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Gaming / Re: So I got all the characters meow
« on: November 26, 2014, 03:01:46 AM »
"Have a can"

The Flood / Re: is enderwolf a qt 3.14?
« on: November 26, 2014, 02:09:24 AM »

The Flood / Re: Official Wikipedia articles thread
« on: November 26, 2014, 01:59:41 AM »
Nazi Germany is victorious in World War 2, as a result of the mass Soviet defeat at Kursk and Velikiye-Luki in 1943, and then the conquest of the rest of Soviet Russia. In 1944 Great Britain is invaded and after six months of brutal fighting surrenders to the Axis forces. In the summer of 1945 Japan is defeated by the USA. However, the Atomic bombs are not used due to fear of reprisals by the already nuclear powered Reich. By then the Axis and Allies became war-weary and sign a peace deal in the winter of 1946. In the post war years, Germany focuses on technological and modernist advances, including architecture and the focus on the elimination of poverty, hunger and disease for the Greater German Reich.

Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler.
Early HistoryEdit
World War 2 was to become a conflict of truly "globalized" proportions that was was fought in Europe, Africa, Asia, North America, as well as on the Mediterranean, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

A major incident happened when Adolf Hitler gave Heinz Guderian the go ahead to advance on the British troops and obliterate the BEF at Dunkirk out of strategic necessity, during "Operation Heute Europa".

Allthistory London blitz victim
A victim of the 1940 St Katharine Docks and the Tower of London raid during London Blitz.
The preparations for the invasion, code named 'Operation Sea lion' were made, whilst the RAF was still in ruins. Most were either destroyed in northern France and the Battle of Britain, the Luftwaffe gain total air supremacy in 1940. Two other major events were the Soviet defeats at the 1942-43 Battle for Velikiye-Luki and the 1943 Battle of Kursk (this was due to the localised use of nerve gas). The Soviet victory at Stalingrad seemed a likely turning point in the Eastern front. However, this was checked by the decisive German victory at Kursk in 1943.

The world soon tired and the mood in Canada, Australia and the USA was for peace in Europe.

Peace in 1945Edit
The Axis and Allies formally sign the peace treaty of Moscow which allowed both sides who were left i.e., Germany, America and Canada to rule peacefully in their respective zones. But America and Germany continued to compete with each other for power and technological advances.

The Third ReichEdit
Deutsches Reich1
Member states of the core German Empire (Prussia shown in blue).
The Greater German Reich (Groß-Deutschland) was the largest empire in the world. It ruled over three continents, all of Europe, North Africa, all of the Middle East ( except the Arabian Peninsula), the Persian Gulf, the entire Indian sub-continent and most of Siberian Russia. Jews, Homosexuals, Slavs, and Marxists/Communists had largely been exterminated, except those who were kept as slaves and also those who hid or who continued to fight in rumpled rebel armies. Deep in the Eastern Front the fleeing remnants of the Red Army continued to wage a successive guerrilla war against the Third Reich, inflicting massive casualties on Wehrmacht. Arabs, Iranians and all Muslims in general were classed as Aryan and many would be invited to go and study in German universities and vice versa. The Italian Empire was dissolved while Germany took over its African empire, the Italians were treated well, too. However, they are always kept an eye on.

Living StandardsEdit
Beneschau skyline
Beneschau/ Benešov in Bohemia
The citizens of the Third Reich enjoy extremely high-living standards and live in complete luxury. There is no need for them to work as this is all taken up by thousands of Slav, Communist, homosexual slaves, and some Jewish slaves. Material needs are largely satisfied, as products are produced by the harsh slave labour such as televisions, cars, expensive big houses and also rich holiday locations are massively available, particularly luxury resorts in Spain, Greece, Turkey, Italy and Cyprus. Education is very strongly encouraged and is compulsory up to university. The world's best scientists and professors are German and earn their degrees at Oxford University or the Reich University. Essentially by 1964 poverty, famine, disease had been largely eliminated and the Reich enjoyed a very peaceful haven. German living standards are matched only by those in America. The Third Reich had indeed the richest and most luxurious lands to live in. The Fuhrer himself owned hundreds of estates and private resorts all of the empire, his most famous estates being in Malta, Sicily and Athens.

