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Messages - Mr. Admirals

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The Flood / Re: Metroid Vs Halo vs Mass Effect Vs Star Trek vs Star Wars
« on: November 22, 2014, 10:12:22 PM »
I am invoking the Flood.

Gaming / Re: Halo 4 is broken in the MCC
« on: November 22, 2014, 10:09:44 PM »
It doesn't have armor abilities. That's not how it was. It's bullshit. It shouldnt even be there without armor abilities.

Also it shouldnt be in BTB because all the Halo 4 kids vote for it and I can't play anything good because of it.
Ever heard of customizing your Loadout?

The Flood / Re: I see you, Reclaimer.
« on: November 22, 2014, 10:05:19 AM »
This thread.

MB's cameo in Halo 2A made me so happy.

Gaming / Re: MCC patch is up, 1.4GB, still not working
« on: November 21, 2014, 01:26:02 PM »
How, just how? I have never seen this kind of  uneven team shit happening in any other Halo game? How the hell did 343i even manage to screw this up?
Well, it's the first time Halo has run on XBL Dedicated Servers.

Coding can get wonky, and errors occurring in the process may be multiple parameters that for whatever reason, are leading the system to conclude it's acceptable to get uneven teams.

Gaming / Re: Just got my XBone
« on: November 21, 2014, 12:12:11 AM »
....and holy fuck.

I got the 1tb, and 300GB was eaten up for the initial install.  Just....what the fuck.

Also the dashboard is a mess, just as I've heard.  It just feels like there's too much shit on there and it feels more like a freaking Windows PC...oh wait, it runs on Windows 8.  I forgot.

At least there's MCC to look forward to. :I
Just in time for the gamenight!

Am I the only person here who actually likes W8's tiles?

We should build the first space elevator in Africa
I wish, but the current state of GEO, LEO, and HEO are a mess. Unless a major cleanup operation were to be conducted, in the near future, our first SE will need to be mobile to an extent.

So, I have mixed feelings about it. On one hand I am quite pleased at what I accomplished, but on the other, I feel the essay itself is rather sloppy due to the fact I needed to approach this essay at a completely different angle than what I am used to due to the sheer size and scope of what I needed to research. Distinct paragraphs had to be broken down into smaller ones as they were inflated to take up entire pages, and sometimes they were broken down into nonsense and obscurity.

Overall though, I am satisfied. Just turned it in a few minutes ago.

Constructing a Space Elevator in the 21st Century

          We look up at the stars almost every night, some wanting to travel out there. However, traveling to space is only for the few, talented, and privileged. Childhood dreams of becoming astronauts are quickly dashed as we get older and realize how unlikely our chances are. Even after all our progress after the space race, traveling into space is incredibly dangerous and costly. So space programs have recently turned to the concept of a space elevator: the idea of tethering an anchor on Earth to a ballast in space with an elevator to travel along the tether. As we look toward the future of space travel in the 21st century, the space elevator is becoming increasingly attractive for its uses, relatively simple design, and cheap costs.
          The very first purpose a space elevator would serve is for government orientated tasks. One such task is putting satellites into Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO). Launching satellites into space via surface based rockets may seem like the easiest and most immediate method. While it is the most immediate, it is not the easiest. To launch a surface rocket carrying a payload, such as a satellite, space agencies need to account for fuel and atmospheric resistance. With a space elevator, space agencies have the capability to transport the satellite carrying rocket to an altitude above Earth where gravity and air resistance are negligible (Quine et al. 15). If you were to send a payload to the ballast of the tether instead, the velocity from the orbit around the Earth could be used to sling-shot the payload to distant destinations like the Moon, Mars, Saturn or Mercury (Smitherman 30). The positive effects of constructing a space elevator will bring are broad and far reaching. As Dr. Edwards states in his space elevator report, the immediate first use of the space elevator is deployment of Earth-orbiting satellites for telecommunications, military, Earth monitoring, etc (Edwards 26). In 2013, the United States launched 79 satellites into orbit (Launches Per Year). With a space elevator alone, it is estimated that it will be capable of launching 110 United States satellites when it is fully operational (Edwards 27).

