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Messages - Mr. Admirals

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The Flood / Re: People are just awesome.
« on: November 19, 2014, 07:28:40 PM »
I don't know. Sort of ironic considering I profess my love of the human race, but don't have anything special to say about it.

Gaming / Re: First Game Played?
« on: November 19, 2014, 07:22:28 PM »
I honestly don't even know.

Gaming / Re: What are some of your favourite game covers?
« on: November 19, 2014, 07:17:30 PM »

If they stuck with it, it would have been truly phenomenal boxart. Instead we got boxart as generic as the game.

Gaming / Re: What if Halo 2 had actually been like this?
« on: November 19, 2014, 07:00:50 PM »
Yeah... Bungie did a really bad job at portraying the Battles of Sol in general.

The H2A cutscenes do a great job at fixing this though.

For the most part, the worst devastation didn't happen in Kenya. Because, well, it's a lot of Savannah and a few interspersed installations as we saw in Halo 3.

If they wanted to show us absolute devastation, they would have had a mission or two in Australia.

The Covenant literally leveled every human structure there because it's where the HQ of the UNSC is located.

Gaming / Re: apparently today's tu for the mcc was delayed
« on: November 19, 2014, 04:12:58 PM »
what the actual fuck, man
It was done to add in even more fixes.
i don't give a shit about more fixes. i can't even play
Maybe your Internet sucks?
no, it doesn't.
Other than the MP then, what's preventing you from playing campaign?
I already played it.
Go do some Campaign Achievments then. Set a friend as a rival. Go forging.

Gaming / Re: apparently today's tu for the mcc was delayed
« on: November 19, 2014, 02:19:16 PM »
what the actual fuck, man
It was done to add in even more fixes.
i don't give a shit about more fixes. i can't even play
Maybe your Internet sucks?
no, it doesn't.
Other than the MP then, what's preventing you from playing campaign?

The Flood / Re: Civil Engineering
« on: November 19, 2014, 01:36:00 PM »
Game Design and Development

Gamers take games way too seriously. They don't even understand how much effort it really takes to make a simple game play and look good.

Not just that, but they're too impatient with updates. A game's coding can function in such a way that what the fans think would be simple (even the devs too), can involve restructuring the entire system you're updating.

Gaming / Re: apparently today's tu for the mcc was delayed
« on: November 19, 2014, 01:29:42 PM »
what the actual fuck, man
It was done to add in even more fixes.
i don't give a shit about more fixes. i can't even play
Maybe your Internet sucks? My search times are usually only 2 minutes, and all my campaign missions load just fine.

The Flood / Re: College
« on: November 19, 2014, 12:45:49 PM »
UW Stout

Gaming / Re: apparently today's tu for the mcc was delayed
« on: November 19, 2014, 12:38:49 PM »
halo channel was screwed up last night too.
tried to watch Nightfall episode 2, and it kept playing the Bulletin -____-
Wasn't just the Halo Channel. All of XBL was having issues last night.

I noticed. Nothing worked last night for me.
Rather annoying.
You get a chance to see Episode 2 now that it's working again? Definitely a lot better. Less cheesy too.

The Second Stories are probably my favorite part about Nightfall.

Gaming / Re: apparently today's tu for the mcc was delayed
« on: November 19, 2014, 12:35:30 PM »
halo channel was screwed up last night too.
tried to watch Nightfall episode 2, and it kept playing the Bulletin -____-
Wasn't just the Halo Channel. All of XBL was having issues last night.

Gaming / Re: apparently today's tu for the mcc was delayed
« on: November 19, 2014, 12:34:36 PM »
what the actual fuck, man
It was done to add in even more fixes.

Gaming / Re: Just watched the Halo 2 Anniversary Terminals.
« on: November 19, 2014, 12:33:30 PM »
The dialogue is so bad at some points...

"I am starting to think that you are not so smart..." lol

Also at the end it went full Prometheus.
What do you mean it went full Prometheus at the end?

Also, yeah, the Grunt Rebellion Terminal wins IMO. I choke up every time they start glassing their homeworld.

