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Messages - Mr. Admirals

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The Flood / Re: I finished reading Halo: Broken Circle
« on: November 03, 2014, 10:47:46 PM »
How much glorious pre-Covenant Sangheili society were we shown?
Quite a bit.

It's also rather nice, in the end, the Sangheili spirit was never broken by the Covenant as a small group of free Sangheili survived until 2553 before rejoining the modern Sangheili.


Knew they had something grand before the Covenant mulched it. Gonna read that shit up as soon as I can.
Two favorite parts of the book.

1. They go back to Janjur Qom, and classic San 'Shyuum culture is delved into.

2. In Halo 2 we heard about how the Elite High Council was slaughtered. What they neglected to tell us, is that it was this huge badass standoff between hundreds of Elites and Brutes in Delta Halo's control room.

The final battle was between this one Elite with dual energy swords going at this BAMF of a Brute with a hammer who was Tartarus' right hand man.

Colour me fucking impressed. A Halo novel I've actually wanted to read in a long while.
Also, Tartarus (and other Brutes) like this red drink that's so toxic, it will kill any other species that drinks it.

The Flood / Re: I finished reading Halo: Broken Circle
« on: November 03, 2014, 10:44:52 PM »
How did you get it early?
Coordinated with my mom to get it to me. Went to pre-order it on Saturday, they let her by it, but she couldn't get it to me until today.

Was she involved with the book or something, or did the store screw up? I'm surprised they even had copies that early.
The store near my hometown is weird with book releases. They let me buy Silentium early.

Also, stores receive shipments of new products a week or two before they launch. Stores should already have copies of the MCC in the back.

The Flood / Re: I finished reading Halo: Broken Circle
« on: November 03, 2014, 10:41:18 PM »
How did you get it early?
Coordinated with my mom to get it to me. Went to pre-order it on Saturday, they let her by it, but she couldn't get it to me until today.

The Flood / Re: I finished reading Halo: Broken Circle
« on: November 03, 2014, 10:40:23 PM »
How much glorious pre-Covenant Sangheili society were we shown?
Quite a bit.

It's also rather nice, in the end, the Sangheili spirit was never broken by the Covenant as a small group of free Sangheili survived until 2553 before rejoining the modern Sangheili.


Knew they had something grand before the Covenant mulched it. Gonna read that shit up as soon as I can.
Two favorite parts of the book.

1. They go back to Janjur Qom, and classic San 'Shyuum culture is delved into.

2. In Halo 2 we heard about how the Elite High Council was slaughtered. What they neglected to tell us, is that it was this huge badass standoff between hundreds of Elites and Brutes in Delta Halo's control room.

The final battle was between this one Elite with dual energy swords going at this BAMF of a Brute with a hammer who was Tartarus' right hand man.

The Flood / Re: I finished reading Halo: Broken Circle
« on: November 03, 2014, 10:37:34 PM »
What retard broke the circle?
Ussa 'Xellus and Enduring Bias

The Flood / Re: I finished reading Halo: Broken Circle
« on: November 03, 2014, 10:37:02 PM »
How many circs did 343i break?

Technically one. But it's K cuz they fixed it in the end.
Is the circle a Halo, or...?
Nah, Shield World. But it was reassembled in the shape of a Halo interestingly enough.

The Flood / Re: I finished reading Halo: Broken Circle
« on: November 03, 2014, 10:36:05 PM »
How much glorious pre-Covenant Sangheili society were we shown?
Quite a bit.

It's also rather nice, in the end, the Sangheili spirit was never broken by the Covenant as a small group of free Sangheili survived until 2553 before rejoining the modern Sangheili.

The Flood / Re: I finished reading Halo: Broken Circle
« on: November 03, 2014, 10:34:29 PM »
How many circs did 343i break?

Technically one. But it's K cuz they fixed it in the end.