          The applications and uses of a space elevator would need to be far reaching and lucrative.  More so than government satellites and tasks alone. According to Edwards, a space elevator would do just that, “The immediate market size expected when the space elevator is ready to launch its first commercial payload is around two to three billion dollars per year and expected to grow rapidly as system operations improve” (23). Such an industry would encompass many fields of work, including communications and remote sensing systems that can reach far away locations, and even tourism (Quine et al. 6). These examples represent the applicable future of space elevators.

          Thinking further down the line, a space elevator would provide fast and easy access into space resulting in numerous benefits for the space community and the Earth itself. As Systems Analyzer at NASA David Smitherman points out, this could result in industries known for polluting Earth’s biosphere being moved into space (Smitherman 30). Additionally, moving supplies and large objects into space would no longer require a massive expenditure of fuel on Earth. With a space elevator, the same tonnage of cargo could be carried with only electrically powered systems (Smitherman 30). As Smitherman explains, space elevators have the ability to be extremely ecofriendly, “A space elevator can allow the construction of massive solar-powered systems in orbit and help carry the power down to Earth. This could alleviate the problems of large-scale power production in the biosphere, end strip mining for coal, reduce power plant emissions and greenhouse gas production, lower radiation levels, and perhaps have a positive impact on global warming concerns” (30). Along with that, the research needed to build a space elevator would result in lighter weight materials which would benefit transportation vehicles (Smitherman 30). The space elevator is one of very few inventions that may allow Earth to lower orbit launches cost less than $10/kg. (Smitherman 29) The low cost of sending objects into space via a space elevator would remove the budget and resource limitations of exploring the solar system. Industries like extraterrestrial mining, colonization, and exploration (Smitherman 29). For extraterrestrial mining, it would create a new supply of rare earth metals among other resources, while developing technology that could potentially be used to prevent an asteroid from impacting Earth (Smitherman 30). Perhaps even more importantly, a space elevator’s access to space may be the only way to feasibly build extraterrestrial human colonies (Smitherman 30).

          Next in line for building a space elevator, is where to put anchor on Earth. Because Earth rotates on a tilted axis, it will need to be near or on the equator, otherwise, the tether could collapse due to an irregular rotation around the Earth. Research done by NASA has narrowed down two possible anchor locations: The Indian Ocean at 70 and the Pacific Ocean at 104W (Smitherman 24). As for what the anchor should be, Edwards cites the use of a mobile sea platform (Edwards 16). Such a platform would be needed due to the vast amount of objects, manmade or otherwise, in orbit around Earth. The US Air Force alone detects approximately 8,700 objects 10cm or larger in diameter orbiting Earth (Smitherman 25). As a result, precise and accurate radar would be needed to locate orbiting objects and their trajectories, to determine if the elevator needs to be moved out of the way of impact (Quine et al. 3). Another issue to consider is the effect a space elevator will have on other major space infrastructure developments like a space station, which are not so easily moved (Smitherman 27). Along with orbiting objects impacting the elevator in orbit, there are a few other destruction or damage scenarios to prepare for. If the tether were to bend away from the vertical axis of the anchor by 10s of degrees, the damage is found to be catastrophic (Edwards 15). Given how thin the tether is compared to its length, a lightning strike would break the tether. However, despite extended monitoring of potential anchor sites, the actual danger presented by lightning cannot be ascertained (Quine et al. 3).
          Perhaps the most important part of building a space elevator, is assembling it. Building it like a skyscraper is simply infeasible due to the sheer height of it. So then the option becomes to deploy the elevator in pieces from space craft, carrying sections of it into GEO. The issue here is then how to create an efficient system to transport the massive amounts of materials into orbit for construction (Edwards 21). With current space shuttle technology, sending sections of the elevator into space for assembly is determined to require at least 24,000 separate flights (Quine et al. 3). However, using a shuttle with a far more powerful and advanced engine would allow significantly less flights to transport the space elevator into orbit for assembly. One such viable option is the magnetoplasmadynamic thruster (Edwards 21). Sending the sections of the elevator into orbit for assembly is difficult, but not impossible.

