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The Flood / Re: Just Hackintosh my desktop
« on: December 27, 2014, 06:11:43 PM »
I've been running a hackintosh for almost a year now, but my computer is optimized for OS X, with Mavericks it takes about an hour to have everything up and running with the latest updates. That's all thanks to OS X's features, and continuous updating of the installation USB stick.
I use a Macbook Pro as my main mobile system but I can't really do any efficient video rendering on it. I want to learn Final Cut Pro and see how it is in comparison to other programs.

Do you dual boot with Windows and do you have am on board wifi kext that doesnt break drivers?

The Flood / Just Hackintosh my desktop
« on: December 27, 2014, 05:28:13 PM »
So I spent most of my Christmas week working on computers rather than celebrating. I set an old broken Mac mini up in my room as a HTPC and Steam stream box for couch video games. I then spent the rest of yesterday installing OSX on my desktop and it took almost 10 hours to get it to a workable standpoint.

Did anyone do anything fun for Christmas week here?

The Flood / Just spent 5 hours setting up an old computer
« on: December 25, 2014, 10:09:45 PM »
A really old Mac mini I want to use as an HTPC and I got almost everything working except Xbox Controller compatability. Tried to use Boot camp to prep for a Windows installation to get around the controller issue and had a kernel panic. Computer HD shat itself and now I'm stuck for the next 5 hours doing a fresh install of OSX.

I guess this is one way to spend a Christmas.

Gaming / Re: What should I buy on Steam?
« on: December 24, 2014, 02:54:30 AM »
No one recommending good Indies makes me sad.

Hotline Miami
Super Meat Boy
The Stanley Parable
Bit Trip Games
A Story About My Uncle

The non indies
Child of Light

The Flood / Re: I have no motivation to read
« on: December 23, 2014, 06:09:10 PM »
I just can't read properly. I usually just sit down and try to find a place with no noise but unfortunately there is none of those in the winter.

The Flood / Re: I finally graduated Highschool
« on: December 23, 2014, 06:03:05 PM »

In December?

Maybe GED
IIRC he didn't get a GED. I think it's an actual high school diploma.

Also congrats fgt even though I already knew about this.
It was a diploma from an adult high-school (They also offer the option of taking the GED but I had enough credits to graduate but my old high school went full retard). . I really need to disable notifications via email again don't I...

The Flood / I finally graduated Highschool
« on: December 22, 2014, 11:05:43 PM »
So I thought I would celebrate by making a shitpost here and AFK/GGing again.

Gaming / Re: Desticrap's RNG have me like....
« on: December 22, 2014, 11:00:34 PM »
>tfw the game has been enjoyable so far
>tfw I get an exotic on my first purple engram thing
>tfw it's been fun and games but I can see a shadow on the horizon
>tfw that shadow is the inevitable grind you start to go through to reach the higher levels
>tfw I find myself starting to look at drop rates for purple engrams
>tfw I can sense myself already sitting in grinding spots trying to get something non-shitty
>tfw I play through missions above my light level and still get jack fucking shit 24/7


Only in Density.
What level are you? Once you hit around 24 that's when it turns to shit

24 ;_;

Ahh it doesn't really bother me though, I just play it a few days a week with my friend. Bongarong through some strikes and moan about the shitty loot, then we go and play something more enjoyable. Like getting lagged to death in BF4 ;_________;

I might pick up GTA5 after christmas though, I played it at my friend's house over the weekend (Old and New Gen versions) and it does seem quite enjoyable. If GTA Online is at least fun with friends, even without heists (at this point I honestly DGAF if they ever release) then that could be a decent trade <.<
If you had it for PS3 I'd play with you and run Tiger's which got me to 26 fast. The new vendor items are BS with how they increased the light level and all my gear I purchased is obsolete after 1 patch.

Gaming / Re: Smash Bros Wii U Tournament Has Begun!
« on: December 08, 2014, 07:28:11 PM »
I'm just sitting here after a long 1v1 with my friend to no one on.

Gaming / Re: Smash Bros Wii U Tournament Has Begun!
« on: December 08, 2014, 06:16:21 PM »
So who am I supposed to fight?

Gaming / Re: Lol. Best Gaming youtuber.
« on: December 08, 2014, 02:23:03 AM »
Game Grumps, Jontron, and the Vinesauce Streams.

Gaming / Re: Smash Bros Wii U Tournament Bracket / Check in
« on: December 08, 2014, 02:15:28 AM »
So who do I play first?

Gaming / Re: Should I bother getting a Wii U?
« on: December 07, 2014, 10:29:46 PM »
If it's the only game than no. The system is great but wait until the system has more than 1 game that you want.

The Flood / Re: Anyone know of any good free solution to video editing?
« on: December 07, 2014, 10:26:47 PM »
Sony Vegas Pro since its simple to use, Adobe After effects for some more technical stuff.
I'm pretty sure my friend doesn't have 800+ to just edit a couple small videos.
He can torrent, ain't that hard.
Eh. I think he wants to avoid that at all costs. I don't blame him because I don't like torrenting stuff either.

Or get a free trial with Vegas.
That adds an annoying watermark doesn't it? I'll mention it to him and see what he thinks.