The Major Cities of the ReichEdit
The largest cities in the Greater German Reich are as follows

Berlin 1956
Berlin after the Completion of the Volkshalle in 1955.
Berlin (the fifth largest city in the World)
Autonomous Eastern Ukrainian region.Edit
Dnipropetrowsk/ Дніпропетровськ (Ukrainian)
Autonomous West Russian region.Edit
Moskau/ Москва́ (Russian)
St Petersburg/ Ленинград (Russian)
Protectorate of Bohemia-MoraviaEdit
Beneschau/ Benešov (Czech)
Greater BerlinEdit
Berlin was renamed "Greater Berlin" and was now the richest city in the world. It was the headquarters of the Grand German army, the home of the Reichstag and also the living quarters of Hitler’s Gigantic Palace which was guarded at all times, by 2000 of Hitler’s personal highly skilled bodyguards. With the help of Albert Speer, Berlin was

Greater Berlin at night
transformed into a model city and became well ahead of its time. It had the best universities, restaurants, five star hotels, military academies, Opera houses and beautiful architecture. It was, in fact, a diverse population ranging from all Aryans, Arabs and Iranians, etc.

Nazi Soldiers by Eco Flex
Nazi soldiers in Siberia, 1954
The Grand German ArmyEdit
The Wehrmacht had the largest land, sea and air force in the world. The manpower of the land forces formed over 2.6 million, and another three million as reserves. Since 1956 Hitler allowed non-Germans directly into the main army. From occupied France there were 800,000 active Frenchmen in the Wehrmacht, from Britain there are 600,000, from Russia 850,000 and hundreds from the smaller countries such as Denmark and Holland. This was aside from the original Waffen-SS. The German SS was now the police force of the Third Reich and they carefully patrolled the streets day and night, all citizens feared them. The German 6th army was among its legendary and become the Fuhrer's personal armed force.

Luftwaffe 1957.
Luftwaffe 1957.
It was hyper-advanced for its time by 1949. It was sent straight to the Eastern Front, striking at major Soviet positions. It had the ability to kill thousands of troops and civilians.

Hitler never launched a major genocide against Western Europe like it did in the East, and so after that Hitler decided it would be a good idea to assimilate the Western European countries into the Greater Reich - not by directly annexing them but by Germanizing them. In France, German became the first and official language.

A post War-modern Swastika
The Nazi ideology remained very much the same after the war. Jews, homosexuals, Communists, free masons, Slavs, Gypsies and blacks were, of course, non-Aryans, and therefore had to be eliminated. However, it is true that some aspects were slightly relaxed by Hitler. Instead of complete extermination of certain non-Aryan races, the Fuhrer adopted the ancient Roman tactic of assimilation and absorption. Though it seemingly would have taken longer, it proved quite successful, especially in the East, with the remaining Slavs, Ukrainians, Tatars and the rest of the Soviet peoples. The Soviet prisoners of war were re-educated and put into German service. The Islamic power of the Turkish Empire and its allies destroyed any aspect of war in the East, and the Hindu-Indians plus Iranians were classed as Ancient Aryans and allowed to visit German schools and universities.

Nuclear ArmsEdit
The Third Reich began testing for atomic technology way before the US. However, throughout the war not one single atomic bomb was dropped.

Political relationsEdit
Political relations with the USAEdit
After the war, relations between the two superpowers remained bitter, and both struggled against each other in arms races, technology and military build-ups. However, at times Germany and the United States had shown softness towards each other the most popular example was in 1961 a joint United States-German Special Forces team invaded and helped the anti-Communist Cuban rebels overthrow Fidel Castro's despotic Marxist regime.

Political relations with RomaniaEdit
The new Fascist Iron Guard regime had firmly set the country on the course towards the Axis camp, officially joining forces with the Axis Powers on 23 November, 1940.

Political relations with South AmericaEdit
In South America German influence began to spread rapidly and like wildfire, Fascist dictators were seizing power through coups or popular revolutions by 1953. The countries of Bolivia, Argentina and Chile had all become Fascist countries with a strong pro-German stance.

Political relations with TurkeyEdit
Turkey joined the Axis forces late in the war just as Iran did. Like its German counterpart it had every reason for revenge and conquest for its defeat in World War 1. Nationalists attempted to overthrow the Ottoman monarch in a revolution in 1923 but failed miserably, its leader Mustafa Kemal was hanged publicly. Despite the victory the empire including its name was now simply reduced as "Turkey" no longer being seen as a great power in the worlds eyes. When Turkey finally joined the war the Sultan "Abdul Majid" initiated a massive army build up in the Turkish ranks. He surprisingly mustered a strong force of over one million strong Turkish soldiers, and reformed the navy and air force.

