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Messages - Mr. Admirals

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Gaming / Halo 2 Anniversary Gravemind
« on: October 17, 2014, 08:48:12 PM »

Gaming / Re: LOL frackING DROPPED
« on: October 17, 2014, 03:45:16 PM »
I'm not surprised. All the other Xbox One guys I've bought have had huge downloads.

Gaming / Re: The MCC has gone gold!!
« on: October 17, 2014, 02:42:07 PM »
How can a game go gold if it's already been made? Come on, all you're doing is swapping textures and increasing the resolution on already existing games.

At least that's the gist of it. Oh wait, the real work was the Halo 4 multiplayer clone in there for Halo 2.
It's a lot more complex than that...

Gaming / Re: Halo: MCC Bloodline Walkthrough (1080p 60fps)
« on: October 17, 2014, 02:35:54 PM »
Oh my god the guy playing is absolutely terrible at the game.
That'd be Max Hoberman, the guy who built Halo 2's multiplayer.

Gaming / Re: Halo: MCC Bloodline Walkthrough (1080p 60fps)
« on: October 17, 2014, 01:02:32 PM »
Map looks amazing and the EMP will be a nice feature for BTB.

Digital pre download is also up if anyone wants to download it. I've got the disk version preordered tho :(
Being in college, the digital pre-load would EASILY be the most convienient. As a Halo fan though, I should probably buy the hard copy. Decisions, decisions...=S

The Flood / Re: To misbehave or not...
« on: October 17, 2014, 12:29:05 PM »
Just relax. Finding a slutty girl would possibly just complicate things.

Gaming / Halo: MCC Bloodline Walkthrough (1080p 60fps)
« on: October 17, 2014, 12:19:45 PM »

Gaming / Re: New 1080p MCC Screenshots
« on: October 17, 2014, 12:11:27 PM »

Look at the human proportions in Halo 2 Classic and Halo CE, they all are realistic and fit the standard of what you'd expect a human to look like.

That forehead is inhuman.

Show some one a CE cutscene and Halo 4 cutscene and see which one they think is more realistic.

In reference to the fidelity jump, guess what, we're having that again with the Xbox 360 -> Xbox One.

The jump from 360p to 720p is more noticeable than the jump from 720p to 1080p.
If you're using the context of 2014 levels of visual fidelity, then yes, Keyes does look a bit unrealistic. But back in 2001, that was as realistic as you could get for an in-engine person.

I didn't think we were talking about the pixel count. Bringing a Halo 2 classic Elite up to 1080p doesn't suddenly give it the visual fidelity and detail the Halo 3 Elites had. That has to do with a higher polygon count and more detailed textures.

Gaming / Re: New 1080p MCC Screenshots
« on: October 17, 2014, 10:23:00 AM »

Best of it's time=/= not cartoony/realistic

The main leap was from Halo 2 to Halo 3.
But they are realistic.

Look at the human proportions in Halo 2 Classic and Halo CE, they all are realistic and fit the standard of what you'd expect a human to look like.

In reference to the fidelity jump, guess what, we're having that again with the Xbox 360 -> Xbox One.

Gaming / Re: The MCC has gone gold
« on: October 17, 2014, 10:07:42 AM »
How exciting!

Gaming / Re: New 1080p MCC Screenshots
« on: October 17, 2014, 08:55:19 AM »

I'll refute that by pointing out that Halo was never stylized, it was always based on reality.

I'd say aliens are stylized considering there are no real life aliens to base them off of and are depictions of artist imagination.
But because Halo takes a realistic approach, the aliens are subject to realistic levels of detail.

Only recently.  The technology wasn't available 10-14 years ago hence anniversary addition that goes from the cartoony look to the high level of detail versions currently.
Halo CE was never cartoony. For its time, Halo CE had some of the best graphics in the industry.

Not only that, but there wasn't a sudden leap in technology. Even under Bungie, the Elites and Covenant were progressively receiving higher levels of detail. 

Gaming / Re: New 1080p MCC Screenshots
« on: October 16, 2014, 09:58:36 PM »
I'll refute that by pointing out that Halo was never stylized, it was always based on reality.

I'd say aliens are stylized considering there are no real life aliens to base them off of and are depictions of artist imagination.
But because Halo takes a realistic approach, the aliens are subject to realistic levels of detail.

Gaming / Re: New 1080p MCC Screenshots
« on: October 16, 2014, 06:34:40 PM »
Am I the only one that thinks H4 looks the best out the lot? Gameplay isn't the greatest, but dem graphics tho
You're not alone.