The Flood / I finished reading Halo: Broken Circle
« on: November 03, 2014, 10:30:30 PM »

Gaming / Re: Bungie is commiting suicide
« on: November 03, 2014, 08:45:30 AM »
It's $35 for BOTH expansions
Still a fucking ripoff.
$60 for less than half of a game + $35 for cut content
So was H2 a rip-off? I mean, this is the same situation

Both are unfinished games
H3 was $60 and was the cut part of H2; 4 Destiny DLCs are $60 and the cut content of the game
The difference is that this was cut intentionally and not the same situation at all.
Halo 2 was unfinished, ended on a cliffhanger and had broken MP because Halo 2 was in development hell. They ran out of time, thus Halo 3 finished it (although rather poorly).
Destiny has been in development since before Reach, so they had plenty of time.

Destiny is shit, and what Bungie are doing is shit.
This is something EA would do.

Destiny was in development hell to ya know. Remember that bungie employee who posted what had happened to destiny on reddit?

That agrees with what I said.  With destiny they didn't want to be ambitious with a fantasy game so they played it safe with a sci-fi shooter.  They cut content then sold it after release for $35.  With Halo 2 they were trying to put in so much they ran out of time.  Destiny doesn't even have a plot.

Well at first bungie wasn't sure. Joe Staten wanted the ambitious fantasy game, but the Bungie higher ups wanted to play the safe route. After Joe Staten left they went the safe route. iirc the cut content was cut because they're direction of the game by then was all over the place, and some things didn't make sense anymore after all the changes. Basically the needed more time to redo a bunch of more shit and didn't have enough time to fix everything, so they started cutting things.
Essentially another Halo 2 rush incident.. yet despite Halo's issues, was a big hit.
Because of 3 reasons.

1. Halo CE created insane levels of hype

2. Game had a solid story until the ending.

3. Completely revolutionized console online multiplayer

The Flood / Re: Fat bitches are making a push in the music industry
« on: November 03, 2014, 08:32:28 AM »
Adele wasn't obese though. And she actually has a gorgeous voice.

Gaming / Re: Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare takes QTE to the next level
« on: November 03, 2014, 08:28:36 AM »
1. Where the shit is the cinematic music? That would make what's happening 3 times as entertaining.

2. That final line... Oh god... (By Irons and the main character)

3. How did he dominate that Exo soldier at the end?

Gaming / Re: Here's three of the Halo 5 armour permutations.
« on: November 02, 2014, 08:50:05 PM »
Meh, they look too shiny and stuff. Let's hope they have better original armor designs, because Helioskrill just looked ugly.
They're purposefully shiny to show off the real time lighting 343i is using in Halo 5. As the armor is finalized, that shininess will be removed.

Gaming / Re: Here's three of the Halo 5 armour permutations.
« on: November 02, 2014, 08:48:33 PM »
What exactly is the difference between MKIV and MKIV Scarred?
Other than the lack of finished textures, Scarred has a massive crack in the visor and the right breastplate appears to have its internal components exposed, or that geometry will turn into more detailed gouges.

Gaming / Re: 9 more days....
« on: November 02, 2014, 06:44:08 PM »
>TFW I could have finished Broken Circle by now if I was still in High School.

Gaming / Re: Questions About TVs and Gaming
« on: November 02, 2014, 03:25:55 PM »
Both are Vizio.

Larger one is 1080p 120hz.

Maybe it has to do with me sitting so close to my 28 inch? Being in a dorm, there's not much room to move back.

I'm wondering, could you hook up a laptop to it and play some of those IGN Halo videos to test it out?
I was thinking of doing that. I'll check it out.

Gaming / Re: Questions About TVs and Gaming
« on: November 02, 2014, 03:05:20 PM »
Are you used to a bigger television?
Yes. Before college I played on a 60in TV from about 6.5ft. away.

Hmm, what kind of television? Is it junk? I notice 60fps just fine on my 17" monitor, and 720p 60fps is definitely noticeable, while 60fps at 480p is sometimes not worth it. Almost all televisions are 60hz, so that has nothing to do with it.
Both are Vizio.

Larger one is 1080p 120hz.

Maybe it has to do with me sitting so close to my 28 inch? Being in a dorm, there's not much room to move back.

