruiting standards and scope of enhancement afforded to UNSC Spartans – and are willing to settle for cheaper and more invasive augmentations with unknown medical drawbacks and psychological costs. Many of the gene therapies, artificial organ implants, and cybernetic enhancements used in the SPARTAN-IV program are also irreversible, with few within the military or government forecasting the impact these men and women will have when they leave military service and re-enter civilian life. It remains even more of an open question what will happen with potentially unstable, partially-augmented personnel that lack the training and support available to former Spartans."

Of course, but then at the end of Halo 5 you see it using an EMP blast to take out all of what is presumebly Earth.
I know, I mentioned that. It just wasn't made clear if a Guardian had any other weaponry.

The Emergency Slipspace implied that either the UNSC Infinity wasn't confident their MAC rounds could do any damage, or charge up in time, which leaves room for speculation on the Structural integrity of a Guardian, and what we know of existing Forerunner tech with the Mantle's approach.
Honestly, there isn't much structural integrity to begin with. It's a giant archipelago of polygons held together by gravity fields. Damaging it with pinpoint shots like a MAC round I imagine would be tedious and difficult.

"You know that race that got completely demolished by the Flood, forcing them to commit a Galaxy-wide Genocide in order to protect all life from being infected? Well guess who has a few handfulls of enforcers that can each singlehandedly keep shit under control in an entire Solar System?"
Devices designed to only emit EMP bursts to combat and stifle troublesome emerging civilizations. Hell, if you still think their existence is dumb, then take a reference to them all the way back in Halo 3:

L: The Mantle. You still hold to that [fairy tale] after all that has happened? After this thing has consumed a million worlds? Can't you see? Belief in the Mantle sealed our doom! Weakened our [protectorates], bred dependence and sloth. Our [so-called Guardianship] has stripped those we would keep safe of any capacity for self-defense!Were we such noble [Guardians] when we drew our line and abandoned billions to the parasite?

If their main form of attack is to disable all power-operated equipment within their reach rather than being capable of outright destruction, then it's significantly less far fetched to me. All Halo 5 mentions of them (aside from the Concussive blasts pre-slipspace and the EMP at the end) is that each one is capable of patrolling an entire solar system, which leaves the specific armaments very open to the imagination.
Of course, but then at the end of Halo 5 you see it using an EMP blast to take out all of what is presumebly Earth.

"You know that race that got completely demolished by the Flood, forcing them to commit a Galaxy-wide Genocide in order to protect all life from being infected? Well guess who has a few handfulls of enforcers that can each singlehandedly keep shit under control in an entire Solar System?"
Devices designed to only emit EMP bursts to combat and stifle troublesome emerging civilizations. Hell, if you still think their existence is dumb, then take a reference to them all the way back in Halo 3:

L: The Mantle. You still hold to that [fairy tale] after all that has happened? After this thing has consumed a million worlds? Can't you see? Belief in the Mantle sealed our doom! Weakened our [protectorates], bred dependence and sloth. Our [so-called Guardianship] has stripped those we would keep safe of any capacity for self-defense!Were we such noble [Guardians] when we drew our line and abandoned billions to the parasite?

Here's the thing, Halsey never went 'Karen Traviss'. From the earliest facets of Halo lore, she was very hard on herself. However, she buried it down deep as she ultimately knew the Spartans were the best chance the UNSC had to avert billions dead and humanity fractured.

Chief always knew something weird was going on from the moment he arrived on Genesis.

"Chief, back there, on Meridian. There were civilians"
"I know."

In my opinion though, the biggest failure Halo 5 suffers from is being structured like a prologue. It sets all the pieces in motion, then bam. Nothing. More than that, there wasn't enough elaboration on how Cortana survived, or what the Warden's role is. Keeper of the Domain and Her Secrets, sure, but why does that entail combat roles. Why are his bodies powered by slipspace bubbles? And what gives him the authority to invoke the Mantle of Responsibility?

The Didact was Protector of the Ecumene - defender of trillions of Forerunners - yet he didn't have the authority to reclaim the Mantle remotely during Halo 4 which we know he attempted to thanks to Catalog. Maybe a bit of a leap, but perhaps the Mantle isn't just a concept, but is actually tangibly connected to the Domain.

Anyway, I've come to the conclusion Halo 6 will feature human enemies. 343i's laid the plot point that the UNSC no longer is the sole creator of Spartans, and that many mega-corporations dealing with the military industrial complex are more or less under Created control.

Halo 6 should be pretty good though. There's A LOT of plot-threads that could be connected and used.

UNSC no longer has a fleet? Go find Admiral Cole and use his civlization's fleet.
Need a base of operations? They've got the Refuge with Enduring Bias - a Contender-class ancilla as well as a compliment of Sangheili.
Need access to powerful tech and secrets? They've got Rtas tracking down the San'Shyuum that survived the Great Schism with an offer of peace.

Then we've also got the Builder stuck in the Domain (composed?) who's looking for Bastion.

A bit random, but what also popped into my mind is how Rho 'Barutamee was looking for Maethrillian - and that his death on Reach was ambiguous.

Anyway, what just popped into my head just as I was about to press submit is an explanation as to why the Warden chose Cortana. Spartan Ops and Escalation sets up the plot-point that Halsey is meant to be the herald of mankind's ascension. Whatever geas she has are serving as some kind of marker for this. Well, guess what, Cortana is a copy of Halsey's brain; it's not far fetched that she carries those same markers which is why the Warden is so certain of Cortana.

Well, I should get back to linear algebra.

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