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The Flood / Re: I lost a lot of members tonight [WITH POLL]
« on: April 22, 2020, 08:52:22 AM »
i've just always been into the idea of forcibly breaking out of our biological limitations, because that's just how crafty we are

that said, non-binaries as a generalization are some of the most insufferable people i've ever seen

i actually think i might possibly be non-binary myself, because i've never really felt "at home" with my maleness in any real sense, but i've suppressed a lot of my own gender exploration just because i don't want the association

fundamentally, whatever the fuck it is i am, it doesn't matter anyway, and it certainly doesn't make me special—even if i came to the conclusion that i wasn't actually a cisman, for purely practical purposes, i cannot imagine obliging anybody to indulge me, or making any sort of fuss about it whatsoever

i won't say they don't exist, but i will say that i haven't met one who i've wanted to be friends with

i'd like to speak to a reasonable NB so they can help me understand where they're coming from, but as you have shown, a lot of these people aren't equipped for those kinds of discussions, because that would require them to entertain a notion that makes them feel "excluded" in some way, and people hate being put on the defensive all the time

The Flood / Re: I lost a lot of members tonight [WITH POLL]
« on: April 22, 2020, 08:29:50 AM »
given that you haven't provided the full story, i'm inclined to side with the people leaving

there's no reason to ban anybody for having stupid opinions, but if the server really had been advertised as a "safe space" for these weak, weak people who so desperately need attention, or want to cling to the notion that they're special, or whatever the fuck is going on in their developing prepubescent minds, then it's not shock that they'd leave once the illusion that they're trying to maintain is shattered

having a designated debate room where free speech absolutism is a cornerstone in what's been advertised as a safe space for LGBT+ people is a very poor mixture, and you really can't have both

it also sounds like some people left not because of the decision not to ban that person, but because you personally made it a much bigger thing than it needed to be by going on and on about it, to a point where you had people saying "okay fine, can we just drop it now" at the very beginning of the logs (clearly showing this went on for a much longer time than was shown)

no one wants to be part of a channel that's led by some raving druggie, despite the fact that you will never accept that that's what you are

i certainly think it's cool that you won't ban someone for having incendiary opinions, but perhaps if you made the intentions of the server clearer, you wouldn't be having this mass exodus of people who thought this was a drama-less server

this is also why nobody here is going to join, ever, because you're the one running it, and you've consistently proven that you don't know the first thing about how to run something like this

Gaming / Re: animal crossing
« on: April 21, 2020, 11:17:29 PM »
time travelers eat shit

Gaming / Re: animal crossing
« on: April 21, 2020, 11:17:04 PM »
fun times, but i wish some more QoL things had been implemented

the fact that manila clams don't stack, and that they have to be crafted one by one, is kinda horseshit

i love all my neighbors, and filling up the museum is pretty much my end goal

The Flood / Re: Petition to rename the forum to Two and A Half Men
« on: April 21, 2020, 08:52:27 PM »
wait a second

isn't cheat straight-up asexual

why do you even care then

The Flood / Re: Petition to rename the forum to Two and A Half Men
« on: April 21, 2020, 08:45:08 PM »
although i haven't seen one, the existence of a "feminine" penis is not wholly inconceivable to me

it helps when you don't find yourself attracted to either sex organ

Gaming / Re: Playing through Dark Souls
« on: April 20, 2020, 07:33:16 PM »
update: decided to try SL1, but am stuck on the bell gargoyles. starting to think this won't last long.
nothing a few titanite shards wouldn't sneeze at

there's really only one weapon you should be using, too, and i'm gonna assume you already know what that is

The Flood / Re: Is giving succ, gay?
« on: April 20, 2020, 05:47:31 PM »
a man can take a dick right in the ass, enjoy it, and still not necessarily be gay

Gaming / Re: Backlog 2020
« on: April 20, 2020, 02:54:10 AM »
Play Overwatch with me
PC, i take it?

unless it's cross-platform, i don't have anything that could run it

Gaming / Re: Backlog 2020
« on: April 19, 2020, 09:25:38 PM »
You're skipping May and going into June with Spongebob: Battle For Bikini Bottom Rehydrated
i hesitate to count remasters and shit, but i might just get this anyway, if only because it's really cool that it's happening at all, and it was never part of my childhood