          In order to build a space elevator, certain emerging technologies are required. Let’s look at them in greater detail. For the material that will support the space elevator, it will need to be strong on an unprecedented scale. The best material of the 21st century, and possibly later, for the structure of a space elevator is Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs). Edwards put it best, “As we have stated many times, steel is not strong enough, neither is Kevlar, carbon fiber, spider silk or any other material other than carbon nanotubes.” (Edwards 7) At our current understanding of CNTs, their theoretical strength is 300 GPa (Edwards 7). Despite the extreme strength CNTs can have, they are eroded away at one nanometer per month by high density of atomic oxygen. As a result, sections of the tether will need a surface coating to prevent it from losing mass and strength (Quine et al. 3). Even though CNTs have enormous strength today, they are inapplicable to larger scale structures with our current CNT creation method (Espinosa et al. 1). However, it would be theoretically possible to build the structure of a space elevator out of materials available today if the structure is thick enough to compensate for the strain and cargo load (Smitherman 4). For the elevator itself, it may be the most beneficial to use a MagLev mechanism (“Magnetic levitation is the process of levitating an object by exploiting magnetic fields. If the magnetic force of attraction is used, it is known as magnetic suspension. If magnetic repulsion is used, it is known as magnetic levitation.”) (Williams 4). The reason being, is that if we were to create the elevator mechanism using rollers, the contracting and expanding of the ribbon would cause slippage, and create wear and tear which could lead to inconvenient repairs (Edwards 18). Because the anchor would be attached to a moveable sea platform, it may not be possible or convenient to have an onsite power facility. The solution to this problem is to outsource the space elevator’s energy to offsite locations. This energy would then be wirelessly transferred to the elevator. Current comprehension of wireless energy has an efficiency rate of 49% when using an array of satellites (McLinko et al. 7). While this is expected to increase as our technology progresses, it may be more viable to simply attach solar panels to the ballast and tether. Promisingly, all of this technology should be attainable in the next few decades (Smitherman 29).

          For the simple design, many uses, and cheap expenses, the space elevator should be easily attainable at some point in the future of the 21st century. Not only is it very efficient at its intended uses, but it will ultimately bring change to other industries. The impact would extend all-round the globe, connecting humanity like never before as satellites are brought online at an unprecedented rate. Perhaps even most exciting, is that it will unlock our access to what the famous television show Star Trek has so correctly dubbed the final frontier: space.

Works Cited
Edwards, Bradley C., Ph.D. "The Space Elevator NIAC Phase II Final Report." Eureka Scientific (2003): n. pag. Web. 30 Oct. 2014.
Quine, B. M., R. K. Seth, and Z. H. Zhu. "A Free-standing Space Elevator Structure: A Practical Alternative to the Space Tether." (n.d.): 1-27. Web. 30 Oct. 2014.
Smitherman, D. V., Jr., comp. "Space Elevators: An Advanced Earth-Space Infrastructure for the New Millennium." (2000): 1-47. Aug. 2000. Web. 30 Oct. 2014.
Filleter, T., R. Bernal, S. Li, and H. D. Espinosa. "Ultrahigh Strength and Stiffness in Cross-Linked Hierarchical Carbon Nanotube Bundles." Advanced Materials 23.25 (2011): 2850-860. 29 Apr. 2011. Web. 13 Nov. 2014.
McLinko, Ryan M., and Bassant V. Sagar. "Space-based Solar Power Generation Using a Distributed Network of Satellites and Methods for Efficient Space Power Transmission." (n.d.): n. pag. Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers, Apr. 2010. Web. 13 Nov. 2014.
Williams, Lance, comp. "Electromagnetic Levitation Thesis." Thesis. 2005. 2005. Web. 13 Nov. 2014.
"Satellites Launched Per Year." Satellite Debris. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Nov. 2014.

Gaming / Re: Halo 2's ending really is shit
« on: November 20, 2014, 08:52:54 PM »
Your daily reminder that anyone who thinks Halo 2 is shit is a retarded cunt.
Its aim assist and weapon balancing is absolute garbage.
You're dismissing me, but it's true.

The aim assist is so prevalent, my damned rockets don't fire in a straight path anymore because the game tries to correct my aiming and has the rocket fire right at the enemy nearest to my reticle.

And the BR is the one gun to rule them all. There seriously might as well not even be the other non-power weapons in the game.

Gaming / Re: MCC patch is up, 1.4GB, still not working
« on: November 20, 2014, 08:48:15 PM »
Just once I'd like to buy a game and it not immediately be broken into shit.
We're at a point where that's not possible any more. I say that mainly for online experiences. And for the MCC, keep in mind that this is the first time Halo has ever used dedicated servers, and the MM issues may be arising out of that. Not to mention you've got a 4 (or 5 if you're counting MP) engines linked under a single UI. It's a first for the industry, and a damned impressive and complicated one at that.