Gaming / Re: Questions About TVs and Gaming
« on: November 02, 2014, 02:59:03 PM »
Are you used to a bigger television?
Yes. Before college I played on a 60in TV from about 6.5ft. away.

Gaming / Questions About TVs and Gaming
« on: November 02, 2014, 02:38:28 PM »
Okay, so I've got a 28in. Vizio HDTV. It is 720p 60hz.

1. On my Xbox One, I can select it to display at 1080p, despite the TV saying it's limited to 720p. Is it really displaying at 1080p?

2. Is 60hz really 60fps? Destiny definitely runs at 30fps, but I've noticed that my other games that run at 60fps don't look like they are at 60fps. Comparatively, other people on my dorm who have different TVs makes it look like their games really are at 60fps. Is this just my eyes playing tricks?

Gaming / Re: Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare takes QTE to the next level
« on: November 02, 2014, 02:05:33 PM »
I can't tell if this is offensive, hilarious, or both.

isn't there only like 4-5 story missions?
that isn't going to fix anything tbh
Only 3 actually. Yeah, these changes sound really good, but it's too little, too late.

Gaming / Re: Here's three of the Halo 5 armour permutations.
« on: November 02, 2014, 10:56:58 AM »
Why do they look like shined wax?
Because these are just renders to show off reflections. Frankie said they won't like like this in the game.
If the don't like like this why did they made them? ō.ô
1. Not all the assets are done

2. They are showing off their new real time reflection system tech. (Remember that Bungie had this tech on the visors in Alpha-Halo 3, it's finally getting implemented into a Halo game after 8 years.

Gaming / Re: Here's three of the Halo 5 armour permutations.
« on: November 01, 2014, 03:40:57 AM »
The Helioskrill helmet looks like a retarded version of an Elite helmet
That's because it was designed by a Sangheili.

Gaming / Halo: MCC's Day 1 Update adds 50 more Achievments
« on: October 31, 2014, 08:26:00 PM »
That's a total of 450 Achievements worth 4,500 GS.

News / Re: Penguin Party (Oct 31)
« on: October 31, 2014, 06:53:49 PM »
I can't access the Forum.

Gaming / Re: Heads up: "Remaking a Legend" is up already
« on: October 31, 2014, 04:45:51 PM »
>TFW when the noise of a Hunter moving is produced by two leather jackets being rustled together

Gaming / Re: Do you still follow Halo?
« on: October 31, 2014, 03:01:13 PM »
I gave up reading fiction but I still enjoy the games.  Nightfall might be good but I'd like to see them stop with live action and just pay Blur to make a full CGI one.  There budgets for live action seem low and the CGI interacting with people is just corny.  It'd look much better all CGI.
$70 million dollars is a low budget?

Gaming / Re: Do you still follow Halo?
« on: October 31, 2014, 12:21:54 PM »
The EU is trash now so I don't follow it anymore. I'll probably just stick to the games from now on.
*glares with the intensity of a million dying suns*

Yes, OP, very much so.

« on: October 30, 2014, 08:21:28 AM »
It's just a mutilated, talking penis with teeth. Come at me Flood.

I dunno about you, but that sounds fairly unnerving to me.

Regardless I actually find the design more satisfying than anything. We finally make Gravemind at least look like the bada$$ he was.
I dream worse or just as bad on a pretty average basis.

Still could've used more skulls as teeth. Always could use more skulls.
Again though, gotta respect the original design.
The original design had skulls for teeth. Learn your history.
The original *design had skulls for teeth.

It never made it past concept art stage.

« on: October 29, 2014, 08:12:03 PM »
It's just a mutilated, talking penis with teeth. Come at me Flood.

I dunno about you, but that sounds fairly unnerving to me.

Regardless I actually find the design more satisfying than anything. We finally make Gravemind at least look like the bada$$ he was.
I dream worse or just as bad on a pretty average basis.

Still could've used more skulls as teeth. Always could use more skulls.
Again though, gotta respect the original design.

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