Do you play multiplayer games?
yeah, but i'm about as picky as you would imagine

i was thinking about going for Ninjala just because it's free even though it looks dumb

The Flood / Re: PP
« on: April 18, 2020, 06:07:53 PM »

PPMD Kreygasm

Gaming / Re: Playing through Dark Souls
« on: April 18, 2020, 05:31:40 PM »
>using weapons

well you're obviously a huge fag who's not epic enough for this internet

Gaming / Re: Playing through Dark Souls
« on: April 18, 2020, 04:27:10 PM »
Because it’s cool
Shields are cooler. What if you exclusively shielded all attacks, and never did any rolls?

Could you sit with the cool kids then, and post shit like ">he rolls"?

Gaming / Re: Playing through Dark Souls
« on: April 18, 2020, 04:19:13 PM »
Rolling is much better and Anor Londo snipers aren’t hard but bonewheels are
Even the weakest greatshield in the game completely invalidates bonewheels.

Rolling is better, but why limit yourself to that when you don't have to? You're just risking death for no reason.

Gaming / Re: Playing through Dark Souls
« on: April 18, 2020, 03:18:22 PM »
>using a shield
Unless you want to make the game more challenging for some arbitrary reason, there's literally no reason not to, especially if you're going to use a spear. I bet you think Anor Londo snipers or bonewheels are annoying to deal with.

Gaming / Re: Playing through Dark Souls
« on: April 18, 2020, 03:06:51 PM »
>dex build

Just kidding I don’t know why people hate dex so much
I think it's because poking enemies with a spear behind a shield is considered lame/cheesy, but the same people who feel that way also think that two-handing a greatsword for the entire game is the only way to play, even though that could also be seen as boring and cheesy.

The Flood / Re: i just had an epiphany
« on: April 18, 2020, 12:41:53 PM »
I watched that show religiously as a kid, liked it much better than Spongebob which I found creepy at times.

Take that as you will.
i always thought butch hartman's humor was like a kid-friendly seth macfarlane, so i guess i'm not surprised

Gaming / Re: Playing through Dark Souls
« on: April 18, 2020, 11:39:15 AM »
It doesn't really matter much, but the wanderer has the best outfit, and high starting dexterity means you'll have easier access to some of the cooler weapons in the game.

You could one-up your brother and cousin by going pyromancer for a SL1 run, if you're up for that.

The Flood / Re: i just had an epiphany
« on: April 18, 2020, 02:13:08 AM »
is the aphephany that your gay?
my gay is better than your gay

The Flood / Re: i just had an epiphany
« on: April 17, 2020, 10:57:37 PM »
Also I have a hard time picturing you going outside to smell the rose before quarantine
all my friends are miserable and it's weighing me down

The Flood / Re: i just had an epiphany
« on: April 17, 2020, 10:57:02 PM »
This is like a reverse SecondClass thread
a thread about cartoons that's actually good and entertaining to read through

The Flood / Re: How are you going to spend your time during Corona?
« on: April 17, 2020, 09:26:44 PM »
i want nothing more right now than to tell all my professors "i have absolutely no desire to take part in the remainder of this course" and then just stop caring for this semester entirely

The Flood / Re: i just had an epiphany
« on: April 17, 2020, 09:17:08 PM »
quarantine's really starting to hit me hard, chums

The Flood / i just had an epiphany
« on: April 17, 2020, 09:15:14 PM »
The Fairly OddParents was actually a really bad show

like, actually terrible

it was the ultimate "watch it when it's on" show for me as a kid, and i still kinda liked it because i was dumb i guess? but thinking back to it, that was probably the stupidest and most obnoxious show of all time

first of all, have you actually listened to the voice acting in this show? everyone talks like a cat getting fucked—especially cosmo and wanda—and it's the most grating shit ever

the premise itself has always just kinda been dogshit—why doesn't timmy just wish for the solution to every episode? even if his wish is prohibited by DA RULES or whatever the fuck, that certainly wouldn't happen every single time, right? and even then, why can't he just think of a workaround

like, i get that part of timmy's character is that he's an idiot, which is why he fails all of his classes, which i always thought was a weird character trait anyway—is that supposed to be relatable, or something?