Imperial JapanEdit
The Japanese Empire had been militarily defeated. However, the German victory in Europe and the now the order by Germany to stop the US from further war against Japan now frustrated the US to end the war. On the front lines in the pacific the Japanese had actually halted the United States with their partial victory at Iwo Jima thanks to the ingenious tactics initiated by General Tadamichi Kuribayashi and begin a retreat finally coming to terms with a partial defeat from being at war with Japan. It withdraw and halted attacks against the still Japanese occupied territories , due to the already generational loss of its troops in the war. The atomic bombs were never used due to fear of a strike from Nazi Germany which had already possessed nuclear arms. Emperor Hirohito knowing this full well did not order a surrender in 1945 but simply continued to be in a state of war. Thus reparations and rebuilding were issued immediately, The Chinese meanwhile continued to wage war on Imperial forces still in-fighting in China and in Korea. The Japanese in a matter of months were a able to form a strong anti-invasion army made up of both men and women, civilian and military. Thus the US army initiated withdrawal from the pacific to concentrate on fighting in Europe. It successfully reoccupied Okinawa, Taiwan and most of Korea, igniting it into a very long war with China. The Imperial Army did nearly their impossible with these swift reconquests,

(Eye of the Storm) japan-empire

Rebellions - Post War PeriodEdit
The post-war period saw a series of uprisings in the occupied lands, including France, Britain, Italy, Romania, parts of Russia and Ukraine. In Britain, riots broke in 1945, protesters were shot which led to even more riots. In France the people of Paris rose up against the occupation forces killing hundreds of thousands of Nazi troops. Denmark was over-run in 1940 with little fuss by the Third Reich and peacefully annexed for 46 years. It chose not to rebel afterwards since it was a fellow Ayanite nation.

Generalplan OstEdit
The 'eastern territories' were to be 'assimilated'. The plan was to Germanise the existing people, non-Slavs who could eventually adapt and become part of the Aryan race. Also Hitler encouraged extreme German colonization on the Eastern front. In 1948, 300,000 German civilians from Bavaria were transported to Kiev, thousands of German workers and farmers were sent. As a reward to German troops masses of land were given to them in Russia for those that wished for it. The oil fields of Asia made sure that the Ostland was highly developed and could stand on its on feet. Soviet defectors of the "Russian liberation army" were also given impoverished farming land. Russia during these periods can often be seen as a mirror to Colonial British America in the 1600 and 1700s.

All of Africa virtually became Hitler's with the conquest of Europe in 1947. However, Germany did not have political liability to rule the entire continent as America and China heavily disliked the idea of one power ruling an entire continent and its people. Nevertheless Hitler still carved himself a gigantic Southern African empire "Afrika Reich" consisting of the former... Belgian Congo, British Tanzania, Rhodesia, Namibia, Kenya, Vichy French Madagascar and Portuguese Angola. Within these colonies secret but mass genocide began of the native populations through the regular usages of shooting, starvation and creating divisions among the native tribes. Africa was rich in minerals and resources, mass colonisation was made and with the help of turning the natives into slaves, this made the labour shortages never a problem for the colonists/farmers. These laws and acts of vicious brutality led to many long native rebellions within the German African Empire, which became known as the "Colonial Wars" essentially lasting from 1947-1960.

The Soviet - German WarEdit
The War in the east officially ended in October 1945, with the Soviet stronghold at Omsk finally crushed by the mighty German war machine. However, this only meant that the Soviets would never again be able to directly confront the Reich, but they still had the ability to lead a nightmarish guerrilla campaign against the German-allied forces. Stalin and most of the politburo and military generals fled far into Siberia. With the destruction of Omsk, led to the death of Joseph Stalin and many of the high-ranking politicians and generals, Hitler assumed that Soviet Russia and all the Marxist ideology of Communism had been once and for all destroyed however, remnants of the fledgling Red army fled deep into the east of Asia, and regrouped at the city of Novolbrisk. For the
German soldiers searching through the debris of a destroyed rebel strong-hold, January 1946
time being it would be there headquarters and the de facto capital of the remnant Soviet Union. Having regrouped and rearmed, the remaining forces waged a guerrilla campaign which in time would result in devastating consequences for the Third Reich. From sabotage, hit and run attacks, assassinations of military leaders, to assaulting German bases and killing hundreds of Axis soldiers. The German high command estimated there were only about 500 of these so called "rebels", so continued to send inexperienced soldiers to the front. These soldiers were mostly from the ROA "Russian Liberation Army" defectors. Hitler didn’t think that Germans needed to shed blood just for the sake of killing "worthless bandits", and so sent Russians to kill Russians. In time it proved him wrong by 1958, almost the entire ROA was destroyed and now the Red army was launching terror attacks inside the Third Reich.
Germans on the temporary retreat near Kazakhstan during 1945.
The United States and The PLA secretly funded and supplied the Soviet forces with weapons, ammunition, and even tanks and planes. Soon it the support got even stronger with the PLA and United States special forces were being sent into Siberia to help train and participate in combat disguised as Russian soldiers. Hitler had seriously underestimated the Soviets remaining strength and by 1960 200,000 German troops had been killed. Though the war was what Hitler fantasized for the German people as something that would keep them on their toes, it began to prove very costly. German soldiers quickly attempted to modify their tactics and execute civilians after every guerrilla attack but this proved futile and only created more hatred for the Reich.

