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Messages - Tackel

Pages: 1234 56 ... 86
There's nothing wrong with transgendered people, but God damn do I HATE that "comic writer" with so much passion.

Transvestites are mentally ill.

Rape aside, can we at least all agree that Trannies should reach the final solution?

Okay, so...I mean... if you're being told to STOP like this person is seriously pissed off or in pain, then chances are you're doing something wrong and the sex isn't nearly as good as you think it is and yeah you should probably stop before trying to continue. Stopping to reposition is is a normal part of sex anyway.

Just my two cents here.
The reason why really doesn't matter. It could just be that your partner is unconfortable and doesn't want to have sex anymore.
The reason does matter and it should be explained. Fairness is important.
The reason for ending sex doesn't have to be explained. All your partner needs to say is "stop" (or a safe word) and you should immediately oblige. Once that happens, you two can talk about it, give reasonings, and such. If you find the reason unfair or lacking, then it may be justification to end the relationship.

But a bad or nonexistent reason is never justifcation to ignore your partner and keep fucking them, in any world.
It's not "can" talk about it, it's "should" talk about it. I'm not saying keep having sex. Seriously if someone is so mad or uncomfortable that they want to stop completely, then by all means put a stop to it. If both parties are enjoying it then it's not something that would end abruptly like that. But a conversation needs to happen if there's a problem because communication is important, the same way that consent is important.
Oh, I thought you meant a legitimate reason to stop having sex has to be given before the sex is ended. It goes without saying that there would be reasons and a conversation about it afterwards.
There's a legitimate problem I'm that rape accusations can very easily be thrown around and suddenly that person's life is ruined. People know that all they have to do is throw out an accusation, no matter how petty it is. The idea is to get away from that kind of thing.

A lot of these issues can be solved relatively easy by just putting the two in a room with a psychologist and having the issue sorted out there. Unless the situation is actually abusive or violent, people are often way too quick to jump to social defamation.
And considering anyone under the influence unable to give consent is a big part of this.

But that's not what I'm talking about. If you're in the middle of having sex, the girl makes it clear she wants to stop right now, and you ignore her and keep going, how isn't that rape? You'd have every reason to be socially defamed if you pulled that.
No one should be socially defamed until there's proof, because people believe false accusations way too easily.
Okay? In this scenario, you did it. The proof is in the hypothetical.

The question is whether or not you consider that rape, which any reasonable person would.
I'm a little shaky on this but I feel like it's sort of in the grey area but leaning towards it being rape, yeah. It kind of depends on the severity too but if you were told to stop then yes you should stop.

It's not the kind of forcibly pin someone down, rip their clothes off, and have your way with them while they're screaming and crying for you to stop sort of rape. It's someone that you consentually already started to engage in intercourse with what decided that it's not going well and they want you to stop for whatever reason. It's not as severe but it's still not good per say.
I usually get flak for this, but this is why I've always felt there should be "degrees" of rape. As in, the hide in the bushes and jump out at someone would obviously be first degree, things like this would be second.

Drunk sex shouldn't be considered rape whatsoever. You can give consent when you're intoxicated, and you're responsible for your own actions.

Is it rape if you use jelly?

Okay, so...I mean... if you're being told to STOP like this person is seriously pissed off or in pain, then chances are you're doing something wrong and the sex isn't nearly as good as you think it is and yeah you should probably stop before trying to continue. Stopping to reposition is is a normal part of sex anyway.

Just my two cents here.
The reason why really doesn't matter. It could just be that your partner is unconfortable and doesn't want to have sex anymore.

The reason does matter and it should be explained. Fairness is important.
What? If she is uncomfortable and wants to change positions, you have to STOP. If your thrust even ONCE more, you are literally RAPING her.

All of these things might have stemmed from a foolish mistake on the victim's part
All of these things might have stemmed from a foolish mistake on the victim's part
All of these things might have stemmed from a foolish mistake on the victim's part
All of these things might have stemmed from a foolish mistake on the victim's part
All of these things might have stemmed from a foolish mistake on the victim's part
All of these things might have stemmed from a foolish mistake on the victim's part

Your words are powerless to penetrate the armour of contempt that the God-Emperor was born wearing.

1000 liberal souls will be sacrificed every day to sustain his eternal life.

The wall will be built 10 feet higher for every cry of racism thrown at it.

In the golden light of the near-far future, there is only Donald.
Donald is a far better meme than candidate
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you shoot them, then you win.
Make America Great Again.

Your words are powerless to penetrate the armour of contempt that the God-Emperor was born wearing.

1000 liberal souls will be sacrificed every day to sustain his eternal life.

The wall will be built 10 feet higher for every cry of racism thrown at it.

In the golden light of the near-far future, there is only Donald.
Donald is a far better meme than candidate
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you shoot them, then you win.
Make America Great Again.

