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Messages - Mr. Admirals

Pages: 1 ... 333435 3637 ... 55
The Flood / Re: The first trailer for Star Wars Episode VII is here
« on: November 29, 2014, 11:29:34 AM »
I- is that a black clone?
Not all the Storm Troopers are Clone Troopers
This is news to me.
Shouldn't be.
Why not?
It's canon that all clone troopers are clones of Jango Fett.
Any EU that says that other people joined as Stormtroopers is non-canon.
So it can be assumed that they're all still clones.
Most people forget that only the lore that takes place post Episode VI is non-canon.

The Flood / Re: The first trailer for Star Wars Episode VII is here
« on: November 29, 2014, 11:24:55 AM »
>TFW when no one likes a teaser that was made after filming was wrapped up under a month a go.

Seriously, the fact they had anything to show us at all is surprising.

1. Black guy and chick are the main characters. Neither are Jedi. However, the chick may undergo training by Luke.

2. "Sith" we see (probably) isn't actually a Sith, but someone used to the Dark Side, who collects Sith artifacts.

3. Han Solo (may) grows to trust the collector, resulting in tension between him and Luke.

4. Luke may be falling to the Dark Side a-la the now non-canon EU.

5. Imperial forces we see are most likely fragmented factions from the Empire, now controlled by Moffs.

6. Simon Pegg is a Storm Trooper and has his arms ripped off by Chewbacca.

Wouldn't that be the "Imperial Remnant"?
Sure, but I'm not as fluent with Star Wars as I am with Halo, so I don't want apply Halo's nomenclature to Star Wars.

Unless that is the canonical name for the surviving sects of the Empire.

The Flood / Re: The first trailer for Star Wars Episode VII is here
« on: November 29, 2014, 12:44:55 AM »
I- is that a black clone?
Not all the Storm Troopers are Clone Troopers
This is news to me.
Shouldn't be.
In all fairness, that topic is really only covered in the EU. Took me quite a while before I actually found that out.
There also is the fact that it's pretty obvious the Stormtroopers weren't meant to be clones in the OT considering they all have different voices and the officers don't even have their faces covered..
That was back before the prequels were even a concept.

When the prequels came out, and we got the concept of the clone armies, I think it was a fair conclusion to make given the similarities between the Clone Troopers and Stormtroopers, plus given the realization the Clones would be the instigators of the rise of the Empire.

The Flood / Re: The first trailer for Star Wars Episode VII is here
« on: November 29, 2014, 12:42:33 AM »
LoA still making up excuses.
Excuses for what? I was just sharing insider information... Oh I see.

Quite a few people in the thread (maybe it was only one?) were wondering why so little was going on and why it was only one "character" at a time.

More of an explanation and a justification than an excuse, there is to say, I am powerless to change your opinions, so keep them if you wish.

The Flood / Re: The first trailer for Star Wars Episode VII is here
« on: November 29, 2014, 12:25:08 AM »
I- is that a black clone?
Not all the Storm Troopers are Clone Troopers
This is news to me.
Shouldn't be.
In all fairness, that topic is really only covered in the EU. Took me quite a while before I actually found that out.

Gaming / Re: Lasky is such a fanboy
« on: November 29, 2014, 12:22:49 AM »
That was also more impactful and interesting than the majority of the series.

If you didn't know, the majority of the characters in the series have all done things more impactful to the story and universe than that.

Yeah, see, here's the thing. You're the one who thinks it's amazing and emotional.

I thought it took stones to kill Cortana off, but beyond that the whole scene was handled so poorly I couldn't feel much of anything.
Her going out on her own terms, not succumbing to the deep throws of rampancy, while also saying farewell to the Chief as equals was poorly done?

Listen, I totally get if you didn't feel anything. I was absolutely unphased by it. No reaction out of me at all. But that doesn't deny the fact it was well done.

And the thing is, the main reason 343 did that was to show their handling of Halo will be different from Bungie's. Changing the status quo of the story to coincide with the change in management, if you will.

Finishing a plot-point that was planted in Halo's lore all the way back in October 30th, 2001 is handling the story differently? 

Dude, Rampancy's been in Halo's lore since it was first available to the public.

