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The Flood / Re: Petition to Open Anarchy Early
« on: January 28, 2015, 03:34:26 AM »
What is this "Anarchy"?

The Flood / Re: Last time I was with TOTDesticle I realized something.
« on: January 28, 2015, 03:26:23 AM »
I changed it to twenty-five as well, but the fact that everyone else uses thirty is always on my mind. Like, if I have the twenty-ninth post, I know that my post is probably gonna get ignored, even though for me, it's in plain sight.
Yeah I have that same issue. Some posts are more viewable than others. I try to read almost every post in a thread though if it isn't too long.

The Flood / Re: What's your weakness when it comes to men/women
« on: January 28, 2015, 03:17:18 AM »
Face. They have to look cute/attractive. Not "Sexy" as some people say. As long as they look nice and don't have a load of makeup on I think they are great. I've seen some boobs and ass with my time on the internet and like always I feel that everything doesn't always look too great but someone that has a decent weight and can hold it well I think they look great.

Edit: Chubby isn't the right word. I don't like fat women.

Pic of what I like. Girl on left a little more than right.

NSFWish (I prefer a 60-80 body type with sometimes something like a 90 if they can hold it well)

The Flood / Re: Last time I was with TOTDesticle I realized something.
« on: January 28, 2015, 03:11:54 AM »
Unlike we don't force all design choices down people's throats.
I'm not sure if I like it or dislike that. I like the idea that someone can take something and make it their own but I also understand that when something is created the creator often doesn't like the vanilla experience being tampered with. Just feels weird to me.

The Flood / Last time I was with TOTDesticle I realized something.
« on: January 28, 2015, 03:09:15 AM »
Off Topic, It's been a while since I've done something with Desticle, Desticle I give you permission to come over and we can do something. Just not on Wednesday.

On Topic, I was with Desticle and he had Sep7 open on his computer and I saw there were a couple more posts per page than I usually see...then it hit me that I immediately change the post count to 25 when I created an account here to get a genuine B.old feeling. I just can't help but wonder that people are experiencing this site a little different than I and that feels a little odd.

The Flood / Re: Let's play a game
« on: January 28, 2015, 02:57:47 AM »
You browse Reddit, or one of the crappy re-posting websites, don't you?

The Flood / Re: Crude humor and a Cringe humor are just not my thing.
« on: January 28, 2015, 02:54:23 AM »
Latsu da fuq are you talking aboot?

TL;DR I can't find a decent comedy on netflix.
Ahh yes umm...have you tried God Bless America? <.< I feel like that's a movie Psy would like
Gonna check that and Clerks tomorrow.

The Flood / Re: Crude humor and a Cringe humor are just not my thing.
« on: January 28, 2015, 02:48:30 AM »
Latsu da fuq are you talking aboot?

TL;DR I can't find a decent comedy on netflix.

The Flood / Re: Crude humor and a Cringe humor are just not my thing.
« on: January 28, 2015, 02:46:02 AM »

But back on topic, Anyone know of any decent comedies on Netflix?
Clerks is extremely witty and hilarious. If you haven't seen that yet, that's my #1 reccomendation.

Other than that, I can't really say. I watch more TV than movies.

I don't mind TV Shows that much as long as they aren't bad. Also I don't know of much decent TV on Netflix so that is a problem.

The Flood / Re: Crude humor and a Cringe humor are just not my thing.
« on: January 28, 2015, 02:45:03 AM »
Hell yes, thank you! I don't really care about the IVs, so this is much appreciated. I'll add you in the morning.

Just grab me a Fletchling if you can so that I don't have an empty spot in my box.

The Flood / Re: Crude humor and a Cringe humor are just not my thing.
« on: January 28, 2015, 02:42:34 AM »
I've been watching a lot of stuff on Netflix while completing my Pokédex in ORAS and I have found that I can't get through crude humor movies and a lot of cringe/awkward humor comedies. Anytime something becomes cringe-worthy I have to move to something else. Also Star-Trek is really the only good thing on Netflix.

Anyone have similar experiences with Cringe/Crude Humor?

Also after I'm done with DS9 what else can I watch on Netflix? I can't seem to find anything good.
I know ORAS is the thing now but I'm actually working towards completing the Dex in Emerald so I can get a Johto starter >_>

Leave no Poke behind! (Aside from the unreleased event ones ;_;)
I last completed the Dex in Emerald and wanted to complete it again in ORAS so I spent the past week playing Y, ORAS, Black, White and a whole bunch of games catching Pokemon while trying to watch something on Netflix. I tried to watch "The Interview" which got mediocre reviews and for a reason; The Interview is a pretty bad movie. It couldn't hold my divided attention while catching Pokemon which means that it couldn't possibly hold my attention when watching it without distractions.

I would say I could help you out but I forgot that the GBA games didn't have Wifi options but only wireless multiplayer. I remember hacking in some Pokemon that weren't obtainable (Mostly Johto stuff)(My friend had an Action Replay) to get them but almost everything I had was legit. Around Diamond and Pearl I cheated and got a whole bunch of stuff and ended up just releasing almost all of them. I then transfered some of the hacked stuff to ORAS in which I ended up wonder trading of about 2 boxes of hacked pokemon that I didn't want because they were so obviously hacked.

But back on topic, Anyone know of any decent comedies on Netflix?

The Flood / Re: Crude humor and a Cringe humor are just not my thing.
« on: January 28, 2015, 02:35:03 AM »
the only humour I really enjoy is stand up and dark comedy.