343i keeps making the Lekgolo more and more alien, which I like. Anyone see the latest episode of Nightfall? Their intro scene where they are replicating the horses is freaky as hell.

Gaming / Re: H2A Forge AA Gun tutorial
« on: November 19, 2014, 12:24:39 PM »
Charlie Foxtrot! Tower one approach has active Triple-A!
Good 'ole Bungie. Getting away with "Cluster Fuck" by using military phonetics.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 Story discussion
« on: November 18, 2014, 10:19:09 AM »
So let me get this straight:

Post Halo 4 Chief went rogue with Blue Team?

That sounds fucking awesome actually. someone correct me if I'm wrong.
We don't know if Blue Team is with him, but given that Locke is only concerned with the Chief, I'd guess otherwise. Not just that, but he is AWOL, not refusing R&R.

So, something happened. And Arbiter obviously is right when he says that he has his reasons.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 Story discussion
« on: November 18, 2014, 10:15:23 AM »
I really want to know who the hell Locke is, and why would he be hunting John? He saved Earth at the end of Halo 4, and on multiple occasions before that, so why would the UNSC send a Spartan to hunt him down? Did he go rogue after losing Cortana or some shit?


I want to know who the pilot of the Lich is. His voice is way too damn awesome to be a pilot.

"Covenant forces inbound! Glory to the Arbiter!"

Gaming / Re: You had one job Blur
« on: November 18, 2014, 10:11:02 AM »
Damn dude. Who knew Phantoms could reverse so fast!


Gaming / Re: Is Spartan Ops in the MCC?
« on: November 16, 2014, 09:14:47 PM »
It's being added in December.

Is there a date yet or just "December"?
Oh gosh... December 12th I think they said?

Good enough for me. I'm having a blast in Halo CE anyways. No one knows what they're doing, they all start with a pistol but never use it...

I noticed no one ever grabs the power ups either
This is what Reach and 4 did to the community. I want to cut myself now.
Newer fans who never got a chance to play classic Halo gameplay!? What heretical blasphemy is this!?
Explains why everyone was too easy too kill when playing Halo: Anniversary on 360

I'm being an ass, I know.
I can see why you've been getting annoyed by people here with "Halo 5 is like CoD AW why can't it be rike Glitchfest 2 but, that's Bungie's fans for ya
I would say it's more accurate to say "Halo fans" considering the majority,if not all of the people here vehemently criticizing Halo 5 have been quite upset with Bungie and Destiny as of late.
They still call themselves pre-Halo 3 Bungie fans
I have yet to see them refer to themselves as that, so I'll wait for them to know how to classify them.

Gaming / Re: Do all the Custom Games from Halo 3 have to be remade?
« on: November 16, 2014, 09:10:38 PM »
Remade, largely do to the fact the games run at a different resolution and framerate.

I can not wait for close the base on High Ground to make its glorious return...

Gaming / Re: Is Spartan Ops in the MCC?
« on: November 16, 2014, 09:05:58 PM »
It's being added in December.

Is there a date yet or just "December"?
Oh gosh... December 12th I think they said?

Good enough for me. I'm having a blast in Halo CE anyways. No one knows what they're doing, they all start with a pistol but never use it...

I noticed no one ever grabs the power ups either
This is what Reach and 4 did to the community. I want to cut myself now.
Newer fans who never got a chance to play classic Halo gameplay!? What heretical blasphemy is this!?
Explains why everyone was too easy too kill when playing Halo: Anniversary on 360

I'm being an ass, I know.
I can see why you've been getting annoyed by people here with "Halo 5 is like CoD AW why can't it be rike Glitchfest 2 but, that's Bungie's fans for ya
I would say it's more accurate to say "Halo fans" considering the majority,if not all of the people here vehemently criticizing Halo 5 have been quite upset with Bungie and Destiny as of late.

Gaming / Re: Is Spartan Ops in the MCC?
« on: November 16, 2014, 08:59:39 PM »
It's being added in December.

Is there a date yet or just "December"?
Oh gosh... December 12th I think they said?

Good enough for me. I'm having a blast in Halo CE anyways. No one knows what they're doing, they all start with a pistol but never use it...