I'll take a few seconds of Thom doing something badass and establishing what kind of man he was than Cortana throwing a fit and dying just so 343 can show they're not fucking around.
First off, that sounds rather sexist. You seem to be implying that a character struggling through emotions and prevailing is somehow a negative thing.

Secondly, Thom destroyed a single CCS-Class Battlecruiser (the resulting explosion of which most likely inflicted numerous friendly casualties given the proximity of UNSC forces to the Covenant ship when it detonated.

Meanwhile, Cortana on the other hand, in the deep throws of rampancy, on the verge of absolute destruction, pulls herself together, to not only save Chief, but all of humanity from the Didact.

Better established, maybe, but they're still dull. The only characterization Thom has is that he was an unstoppable behemoth, and therefore more interesting by default. He's like Halo's Batman, if Batman were a martyr.
A character without flaws is better than a character who must triumph over his/her flaws.

Keksowrth, I believe you dun-diddly be trollin me.

Also, I like the idea of Noble Six being a legacy character. I'd love it if 343 introduced a new Noble Team with interchanging members every time one of them dies.
I think the need to point out the interchanging members thing is a bit redundant since that happens with every military unit and has happened with SPARTAN teams before.

Sam died, and Kurt replaced him. So on, and so forth.

Well, he still went out in a blaze of glory, instead of a sputtering mess of a scene with cliche dialogue and little given explanation as to how John was even still alive to talk to her.
Well, she literally says Chief is no longer on the ship, and given the Didact used the Approach's teleportation grid a minute earlier, I think it's safe to say Cortana teleported, a concept which is well established in the lore.

Really the only cliche part was the part about her wanting to perceive physical feeling, which in all honesty, is hard to portray in a very interesting and non-cliche way. Besides, Halo is built upon cliches.

Gaming / Re: Lasky is such a fanboy
« on: November 28, 2014, 11:10:23 PM »
Who the hell is Lasky?
Chief's dudebro.

You meet him in Infinity. He's a main character in Halo 4. He's also the main character of Forward Unto Dawn.
Were people actually supposed to remember any of the boring characters from Halo 4?
As opposed to the badly done characters in the original trilogy?

I can understand this, but the Arbiter would like to have a word with you.
Aside from a small amount of characters like Thel, everyone else is badly done. Even Chief is badly done.

In the five seconds we saw of him in a commercial, Thom was a more interesting character than anybody in either trilogy. Or all of Halo, for that matter.

Grabbing a bomb and throwing it into a hanger is more interesting than Cortana suffering through AI-dementia while struggling to keep the Chief safe?

Grabbing a bomb from one of his incompetent allies, flying it up to an alien ship using a jump pack that was never meant to be used like that, fighting through god-knows-how-many aliens to get to the hanger, and tossing a nuke into the lot of them without the slightest hesitation before turning around and walking away as though the fact that a nuclear weapon was about to vaporize him was too trivial to warrant his attention. Thom don't give a fuck.

That beats the hell out of Cortana having AI PMS while John yells at her to stay focused.
What Thom did is probably the most generic thing I've ever heard.

Meanwhile, you're over here, trivializing an amazing character arc that has real emotion poured into it. Not just that, but we don't just have to have Cortana. Practically the majority of all the characters from the games are better than Thom.

Because Thom has literally no development, and only serves one purpose in the Halo franchise, and that is to die, so you get to play as Noble 6.

The Flood / Re: The first trailer for Star Wars Episode VII is here
« on: November 28, 2014, 11:06:32 PM »
>TFW when no one likes a teaser that was made after filming was wrapped up under a month a go.

Seriously, the fact they had anything to show us at all is surprising.

1. Black guy and chick are the main characters. Neither are Jedi. However, the chick may undergo training by Luke.

2. "Sith" we see (probably) isn't actually a Sith, but someone used to the Dark Side, who collects Sith artifacts.

3. Han Solo (may) grows to trust the collector, resulting in tension between him and Luke.

4. Luke may be falling to the Dark Side a-la the now non-canon EU.

5. Imperial forces we see are most likely fragmented factions from the Empire, now controlled by Moffs.

6. Simon Pegg is a Storm Trooper and has his arms ripped off by Chewbacca.

Gaming / Re: Lasky is such a fanboy
« on: November 28, 2014, 10:58:37 PM »
Who the hell is Lasky?
Chief's dudebro.

