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Gaming / Re: An hour worth of H5 beta gameplay
« on: December 03, 2014, 08:23:35 PM »
Why the hell do the characters talk in Multiplayer? It's really obnoxious and really makes the multiplayer feel like a Ripoff of CoD and GoW.
Whaaaat? But don't you want to feel like a tactical soldier, who is in constant communication with their team and sounds like a gruff tough as nails bad-ass?
lol. The chatter would be nice if it was actually that useful. "OH IM HIT"
But that would provide unfair advantages to players as they might learn something from dialogue they wouldn't have from playing the game. /343logic
I heard some actual useful dialogue but it was drowned out by all the horrible sound design. Yeah, kinda glad I left Halo. I don't feel like I'm missing much.

The Flood / Re: Does work for any of you?
« on: December 03, 2014, 08:21:00 PM »
Can't get the website to load.

ISP: Comcast
Browser: Chrome
OS: Mac

Edit: Safari opens it fine.

Gaming / Re: An hour worth of H5 beta gameplay
« on: December 03, 2014, 08:17:46 PM »
Why the hell do the characters talk in Multiplayer? It's really obnoxious and really makes the multiplayer feel like a Ripoff of CoD and GoW.
Whaaaat? But don't you want to feel like a tactical soldier, who is in constant communication with their team and sounds like a gruff tough as nails bad-ass?
lol. The chatter would be nice if it was actually that useful. "OH IM HIT"

Gaming / Re: An hour worth of H5 beta gameplay
« on: December 03, 2014, 08:12:25 PM »
Why the hell do the characters talk in Multiplayer? It's really obnoxious and really makes the multiplayer feel like a Ripoff of CoD and GoW.

Gaming / Re: Just when Destiny was looking a little better...
« on: December 03, 2014, 08:01:37 PM »
That's way easier than using 8 ascendant energy per damage upgrade. Now all you need to upgrade exotics is a farmable material and weapon or armour parts. Then all you do is wait for Xur to show up, much easier.
But you won't have any of the Upgrades available. You have to level the weapon and put the parts into it and materials again.
I level exotics just fine doing every PvE bounty and then using one of the weapon xp boosters also available from Xur. You just pop it before you hand in the bounties and it boosts all the xp from the bounties.
Some people don't have more than 2-5 hours a weekend to play a game. You are forgetting about a lot of people who don't have time to re-level all their weapons and throw away all the previous time they put into the game.

Gaming / Re: Just when Destiny was looking a little better...
« on: December 03, 2014, 07:55:57 PM »
That's way easier than using 8 ascendant energy per damage upgrade. Now all you need to upgrade exotics is a farmable material and weapon or armour parts. Then all you do is wait for Xur to show up, much easier.
But you won't have any of the Upgrades available. You have to level the weapon and put the parts into it and materials again.

Gaming / Re: Just when Destiny was looking a little better...
« on: December 03, 2014, 07:54:26 PM »
I don't get what the big deal is. It takes you less than an hour to max out a gun and they made them waaaaaay easier to upgrade
To max an Exotic? It takes a shit load of items and glimmer. The average player who plays the game on weekends has been fucked It takes a full weekend to just get an exotic halfway leveled.

Gaming / Just when Destiny was looking a little better...
« on: December 03, 2014, 07:41:01 PM »
Link to Game Informer Article: here.
Here’s how it works. Upgrading exotic weapons and armor is completed by interacting with the weekend vendor, Xur. When he arrives every Friday morning, he will now have a new option to upgrade one of your equipped exotic items. Each week, he’ll offer some (but not all) exotic items as being available to upgrade.

You’ll need three things. First, you need to own the original version of that exotic item, and turn it in to exchange for the upgraded version. It doesn’t matter if this old version of the item is brand new or fully upgraded. To complete the upgrade, you’ll also need to turn in an exotic shard. This recently introduced new material is available for purchase for seven strange coins from Xur, or by breaking down another existing exotic item in your inventory. Finally, each exotic upgrade costs a hefty dose of cash – around 7000 glimmer as of my playthrough of the expansion in mid-November. After turning all three of these things into Xur, he’ll hand you a brand new version of your item with a higher defense or attack value cap.