I noticed no one ever grabs the power ups either
This is what Reach and 4 did to the community. I want to cut myself now.
Newer fans who never got a chance to play classic Halo gameplay!? What heretical blasphemy is this!?
Explains why everyone was too easy too kill when playing Halo: Anniversary on 360

I'm being an ass, I know.

Gaming / Re: New Halo 5 Beta Gametype
« on: November 16, 2014, 08:42:48 PM »
Hate it

Did you play the beta, did you already play the full game, no so just play the beta and see if you like it or not.
I'm sorry I didn't know what I was thinking, having my own opinion.

Hate it makes it a weak opinion, you have to be more specific.
Specifically, it looks like they're adding in shit nobody except morons asked for.
We'd be getting a goddamn Halo 2 or 3 clone if 343i only followed the suggestions of the community.

Widespread reaction to H5 MP was anger and confusion after 343i did H2A MP. Lot's of talk about 343i getting it right and then screwing up afterwards.
Lmao, no. Are you really that ignorant on what people(not talking about what retards that don't understand shit) have asked for and suggested?
If I am ignorant, then enlighten me. Don't point and laugh for me not having the same access to specific knowledge as you.

Goldenboy recently had a chat with a bunch of competitive players about Halo 5. It was basically them chewing the shit out of Halo 5, and when Goldenboy asked how they would have made Halo 5, they couldn't answer his question.
Well, as 343i made a terribly shitty update to their forums and now I need to refind all the threads I had saved on there, this will take longer to get sources, if you want them, but I'll give the general ideas.

Numerous suggestions to improve Firefight were given. Plenty featuring a sort of hub-world conjoining different areas of a single themed map(one map theme was Flood-infested High charity, another a UNSC colony world, etc). There would be bosses, map events, side-missions, vehicles, etc. The suggestions go into much more detail, and were extensively debated, so let me know if you want more.

Found this one about being able to utilize fusion coils in a different way. A risky strategy that could allow one to move objects easier at risk.

Space Battles have only been asked for since, like 4 years now, right? There's a variety of ways that can be done. Either all players start in ships and there are powerups/weapons on map(more traditional), or a more Battlefront-style approach.

That's a weapon

That's a gametype

There are God only knows how many thousands of Forge suggestions since Halo 3 that were intended for Reach and Halo 4 that never got in.

16v16 or 32v32 gametypes have been suggested en masse, and despite what some people may think they hold quite some plausibility and weight behind them.

Removal of Loadouts and Sprint, except in Custom Games with Sprint as an AA/Equipment piece, have been more or less a given. Oh, that reminds me.

Put AA's/Equipment together into the game, have it so only one can be held onto and used at a time. Since Equipment generally behaved differently, make it so AA's would have a set amount of uses or permanent fuel. A proposal was maybe have an area that AA's could be refueled, but that's not necessary for this, and at the least it would be nice for Custom Games.

I can probably remember more if you want.
The majority of suggestions you listed are well known. However, I thought the context of our conversation was regarding Halo's core mechanics, which you did list a few of.

Those suggestions though still do not work to an extent. The problem with equipment and AAs still existing then becomes, how do you adequately represent them so the opposing player knows what you have in your "pocket" without modifying the player's shape or hitbox? In the end, it may become an absolute clusterfuck of a sandbox because you have two distinct abilities, one reusable, the other dispensable. Both behaving in very different manners and you can not determine if the player has one or the other, or neither at all.

This is why I find Spartan Abilities a very attractive idea. It gives you the versatility and change of combat that AAs (and equipment to a lesser extent) tried to provide, but in a balanced manner. No signifying change needs to be given to the player anymore because despite there being seven different abilities, you know that all the other players have them.

There's a video that Ghandi made in regards to Halo 5... I can and do agree with everything he says in the video.

Above all, we need to play the shit out of the Beta because it's a year out from launch. Now, I'm not saying or even implying to not hold a negative opinion of Halo 5's gameplay, but these extremely negative fire-laced reactions and opinions are completely absurd in my point of view.


In the end, it's a lose-lose scenario for whatever any developer does with a new Halo's multiplayer.