You meet him in Infinity. He's a main character in Halo 4. He's also the main character of Forward Unto Dawn.
Were people actually supposed to remember any of the boring characters from Halo 4?
As opposed to the badly done characters in the original trilogy?

I can understand this, but the Arbiter would like to have a word with you.
Aside from a small amount of characters like Thel, everyone else is badly done. Even Chief is badly done.

In the five seconds we saw of him in a commercial, Thom was a more interesting character than anybody in either trilogy. Or all of Halo, for that matter.

Grabbing a bomb and throwing it into a hanger is more interesting than Cortana suffering through AI-dementia while struggling to keep the Chief safe?

Gaming / Re: Lasky is such a fanboy
« on: November 28, 2014, 10:53:41 PM »
Or you know, the Chief saved his life back when he was a kid...

The chief saved everyone lives. You don't see Osman or Arby sucking up like lasky.
Chief didn't save Osman, they were (are) good friends and peers.

Nor did he save the Arbiter. And actually, if you look at the promo trailers for Halo 3, every single person sucks up to the Chief and says they owe their lives to him.

Gaming / Re: More Bungie logic by yours truly....
« on: November 28, 2014, 02:19:23 PM »
I think to say the DLC is already finished isn't realistic. It's obvious that the foundations of the DLC were set in place when the game launched.

I don't really know if it was purposely cut, but I think it the feeling is justified in wanting it to be in the full game given the content in the release stage of the game.

Gaming / Re: Lasky is such a fanboy
« on: November 28, 2014, 02:15:36 PM »
Who the hell is Lasky?
Chief's dudebro.

You meet him in Infinity. He's a main character in Halo 4. He's also the main character of Forward Unto Dawn.

The Flood / Re: The first trailer for Star Wars Episode VII is here
« on: November 28, 2014, 01:59:28 PM »
Okay, just why are you doing this?
Because I have the right to?

Do you feel like you're accomplishing something?

You're not.
I know.

All you did was make yourself look like a jerk,
In a website filled with jerks and shitposters, you're bothered by my behavior? Behavior that I've exhibited before?

and now you're dragging it out.
Well, yeah. Because I was trying to prove a point, you tried to silence me, so I felt obligated to respond. I'm not actively seeking you out here. I have no quarrel with you.

Risay quite obviously meant that it looked low budget and poor in quality, hence "fan made" as fan made flims are normally like that.
I'm rather confused here. I'm fairly certain I made it abundantly clear what I knew he was trying to convey. So why do you feel the need to tell me what I already need to know?

FFS, man just take a freakin' chill pill.
I'm actually not that upset. However, your reaction to me does concern me.

If you don't want to continue, don't respond, and it'll be the end of that. I actually thought we were finished quite a while ago since you didn't respond for an extended period of time, but if you wish to continue this frivolous conversation, then please, let's continue.

Gaming / Re: Should I get MCC or GTAV?
« on: November 28, 2014, 12:39:45 PM »
Being obviously partial towards Halo, I think my answer is fairly obvious.

In an attempt to be more objective, I will say this:

The MCC is a great game with flaws that can hinder certain experiences. I like doing campaign stuff, so the more prevalent errors in the MP aren't as impacting on me. Necessary to say, the MP is not up to previous standards in speed and accuracy, but it is improving.

My more objective opinion is to get the MCC if you don't mind the slightly longer search times. Otherwise, get GTAV, and then get the MCC for the holidays. That way, when you do get the MCC, it'll be more fixed than what it is now, and you'll have it in time for the Halo 5 Guardians Beta.

The Flood / Re: The first trailer for Star Wars Episode VII is here
« on: November 28, 2014, 12:34:09 PM »
Not sure if i should be hyped or not. Feels kind of fan made.
No shit it's fan-made. Everyone who worked on it is a huge fan of Star Wars.
Admirals, stop being the technicality douche. We all know well what he meant.
If you don't like what I'm posting, then mute me.

Either that, or actually refute what I'm saying instead of pulling the offended/annoyed card.
I don't mute people just because they're starting shit while not thinking clearly.

Do I really need to explain what Risay meant? Really? What are most fan made films like?
No you don't. That's not what I asked you to do.
Well then, what do you want me to do? Because I made it clear what I think you should do, but you don't seem to like that idea.
refute what I'm saying instead of pulling the offended/annoyed card.
Do you not realize there's nothing to refute? There's no argument like that going on here. Just you being a douche.
Of course there's something to refute.