Gaming / Re: Halo 2's ending really is shit
« on: November 20, 2014, 08:43:04 PM »
Your daily reminder that anyone who thinks Halo 2 is shit is a retarded cunt.
Its aim assist and weapon balancing is absolute garbage.

Gaming / Re: MCC patch is up, 1.4GB, still not working
« on: November 20, 2014, 08:09:45 PM »
It seems to be working for some people and not others.

343i said another patch is already on the way. I'm glad they're working hard to get the game functioning.

Gaming / Re: Halo 2's ending really is shit
« on: November 20, 2014, 06:35:52 PM »
I found QZ's Vehicle section to be tedious.

obvs badsadmad

I found Delta Halo's vehicle section to be tedious. In fact I just think that mission is one of the most overrated in Halo history, but I seem to be the only person in existence who thinks that way
I find the vast majority of Halo 2's levels to be tedious. The updated visuals and SFX (along with being more skilled than my 9 year old self) helps a lot though.

Gaming / Re: Halo 2's ending really is shit
« on: November 20, 2014, 05:23:29 PM »
I found QZ's Vehicle section to be tedious.

Gaming / Re: Halo 3 is the best game in the MCC
« on: November 20, 2014, 05:00:10 PM »
That's no way to debate, considering if the other party holds to your standard then there basically won't be a debate. Maybe tu quoque, but my point stands.
More so that I feel those points are too opinionated to even sway. Basically little to no fact involved. But I'm speaking for myself now, not Bacon.

You are right though, which is why I haven't done that style of arguing in a year or two.

Gaming / Re: Halo 2's ending really is shit
« on: November 20, 2014, 04:54:34 PM »

I still laugh my arse off
I don't get it.
Lack of changes from Halo CE to Halo 2, and the fact that the Halo 2 we got was in development for like a year.

Gaming / Re: Halo 2's ending really is shit
« on: November 20, 2014, 04:51:32 PM »
According to Marty, the original Halo 2 ending is pretty much locked in a vault somewhere. Now that he's left Bungie, he might not even have it in his possession anymore, because legal stuff. It's unlikely to ever see the light of day >.>
The original ending was basically everything that happened in Halo 3, only difference is that it would have almost all been on Earth, because the portal to the Ark, was the Ark.

Gaming / Re: Halo 3 is the best game in the MCC
« on: November 20, 2014, 04:47:58 PM »
Halo 3 sucked in every department.
>Fun Campaign gameplay with replayability in the form of Skulls, Campaign Scoring, and Bungie-given challenges on
>Enjoyable multiplayer that lasted for years
>Theater mode
>Double Exp weekends
>Made Infection an official gametype
>Added Human aerial vehicle
>Great armor customization for Spartans and Elites

Subjective (Not the skulls, the fun part)
Which sucked
Fair point
See multiplayer
With horrible controls

Why are you demeriting Assassin's comment on its subjectivity while responding with adjectives like "great," "meh," and "horrible?"
I do it myself every now and then. When I use it, I use it for two reasons:

1. To remind the poster the points they're making aren't law (obvious and redundant)

2. To explain why I'm not going to address those points

Gaming / Re: Halo 3 is the best game in the MCC
« on: November 20, 2014, 04:14:54 PM »
Halo 3 really wasn't that good.
Yeah, we've heard you bash it 100 times already.

Gaming / Re: More proof that Destiny's DLC is disc locked
« on: November 20, 2014, 04:12:45 PM »
The greatest sin more than any of this is the fact Crota is just a Knight.
You think at least he'd have some badass armor and magic effects or something like that.

But, as Bungie has proven, it is far easier to just resize and slightly change the textures of a preexisting enemy.
I was expecting a demigod type being with ridiculously large spiky ornamental armor.

But instead, Crota's going to be a Knight that's even more of a bullet sponge.

Gaming / Re: Halo 3 is the best game in the MCC
« on: November 20, 2014, 04:08:58 PM »
Halo 3 was the highlight of the series. All other Halo games are rubbish in comparison.
Halo 2 was the worst game to feature MC and Halo 4 is shortly after it. Halo CE is the second best.