Red army troops somewhere in Siberia, 1949
The German army’ brutal methods of killing civilians, building concentration camps and destroying towns and villages failed to dismantle rebel Soviets. What was even more worrying for the German people were the inside terror attacks the best known example was when Sgt Romanov and his famous rebel unit launched an attack inside the Ukrainian occupied city of Zhytomry, they coordinated a successful attack which resulted in the destruction of an ammo dump, an entire army barrack, the killing of at least 45 German soldiers and 15 German colonists. Radical members of the Red army were using more so called "effective means" against the Reich. Such as Suicide bombing against civilian targets, cities and towns, televised executions, assignations, and other forms of terror tactics. Officially the German High Command no longer treated Russian rebel forces as crack down rebel units, but as regular well trained military forces of the Red army.
549px-Order of the Raven
A Russian militia group in Irkutsk in 1961.
And it was true, as the population regrew, thousands joined militias and regulars, fighting on the front line became intense.
The Push back of the Third Reich's frontier in Russia, 1960
Kamikaze and Suicide squadrons were put in great effect during the fifties. Its main aim was to cause massive amounts of harm to the enemy while inflicting minimal harm to the attackers. By the 60s suicide warfare died out due to the large rebuilding of the Red army they now had the ability to directly face the Nazi war machine once again in open field. The Germans had since 1946 used their own suicide squadrons, modeled after the Kamikaze fighters of Imperial Japan.
The Sino-German WarEdit
The Communists of China defeated the Nationalists forces in 1949 and established the "People’s Republic of China" based on the principles of Communism. Hitler thought he had gotten rid of Communism once and for all, with the destruction of the Soviet Union in 1945. However, the Chinese Red Army under leader Mao Zedong had played a major role in the Sino-Japanese war and were extremely powerful. During the civil war Germany made no attempts to intervene due to distraction in attempting to
A district of Beijing in ruins after German bombardment, 1950
crush several uprisings in Europe. China like the Soviet Union before it was the only Communist state in the world, and was the primary ideological enemy of Nazi Germany. Early outbreaks of fighting broke out on the borders of German Russia and China in 1950. Germany sent two armoured divisions across the Mongolian border into China, killing 101 of Chinese troops with 24 hours. The PRC declared war on the German Reich. The United States at this point had maintained an isolationist policy and did not interfere in the conflict directly. However, fearing that they become the only superpower to face Germany alone, it sent conventional arms and means. The Xinjiang region was invaded opening up a second front for the German army, 20,000 soldiers and three panzer divisions were sent. However, much to Hitler’s surprise, they encountered massive resistance and within four hours the invasion force was halted, and faced horrible casualties, by 400,000 strong of the PLA. The German army had much more success in Inner Mongolia, surrounding Chinese forces and destroying hundreds of fortifications sent up by them. Resulting in the death of 4000 troops.
Chinese communist forces
PLA forces storming German lines in Inner Mongolia, 1950
The Soviet rebels at this time decided to take advantage of the situation and aid their Chinese allies, by harassing troop’s supplies to the Germans, en route to the Chinese front this enraged Hitler and his armies. With Inner Mongolia occupied the German forces continued their push to Beijing and began aerial bombardment similarly to Japanese assaults of Chinese cities during World War 2. By the time they stopped bombardment and eventually sent troops to the capture the city, the PLA had already strongly re-inforced the capital and as a result 50, 000 German troops were killed and fewer than 100 PLA forces died. Meanwhile, the Chinese forces at Xinjiang counter-attacked occupied Inner Mongolia and destroyed the German forces their leading to a massive retreated back into German Russia. Hitler wanted to begin a nuclear strike but by then the United States spoke out in favour of the PRC, and so he backed down, it was the first official defeat of Nazi Germany and the war had only lasted two months from April 3 1950 - June 2. Both countries' forces retreated to pre-war borders.