Gaming / Re: Halo 2 Anniversary is a blast.
« on: November 16, 2014, 08:13:23 PM »
It irrates me 343 can make H2A multiplayer perfect then want to make Halo 5 how it is.
AKA You want 343i to make a Halo 2 clone.

Halo 2 Anniversary MP is literally a Halo 2 clone minus the glitches.

This goddamn community is ridiculous. Halo 5's a fucking Arena game that expands upon Halo's MP, but suddenly that's too far (farther than Halo 4 apparently...), especially with the game being over a year out from launch.

Nope, I just don't blindly accept any change as holy and wonderful.
H2A added interactive pieces on the maps and I'm not bothered.  It was a good change.  Sprint, ADS like every other game now a days has (inb4 it's the same zoom but different), 1 hit kill ground pound, etc just aren't good.
But you do blindly adhere to what is tried and true, stagnating progress.

Additionally, you also imply that I am treating the new Halo 5 abilities as holy. Instead, I do not mind them, and think they can work well. However, I do agree with a lot of criticism regarding ground pound.

Also, if you are complaining about an aesthetic animation that has absolutely no effect on gameplay, I pity your lack of judgmental depth.

Well because it worked.  You don't see chess or football radically changing every year to keep people interested.  They all have there niches, which Halo had till it started losing its identity.  Clamber removes trick jumps (something popular with Halo), had a unique zoom but now it has the generic aim down sight, ground pound is a one hit kill, and medals for literally everything.  It is better than Halo 4 though.
The context of a physical sport is a lot different than a video game. Especially since the video game industry has thousands of different games released every year, whereas athletic sports have remained static for quite a long time.

As for chess, chess has remain unchanged for so long because it is hundreds of years old, and there is no official authority that can dictate or modify the game.

Interestingly enough, if we look at Chess' popularity, yes it is well known and widely recognized, but it is not something that you see everyone playing, on TV, or in widely recognized events anymore. A comparable analog in the video game industry would be Pong. It is highly recognized among gamers and has remain unchanged, yet few people even play it, let alone own a copy.

In a sense, the clamber mechanic does remove trick jumps. But that's assuming that the maps are being built in classic Halo fashion. They are not. So now, the trick jumps become how to get closest to a far away ledge in order to clamber up.

Gaming / Re: Is Spartan Ops in the MCC?
« on: November 16, 2014, 07:25:46 PM »
It's being added in December.

Is there a date yet or just "December"?
Oh gosh... December 12th I think they said?

Good enough for me. I'm having a blast in Halo CE anyways. No one knows what they're doing, they all start with a pistol but never use it...

I noticed no one ever grabs the power ups either
This is what Reach and 4 did to the community. I want to cut myself now.
Newer fans who never got a chance to play classic Halo gameplay!? What heretical blasphemy is this!?

Gaming / Re: Halo 2 Anniversary is a blast.
« on: November 16, 2014, 07:21:38 PM »
It irrates me 343 can make H2A multiplayer perfect then want to make Halo 5 how it is.
AKA You want 343i to make a Halo 2 clone.

Halo 2 Anniversary MP is literally a Halo 2 clone minus the glitches.

This goddamn community is ridiculous. Halo 5's a fucking Arena game that expands upon Halo's MP, but suddenly that's too far (farther than Halo 4 apparently...), especially with the game being over a year out from launch.

Nope, I just don't blindly accept any change as holy and wonderful.
H2A added interactive pieces on the maps and I'm not bothered.  It was a good change.  Sprint, ADS like every other game now a days has (inb4 it's the same zoom but different), 1 hit kill ground pound, etc just aren't good.
But you do blindly adhere to what is tried and true, stagnating progress.

Additionally, you also imply that I am treating the new Halo 5 abilities as holy. Instead, I do not mind them, and think they can work well. However, I do agree with a lot of criticism regarding ground pound.

Also, if you are complaining about an aesthetic animation that has absolutely no effect on gameplay, I pity your lack of judgmental depth.

Gaming / Re: New Halo 5 Beta Gametype
« on: November 16, 2014, 07:09:28 PM »
Hate it

Did you play the beta, did you already play the full game, no so just play the beta and see if you like it or not.
I'm sorry I didn't know what I was thinking, having my own opinion.