See I use to like comedies but after watching a couple shows that I though were enjoyable a couple years ago I can't get back into them. I can tolerate some dark comedy as long as it doesn't have too much crude comedy with it.

The Flood / Re: Crude humor and a Cringe humor are just not my thing.
« on: January 28, 2015, 02:33:30 AM »
I disagree. The Office is one of my favorite comedies of all time.

also please let me know if you ever get a spare GW Fletchling. All I have is Flame Body, which suuuucks

I've completed the Pokedex, I'll see what I have.

I have a GW Fletchling that I got from Wonder Trade, I don't know the IVs but my FC is 0232-8996-0556

The Flood / Re: Crude humor and a Cringe humor are just not my thing.
« on: January 28, 2015, 02:32:05 AM »
I disagree. The Office is one of my favorite comedies of all time.

also please let me know if you ever get a spare GW Fletchling. All I have is Flame Body, which suuuucks

I've completed the Pokedex, I'll see what I have.

The Flood / Crude humor and a Cringe humor are just not my thing.
« on: January 28, 2015, 02:29:10 AM »
I've been watching a lot of stuff on Netflix while completing my Pokédex in ORAS and I have found that I can't get through crude humor movies and a lot of cringe/awkward humor comedies. Anytime something becomes cringe-worthy I have to move to something else. Also Star-Trek is really the only good thing on Netflix.

Anyone have similar experiences with Cringe/Crude Humor?

Also after I'm done with DS9 what else can I watch on Netflix? I can't seem to find anything good.

TL;DR I can't find a decent comedy on Netflix. Help me at least find something decent to watch while playing Pokemon.

I'm experienced with Pokegen so you don't need to worry about that. I do, however, need you to trade them over to me because I have no idea what in the heck they are talking about with all those steps.

Should I make a quick video guide? I don't have a Capture Card though...

If needed I could trade them to you. I'm just about to finish my Pokédex tonight so tomorrow I'm open.

Can you get me a missingno?

You can get BadEggs if you do it wrong.

All this seems very complicated so I'd rather you gen me a couple like you offered lol. Plus I think I saw a guy say it doesn't work with the digital version and I have the digital version.

If you have just a couple you want made let me know and when I'm done catching all the 6th Gen Pokemon I'll make them for you. Just send me the files with the created pokemon.

Also make sure you set where the Pokemon was met and at the proper level to make the pokemon look more legitimate.
So I have to make the Pokemon in Pokegen (or whatever the new program is), send the files to you, and you retrieve them and trade them to me?
Pretty much. I just have heard though this exploit is possible on the Digital Versions but if you don't want to risk it let me know. Just be triple sure to make sure to set everything up right.

Double Check all the "Met at X at X level" and "Came from X Game" and other things. I haven't figured out how to get Secret IDs yet and I couldn't get their way to work out so I can't help you out in that spectrum so just make it up if you need to.

Gaming / Re: Grim Fandango Remastered releases tomorrow.
« on: January 26, 2015, 03:11:13 PM »
Now if only a game that was released would be finished any time...

Nope we are going to re-release rehashed mediocrity!

Gaming / Re: Skyrim Project MLG
« on: January 26, 2015, 03:09:52 PM »

Vid of said mod.

The Flood / Re: I'm Sorry to Say I Have Le Trixed You All
« on: January 26, 2015, 02:50:49 PM »
Ummm. I did do a reverse image search. I had the worst luck with no results.

I use those two a lot.

This bothers me because I actually used tineye first and it couldn't find anything.

I usually use Google first to find a higher quality image and then after I go to Tineye or SauceNao(If it's Anime related) to get a source.

The Flood / Re: I'm Sorry to Say I Have Le Trixed You All
« on: January 26, 2015, 02:47:24 PM »
Ummm. I did do a reverse image search. I had the worst luck with no results.

I use those two a lot.

The Flood / Re: I'm Sorry to Say I Have Le Trixed You All
« on: January 26, 2015, 02:34:18 PM »
I'm still waiting for someone to find that picture on google and prove that OP is really a man.
The fact that nobody has reverse searched the image yet shocks me. It's literally the first thing I did (although I didn't really need to as we all know Arky is full of shit just like so many others).

Just in case there was any doubt:


I hoped it was real for about half a second and then I kek'd.

The pic looked too much like Susan Coffey which the flood fondled themselves over back when I was a Junior.

Edit: Pretty sure the pic isn't stated female but another because of facial features being different.

Could anyone get some for me? I'm on a digital copy of ORAS.

I can do a couple in my free time, just add me on skype (Latsu15)

I'll have to try this out later, but how do I get the exact Pokemon I want though? Is there a tool like Pokegen?

Yeah there is a download to Pokehex, a tool very much like Pokegen.

The Flood / Re: Do you enjoy your work?
« on: January 26, 2015, 02:00:45 AM »

All this seems very complicated so I'd rather you gen me a couple like you offered lol. Plus I think I saw a guy say it doesn't work with the digital version and I have the digital version.

If you have just a couple you want made let me know and when I'm done catching all the 6th Gen Pokemon I'll make them for you. Just send me the files with the created pokemon.

Also make sure you set where the Pokemon was met and at the proper level to make the pokemon look more legitimate.

I have the digital version.

Dang. I always go physical when I can unless something is on sale. Sorry man!

Does this run the risk of corrupting your save like Powersaves?
Not sure because it runs on the RAM of the 3DS, So far I have injected Pokeball Vivilion and Xerneas because that was all I needed. I don't think it likely will but I use it on my Y save. If you are worried I'd just upload all of my pokemon to Pokemon Bank and then try it.

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