Gaming / Re: I have found the edgiest game on the planet.
« on: October 16, 2014, 03:56:46 PM »

Hatred is an isometric shooter with disturbing atmosphere of mass killing, where player takes the role of a cold blood antagonist, who is full of hatred for humanity. It's a horror, but here YOU are the villain. Wander the outskirts of New York State, seek for victims on seven free-roam levels. Fight against law enforcement and take a journey into the antagonist's hateful mind. Gather equipment of the dead ‘human shields’ to spread Armageddon upon society. Destroy everything on your way of hunt and fight back when it's disturbed...

...just don't try this at home and don't take it too seriously, it's just a game. :)

The question you may ask is: why do they do this? These days, when a lot of games are heading to be polite, colorful, politically correct and trying to be some kind of higher art, rather than just an entertainment – we wanted to create something against trends. Something different, something that could give the player a pure, gaming pleasure. Herecomes our game, which takes no prisoners and makes no excuses. We say ‘yes, it is a game about killing people’ and the only reason of the antagonist doing that sick stuff is his deep-rooted hatred. Player has to ask himself what can push any human being to mass-murder. We provoke this question using new Unreal Engine 4, pushing its physics (or rather PhysX) systems to the limits and trying to make the visuals as good as possible. It's not a simple task, because of the game's non-linear structure and a lot of characters on the screen. But here at Destructive Creations, we are an experienced team and we know how to handle the challenge!


Gaming / Re: I have found the edgiest game on the planet.
« on: October 16, 2014, 03:50:05 PM »
I feel like I'm the only one here who is actually disturbed by that game?



Gaming / Re: Do any of you wanna have a Halo 4 group?
« on: October 16, 2014, 03:39:03 PM »
343i released an update that fixed Halo 4's bugged achievements. Those of you that had some of them unlocked probably got them because you had technically done them before.

Gaming / Re: New 1080p MCC Screenshots
« on: October 16, 2014, 03:34:22 PM »
I think the problems I have with the H2A Elites vs the old ones are:
1. The skin. Not quite sure if it's the texture too, but the color doesn't look right, seems a bit too light.
Color is the same as Halo Reach, don't forget we're dealing with Blur who takes into account all aspects of coloration on skin, including how light reacts to different textures.

2. Their mouths, mostly the teeth. Foremost, how their teeth seem bent and uncared for bothers me, it makes them look like hill billies; is this really the extent of the Covenant's technology when it comes to the field of Dentistry?
Look at their teeth in Halo 2, they were really fugly. In regards to dentistry:

Look at humans. The majority of humans don't care for their teeth as much as some western cultures have (USA) and even in western cultures, the USA is an oddball for our emphasis on teeth care as well. The idea that cultures from an entirely different species would have the same cultural values western society on Earth has is rather ethnocentric.

While it looks like 343i improved the positioning of the upper mandibles so they aren't biting themselves in the face, it still kinda looks like Thel's chomping his own gums/grinding his teeth in that picture. Seems like an improvement, but still looks problematic from a realistic POV.
Halo 4's Elites were never biting their faces.

Evolution is a bit rudimentary when you compare it to how intelligent or logical design should be. It's just a picture. Footage from the Halo 2 Blue trailer makes it look good.

Now, here's where there really seems to be a concern regarding the mandibles actually being useful. It looks like each mandible is packed with 50-some pointed teeth, which effectively means they can't be used for chewing as a meat-eating animal. Why? Same reason why a bed of nails actually doesn't hurt to lay down on, surface area; with whatever the Elite is eating being spread out in SA along the teeth lining the mandibles, the teeth cannot really cut or slice that efficiently. They'd seem about as effective as molars, and all they could seem to be used for is pushing the food into their throat-hole.
Well, having them function in a similar function to molars would actually make sense considering they are herbivores and the Halo 4 iteration of Elites has molars.

Plus, there are teeth that stick out further than others on the mandibles.

Gaming / Re: New 1080p MCC Screenshots
« on: October 16, 2014, 03:09:47 PM »

I really don't think that analogy works at all when you're dealing with texture fidelity and polygon count...

A better analogy would be like when someone takes a cartoon or anime character and makes it more realistic or cosplays as them.  They usually aren't as cool.
I'll refute that by pointing out that Halo was never stylized, it was always based on reality.

Gaming / Re: New 1080p MCC Screenshots
« on: October 16, 2014, 11:01:33 AM »
I'm not seeing the problem with the Halo 2 Anniversary Elites, they look the same as they originally did but more detailed to me
It's the additional detail that makes them look less than stellar, imo.

So basically nostalgia?
Perhaps, although I'd compare it to the attractiveness of a movie star, for example. Beatiful on screen with the make-up and film effects, but once you take all that way and actually get close enough to see every little real detail? Very likely that she loses a lot of that charm.

I really don't think that analogy works at all when you're dealing with texture fidelity and polygon count...
I just think that the low polygon count and rather poor textures gave it some charm that is lost when converted to full HD 1080p, that's all.
So, nostalgia then.

