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Yeah I watched this shit a while ago before I knew about the Fate series. I can tell you that overall this anime has left a sour taste in my mouth.

The Flood / Re: So I bothered to look up the plot of God's Not Dead...
« on: December 03, 2014, 01:07:44 AM »
When it's supposed to be a denomination of the same religion, but is so widely different and has stories with seemingly no basis in logic or teaching morals, then it seems more noteworthy to me.

The kinds of parables Jesus told in the Bible are one thing, in that they teach lessons and offer moral guidance. However, that same God killing everyone that didn't do exactly what he said, and saying that's where black people come from, the people God killed for being disobedient; that, that only seems to be an excuse to be able to preach racism.
The BoM is just another Mini Bible pretty much. It's filled with stories on why people should be good people and what has happened in the past to those who fall into a constant routine of sinning and denying the existence of a God. It was an interesting read but there is a lot of it that just feels empty. It's overall complexion is good and teaches good morals to people which is again why I stayed in the church for so long. I talked with Death about this a little bit but the main reason why I don't agree with the church is its pushing of teaching and bringing people to the church. It's almost like Crossfit. If you don't bring people to the church you are pretty much a mediocre or bad person ESPECIALLY if you are a male. If you don't follow their ideals and teaching to a T as a male you are pretty much told you won't go anywhere in heaven. Women get it off easy there but I can tell you that a whole lot of shit is stirring because of the Feminism movement as a whole.

The Flood / Re: So I bothered to look up the plot of God's Not Dead...
« on: December 03, 2014, 01:00:44 AM »
Tell them we have texts dating back to 100BC that when translated say the exact same thing we have now.

Does the Book of Mormon have God go around murdering those children he made with unconditional love and wants nothing more than to live eternally with them, because they are confused and/or upset with God?
Not that I can remember from my reading of the BoM when I was an early teen. It was mostly about sinners and people who ignored god getting killed and becoming black (Literally happened according to the BoM that all black people are decedents from sinners if you take the texts literally)
....How, exactly, do they believe this stuff? I cannot even comprehend the level of gullibility and ignorance required to believe that to an adult age.

Not trying to start shit, but you could literally say that about any religion if you took their stories literally. Those who are religious really shouldn't be going around telling others that other people that are religious that their belief systems stories are crazy when they themselves adhere to a belief system that contains stories that are just as ridiculous.
Pretty much what I got from it while talking with a couple friends of different beliefs. I really like a lot of Mormon/Christian teachings but I don't see myself agreeing with a lot of them so I just don't go.

The Flood / Re: So I bothered to look up the plot of God's Not Dead...
« on: December 03, 2014, 12:59:16 AM »
....How, exactly, do they believe this stuff? I cannot even comprehend the level of gullibility and ignorance required to believe that to an adult age.
It's like almost every religion where the only good that comes out of it is really just to be a good person. That's all I got from being a Mormon and that's all I'll really take away. If there happens to be a God he will take me for who I am or damn me to hell. Well, if the Mormon church is the true one there is no hell. lol..

The Flood / Re: So I bothered to look up the plot of God's Not Dead...
« on: December 03, 2014, 12:57:44 AM »
Tell them we have texts dating back to 100BC that when translated say the exact same thing we have now.

Does the Book of Mormon have God go around murdering those children he made with unconditional love and wants nothing more than to live eternally with them, because they are confused and/or upset with God?
Not that I can remember from my reading of the BoM when I was an early teen. It was mostly about sinners and people who ignored god getting killed and becoming black (Literally happened according to the BoM that all black people are decedents from sinners if you take the texts literally)

Latsu, at least tell me you received your pair of magic underwear.
Nope. After Highschool I talked with my bishop and said I didn't want to be ordained an elder and have to go through all the other things that I really don't believe right now.

The Flood / Re: This is the story of when I first touched booty
« on: December 03, 2014, 12:42:30 AM »

Won't leave my precious Intel! You'll never get me.

The Flood / Re: So I bothered to look up the plot of God's Not Dead...
« on: December 03, 2014, 12:25:56 AM »
Tell them we have texts dating back to 100BC that when translated say the exact same thing we have now.

Does the Book of Mormon have God go around murdering those children he made with unconditional love and wants nothing more than to live eternally with them, because they are confused and/or upset with God?
Not that I can remember from my reading of the BoM when I was an early teen. It was mostly about sinners and people who ignored god getting killed and becoming black (Literally happened according to the BoM that all black people are decedents from sinners if you take the texts literally)

The Flood / Re: Ordering my e-cigarettes
« on: December 03, 2014, 12:23:59 AM »
Smoking is bad, m'kay?
That's sorta the point.
Treat E-Sigs like Cigarettes in terms of manners. It's REALLY rude to smoke around people who aren't smoking. I wanted to smack the people I worked at for smoking them in a small room with others in it. Some of the worst smells I have ever smelled.