So basically all those who have actually played the game are screwed over and those who haven't played the game get an upgrade for very cheap. I really don't know anymore. My opinions of Destiny being a 6/10 is now to a 4.5/10.

As /u/Sketchshido said on Reddit: "DLC should add to the game, not reset it."

The Flood / Re: Ass Or Tits?
« on: December 03, 2014, 06:02:13 PM »

The Flood / Re: I hit 5K posts today!
« on: December 03, 2014, 05:44:51 PM »
I'm almost at 1k. Lol.

Gaming / Re: Anyone here want to do the new Density raid next week?
« on: December 03, 2014, 04:49:23 PM »
I still haven't even completed the first one.
Neither have I, you are on PS4 right? I'll add you and we should get some people here to do it.

PC and 360.
Wat. How you have... PC? Confused is I.

The Flood / Re: I find your lack of faith
« on: December 03, 2014, 04:37:15 PM »
The christmas season makes me want to get high.

The Flood / Re: If marijuana was legal, would you try it?
« on: December 03, 2014, 04:29:14 PM »
Not really. Smoking isn't my thing and with how easily I get addicted to shit I wouldn't want to start anything.

Kids are a nuisance if not trained properly. There are many people who should NEVER have kids because of their life situation. I really hope that this post is a bit of a Troll.

I know that myself personally will probably only have 1-2kids ever just to replace myself and my spouse. I really don't like how people raise their kids to be annoying little shits and it really bugs me how I see kids treated because of their parents. I avoid other people's kids because I know that the way that I will raise my kids will be different in many ways and I don't have any control over the way they raise their kids. To be honest most kids are annoying little shitstains and don't even get better until they are in their mid 20s

Gaming / Re: Anyone here want to do the new Density raid next week?
« on: December 03, 2014, 04:22:57 PM »
I still haven't even completed the first one.
Neither have I, you are on PS4 right? I'll add you and we should get some people here to do it.

Gaming / Re: Anyone here want to do the new Density raid next week?
« on: December 03, 2014, 04:22:28 PM »
Yeah, I know, Destiny.

Does anyone actually want to give it a go though?
Quoting the OP OP. Ignore my Post. thought you were talking about the old raid because it is still new to me.

Gaming / Re: Anyone here want to do the new Density raid next week?
« on: December 03, 2014, 04:21:18 PM »
Which Console? I won't have my PS4 for long most likely but I do have it on PS3.

The Flood / Re: This is my official resignation as a monitor
« on: December 03, 2014, 04:16:35 PM »
You make all the problems I have seem like candy. I really hope you are able to get through this as you are one of the few posters here that I genuinely respect. You are always here to talk to people and maintain discussion even when the trolls and idiots try to derail threads. Tumors, Cancer, everything sucks and it takes a lot to go through Chemo Therapy and I hope that the pain and stress of it all doesn't take you along with the Tumor. If you ever need someone to talk to or talk with we should all be here for you and we'd love to talk with you. If needed I could give you my Phone Number and my Skype but I really can't do much in my current situation but talk and mourn with you.

The thought of having someone in my life die and go away is always painful, even if they are a stranger on the internet. I've seen people ruin other people's lives and become rich and get what they want, i've seen a lot of idiots get better lives than those who try and It makes me spiteful. Here is hoping that if there is a God that they can explain why the people who are seemingly evil are rewarded and the people who genuinely good and try to help out the world are those who get the shaft.

I feel like I'm rambling here because of my irritation of your life situation but It's painful to watch what you have to go through because of the Machine that controls the country and how it operates. I wish the world could be a more fair place where everyone has the opportunity to have a good life and share that life with others.

