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Messages - Mr. Admirals

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Gaming / Re: Oh Mai Gawd He Isunt Ded Gaius
« on: November 16, 2014, 06:53:26 PM »
Saw this coming.

Gaming / Re: Is Spartan Ops in the MCC?
« on: November 16, 2014, 05:40:43 PM »
It's being added in December.

Is there a date yet or just "December"?
Oh gosh... December 12th I think they said?

Gaming / Re: New Halo 5 Beta Gametype
« on: November 16, 2014, 05:37:13 PM »
Why is everyone comparing this to S&D?

There's not even an objective. I'd compare it more to Gears' slayer mode considering the lead MP designer on Halo 5 was lead MP designer at Epic.

You mean Team Deathmatch.

Except there's no 15 lives to share across the team..
Regardless, why does everyone look towards CoD? Was it not Counter Strike that popularized the one life gametype?

Gaming / Re: Just watched the Halo 2 Anniversary Terminals.
« on: November 16, 2014, 05:22:37 PM »
No one here even understands what the shit MJOLNIR Gen 2 is.

I want to make this very clear: MJOLNIR external (aesthetic) design DOES NOT signify if it is Gen 1 or Gen 2.
That's kinda like saying you can't tell the difference between 2 cars based on aesthetics.
You can have two cars that look completely different. However, when you look under the hood, you'll find very similar engines.

We have yet to see what Grey Team's armor actually look like, other than the very upper part of the torso from the cover of Cole Protocol.

What we do know, is that they have experimental armor.

Gaming / Re: Just watched the Halo 2 Anniversary Terminals.
« on: November 16, 2014, 11:32:32 AM »
No one here even understands what the shit MJOLNIR Gen 2 is.

I want to make this very clear: MJOLNIR external (aesthetic) design DOES NOT signify if it is Gen 1 or Gen 2.

Gaming / Re: Is Spartan Ops in the MCC?
« on: November 16, 2014, 11:27:46 AM »
It's being added in December.

Gaming / Re: New Halo 5 Beta Gametype
« on: November 16, 2014, 11:26:26 AM »
Why is everyone comparing this to S&D?

There's not even an objective. I'd compare it more to Gears' slayer mode considering the lead MP designer on Halo 5 was lead MP designer at Epic.

The Flood / Re: התWhat's your favorite bionicle
« on: November 14, 2014, 02:06:13 PM »

Onua. All day 'erry day.

They are featured on Halo Channel, and my friend said that the Channel doesn't allow you to record stuff on it.

Gaming / Re: >all these years later
« on: November 14, 2014, 01:24:26 PM »
Mediocre. But it's a level of mediocrity that allows derpy and endless fun.

Gaming / Re: Anyone have astros?
« on: November 14, 2014, 01:22:48 PM »
A50s myself. Absolutely phenomenal.

And they're sturdy too. My astros survived multiple 6 foot drops unharmed.

Gaming / Re: This could actually take halo 5 in the right direction
« on: November 14, 2014, 08:57:21 AM »
Do people here seriously still not know about this?

Gaming / Re: Halo 2 Anniversary Cryptic Message.
« on: November 13, 2014, 10:18:45 PM »
We squandered eons in the darkness while they seize our triumphs for their own. The Mantle of Responsibility for all things, belongs to Forerunners alone. Think of my acts as you will, but do not doubt the reality, the Reclamation has already begun, and we are hopeless to stop it.

Yup. Oh well. Was hoping it was going to be a new message.

The Flood / Re: Bungle.Net got another update
« on: November 13, 2014, 09:15:56 PM »
So much for Bungie's new Forum Designer pulling through...

Gaming is still a #Destiny moshpit.

Gaming / Re: For those with the MCC
« on: November 13, 2014, 02:44:50 PM »
I only despise the Sangheili armour in Halo 2 Anniversary multiplayer. What happened after they developed the first set?

Beauty happened.


Gaming / Re: Halo 2 Anniversary soundtracks for everyone!
« on: November 12, 2014, 11:23:37 PM »
Thank you for correcting my shitty memory. I love that line so much.

I love the Gravemind's lines where he "brags" about how much he's done or been through, because you know he's not bullshitting. If you pissed off a Gravemind by what you said or did, you REALLY fucked up.

Hearing the indirect back and forth Gravemind and Truth were having in Halo 2 really changes the scene in Halo 3 where the Gravemind begins to infect him.