The Flood / Re: So I bothered to look up the plot of God's Not Dead...
« on: December 03, 2014, 12:20:52 AM »
Even Christians are embarrassed by the film.
My parents kept telling me to watch it because of how "Good" it was....
Tell your parents to read the Bible and that God doesn't fucking kill people for being upset with him.
TFW my family is Mormons and hold the BoM over the Bible so saying that won't mean anything to them, You need to understand the Mormon Cathphrase: "We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God."

That gives the leaders of the church as much power as they want because they can say the bible wasn't properly translated if it contests with their beliefs.

The Flood / Re: So I bothered to look up the plot of God's Not Dead...
« on: December 03, 2014, 12:11:24 AM »
Even Christians are embarrassed by the film.
My parents kept telling me to watch it because of how "Good" it was....

The Flood / Re: Have you ever fapped to a Floodian?
« on: December 02, 2014, 10:12:11 PM »
Just Cowpie
Why the fuck :/
Who would fap to someone they know? I really don't even know anymore. Even if you slightly knew someone.... I don't even... wat.

The Flood / Re: Well educate me Flood. I missed a lot during B.lind
« on: December 02, 2014, 08:42:32 PM »
coup was cool. the coup d'bungie group was awful but coup itself was cool.
I used it for one day but too many people had shitty coups that I didn't bother with it and uninstalled it.

The Flood / Re: Well educate me Flood. I missed a lot during B.lind
« on: December 02, 2014, 08:41:10 PM »
Sapphire was a private group that only accepted the most popular, most intelligent members of the Flood. All the butthurt losers who weren't accepted are here on Septagon.

Then go to Sapphire and gtfo of here.
He got kicked out.

Sapphire attempted too look like it was the place for only the best people, but truth is it was a cesspool of BS, especially after Harlow sold his soul to Jay.
I heard a couple names thrown out on occasion whilst browsing The Flood/OffTopic but never really cared. I vaguely remember Sapphire as a group but I thought groups were stupid. I also never joined the Coup train.

The Flood / Re: Well educate me Flood. I missed a lot during B.lind
« on: December 02, 2014, 08:28:00 PM »
Sounds like I didn't miss a thing worth noting. Kinda glad I ignored all the nonsense.

The Flood / Well educate me Flood. I missed a lot during B.lind
« on: December 02, 2014, 08:12:59 PM »
I'm very out of the loop and understand some terms but what happened with all the other offsites and "sapphire". I never paid attention to people posting things related to these in the main forums before because I thought they were stupid and just stuck to posting and lurking on b.lind. Anyone want to give me a brief history of the shitstorm I missed/ignored?

Gaming / Re: What's a reasonable price for a used PS4?
« on: December 02, 2014, 07:46:02 PM »

>create fake amazon offer
>walmart matches prize as per policy
>receive cheap ass ps4
>fucking profit
>Commit Fraud
>Go to jail for up to 10 years for a video game console
>.....? ? ? ?

Gaming / What's a reasonable price for a used PS4?
« on: December 02, 2014, 07:37:59 PM »
I'm thinking of selling mine because I realized that having it is redundant.  I have just the Destiny BUNDLE with Destiny unopened as I got the game digitally so that I could play it on both ps4 and ps3. So what's a reasonable price that you think I should ask.  I'm thinking close to $350-330.

Edit: Looked into it more and I think a more reasonable price is about $320-310 in it's condition. I'll ask for $330ish. (Callback to my controller thread).

The Flood / Re: I was...reluctant to make one of these here but....
« on: December 02, 2014, 07:10:58 PM »
Just realized he has been or will be ordained within the next hour. I'm a dumb. Guess he won't see this for a long time. Or if he comes back early well see him again sooner :D

The Flood / Re: I was...reluctant to make one of these here but....
« on: December 02, 2014, 07:09:26 PM »
Sorry Death about ranting but I want to ask if you live in Utah country or south of the point of the mountain.

The Flood / Re: I was...reluctant to make one of these here but....
« on: December 02, 2014, 06:53:52 PM »
I cannot say I understand why you would agree to do that for two years, but it is your life and your choice. I hope it is worth it for you and that you are happy. I enjoyed having you here.

As a non active Mormon when I mentioned I wasn't going to serve a mission I was pretty much chastised. It's very ingrained in the Utah culture that if you don't serve a mission you aren't worth marrying.
That is really stupid....

You've never lived in Utah county Utah or any of the northern cities of Utah. It's just how it works. 80% of girls are mormon and won't really consider dating you if you aren't interested in the church.

