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So I found this on /R/Pokemon and it's a RAM exploit on the 3DS. I just used this to get myself a Xerneas and a Pokeball Vivilion without having to have Pokemon X. Just give it a try if you are into this type of thing.

This is the link to Project Pokemon

If you are worried and don't want to do this yourself I can Gen a couple Pokemon for people in my free time but it is REALLY easy to do.

Edited the Title because apparently it only works with Physical carts.

Edit: Here is the post that is linked. All links in the post have been redacted and you have to visit the OP to get the links.

Web Browser RAM-based Pokemon Injection for XY and ORAS.
This requires you use a 3ds on system nand 9.0-9.4. You CANNOT use any other firmware, nor a new nintendo 3ds, nor a 3ds on 9.x emunand.

This will NOT work on a Korean 3DS at the moment.

If it isn't working, please clear your browser history and cookies and try again.

Please do not discuss Pokemon legality help in this thread. The place for that is here: [Redacted]

This is a method based off of Yifan Lu's spider3DSTools ([Redacted]) to inject pokemon into your game with nothing more than a 9.X Sysnand 3ds and an SD card reader.

You can see it in action here: [Redacted]

If you would like to import and export more than one pokemon at a time, see here.


1. Download code.bin from the bottom of this post and put it at the root of your 3ds's SD card.

2. Using PKHeX ([Redacted])), save a pokemon (any pokemon) as "pokemon.ekx". Alternatively, download a sample hoopa from the bottom of this post. Copy that file to your SD card, and make sure it's named "pokemon.ekx".

3. On your 3ds, open up the game you want to inject to. Make sure you don't have anything in Box 1, slot 1.

4. Close your boxes in-game, open your web browser, and go to -- After the web browser crashes, open up your game and the pokemon should be in box 1 slot 1.

If it doesn't work, please let me know so that I can give you a file that will let me debug why it isn't working and fix whatever the issue is.

Source: [Redacted]

Update at 3 PM 1-24-15: Fixed a bug that was causing it to not inject properly.
Update at 1 AM 1-25-15: Added an example pokemon for people to test the exploit.

Frequently Asked Questions

> What's the root directory? The Root directory of your SD card is the base folder. C: \ is the root of the C Drive, etc.

> What is emunand? Am I on Sysnand or Emunand? If you have to ask this question and/or don't know what either of those words mean, you are on Sysnand and this will work.

> When I run the exploit, I get a bad egg! Your pokemon.ekx file is not actually a .ekx. It is probably a .pkx. Make sure you are saving it correctly from PKHeX.

> How can I get my SID? Open your injectiondebug.bin (generated when you run the exploit) in the latest version of PKHeX.

> The exploit isn't working! When I run it, nothing happens, and I don't have an injectiondebug.bin! Clear your 3ds browser's cache/cookies. Scroll down to the bottom of settings and hit "Initialize Save Data", then try again.

> What does this work on? This works on Old 3ds and old 3ds XL firmwares 9.0-9.4.

> When do I trigger this? Load the website in the 3ds browser AFTER opening the game and making sure there's nothing in box 1 slot 1.

> I didn't get a pokedex entry for the pokemon I injected! This is normal. If you want the dex entry, put the pokemon into pokebank and then take it out.

> Can I use this to move multiple Pokemon at once? This is only for single Pokemon files. Use a Single Box Importer/Exporter or the Full PC Importer/Exporter for this.

The Flood / Re: Can we play another Cards Against Humanity game?
« on: January 25, 2015, 06:01:32 PM »
If people don't use the shit custom decks.
Fuck off, those make the game even better.
"Le Meememe Internet Keksksksssks"

The Flood / Re: Can we play another Cards Against Humanity game?
« on: January 25, 2015, 05:52:10 PM »
If people don't use the shit custom decks.

Gaming / Lock/Delete Please!
« on: January 25, 2015, 05:16:26 PM »

Gaming / Re: I'm going to use "Hacked" Pokemon to breed my team
« on: January 25, 2015, 01:24:28 AM »
That's what all the fucking pros use
Actually a lot of them just hack the Pokémon they use. They usually just use the SaveDongle and inject the Pokémon in pre-trained and movesets already setup.
Isn't it the same thing?
Similar but not the same. I'm still going to breed my team, I may or may not use the Ditto to help out with harder egg groups but otherwise it's more Vanilla than most. I still have to EV train my team unlike most.

Gaming / Re: We should have a BF4 gamnight
« on: January 25, 2015, 12:56:37 AM »
Edit: One of my troll posts. Going to stop shitposting like this.

