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The Flood / Re: Hey, go dick yourself.
« on: September 19, 2014, 01:44:30 AM »
What's with all the shit threads tonight?
This whole week since Monday has been ShitThreadWeek.

The Flood / Re: Get in
« on: September 19, 2014, 01:06:14 AM »
Wat. I hopped in and my profile glitched out. Gonna see if I can get it to not play 2 songs over and over.

Gaming / Re: Why do people insist Destiny is an MMO?
« on: September 18, 2014, 07:24:35 PM »
It doesn't matter what the intent of the designer is when they go out to make something, what matters is what people use it for. If people see Destiny as an MMO it IS an MMO. The game has elements that every MMO has; RPG Progression, Persistent Online World, 3 main classes (Warrior, Rogue, Mage), Town (Tower), Grinding, Raids, Quests, ect. The game is an MMO because of what it has. Saying that Destiny isn't an MMO is like saying Mario Bros isn't a platformer it's a jumping game. Semantics.

The Flood / Re: guys i'm surveying stuff: what is your opinion of tumblr
« on: September 18, 2014, 07:16:55 PM »
once you get past all the CISSCUMMALEPRIVILEGE and the GODIHATEMYLIFE#CUTTING and the MUHTRIGGERS you find some really neat art blogs and other cool stuff

Pretty much this. I just dislike how everyone has autoplaying music on their blogs. Damn is it 2002?

The Flood / Re: Weirdest things to look up on Rule 34
« on: September 18, 2014, 06:34:23 PM »
Totes not Korra.

Korrasami Wakka Wakka

Gaming / Re: The level of Bull shitting is impressive
« on: September 18, 2014, 06:03:09 PM »
"You see why I’m waiting at least until I’ve played the first Raid? You see why, even then, I’ll be reluctant to stick a number on the end of the words, knowing that there are three free content expansions dropping into the game world over just the next six weeks, before the first big DLC arrives later this year? "

This paragraph really killed it for me.

If the game sucks without DLC or cannot be reviewed without it the game is incomplete. What a laughable blog post.

Gaming / Anyone here play Destiny on PS3 or PS4?
« on: September 18, 2014, 05:36:50 PM »
I'm looking for PS3 and PS4 buddies for Destiny. I got the digital edition and have been mostly playing on my PS3. Anyone want to join?

PSN is just Latsu15

The Flood / Re: And now, a super important Public Service Announcement.
« on: September 18, 2014, 04:19:53 PM »
Thought that was 'Yaoi' ohhh dear
When I hadn't played Fallout I saw that in my friends profile on Xbox and I thought he was talking about an anime character. Boy was I wrong.

The Flood / Re: floodies...
« on: September 18, 2014, 07:06:59 AM »
post in this thread and I will decide what your hip new nickname is
latsa beans


Everone calles me Lattice online....

The Flood / Re: floodies...
« on: September 18, 2014, 07:00:51 AM »
post in this thread and I will decide what your hip new nickname is

Gaming / Brink is a good game.
« on: September 18, 2014, 06:30:01 AM »
Okay. Hear me out here. Brink, the game that was overhyped and didn't meet any expectations that were set for it, is a good game and here is why:

The game has one of the best movement systems of any game. Even Titanfall tried to do free-running but didn't even get close to how well Brink controls.

The game has a bunch of "classes" but really we know that it's just the main player switched between options. Brink had an odd PvE experience that no one expected. The AI is funny at times and always seems to not know what to do but that often made the game fun.

Brink showed us how good game design doesn't merit a $60 price tag. I know for sure that if Brink was released as a $15 downloadable game it would have been one of the best games 2011. The game was a flop because of its price tag and I know that it would have done better had it been cheaper.

Brink was a great game but because of it flopping it lost support very fast and very few patches were released to fix the issues. Take a look at recent releases and tell me that their Day-1 states are perfect, because they aren't. Brink was a marketing disaster that led to irritated fans and I wish they didn't do that. I was hyped for the game but when I saw what it was really like I was irked. The game overall had the potential but the price and expectations of the community led to its demise.

The Flood / Re: Luke! Buy me stuff.
« on: September 18, 2014, 02:40:10 AM »
wat. I really want to know what is going on in this thread.