The Nazi empire had been the target of terrorism, hijackings, kidnappings, assassinations, murder. The primary terrorists were Jewish resistance fighters and Marxists. The first wave of terrorism was on June 6 1951 when terrorists of the so called "Sword of Jehovah" hijacked a commercial airliner and landed it in Bethlehem, with the help of Arab fighters and contingents of SS troops, the hostages were rescued and all the terrorists were killed. The second wave w
Terrorists copy
Extremists of the "Sword of Jehovah", group were infamous in their attacks against Germany.
as in early 60s, by extreme Marxists. In 1963 ten terrorists of "the workers social revolution of France" bombed and attacked the "Kaiser International airport" in Paris, killing over one hundred people and injuring another 45. With attacks like these Germany introduced anti-terror laws and established specific programmes and prevents schemes against international terrorism.
German Indochina WarEdit
The Communists of Vietnam rose from the ashes of former Japanese rule and were bent on establishing a revolutionary government in Indochina.

The British Occupation WarEdit
The British Empire truly came to an end in 1947. King George fled to Canada along with Winston Churchill. The Second Battle of Britain was the toughest war yet for the German Reich. Every citizen was demanded to shed blood for the final defence of the empire. The young, the weak the old and even women, Germany lost 850, 000 troops and Britain over one million. King Edward was installed as king in Buckingham Palace and Oswald Mosley was released from prison to lead the new British Fascist government. For occupation forces Hitler devised thousands of French and Belgian SS divisions and
History nazi britain by danzig au-d2yf0i3
Nazi Occupied Britain, 1947
played up traditional almost between the French and British. Despite crushing the nation a British resistance movement was formed compromising remnants of the British army and normal civilians.
The Italo-German WarEdit
The Duce had grown tired of his nation being a mere puppet at the hands of the German Reich and began to seek military options instead of political ones to achieve a higher status within the world. So in secret he started a mass military build up and by 1953 there were two million Italian soldiers ready to go to war against the Third Reich, the plan was to invade the oilfields of the Middle East to swiftly conquer Vichy France and capture Vienna within two months, by then the Germans would have suffered horrible casualties and Italy would maybe be joined by the United States of America. On May 19th 1953, 500,000 Italian troops launched a pre-emptive strike against Vichy France they quickly overran the puppet country. However, they were swiftly stopped at Tours and reversed back with massive deaths. They regrouped at Toulouse but were surrounded by German and French troops and were forced to give up. In the Eastern front the Italians reached Vienna with four days of hard fighting but found it was heavily defended and were also confronted by a large German-Austrian force. They were defeated and soon the Italians were being driven back all the way to Italy. Losing over 600,000 men. Over Italian Libya which the Italians had been fighting for a very long time, the Germans began aerial bombardment of Tripoli and Benghazi.

Caucasus RebellionEdit
Christian Armenians and Georgians had longed for freedom from the Soviet Union, and felt no freedom when the German armies liberated their lands, as did the Muslim Chechens. Partisan groups emerged in 1946, they begin a guerrilla war against the occupation forces.

Indian RebellionEdit
The jewel of the British Empire, the Indian sub-continent was subdued by Nazi Germany a year after the fall of the British Isles itself. With few British and colonial troops the remnants of Great Britain in India made its last stand at Hyderabad 1948, and India was subjected to a brutal, harsh occupation. Originally the Germans did not intend for this as it viewed Indians as Aryans just as themselves. However, Mohandas K Gandhi saw no reason to give up the fight for independence even though there had been a major change of occupiers. He continued his non-violent policies of non-cooperation. However, the Nazis were not as tolerant as the British had been and in 1948 they stormed his residence and hanged his body on display. It led to an immediate uproar from among the Hindu and community but not the Muslim community who had been quite cooperative with the German occupiers. The Hindu and Sikh peoples soon began to riot and in an incident stormed a German checkpoint killing an officer and five soldiers, as a result re-inforcements arrived and opened fire on the rioters killing 107 people. The Hindu-Indians all over India declared open war against the German occupiers, many which formed the ILA "Indian Liberation Front*. During this time the Nazis began religious persecution demolishing temples, places of worship and shooting Hindu priests publicly, furthering the fuel for rage from the Hindus. In India the German occupation force consisted of 300,000 troops, re-inforcements would arrive from Isfahan in Iran but it would take weeks, so the German colonial government decided to establish Muslim SS divisions similarly done in Serbia and Bosnia, in order to prevent the country being overrun. The ILA marched to occupied Delhi; German troops despite being heavily outmanned, successfully defended the city killing 2000 ILA soldiers and only lost 300.