You are a great man, and should you leave us forever know that we will remember you. You have left your mark on all the people you have been around and you will not be forgotten.

The Flood / Re: Is every post that I make really cringeworthy?
« on: December 03, 2014, 03:17:52 AM »
ITT:Butthurt circlejerkers. People make shit posts all the time. Just because you made a couple more than other people doesn't make you more "Cringy" than anyone else.

The Flood / Re: I'm curious
« on: December 03, 2014, 03:13:59 AM »
People thought you were a girl. Lol.

The Flood / Re: I've been bad, Flood
« on: December 03, 2014, 03:12:34 AM »
It's darn creepy but cool at the same time
I watched it because it was posted on Reddit Videos which surprised me. It was interesting and creepy.

The Flood / Re: ITT: Alt Party!
« on: December 03, 2014, 02:43:42 AM »
And here I was saying that the other alt thread was hilarious. This is a bit much.

I agree with you.... friend.
Not sure if I should be agreeing with you or avoiding you... You are Satan after all.

The Flood / Re: ITT: Alt Party!
« on: December 03, 2014, 02:41:07 AM »
And here I was saying that the other alt thread was hilarious. This is a bit much.

But you understand it.
Unfortunately I do. I also am almost fluent in Brony which I'm kinda ashamed of.

Did you ever end up finishing Fate/Zero by the way?
I actually have been too busy with Smash/Mario Kart/Figuring out videos for Sep7/Family/Finishing School to watch any Anime. I'm behind on a lot of stuff and I really need to catch up on it. I want to finish Fate/Zero but right now I just don't have time even though I probably could make time I'm worried i'll get too consumed by it and lose 2+ days this week or next week that I need for other stuff.


That show is meant for people who've seen the original stuff. It's a little what-if story that's based on events that transpired differently for the 4th war.

It starts off as a mahou shoijo parity, but later on it turns it up a notch as in the case with Prisma Illya 3rei where there's a lot of illya (archer) vs saber tier stuff happening.

However like I said, it's meant for people who've read F/SN, F/HA, and F/Z.
It just felt extremely awkward in the way that True mentioned. Too much loli/ecchi/yuri fanservice just really turns me off especially with how it was conveyed in this show. I don't mind people being lesbian but some of the Kuro scenes were just awkward to watch.

This stuff is UBW spoilers, but it illustrates what I'm talking about.


You also seem kind of confused as to what Mahou Shoujo actually is. It's a magical girl genre. There's Madoka Magica which is also a parity, but it's a dark and twisted one while Kalied is a light hearted trope subverting one.
Yeah. I was hoping Kalied would be like more akin to MM with serious undertones. I was mistaken and I really don't enjoy the Mahou Shoujo genre. I watched the Card Capture dub with my sister when I was a kid and I was irritated about a lot of things that happened in it because it was too happy.


That show is meant for people who've seen the original stuff. It's a little what-if story that's based on events that transpired differently for the 4th war.

It starts off as a mahou shoijo parity, but later on it turns it up a notch as in the case with Prisma Illya 3rei where there's a lot of illya (archer) vs saber tier stuff happening.

However like I said, it's meant for people who've read F/SN, F/HA, and F/Z.
It just felt extremely awkward in the way that True mentioned. Too much loli/ecchi/yuri fanservice just really turns me off especially with how it was conveyed in this show. I don't mind people being lesbian but some of the Kuro scenes were just awkward to watch.

It starts off as a mahou shoijo parity.
I was going to watch Mahou Shoijo about the same time because I head it was good and someone made the same comment so I thought that by relation this one would be good in a similar manner. This one feels to childish and when it gets serious nothing devastating really happens.


You watched that Damn near borderline loli hentai anime?
I didn't know any better. I thought I'd get more of this. Got some of the worst moe-shit and I like a lot of moe stuff. Started to feel rapey with the Kuro ark in the second season... I don't know about anime anymore. They can show something so good and just be shit.

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