Either you're too lazy, or you don't want to put up with this. I suspect the latter, so mute me if you don't want me to be a "douche".

The Flood / Re: The first trailer for Star Wars Episode VII is here
« on: November 28, 2014, 12:30:49 PM »
Not sure if i should be hyped or not. Feels kind of fan made.
No shit it's fan-made. Everyone who worked on it is a huge fan of Star Wars.
Admirals, stop being the technicality douche. We all know well what he meant.
If you don't like what I'm posting, then mute me.

Either that, or actually refute what I'm saying instead of pulling the offended/annoyed card.
I don't mute people just because they're starting shit while not thinking clearly.

Do I really need to explain what Risay meant? Really? What are most fan made films like?
No you don't. That's not what I asked you to do.
Well then, what do you want me to do? Because I made it clear what I think you should do, but you don't seem to like that idea.
refute what I'm saying instead of pulling the offended/annoyed card.

The Flood / Re: The first trailer for Star Wars Episode VII is here
« on: November 28, 2014, 12:27:54 PM »
Not sure if i should be hyped or not. Feels kind of fan made.
No shit it's fan-made. Everyone who worked on it is a huge fan of Star Wars.
Admirals, stop being the technicality douche. We all know well what he meant.
If you don't like what I'm posting, then mute me.

Either that, or actually refute what I'm saying instead of pulling the offended/annoyed card.
I don't mute people just because they're starting shit while not thinking clearly.

Do I really need to explain what Risay meant? Really? What are most fan made films like?
No you don't. That's not what I asked you to do.

The Flood / Re: The first trailer for Star Wars Episode VII is here
« on: November 28, 2014, 12:16:56 PM »
Not sure if i should be hyped or not. Feels kind of fan made.
No shit it's fan-made. Everyone who worked on it is a huge fan of Star Wars.
Admirals, stop being the technicality douche. We all know well what he meant.
If you don't like what I'm posting, then mute me.

Either that, or actually refute what I'm saying instead of pulling the offended/annoyed card.

The Flood / Re: The first trailer for Star Wars Episode VII is here
« on: November 28, 2014, 12:04:30 PM »
Not sure if i should be hyped or not. Feels kind of fan made.
No shit it's fan-made. Everyone who worked on it is a huge fan of Star Wars.

Gaming / Re: Lasky is such a fanboy
« on: November 28, 2014, 09:55:01 AM »

The Flood / Re: The first trailer for Star Wars Episode VII is here
« on: November 28, 2014, 09:54:28 AM »
Why is everyone in denial about this being the real trailer?

The Flood / Re: The first trailer for Star Wars Episode VII is here
« on: November 28, 2014, 09:43:16 AM »
As if Star Wars was practical in the first place...

Gaming / Re: Lasky is such a fanboy
« on: November 28, 2014, 08:57:10 AM »
It's not Thorne who has one, it's his mom...

Gaming / Re: Lasky is such a fanboy
« on: November 28, 2014, 01:37:29 AM »
Or you know, the Chief saved his life back when he was a kid...

Gaming / Re: 343 needs to add this to Halo 5
« on: November 27, 2014, 10:39:10 PM »
Lol. Just lol.

The Flood / Re: (deej) or (deejay)?
« on: November 27, 2014, 10:33:18 PM »
"Dee Jay"

Gaming / Re: Saddest thing you heard gaming-related?
« on: November 27, 2014, 04:18:17 PM »
I don't prefer to play as Elites, mainly because I feel like I'm holding toy guns when weilding human weapons.

Gaming / Re: MCC 11/26/14 update: Still doing wack.
« on: November 27, 2014, 11:26:24 AM »
Sucks you're getting the ass-end of these updates dude. They've been improving my game quite a bit actually.

UI is buttery smooth now, and search times are quite expedient compared to launch (although not up to previous standards).

The Flood / Re: Google your own username in the images
« on: November 27, 2014, 10:07:35 AM »

Gaming / Re: New Arkham Knight trailer
« on: November 26, 2014, 11:19:19 AM »
This looks GOTY worthy. Wow.

Sweet. Comes out at the beginning of summer too!

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