World War 3Edit
A brief naval war which occurred between Nazi Germany and the United States, in the early 1960s at sea with several naval engagements, neither side gained the upper hand. It quickly came to halt before further conflict could have erupted by 1961.

Slave labourEdit
The Third Reich had an ocean of unlimited man power and used this as their main structure of economy and workforce. Homosexuals, Gypsies, Slavs, Communists, POWs, Africans, and others the Germans considered "sub-human". Jews were never even considered for working and slavery no matter what the cost or reason. This harsh slavery had ultimately freed the Reich’s citizens from labour. From the harshest to the fair working jobs were all done by the slaves. From time to time there were uprisings and rebellions by them. However, they were always severe and surreally put down in the most sinister way. By 1960 there were over two million slaves working under the German Reich.

Space ExplorationEdit
The VSS Fatherland, the first star ship ever made in 2012.
As time went by Hitler began to look to the stars, and into space. A Nazi-solar empire was what began to run through his mind, it excited his entire body. And so established the first "German space programme" in 1946 and in 1961 the first space ships were sent out, successfully making landings on the moon and Mars. Hitler poured in massive amounts of money into the space programme and in 1995 with the ability to create oxygen on Mars and the moon, the first colonies were established, the colonies served both military and civilian purposes. "The Nazi Space Command" was established as the official body of government for the space colonies, Hitler had invasion a Intergalactic Nazi Space Empire and introduced this idea heavily with the command. In case if Germany had first contact with aliens a strong military presence was established in the colonies. However, this was just a propaganda rumour which was in secret for keeping the colonies disciplined by the colonial armies.
The first models German Space Colonial troops, 1983
by 1991 the designs for first space star ship were made, the "VSS Fatherland" and was officially launched in 2012 which made continuous successive journeys through Venus, Neptune, the moon and Mars. Colonization by the mid-70s was a complete craze. Mars's capital city "New Berlin" had massive populace of over 300,000 colonists. Venus also had a large metropolis called "New Hamburg" its population was overall 600,000 Slaves were also transported in order to begin mine exploitations and to help build the fabulous space cities.
Slave Uprising in SpaceEdit
The first space colony established on Mars in 1971, "New Berlin"
The conditions of slaves in the space mining facilities were appalling and especially on Mars where probably the worst ever been. They would be made to work continues long hours and if they went out of line once there was no warnings, only executions. All these conditions led to a massive uprising in 1975, when workers revolted and attempted to escape the mining core, and seize the colony of Mars. Upon the colony of Mars there was a military garrison of only 30,000 troops, the civilian population marked about 500,000 and the slave population was 860,000.
New SwabiaEdit
Essentially turned into a German military base after the war it served as a colony in later years and Hitler ordered its expansion.

Death of HitlerEdit
Adolf Hitler died in 1973 from natural causes in his luxury home in Greece at the ripe old age of 84. He had the official title of "Hitler der Große[Hitler the Great]" his successor was none other than Heinrich Himmler. A national day of mourning for ten days was proclaimed. The world’s largest and most expensive statue of Hitler was erected at Greater Berlin entitled - "Adolf Hitler the great, Hero of the new Germany".

Major Wars, Battles and RetreatsEdit
The London Biltz
The 1940 St Katharine Docks, and the Tower of London raid
The London Biltz
1942 Battle of Gazala
1942 Battle of Bir Hakeim
The 1942 Battle of Tobruk
The First 1942 Battle of El Alamein
The Second 1942 Battle of El Alamein
1942 Battle of Voronezh
1942 Battle for Pskov
1942-43 Battle for Velikiye-Luki
Battle of Kursk 1943: The localised use of nerve gas turns the tide in the Soviet Union.
The 1943 Battle of Voronezh
The 1944 Black Sea War
1944 Romanian rebellion
The 1944 Belgrade Rising
1944 Iraqi Rebellion
1944-45 Murmansk Siege
1944-45 Battle of the Hürtgen Forest
1944 Battle of Hilversum
The 1944 Sochi Raid
1944 Battle Of Aachen
The 1944-45 Battle Of The Bulge
1944 Battle For Vianden Castle
1945 Kazakhstan border War
1945 Timişoara rebellion
1945 Urals War
1945 Battle of Omsk
1945 Battle of Chita
1946 Hertford Rebellion
The 1946 Batumi Raid
1946 Kiev Rebellion
1946 Poti Raid
The 1946 Kuban Incident
1946 Battle For Bahrain.
The 1946 Battle for Qatar
The 1946 Battle For Oman
1946 Trucial States Rebellion.
1946 Battle for Saudi Arabia
The 1949 Omsk Rebellion
The Battle for Moscow
Second Battle of Stalingrad
1946 London Ghetto Uprising
1947 Battle of Novosibirsk