Gaming / Re: More proof that Destiny's DLC is disc locked
« on: November 20, 2014, 04:07:37 PM »
The greatest sin more than any of this is the fact Crota is just a Knight.

Gaming / Re: Halo 3 is the best game in the MCC
« on: November 20, 2014, 04:04:03 PM »
Plot Holes: The Game wasn't really that good.

As I said in another thread, in the Master Chief's Journey, that jump from Halo 2 to Halo 3 was painful gameplay wise. The precision weapon spread is just awful too.

Gaming / Re: What if Halo 2 had actually been like this?
« on: November 19, 2014, 11:54:36 PM »
Reach should have been hell.

Instead we got farms and Sterile white cities.

Don't forget the lack of Spartans :/

One team is all we get? Seriously? I expected an army, or at least a handful of spartans on the front lines.
Instead we are always "infiltrating" or whatever.
There really weren't that many Spartans at Reach.
There were a bunch at the end.
Not that many though. I'd estimate maybe a 100 Spartans in total. Though that's just guestimation based on no evidence really.

We do know that we had the SPARTAN-IIs, and multiple SPARTAN-III fireteams at Reach.

Gaming / Re: Halo: Nightfall Second Stories Disussion
« on: November 19, 2014, 11:50:33 PM »
Why hasn't Admirals or somone already made this thread?

Anyway, how about the fact that the Covies may have reverse engeniered Halo's tech to only kill humans, and on that note, I thought Halo killed sentient life in a completel different way than what Nightfall discribed. Someone care to fill me in?

Lastly what do you think those worms actually are. I highly doubt those are lekgolo,.and I doubt the flood would only react to technology the way those worms did.
The subject of that Second Story was the mechanism in which the element was dispersed.

They are indeed Lekgolo. Although the interesting question is why the Forerunners locked them away underground, only to be released when Alpha Halo was destroyed.

Even weirder, is that humans were mining the element that killed humans.

Gaming / Re: What if Halo 2 had actually been like this?
« on: November 19, 2014, 11:47:08 PM »
Reach should have been hell.

Instead we got farms and Sterile white cities.

Don't forget the lack of Spartans :/

One team is all we get? Seriously? I expected an army, or at least a handful of spartans on the front lines.
Instead we are always "infiltrating" or whatever.
There really weren't that many Spartans at Reach.

Gaming / Re: apparently today's tu for the mcc was delayed
« on: November 19, 2014, 10:25:13 PM »
Yeah it failed cert testing so 343i is reworking it.
Did it really? Sauce?

Gaming / Re: apparently today's tu for the mcc was delayed
« on: November 19, 2014, 10:24:49 PM »
Still enjoying Destiny until they fix the Broken Chief Collection
The Campaigns work fine.

Gaming / Re: What if Halo 2 had actually been like this?
« on: November 19, 2014, 10:21:30 PM »
Yeah... Bungie did a really bad job at portraying the Battles of Sol in general.

The H2A cutscenes do a great job at fixing this though.

For the most part, the worst devastation didn't happen in Kenya. Because, well, it's a lot of Savannah and a few interspersed installations as we saw in Halo 3.

If they wanted to show us absolute devastation, they would have had a mission or two in Australia.

The Covenant literally leveled every human structure there because it's where the HQ of the UNSC is located.

In Halo 2 on Metropolis, the sky actually looks orange, like its on fire.
In H2A it's more gray. The cutscenes may have shown more, but the gameplay dumbed down the visual destruction.
The orange sky was actually sort of visually annoying for me.

The Flood / Re: Weaboos of Sep7agon, hear my plea
« on: November 19, 2014, 07:41:12 PM »
As someone who doesn't like anime, I binge watched the majority of Season 1 of Dead Man Wonderland with my roommate and a friend.

Good stuff. Would have preferred it to be less "japanese", but eh, it is anime after all.

The Flood / Re: People are just awesome.
« on: November 19, 2014, 07:38:06 PM »
I don't know. Sort of ironic considering I profess my love of the human race, but don't have anything special to say about it.

Even if I had no special moments I'd still love people.

The experience that made me genuinely love humanity was, and don't judge, the first Ultra Music Festival I went too which was 2013. The atmosphere is so beautiful, it's incredible. Music was amazing, and the people I was surrounded by were just awesome, and I was with friends. From 12am to 12pm just non stop fun, for three days
My personal experience tells me that was simply kindness out of ignorance.

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