The Flood / Re: Anyone know of any good free solution to video editing?
« on: December 07, 2014, 10:25:05 PM »
Sony Vegas Pro since its simple to use, Adobe After effects for some more technical stuff.
I'm pretty sure my friend doesn't have 800+ to just edit a couple small videos.

The Flood / Re: Anyone know of any good free solution to video editing?
« on: December 07, 2014, 10:24:17 PM »
I have a friend who wants to edit some videos and would like to know of some software that is available for free. The only two I can think of is Lightworks and Windows Movie Maker.

He is on Windows 7.
I use Win Movie Maker and my videos are top-notch
Quoting the OP.

I already mentioned it and Movie Maker post Win XP is trash.

The Flood / Anyone know of any good free solution to video editing?
« on: December 07, 2014, 10:21:37 PM »
I have a friend who wants to edit some videos and would like to know of some software that is available for free. The only two I can think of is Lightworks and Windows Movie Maker.

He is on Windows 7.

Gaming / Re: Good Glasses for Using Electronics?
« on: December 07, 2014, 04:26:39 PM »
Why do you need glasses?

Just a nice thing to have for prolonged use in front of one.

When I was working on a computer 8-10 hours a day I HAD to have this installed. It helped a shit ton
ill vouch for f.lux. ive been using it for about a year now and it's great

I'm trying it out now.
you won't notice anything until sunset. at that point, it will change your screen to be easier on the eyes. it's a little weird at first but you get used to it really fast

Alright awesome
You can actually adjust when it adjusts and how much it adjusts.  I always had some change during the day at my work computer but on other computers it didn't spend too much time on I didn't use it.

Gaming / Re: SFV Cross-Platform
« on: December 07, 2014, 05:33:06 AM »
Emulating IS pirating
Not if you own licenses to the games.
Which you don't.
If you purchase a copy of a game you own the license to it. Copyright is a bitch so it is a gray zone in some aspects and a lot of the time you also have to own the original hardware to it to have those rights as well.

Gaming / Re: SFV Cross-Platform
« on: December 07, 2014, 02:04:59 AM »
Emulating IS pirating
Not if you own licenses to the games.

Gaming / Re: SFV Cross-Platform
« on: December 07, 2014, 01:06:17 AM »
And how can a game be pointless? By that logic everything about the industry is pointless and might as well not exist.
Glad you're catching on!

The games I do like are at least fun to play and don't have you shooting at things in the first person, because that's the most done-to-death genre ever and I want to fucking destroy it. Anyway:

Pokémon. Zelda. Ratchet & Clank. Street Fighter. LittleBigPlanet. Crystalis. Ehrgeiz. Jade Cocoon. Old-school Castlevania. Super Smash Bros. Fuck, even shit like Guitar Hero, old school Sonic, and Yu-Gi-Oh!: Duelist of the Roses. Fucking Spider-Man 2.

Can't play any of that shit on PC, unless you pirate, which I'm completely against.
All of those games are pointless and stupid.
And can be emulated.

The Flood / Sep7agon confirmed Christian faggots
« on: December 06, 2014, 11:57:47 PM »
Just look at the top. I'm done.

The Flood / Re: Latsu is a huge fan of Ember...
« on: December 06, 2014, 11:18:04 PM »
: (

Gaming / Re: Someone recommend me a gaming mouse.
« on: December 06, 2014, 09:47:51 PM »

My Razer Deathadder has served me quite well.
I use this as well. Feels amazing to use too. I won't go for another mouse unless it feels as good.

Gaming / Re: New Zelda WiiU footage!
« on: December 06, 2014, 09:41:35 PM »
I've never played a Zelda game before, but I'm considering getting a WiiU for this.
I would stave off if you don't like other Nintendo games. I expect the game to be good because it is Nintendo but if you would only get this one game I don't think the system is for you.
Just because I don't own a WiiU or never played Zelda before doesn't mean I don't like Nintendo games.
I wasn't sure. I see people recommending others get a console for just 1 game which I find rather stupid. Just wanted to be sure you don't buy a $250 console for one game.

The Flood / Re: Any MLP fans (non-bronies) on the site?
« on: December 06, 2014, 09:34:08 PM »
I enjoy a lot of children's shows because of how well they are thought out and I will safely say that MLP was an enjoyable show but not something I would fap over or go crazy like a lot of Bronys did. I have an MLP shirt because I liked the art but that's about it. It was also a gift from my sister.

Edit: Before everyone calls me a Brony I enjoy almost every childrens show because of what they teach and their art. That's about it. MLP isn't an exclusive show that I enjoy.

Gaming / Re: New Zelda WiiU footage!
« on: December 06, 2014, 06:11:21 PM »
I've never played a Zelda game before, but I'm considering getting a WiiU for this.
I would stave off if you don't like other Nintendo games. I expect the game to be good because it is Nintendo but if you would only get this one game I don't think the system is for you.

How dare people try to throw a little boy. The pedophiles.

Gaming / Re: New Zelda WiiU footage!
« on: December 06, 2014, 12:12:26 AM »
"Star Fox U will be about before Zelda"


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