Gaming / Re: New 1080p MCC Screenshots
« on: October 16, 2014, 11:00:53 AM »
I'm not seeing the problem with the Halo 2 Anniversary Elites, they look the same as they originally did but more detailed to me
It's the additional detail that makes them look less than stellar, imo.

So basically nostalgia?
Probably because the less detail makes them not look as gross and stuff, more than anything it might be the realism.
In my opinion the higher detail makes them look better from an attractiveness standpoint.

Have any of you guys stopped to take a look at the Halo 2 Classic Elite mouth? That thing is really fugly. It's mostly gums with random teeth sticking out here and there.

 It's like a Sarlacc Pit in there!
That's a pre-launch CE Elite though.

This is the Halo 2 Elite mouth.

Gaming / Re: New 1080p MCC Screenshots
« on: October 16, 2014, 10:58:05 AM »
I'm not seeing the problem with the Halo 2 Anniversary Elites, they look the same as they originally did but more detailed to me
It's the additional detail that makes them look less than stellar, imo.

So basically nostalgia?
Perhaps, although I'd compare it to the attractiveness of a movie star, for example. Beatiful on screen with the make-up and film effects, but once you take all that way and actually get close enough to see every little real detail? Very likely that she loses a lot of that charm.

I really don't think that analogy works at all when you're dealing with texture fidelity and polygon count...

Gaming / Re: New 1080p MCC Screenshots
« on: October 16, 2014, 10:53:11 AM »
I'm not seeing the problem with the Halo 2 Anniversary Elites, they look the same as they originally did but more detailed to me
It's the additional detail that makes them look less than stellar, imo.

So basically nostalgia?
Probably because the less detail makes them not look as gross and stuff, more than anything it might be the realism.
In my opinion the higher detail makes them look better from an attractiveness standpoint.

Have any of you guys stopped to take a look at the Halo 2 Classic Elite mouth? That thing is really fugly. It's mostly gums with random teeth sticking out here and there.

Gaming / Re: New 1080p MCC Screenshots
« on: October 16, 2014, 10:42:32 AM »
I'm not seeing the problem with the Halo 2 Anniversary Elites, they look the same as they originally did but more detailed to me
It's the additional detail that makes them look less than stellar, imo.

So basically nostalgia?

Gaming / Re: New 1080p MCC Screenshots
« on: October 16, 2014, 10:40:03 AM »
Those fugly elites though.
The elites in the cutscenes actually look like updated Bungie Elites

Not the bullshit 343i made
Seriously what the frack is this shit 343
Beauty, beauty happened.

>TFW the guy responsible for Bungie giving the Elites mandibles instead of jaws prefers the Halo 4 mandibles.


Gaming / Re: Do any of you wanna have a Halo 4 group?
« on: October 16, 2014, 10:14:08 AM »
When the MCC arrives, sure. Then again, we'll all probably be playing Halo 2 and Halo CE...

Gaming / Re: Halo Spartan Strike announced
« on: October 15, 2014, 03:07:47 PM »
Not really...

Not really, in that it makes sense that in 2552, the Covenant knew about the Promethean?

It could just be the way he's phrasing it, but it still comes off as bad.
1. It's fairly obvious he was paraphrasing.

2. If he wasn't, it's not out of the question. In Halo 3 the Elites already knew specifics regarding Flood Pure Forms due to "sacred texts".

Gaming / Re: Halo Spartan Strike announced
« on: October 15, 2014, 11:55:23 AM »
> Set in 2552 (Halo 2 period)
> Locations on Gamma Halo
> Covenant searching for Artifact to help Prometheans

Curious - is this meant to be an AU, or does 343 just not care?
If you watched the video, he says the game starts in 2552 New Mombasa, then jumps ahead to 2557.

I am watching the video.

"We start the game in 2552, in New Mombasa, where you are chasing after an artifact the Covenant are after to invite their Promethean friends in. You lose the artifact, and then five years later..."

Still makes zero sense.
Not really...

Gaming / Re: Halo Spartan Strike announced
« on: October 15, 2014, 11:44:09 AM »
> Set in 2552 (Halo 2 period)
> Locations on Gamma Halo
> Covenant searching for Artifact to help Prometheans

Curious - is this meant to be an AU, or does 343 just not care?
If you watched the video, he says the game starts in 2552 New Mombasa, then jumps ahead to 2557.

Gaming / Re: Halo Spartan Strike announced
« on: October 15, 2014, 10:44:16 AM »
I know...seems like this will be a yearly trend.
You're complaining about a mobile Halo game that 343i didn't even make being yearly...

It's a fucking mobile game, not Halo 5: Guardians. 

Gaming / Re: Black Tusks new Lancer design
« on: October 14, 2014, 10:03:53 PM »
I like that the chainsaw is shorter. Always scared the shit out of me how you needed to reach BENEATH the chainsaw the hold the gun.

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