Oh wait... Holy cow, I just noticed that the Gravemind infected all three Hierarchs...

Also, Gravy's new appearance makes Human Weaknesses make a bit more sense when Cortana expects the Gravemind to be slimy.

Gaming / Re: For those with the MCC
« on: November 12, 2014, 11:19:47 PM »

What's that?

When you go into CE's "change profile name" screen and type in ".fortune" it gives you a random message
Dunno how you'd do that with the MCC. Especially since it goes off of Gamertags and not usernames.

Gaming / Re: For those with the MCC
« on: November 12, 2014, 11:17:52 PM »

What's that?

Gaming / Re: For those with the MCC
« on: November 12, 2014, 11:17:38 PM »
I haven't played any of the multiplayer yet so I can't speak to that.

But I can notice the difference with it being 60 fps, it's a lot more noticeable then I thought it would have been. I dunno, to me at least, it seems like you can't really notice the difference 60 fps brings unless you play it at 60 fps, I could never notice much difference in those comparison videos.

As for the main menu it's basically sub-menu extravaganza. To be honest it's not pretty, but it's functional. Although it is a little tiresome if want to swap between say from campaign to matchmaking to forge since you have to go down all the sub menus.
As tedious as the menus can get, they were probably the best course. For superfans who already know each Halo's features like us, the menus might seem unnecessarily... precise and definitive.

But for a casual fan or a new fan, it would work out really well. You're navigating four games worth of content after all.

Gaming / Re: For those with the MCC
« on: November 12, 2014, 11:15:25 PM »
1. Halo 2 Anniversary MP is highly skill based. I'd compare it to Halo 2 without the shitty autoaim and glitches. (Maybe it still has that autoaim, so I could be forgetting or not noticing)

2. It feels godlike. I'm not going to lie, it actually creates more skill. Having twice the frames has made me need to relearn how to aim (at least for MP), and it makes it so you need to be dead on accurate. For me though, the 60 fps really shines with the projectiles, seeing the plasma actually fly towards you without stuttering is sooooo goood. It really benefits all the Halo games.

3. Anything that was in the Main Menu of the other Halo games is there. There are some new customization options, but they don't take up too much space. 

Gaming / Re: Halo 2 Anniversary soundtracks for everyone!
« on: November 12, 2014, 11:06:43 PM »
Can someone please reverse cryptic whisper? I need to know if it says anything different.

A friend of mine said that it plays a reversed version of the Epilogue speech from Halo 4, but others say that there's some slight differences.

One thing's for sure: you have to speed it up as well, instead of just reverse it. So if aaaanyone wants to try, don't forget that
I tried to do it myself, but my editing skills suck ass so I was fumbling in the dark.

Makes sense if it's the Didact. Texture of the reversed voice sounds different.

Also, I beat H2A yesterday, and I forgot how badass ALL of the Gravemind's lines were in Halo 2. Especially when he hijacks High Charity's comm systems.

"You have the luxury of a quick death, while we have to evolve for an eternity!"

"Mercy is sitting right beside me, whispering his wisdom to me as always."
"We exist together now, two corpses, in one grave."

Like holy shit, Gravemind is absolutely terrifying and insidious in Halo 2. Having that perspective of the Forerunner Saga really drives home how absolutely horrible the Flood are.

Gaming / Re: Halo 2 Anniversary soundtracks for everyone!
« on: November 12, 2014, 10:55:32 PM »
Can someone please reverse cryptic whisper? I need to know if it says anything different.

Gaming / Re: More Halo 5 gameplay
« on: November 12, 2014, 10:31:44 PM »
Where's that article Mendy wrote on StarHammer and Halo? I'd love to read that again.

Gaming / Re: More Halo 5 gameplay
« on: November 12, 2014, 10:28:52 PM »
it's a giant ball of copy pasta, even down to its story

Almost literally with Starhammer over there.
Uh-huh. It's as if every page of that book was turned into a video game.

Gaming / Re: More Halo 5 gameplay
« on: November 12, 2014, 10:26:10 PM »
Looks like Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare with a different skin. 343i is fucking up again.
>Arena Shooter
>Equal Starts

>"Equal" starts don't mean shit
>Looks like CoD: thrusters ADS sprint etc aka Cock of shit
>wut, can't read?
So if Halo 3 was a Class Shooter you wouldn't mind?