The Flood / Re: Cheat... I'm done...
« on: November 26, 2014, 12:08:44 AM »

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
   Look up please in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

Please may refer to:

    "Please", an expression of request


    Please (Pet Shop Boys album), 1986
    Please (Matt Nathanson album), 1993
    "Please" (Toni Braxton song), 2005
    "Please" (Robin Gibb song), 2003
    "Please" (The Kinleys song), 1997
    "Please" (U2 song), 1997
    "Please (You Got That...)", a 1993 song by INXS

    "Please", a song by The Apples in Stereo from Velocity of Sound
    "Please", a song by John Cale from Vintage Violence
    "Please", a song by Lamb from Between Darkness and Wonder
    "Please", a song by Tom McRae from The Alphabet of Hurricanes
    "Please", a song by Nine Inch Nails from The Fragile
    "Please", a song by Paul Hartnoll from The Ideal Condition
    "Please", a song by Chris Isaak from Speak of the Devil
    "Please", a song from the 1989 musical Miss Saigon
    "Please", a song by Pam Tillis from the album Thunder & Roses
    "Please", a song by Staind from Chapter V

    "Please", a song by Ludo

Other uses

    Please Teacher!, an anime series
    PLEASE, a keyword in the INTERCAL programming language

See also

    "Please, Please", a song by McFly
    Please, Please, Please (disambiguation)
Contents  [hide]
1 English
1.1 Etymology 1
1.1.1 Noun Derived terms Synonyms
1.2 Etymology 2
1.2.1 Noun
1.3 Anagrams
Etymology 1[edit]
donger (plural dongers)

(UK, Africa, informal) penis  [quotations ▼]
Derived terms[edit]
dry as a dead dingo's donger (Australian)
See Wikisaurus:penis

Etymology 2[edit]
From donga (“transportable cabin”).

donger (plural dongers)

(Australia) A donga (transportable cabin or tourist accommodation).  [quotations ▼]

Gaming / Re: Smash Bros Wii U Tournament Idea.
« on: November 25, 2014, 11:59:40 PM »
What r u guis Casul? I wish we could do 8-man brawl online
That would be great but I don't think the netcode.

The Flood / Cheat... I'm done...
« on: November 25, 2014, 11:57:56 PM »
My soup for dinner was delicious thank you.

The Flood / Re: How old are you, bbys?
« on: November 25, 2014, 11:48:41 PM »
Too old for the grils.

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon is run by the Illuminati
« on: November 25, 2014, 11:47:22 PM »
I'm new here okay!
Okay. You were making posts like someone who raged here. Sorry for the rudeness.
Yeah i just want to go to bed. I'm just done.
It's all good. Hopefully we weren't a little too rude with our initiation.

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon is run by the Illuminati
« on: November 25, 2014, 11:45:22 PM »
I'm new here okay!
Okay. You were making posts like someone who raged here. Sorry for the rudeness.

The Flood / Re: I got raped tonight
« on: November 25, 2014, 11:25:16 PM »
Come play Smash Bros WiiU and we can truly talk about rape.

The Flood / Re: Christmas list thread?
« on: November 25, 2014, 09:37:37 PM »
Money, sleep, and more sleep.

The Flood / Re: What are you getting on Black Friday?
« on: November 25, 2014, 09:31:52 PM »
Getting myself a WiiU Pro controller if  there are any left throughout the day.

Gaming / Re: I finally made an inventory.
« on: November 25, 2014, 09:30:46 PM »
Looks interesting, can't wait to see the game in action when you upload some vids.

Septagon / Re: Add Nintendo Network ID to Forum Profile
« on: November 25, 2014, 07:45:24 PM »
Plz Cheat.
Added to profile. It'll be a while before it shows up in sigs.