Gaming / Re: I'm going to use "Hacked" Pokemon to breed my team
« on: January 25, 2015, 12:48:38 AM »
That's what all the fucking pros use
Actually a lot of them just hack the Pokémon they use. They usually just use the SaveDongle and inject the Pokémon in pre-trained and movesets already setup.

Gaming / Re: Pokemon is gay
« on: January 25, 2015, 12:42:30 AM »
Been playing Alpha Sapphire trying to complete my Pokedex.

OT: They fixed a lot of the issues that Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald all had. They made cities and people more interesting and the musical score is astounding. By far my favorite Pokemon game along side Black and White.

Gaming / I'm going to use "Hacked" Pokemon to breed my team
« on: January 25, 2015, 12:40:18 AM »
What is Nintendo going to do about it?

Edit: Going to give myself a 6 IV Ditto and a 5IV Ditto because who has the games to catch a 6iv Ditto in?

Gaming / Re: Game Theory: The Pokemon Multiverse EXPLAINS EVERYTHING
« on: January 23, 2015, 05:12:01 AM »
I enjoyed his "Ben Drowns Creepypasta" video about Majora's Mask.
As for this video?

Well I don't really remember much about Pokemon, but this is an interesting theory.
But that's the point of his videos: "Game theories"

Most of his videos are Halo4follower like clickbait/tripe.

I didn't watch his video but in ORAS they blatantly say there are infinite multiverses that exist along side one another each with differences and similarities.

My MMR wasn't shit so I didn't get games with more than 1 guest AND Bungie fixed this issue in Reach by limiting party playlists.

The Flood / Re: ITT: We Shill For Our Favorite YouTube channels.
« on: January 19, 2015, 09:30:11 PM »
I watch a couple Youtube channels.

Best are Linus Tech Tips and Tek Syndicate


I also watch Game Grumps, Rooster Teeth, AzuriteReaction(When he posts something worthwhile lol), TheJWhitz, Ahoy, Olan Rogers, Vinny (Vinesauce), Joel (Vinesauce) and a couple of others.

Gaming / Re: Best Pokemon Music Thread!
« on: January 19, 2015, 07:21:07 PM »
Another song that I liked that some people are divided on:

Gaming / Re: Best Pokemon Music Thread!
« on: January 19, 2015, 07:17:14 PM »

One of my favourites <.<
Along with Zinnia and some of the Hoenn route themes.

Dang. I probably should have completed Heart Gold instead of restarting it. I forgot about some of the good music they re-did. I was just salty that they didn't keep the Radio "Lucky Channel" in because the music for the Game Corner was my favorite.

Gaming / Best Pokemon Music Thread!
« on: January 19, 2015, 06:52:42 PM »
Just listened to this song in game and by far it is one of my favorite battle themes of all time now.


The Flood / Re: I need your folk's help
« on: January 18, 2015, 05:31:48 PM »
I'll just say chill. I get into internet arguments sometimes and just leave because I can't be bothered as it is ALWAYS a waste of both party's time.

Gaming / Re: Did anyone else get the Evolve Beta?
« on: January 18, 2015, 05:25:34 PM »
Don't forget than monsters cost $15 and they already have DLC in the works.

Gaming / Re: Which Fighting Game Should I Try Out?
« on: January 17, 2015, 11:51:14 PM »
What about Poison? Being a trap and all?
Irrelevant, because that's not my point. I never said Street Fighter contains no sexualization--but it does contain great examples of female characters who aren't sexualized.

Again. Try to read into things.

So you think that Sexualization of Males is okay? A lot of the males in SF are very sexualized as well.

Gaming / Re: Which Fighting Game Should I Try Out?
« on: January 17, 2015, 11:44:06 PM »
Edit: Verby supports piracy. Everyone pirate away!
yes, misrepresent the argument, that's always fair
Because the fighters in that game have breasts?
makoto from street fighter has breasts, too, but you wouldn't be able to tell right away because they aren't on prominent display



What about Poison? Being a trap and all?

Gaming / Re: Which Fighting Game Should I Try Out?
« on: January 17, 2015, 11:25:35 PM »
Out of curiousity:

Say someone wanted to play Skullgirls but didn't want to promote it. Being that it's only available on XBLA, PSN, and PC, you can't buy it used. In a case like this, would you support piracy?

is a very good question

hmm... Yes--in that... veritably odd circumstance, I wouldn't have any qualms with someone pirating the game if they just wanted to play it, but not... "support" it. Personally, I wouldn't bother, even if I wanted to play the game, but... if someone wanted to, hey, knock yourself out.

Until someone shows to me why the game should be supported, anyway.
And, shyeah, good luck with that.