Thrusters and sprint are not mutually exclusive to CoD

Halo 3 irrelevant.

And they are now, Gaylo 5: Call of Titanfall
You said equal starts don't mean shit for Halo 5. So should that not apply to the other Halo games as well? If equal starts don't mean shit, you're telling me that if Halo 5 was a class shooter, you wouldn't be any more upset? Or if Halo 3 was a class shooter without equal starts, that doesn't matter?

A popular game using certain gameplay mechanics does not make it mutually exclusive. Everything comes from somewhere, and in Halo's case, it's a giant ball of copy pasta, even down to its story.

And I mean from the beginning. In fact, when Halo CE came out, it was the CoD of its time. Arena Shooter fans absolutely hated it and said it was a casualized piece of shit, but I digress.

Gaming / Re: More Halo 5 gameplay
« on: November 12, 2014, 09:57:14 PM »
Looks like Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare with a different skin. 343i is fucking up again.
>Arena Shooter
>Equal Starts

>"Equal" starts don't mean shit
>Looks like CoD: thrusters ADS sprint etc aka Cock of shit
>wut, can't read?
So if Halo 3 was a Class Shooter you wouldn't mind?

Thrusters and sprint are not mutually exclusive to CoD

Gaming / Re: We're not getting Blood Dragon 2 .
« on: November 12, 2014, 09:26:53 PM »
Makes sense, if they did make one, they'd be making a parody about themselves.
I don't get it
While Blood Dragon focused a lot on 80s cliches, the other thing it did for comedy purposes was intentionally shitty game design.

Gaming / Re: More Halo 5 gameplay
« on: November 12, 2014, 09:15:18 PM »
It's not the Halo I know anymore. It's a cool looking shooter, but it'll require me to play it before I accept it as a Halo game. I accepted Halo 4, day one, for still retaining classic Halo gunplay underneath all of the classes/specialization garbage. Here? Gameplay just doesn't seem to flow the same way as it did before, and it feels like something completely different. Perhaps I might enjoy it, but I'm skeptical.

That being said some complaints I've been hearing [as always with the complaints leveled at 343] are ridiculously off base. Specifically the ones about smart scope and "it's basically CoD!"

"Smart scope = broken game." I thought this too [you should have seen me raging at the Archive] until I saw the videos. Smart scope is there for a reason, and that was apparent to me the moment I watched the game in action: Quinn wants to remove auto aim/aim assist from Halo. Instead of having the traditional lock on auto aim we now have ADS for better precision.

"They're copying AW!" So... you're telling me their design philosophy for a game which 343 formally announced May of this year was influenced by... a game which was formally announced May of this year? And perhaps more importantly, the implementation of movement here is conceptually very different. AW is still a twitch shooter, just with more ways to get to the "twitching." Same goes for Titanfall, actually.

Like, if you look at the Vidoc and specifically at the part near the end where Quinn brags about killing a pro player, you see a player chaining his parkour abilities to form some next level strafe [which is quickly brought down by someone with sharp aim- and someone who's hip firing at that]. Movement and kill times seem to be built specifically to add into the golden triangle and help in actual gun engagements, and not to just affect map flow.

"But Goji, fast kill times => Call of Duty!" Fast kill times are fantastic for Halo PROVIDED they are difficult to pull off [as evidenced by CE]. "0.6 second TSK? Yeah that's fine, perfectly Halo. ~1.0 second FSK? Oh yeah CoD confirmed... ?"


-I think the game looks weird. Certainly not mai Halo at a first glance
-Smart scope is intriguing
-Game seems to play nothing like CoD, or twitch based shooters as a whole
-Well, I just wasted like 5 minutes of my life typing this up
Not really. You're the first person who I can truly understand for feeling skeptical about the game.

Granted, I'm always looking at things from a lore perspective, so this looks more, and more like how I envisioned the universe.

Only thing I'm intrigued about is that the hump at the end of the magnum now looks to be their for aesthetic purposes, whereas before, it was a metal hood that protected the Magnum's Smart Scope. And now that Smart Scopes are being truly realized, I find it ironic that it appears there is no smartscope. Although I'd need to see the front of the gun to make a final judgement.

Gaming / Re: We're not getting Blood Dragon 2 .
« on: November 12, 2014, 09:10:49 PM »
Makes sense, if they did make one, they'd be making a parody about themselves.

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