Can anyone fill me in on what happened?
People started spamming threads about the Ferguson fiasco and calling black people by a lot of racial slurs. We had a dedicated thread in Serious for discussion so threads in The Flood were locked because they were just spam. People got butthurt and just started spam posting "MOD BIAS" and other nonsense.

Gaming / Anyone here looking to get Gigantic or Overwatch?
« on: November 25, 2014, 07:41:22 PM »
I love Battle Arena games and both of them look great. Gigantic looks a bit like a MOBA and Overwatch looks likes an Awesome hero based shooter.

The Flood / Re: I love big titties
« on: November 25, 2014, 07:33:27 PM »
Smaller is better.
Eh. I'll go with whatever as long at the Face is good and the person isn't too fat.

Gaming / Re: Smash Bros Wii U Tournament Idea.
« on: November 25, 2014, 03:20:58 AM »
I'm going to play TrollDog3000

The Flood / Re: Users with Glasses/Contacts
« on: November 25, 2014, 03:17:26 AM »
Eh. For me it's like going from Standard Definition to High Definition. I'd be fine.

Gaming / Re: Radiata Stories
« on: November 25, 2014, 03:14:09 AM »

Got your back. This is the pic.

Gaming / Re: SSBU
« on: November 25, 2014, 02:54:57 AM »
Latsu luck saved you
Luck got on my side after I finally used the Gamepad. That game where I was Pickachu and you were Metaknight I was in tears because of the final death. I had no clue what happened.
Ironically that was my goal to destroy you with the lava but it backfired
Ya I knew that so I was inching towards you trying to bait an attack and I failed at my first counter attack and then the next engage was just odd and you insta-died.
I got hit by the lava and the lava sent me to the next lava pit towards my death
: (
I actually feel bad for you :c that cannon dough
There was a lot of odd things and hilarious things happening in the matches. I found all of it funny. That's why I have such troll taunts. They make me laugh.
yeah I totally killed myself by my own incompetence with Little Mac lol also you prick you kept on chasing me around In kirby's map
I like to damage everyone and you kept leaving the fights hoping to pick one of us off after we were done fighting.

Gaming / Re: SSBU
« on: November 25, 2014, 02:38:35 AM »
Latsu luck saved you
Luck got on my side after I finally used the Gamepad. That game where I was Pickachu and you were Metaknight I was in tears because of the final death. I had no clue what happened.
Ironically that was my goal to destroy you with the lava but it backfired
Ya I knew that so I was inching towards you trying to bait an attack and I failed at my first counter attack and then the next engage was just odd and you insta-died.
I got hit by the lava and the lava sent me to the next lava pit towards my death
: (
I actually feel bad for you :c that cannon dough
There was a lot of odd things and hilarious things happening in the matches. I found all of it funny. That's why I have such troll taunts. They make me laugh.

Gaming / Re: SSBU
« on: November 25, 2014, 02:34:44 AM »
Latsu luck saved you
Luck got on my side after I finally used the Gamepad. That game where I was Pickachu and you were Metaknight I was in tears because of the final death. I had no clue what happened.
Ironically that was my goal to destroy you with the lava but it backfired
Ya I knew that so I was inching towards you trying to bait an attack and I failed at my first counter attack and then the next engage was just odd and you insta-died.
I got hit by the lava and the lava sent me to the next lava pit towards my death
: (

Gaming / Re: SSBU
« on: November 25, 2014, 02:14:49 AM »
Latsu luck saved you
Luck got on my side after I finally used the Gamepad. That game where I was Pickachu and you were Metaknight I was in tears because of the final death. I had no clue what happened.
Ironically that was my goal to destroy you with the lava but it backfired
Ya I knew that so I was inching towards you trying to bait an attack and I failed at my first counter attack and then the next engage was just odd and you insta-died.

The Flood / Re: Ladies...
« on: November 25, 2014, 01:33:53 AM »
lol. I bumped your thread from when you disappeared thinking you had died.

The Flood / Re: dis plase ded
« on: November 25, 2014, 01:23:40 AM »
Not really. I think people finally went to bed after the garbage posting.

Gaming / Re: SSBU
« on: November 25, 2014, 01:14:10 AM »
Latsu luck saved you
Luck got on my side after I finally used the Gamepad. That game where I was Pickachu and you were Metaknight I was in tears because of the final death. I had no clue what happened.

Gaming / Re: SSBU
« on: November 25, 2014, 01:11:39 AM »
"Worth" "GG" "NoCopyPastearino" "MyDongerIsReady"

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