The Flood / Re: Where do you people get money
« on: December 02, 2014, 06:51:59 PM »
NEET and fire some reason I haven't been kicked out

The Flood / Re: I was...reluctant to make one of these here but....
« on: December 02, 2014, 06:46:37 PM »
I cannot say I understand why you would agree to do that for two years, but it is your life and your choice. I hope it is worth it for you and that you are happy. I enjoyed having you here.

As a non active Mormon when I mentioned I wasn't going to serve a mission I was pretty much chastised. It's very ingrained in the Utah culture that if you don't serve a mission you aren't worth marrying.

The Flood / Re: The ship I have been putting holes in is sinking
« on: December 02, 2014, 03:56:32 AM »
Thanks to everyone who had replied.  I'll fix the OP so it's more detailed and has better composition but now I really don't want to.  Crying makes me really tired and I have tried to avoid crying for months and so everything is happening in my mind at once.

The Flood / The ship I have been putting holes in is sinking
« on: December 02, 2014, 03:30:28 AM »
Well I feel like I owe an explanation as to the title of this post.

For as long as I can remember I have always fixated on death. When playing games as a child I would always be the first to "die" and more often than not my friends would try to "revive" me in whatever games we played. I really wanted to die and I really didn't know why.

Skip ahead to my first year of school. I'm a 6th grader and I don't really get along with people. I got bullied and picked on so I didn't make any friends. I came home with brushes and my parents asked why and I really didn't want to explain to them I don't get along with kids but eventually I mentioned something to them and they contacted the school. The following year I was moved to a different school. A charter school where I could try again.

 6th grade once more for me. I did great. I was a strait A student and liked by all my teachers but I still wanted to die. Every day that I got home I cried myself to sleep or went to my room to cry while doing homework. I really didn't want to do anything. This is when I discovered online gaming. I fixated on watching videos about Halo and other games in my free time and my grades began to drop. My family blamed games but they were the only thing that I really enjoyed. The friends from my church were hollow and often ignored me so I decided that I wouldn't be their friend anymore. I only played games. All that I had was games. Everything that kept me alive was games. I kept telling myself that the next game to come out would be great and that I should stay alive to play it. Games were all that I had. Games were my addiction. They were everything to me.

Come high-school I made a couple friends that liked games. I could talk to them about games and play games with them. Xbox live was my life and I started to fail classes. My family,  especially my father, we're entwined in their idea that I was going away from their religion and they were right. I didn't believe in God and and hadn't for a long time. My father constantly talked about Jesus coming and destroying the world and everything in it and that it would happen before I was out of high school. So I just stopped. I stopped caring about school. I stopped really trying in anything. Games started to get stale and my father's constant rhetoric about the world ending engraved itself in my psyche. I was convinced that I was going to die and I would finally be rid of the world. That day never came.

I didn't end up graduating high sch because of complications and it really at its hear was my fault.  I could have graduated but I chose to put holes in my ship. I wanted to sink and I wanted my life to be a failure so I could die. I moved back into gaming as I got a full time job. Every day at work was hell. I felt that I was working for a scam. Everything about it was against who I am as a person and I hated it. I constantly told one of my friends that if I don't quit I will kill myself. After 6 months I quit and she was happy. I hadn't killed myself but I can tell you I got close. Really Close. I had everything ready. My family was gone for a weekend and I could have done it but she called me out of the blue and convinced me not to.

It's been 6 months since that day and I still am putting holes in the ship. I could be in college but I ignored deadlines and failed to meet them. I could have graduated high school but I have ignored that too in the hopes that everything will end. I wanted to be homeless. I wanted my situation to be more dire so that I could have a better excuse to end my life. And then GamerGate happened. Everything I loved came crashing down. I wanted to go into software development and concentrate on game development but then GamerGate happened. Everything I loved and hoped to go into was torn into shreds.  My one last hope was taken from my under my feat. My life raft that I had left unscathed was taken from my by the flame wars and hate thrown about on the Internet and the people I once loved became enemies and I didn't want to do anything for them. I gave up. The past two month have just been me as an empty she'll trying to find another reason to live and I still haven't seen any hope or reason to move on.

I really want to end it. I know one person on this forum personally and he'll see this eventually but I don't really care.  This isn't me saying I'll kill myself but I can tell you I'm getting there.  I just need to find a way out if I'm ever going to get out of the sinking ship I sabotaged myself.

Edit:I'll fix issues with the grammar later. I'll also expound upon other issues at a later time. I just needed to get this out because I have been fixated on it and couldn't sleep. Hopefully this will help me get to sleep but I really don't think it will help.

Septagon / Re: The redirects are still happening, cheat.
« on: December 02, 2014, 12:52:54 AM »
I haven't had any issues yet but I just got home to my Desktop and can actually browse the forum as often as I use to.

The Flood / Re: I just sneezed seven times
« on: December 02, 2014, 12:50:15 AM »
I think I sneeze 3-5 times on average. Just ask Desticle.

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