All of these things might have stemmed from a foolish mistake on the victim's part

There we go. Got what I wanted.


You're defending the rape, which is justifying it.

How. The rape is wrong. The girl was stupid.

If someone throws a ball at someone else and hits them in the head and are asked "Why didn't you duck you stupid fuck?" is not excusing the fact that the guy threw the ball at him.

Saying that this is the girl's fault, in any way whatsoever, is the same thing as saying a girl who gets held down and raped in an alley had it coming for not being smart enough to dress casually.

If you are half naked at 2:00 AM in a city, you are stupid and using no common sense. Do you deserve rape? No. But you shouldn't be surprised when it happens. That's like driving a gold plated car into Detroit and then blaming it all on the niggers who stole it. Is it there fault they stole it? Yes. But maybe at the same time, you should use some fucking common sense.

The Flood / Re: Should the US Government subsidize the gun industry
« on: April 27, 2016, 06:33:45 PM »
Works for Switzerland to a lesser extent.
Switzerland actually has very strict gun control going hand in hand with its high rate of firearm ownership. It's what the US should be looking to imitate.

Drinking and driving aren't even in the same ballpark. Getting horny and having sex is.

Your whole drunk driving analogy has nothing to do with this at all. Drinking the alcohol in the first place would be the equivalent of having sex, and the desire to drink alcohol would be the equivalent of being horny.

>Being this much of a strawman

It's an analogy, fam.

It doesn't matter if a girl is having sex with a muscle bound alpha male or captain of the chess club, she should never feel, at any point in the intercourse, like she can't refuse to keep going.

Yes it does. The muscle bound alpha produces more testosterone in his body and is therefore more likely to be dominant in sex, especially if the female tries to stop during it. This is basic biology for humans. Did you not pass that in high school?

It's not her own fault for choosing to fuck an alpha male or any of that bullshit.

Yes it is. Just because she isn't aware of human biology doesn't excuse her risk taking.

If she tells the guy she's fucking to stop and he doesn't, she's getting raped. The fact that you literally have to resort to victim blaming ("she knew what she was getting into") shows how desperate your argument is.

Maybe you'll read it now since it's at the bottom this time. I am not saying the rape was justified. I am saying the woman should've used common sense and problem solving skills you learn in middle school, and maybe she could've come out from this okay.

Look at me everyone, I'm so morally superior to all of you :333333

Morals are objective.

The Flood / Re: wow a whole new world
« on: April 27, 2016, 06:12:22 PM »
Taking drugs that influence your mind and the way you behave for nonmedicinal reasons is degenerate.

Exactly, resist it. Don't get into a car when you're drunk.

So.. don't have sex when you're horny? You can't really spin that analogy well in this situation.

Being under the influence of alcohol doesn't justify making the bad decision of driving, just like being under the influence of hormones doesn't justify making the bad decision of finishing on a girl who wants you to pull out.

Why are you being so dumb about this. For the tenth time, I'm not saying it justifies the action. I am merely saying you have to recognize that the mind is under the influence of these hormones, and should be aware of what they do.

Trying to stop consensual sex with a high testosterone Alpha male is like getting into a car with a drunk driver. If something bad happens, is it the driver's fault? Yes. But you should've been aware of the risks before making a stupid decision.

Affecting is different from overtaking. Your hormones would be telling you to do a bad thing, it's your moral duty to resist that.

This isn't hard.

So being under the influence while driving is okay, because it doesn't overtake your mind? Just resist it man.

>Rating women based on their "value" to you

>Implying people don't rate others on their usefulness and meaningfulness to their life

What are things like best friends, people you call in emergencies, people to bail you out of jail. You rank everybody based on their value to you. I'm not gonna go do something based on someone else's feelings about something.

>Saying that men who rely on women are weak and worthless to society, obviously implying that women should "know their place"

I said they failed as a man, not worthless to society. Can you not read, or are you getting so buttmad you can't think clearly? And I said they shouldn't be reliant on a woman. As in, if the woman was not there, they could survive on their own. Women should aspire to be the same. If you are a woman and cannot survive on your own and need to sue your ex husband for alimony, then you are a parasite and a failure as a woman.
>Literally just admitted that women should not be seen as your peers

Where did I say that. I said you shouldn't respect them just because they're a women. Sorry, but you have to be more than a "Strong independent womyn" to earn respect in my book. That goes for men, too.

You keep bringing this up and I keep saying the same thing: it doesn't fucking matter. It's a biologically driven hormonal trait to get angry when you see your partner cheating on you, and in nature, the male would attack the other male and kill him. That doesn't make it right.

Holy shit, I never have said it makes it right. What I'm saying is that it should effect the severity of the criminal sentence.
Just like how if a father kills a man who murdered his daughter, he gets a lesser punishment. You use reason and logic behind a sentence.