The Flood / Re: Quoting the OP in a reply
« on: September 18, 2014, 02:02:29 AM »

The Flood / What is your favorite web series, and why is it Homestar Runner?
« on: September 18, 2014, 01:40:45 AM »

The Flood / Re: Welp, looks like I didn't get the job.
« on: September 17, 2014, 08:39:59 PM »

The Flood / Re: Oh my God MrRepzion has a Bnet account.
« on: September 17, 2014, 06:17:03 PM »

The Flood / Re: InternetAristocrat stream live!
« on: September 17, 2014, 06:12:19 PM »

How I feel as well. Just sitting on the sidelines is fun.

The Flood / Re: OK... Updating my phone to iOS 8
« on: September 17, 2014, 06:04:53 PM »
I don't really mind all that much. It was a really good deal and the occasional glitching is entertaining when I'm trying to enter in the Wi-Fi password and my iPad decides it needs more spaces and a few random symbols.

You've reset the device completely right? I had my iPod freak out once and I just reset the firmware and DIDN'T restore from backup and it fixed my interface freaking out. You probably have already but I though I should just bring it up just in case.

The Flood / Re: Here I am!
« on: September 17, 2014, 05:59:35 PM »
Desticles drove me out as well. Welcome to the adobe abode.

The Flood / Re: Alright Yanks, it's time for payback.
« on: September 17, 2014, 05:56:55 PM »
It is for me <.<
Are you on mobile?

Nope. Chrome on desktop.

The Flood / Re: OK... Updating my phone to iOS 8
« on: September 17, 2014, 05:55:44 PM »
eBay has pretty good deals, especially around the new iPhone release. If you're smart about who you buy from there, you can find good used products.

But sometimes they're shit. I bought a seller-refurbished iPad mini off of eBay, and at first it worked amazingly. After a while, though, it would start to misbehave and register touches when I wasn't doing anything. I could open up Notes and the iPad would just start to type nonsense and occasionally spaz out and crash out of the app.

Damn. Yeah I try to not take risks like that. My local news station has a "Classifieds" section that is like Craigslist in a way so I usually buy used through that service. My friend had a similar issue with her new iPhone so it probably wasn't the sellers fault, but it does suck that the screen went to fritz. 

The Flood / Re: Alright Yanks, it's time for payback.
« on: September 17, 2014, 05:49:58 PM »

We all know that the USSR will rise again.

The Flood / Re: Alright Yanks, it's time for payback.
« on: September 17, 2014, 05:48:56 PM »

The Flood / Re: Alright Yanks, it's time for payback.
« on: September 17, 2014, 05:47:01 PM »
Best Broke.JPG

The Flood / Re: OK... Updating my phone to iOS 8
« on: September 17, 2014, 05:46:21 PM »

I always buy from Apple, except for my phone. That was from Verizon and was cheaper, but with a contract. I'm not the one that's paying for the service so all I ended up paying for is the phone really.

Thanks for the link to this page btw.

I'm a fan of technology and buy what I can if it fits my needs. Apple is a pretty decent brand so I try to buy things for as cheap as I can without gimping on things.

I personally don't like the iPhone and I'm not sure if they sell refurbished iPhones but when it comes to iPads, Macs, and iPods they sell them in that version of the store for cheaper mind you they are refurbished. I bought my Macbook Pro through the refurbished store and it looked and felt brand new.

The Flood / Re: OK... Updating my phone to iOS 8
« on: September 17, 2014, 05:37:22 PM »

Yes. Most of the tweaks slow down my shit however. The iPod I have is 4th gen. I need an upgrade. Thinking about getting an iPad with iOS 7.1.2 on it.

Once you go Refurb you never go back

5th Gen iPod touch 64gig for $230

I don't like spending full price on stuff. Just check out the "Certified Refurbished/Deals" page of Apple when buying anything Apple.

Or buy used from a trusted retailer. I don't like buying second hand though.

The Flood / Re: OK... Updating my phone to iOS 8
« on: September 17, 2014, 05:28:09 PM »
I know. However. I choose not to Jailbreak my phone, as I already have another iOS device that's already jailbroken.

Damn. I can't live without a whole bunch of changes to my iPod. I haven't used a non jailbroken iDevice in a while.

Bloom HD Theme (Winterboard).

Do you even tweak bro?

The Flood / Re: I have been looking for a very special little girl
« on: September 17, 2014, 05:19:33 PM »
This sounds like most Hentai.

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