Good lord. You'd support pirating of the game that doesn't fit your agenda? You are pretty low if you believe that you should be allowed to enjoy content and fuck over the creators because you don't like what the game is about, but enjoy the game.

Edit: Verby supports piracy. Everyone pirate away!

Gaming / Re: Which Fighting Game Should I Try Out?
« on: January 17, 2015, 11:20:17 PM »
I'm pretty sure that Skullgirls looks the way it does is because fucking Zone, the flash porn artist, designed most (if not all) of the characters.

there you go

Zone actually didn't design the characters but promoted the game because they knew the developers.

This is the artist for the game

Gaming / Re: Which Fighting Game Should I Try Out?
« on: January 17, 2015, 07:41:58 PM »
>Real life

I get that some video games can be disturbing but if your afraid of sex like DA or ME or GTA then there is something wrong with you, it's not real life so why even bother, it's not going to ruin your life unless your one of those idiots, this is something that i hated a lot because not a lot of news reporters don't know what video game means, it's like they never played it, a video game with a few sex is not bad, and violence is not a big deal, i played halo and it had violence because i like to kill alien shit, either the news reporters needs to play a game or they just need to stop talking about it in general.

The thing is I just don't like some things because of how things are portrayed. Often I'll play a game that I know I'll dislike to see how it is, as a game, to get a somewhat objective opinion of it, but that doesn't change the fact that the game has something that I personally don't like seeing in a game. I prefer for game developers and movie directors to obfuscate certain things to let the game/movie sell itself rather than appealing to a small niche.

Gaming / Re: Which Fighting Game Should I Try Out?
« on: January 17, 2015, 07:38:28 PM »
All too often people are afraid of sexuality but are fine with watching people get brutally killed.
uh, no

have you seen the outrage over games like hatred

again, the issue isn't just sex, or just violence

it's the senselessness of it all

The subjectivity of that statement is why I will never say a game/movie is garbage because of how it chooses to deal with something, I just say that I don't like it because of personal preference.  Saying to not buy a game because you dislike it or how it is advertised is selfish if the game is still a good game overall.

Gaming / Re: Which Fighting Game Should I Try Out?
« on: January 17, 2015, 07:27:14 PM »
it's misogynistic garbage
lol, i'm guessing you don't like it because it has women in there and not men, thats my guess.

gender composition is irrelevant
the exploitation of sexuality is the issue

i don't like when sex is used as a selling point for a game
it's cheap and dirty and debauched, like a prostitute

To me sex is just barely worse than violence in terms of marketing. All too often people are afraid of sexuality but are fine with watching people get brutally killed.

Gaming / Re: Which Fighting Game Should I Try Out?
« on: January 17, 2015, 07:25:45 PM »

This character looks interesting, i might play as her.

I find the game fun to play and have never really liked "Fanservice" in games. This game is pretty fun but I do agree that they could have toned it down a bit though. People wanted the game how it is now and I like it for what it is.

Gaming / Re: Which Fighting Game Should I Try Out?
« on: January 17, 2015, 07:19:29 PM »
in other words, don't get it
Get what? i don't know which fighting game your talking about.

EDITED: if your talking about Skullgirls then my mistake, but could you explain why i should not get it.
The only negative thing is the fact that a lot of the characters are female and have breasts, that's pretty much the downside for most people. Overall the game is solid and as someone who doesn't play too many fighting games this one is thematically interesting enough for my group of friends to put it on and play a bunch when we get together.

Meh, i've seen a lot of fighting games have that similar stuff, so it doesn't really bother me, i'll think about this one and put it on my list.

By far my favorite character

Gaming / Re: Which Fighting Game Should I Try Out?
« on: January 17, 2015, 07:15:14 PM »
in other words, don't get it
Get what? i don't know which fighting game your talking about.

EDITED: if your talking about Skullgirls then my mistake, but could you explain why i should not get it.
The only negative thing is the fact that a lot of the characters are female and have breasts, that's pretty much the downside for most people. Overall the game is solid and as someone who doesn't play too many fighting games this one is thematically interesting enough for my group of friends to put it on and play a bunch when we get together.

Gaming / Re: Which Fighting Game Should I Try Out?
« on: January 17, 2015, 06:58:30 PM »

Gaming / Re: Desticrap's hit detection...
« on: January 17, 2015, 06:51:32 PM »
>Everyone else confirms this

Gaming / Re: Desticrap's hit detection...
« on: January 17, 2015, 06:40:03 PM »
>Has shit connection in a lobby
>Blames the game when his connection is shit
>Blames the game for missing shots with a weapon that has little to no aim assist

45 Ping to every other game, nigger.
But not in this game, your connection is still shit and you blame the game for your garbage connection.

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