I've had great sex before, but it doesn't even need to be decent to make you forget about things like tax forms. It may be hormone driven, but no human is ever completely engulfed by hormones, logic is still in play. If you're hearing a girl say "stop", your biology doesn't overtake you and force you to finish, you have a clear choice to make.

And hormones great effect that choice because they are effecting your state of mind.

"You should respect woman as your peers"

"Lmao get laid you fucking virgin"

Pretty much. Women offer nothing in value besides sex and maybe money, but if you rely on a woman for money, you're  a failure of a man anyway.
Oh, alright, I see

I'm either wasting my time because you're a troll, or I'm wasting my time because your a sexist piece of shit

Could've just told me that earlier, man
i already told you, you fuck

Careful, she's a strong womyn.

"You should respect woman as your peers"

"Lmao get laid you fucking virgin"

Pretty much. Women offer nothing in value besides sex and maybe money, but if you rely on a woman for money, you're  a failure of a man anyway.
Oh, alright, I see

I'm either wasting my time because you're a troll, or I'm wasting my time because your a sexist piece of shit

Could've just told me that earlier, man

How is that sexist? I'm not saying you're inferior (although you should recognise biological differences between the two sexes). But for someone who has no interest in forming a family currently, women offer next to nothing for a relationship besides sex.

It's really not that difficult to stop fucking someone. There's a difference between "this sucks a lot and makes me mad," and "I literally have to do this because instinct forces me to."

You're a woman, I assume. You don't even know what sex to a man is like. Of course you don't experience that feeling. Many men do though. Not all men of course, as testosterone levels for men vary, as do effectiveness of their abilities.

"You should respect woman as your peers"

"Lmao get laid you fucking virgin"

Pretty much. Women offer nothing in value besides sex and maybe money, but if you rely on a woman for money, you're  a failure of a man anyway.

Tackel has no idea what he's talking about

literally just a thirsty teenager who thinks everyone is as thirsty as him

I'm 22 btw, and you must not have that good of a sex life then.

Wasps don't have human logic, they rely solely on instinct. If they had the mental capacity of a human and they stung you, you'd have every right to be pissed. The wasp couldn't say "sorry lol that's what I do I sting things", just like a man can't say "sorry lol that's what I do I fuck things".

The first world be assault, and the second is rape. Biology has literally nothing to do with laws or ethics.

When a man is sexually infatuated and is in the middle of intimate sex with a partner they truly wish to mate with, there is nothing but instinct in that moment. In truly fantastic sex, a man is not thinking about his tax forms, what to do for dinner, or anything else. If you say otherwise, you have either never had sex before or have had terrible sex.

The Flood / Re: Should the US Government subsidize the gun industry
« on: April 27, 2016, 05:17:19 PM »
10/10 would vote for.

Unfortunately, due to niggers, we can't have these nice things.

Literally your entire argument here is "men are BORN to fuck things, so getting in the way of that is on anyone but the man"

No, I said the woman should be blamed as well. I never said the man was absolved of fault due to nature.

Well guess what - women are "born" to fuck things, too.

Women don't have a desire to have sex at any waking moment of the day. Men do. You see, there's these things called testicles, which produce testosterone. Testosterone  makes the body give off odor, grow hair, and have an insane sex drive. Women produce testosterone too, but men produce MUCH more of it.

Biological drive is not an indicator of what the right thing is.

Never said it was. But being ignorant to biology is idiotic. You don't get stung by a wasp and be surprised. Other words, you get told, "You stupid fuck, it was a wasp." So if you are having sex with a man and pull out, don't be surprised when it ends in his instincts kicking in. That doesn't absolve the man of the blame, but women should be aware, and the sentence should certainly be less if the sex started out consensual.

Like I said, you're either desperately trying to look interesting and edgy here, or trolling.

It's a "Your opinions are different then mine and therefore can't be real" newspaper colum.

Jesus Christ, are you a child? Have you even had sex? These opinions are like something an edgy 14 year old would hold to look cool and alpha.

It's a "I can't come up with a decent response so I'm just gonna throw meaningless insults" meme.
It's a "I can't come up with actual reinforcement for my shitty arguments so I'm just gonna resort to calling my opposition memes" meme.
It's a "I'm too deluded and ignorant to see the other side of things so I'm just call out his guy's meming of an argument" meme.

Jesus Christ, are you a child? Have you even had sex? These opinions are like something an edgy 14 year old would hold to look cool and alpha.

It's a "I can't come up with a decent response so I'm just gonna throw meaningless insults" meme.

You're either trolling or a giant piece of shit

I really, really hope that it's the former
tackel is a known troll a la midget, don't take him seriously

It's a "Hurr durr, I disagree with you so you're a troll" episode...

The Flood / Re: So, I saw Zootopia today...
« on: April 27, 2016, 04:53:55 PM »
Op your mind is fucked up

Just let it in...

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