Hate it makes it a weak opinion, you have to be more specific.
Specifically, it looks like they're adding in shit nobody except morons asked for.

There trying to make the game competitive, this is what you want, a competitive game, plus the new spartan ability is used for quick get aways, plus sprint is now balance, sorry if you don't like it but play the beta before hating on it, then see if you like it or not.
Sprint is now balanced. Yes, still being able to run away and prolong your inevitable death is balance and fixes the issue of them being able to run away.

More abilities allowing for you to escape is competitive at heart, we can all agree nothing is more competitive than running away like a little bitch.

It's Halo, trust me.
Is the inverse not true too?
Do you sarcasm, bro?
Of course I sarcasm.

I'm asking if the inverse of it being unfair to run away from a battle is true.

Gaming / Re: New Halo 5 Beta Gametype
« on: November 16, 2014, 07:07:54 PM »
Hate it

Did you play the beta, did you already play the full game, no so just play the beta and see if you like it or not.
I'm sorry I didn't know what I was thinking, having my own opinion.

Hate it makes it a weak opinion, you have to be more specific.
Specifically, it looks like they're adding in shit nobody except morons asked for.
We'd be getting a goddamn Halo 2 or 3 clone if 343i only followed the suggestions of the community.

Widespread reaction to H5 MP was anger and confusion after 343i did H2A MP. Lot's of talk about 343i getting it right and then screwing up afterwards.
Lmao, no. Are you really that ignorant on what people(not talking about what retards that don't understand shit) have asked for and suggested?
If I am ignorant, then enlighten me. Don't point and laugh for me not having the same access to specific knowledge as you.

Goldenboy recently had a chat with a bunch of competitive players about Halo 5. It was basically them chewing the shit out of Halo 5, and when Goldenboy asked how they would have made Halo 5, they couldn't answer his question.

Gaming / Re: New Halo 5 Beta Gametype
« on: November 16, 2014, 07:05:18 PM »
Hate it

Did you play the beta, did you already play the full game, no so just play the beta and see if you like it or not.
I'm sorry I didn't know what I was thinking, having my own opinion.

Hate it makes it a weak opinion, you have to be more specific.
Specifically, it looks like they're adding in shit nobody except morons asked for.

There trying to make the game competitive, this is what you want, a competitive game, plus the new spartan ability is used for quick get aways, plus sprint is now balance, sorry if you don't like it but play the beta before hating on it, then see if you like it or not.
Sprint is now balanced. Yes, still being able to run away and prolong your inevitable death is balance and fixes the issue of them being able to run away.

More abilities allowing for you to escape is competitive at heart, we can all agree nothing is more competitive than running away like a little bitch.

It's Halo, trust me.
Is the inverse not true too?

Gaming / Re: New Halo 5 Beta Gametype
« on: November 16, 2014, 07:03:02 PM »
Hate it

Did you play the beta, did you already play the full game, no so just play the beta and see if you like it or not.
I'm sorry I didn't know what I was thinking, having my own opinion.

Hate it makes it a weak opinion, you have to be more specific.
Specifically, it looks like they're adding in shit nobody except morons asked for.
We'd be getting a goddamn Halo 2 or 3 clone if 343i only followed the suggestions of the community.

Widespread reaction to H5 MP was anger and confusion after 343i did H2A MP. Lot's of talk about 343i getting it right and then screwing up afterwards.

Apparently getting it right doesn't take any effort considering Certain Affinity literally copied and pasted H2's coding into the game and cleaning it up around the edges.

Gaming / Re: Halo 2 Anniversary is a blast.
« on: November 16, 2014, 06:57:39 PM »
It irrates me 343 can make H2A multiplayer perfect then want to make Halo 5 how it is.
AKA You want 343i to make a Halo 2 clone.

Halo 2 Anniversary MP is literally a Halo 2 clone minus the glitches.

This goddamn community is ridiculous. Halo 5's a fucking Arena game that expands upon Halo's MP, but suddenly that's too far (farther than Halo 4 apparently...), especially with the game being over a year out from launch.

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