like, he's supposed to be an "average" kid, right? that's what they say in the theme song, but i'm pretty sure the average kid doesn't get straight Fs on his report card, and i think it's probably irresponsible for a show aimed at kids to say that flunking all your classes is somehow normal

i remember there was this whole episode where timmy gets fed up with being a stupid idiot, so he wishes that he was as smart as AJ—which works out okay for him at first, except for the fact that it's against DA RULES to exploit wishes to win competitions

so when he enters this quiz bowl or trivia contest or whatever to compete with AJ, he's not smart anymore, so he loses, and he gets all sad or whatever—i don't remember exactly how it goes down

but there's this moment at the end where AJ's trying to make him feel better by saying something like "don't feel bad, everyone has their own special talents" yadda yadda

and timmy's like "yeah you're right, you're good at math, and i'm good at uh... uh..."

but he can't come up with anything, so AJ blurts out, "...playing video games!"

it's like, WOW, so he's literally good at NOTHING, thanks AJ, this totally isn't the most depressing shit in the world

that's your main character who every millennial child in america is projecting themselves onto right now—a talentless fucking loser who gets everything he wants, but still causes all of his own problems

i wonder how many seeds of self-hatred were sown within the minds of children as a result of this show

it doesn't even end there—do you remember that fucked up episode where timmy wishes he never existed, and it turns out that everyone would be better off without him? obviously, it's a parody/reversal of It's a Wonderful Life, and the whole point is that timmy ends up aspiring to become a better person in the end, which would be an okay message for adults i guess, but HOLY SHIT, that is such a godawful message to send to children

especially when a lot of the things that ended up changing had nothing to do with timmy at all—like elmer not having his boil, or AJ having an afro, or chester not being poor—"everything is your fault, and your very existence ruins everything, you should never have been born"

jesus, what a stupid fucking mean-spirited show

it doesn't even have any good memes—and why do you think spongebob does? probably because it was a genuinely good show, and one that people have fond memories of

nobody seems to remember or give a shit about this show, and for good reason—it just kinda hit me just now, though

Gaming / Re: Persona 5 Royal
« on: April 17, 2020, 11:01:45 AM »
one of my hardcore persona friends said that they ruined P5 with this

so idk

he hates the new girl that they added in particular, and the story changes that came with

The Flood / Re: Anti-Masturbation Sanctuary
« on: April 16, 2020, 06:32:27 PM »
imagine habitually masturbating

The Flood / Re: Wait sandtrap died??
« on: April 16, 2020, 03:20:33 PM »
it is very weird that you didn't remember it happening, though

drugs probably

The Flood / Re: Wait sandtrap died??
« on: April 16, 2020, 03:18:17 PM »
Can confirm

"Yep, don't have kids"

I don't think he even read the fucking OP.
normally i'd be the last person to defend secondclass, but given how much i can relate to tactlessly injecting my personal beliefs where they don't necessarily belong, something compelled me to clear this up

all she's really trying to say here is "the fact that cancer can kill such good people is so cruel and so terrible that it's a wonder why we continue to bring more children into this world when they're all so very likely to have a similar fate"

she wasn't necessarily trying to be disrespectful; it was just a combination of very poor timing and very poor phrasing

so yeah secondclass is garbage and that post was bad, but not for the reasons you think

The Flood / Re: Wait sandtrap died??
« on: April 14, 2020, 06:56:15 PM »
my last interaction with him was when i did my stupid april fool's joke where i posted a bait-and-switch dark souls review after pretending to beat it—the joke being that it was an in-depth minesweeper review instead

i got the reaction i expected for the most part, and it was fun times, but i guess ST was genuinely looking forward to my thoughts on the game after i hadn't posted about it in months, so his response seemed genuinely confused and sad

he passed before i could actually beat the game, and as silly as it sounds, i still feel guilt over that, even though it's just a video game

he thought good of me, and we exchanged PMs a lot—although i wasn't always the most receptive either, because i never really thought our conversations went anywhere

needless to say, his passing has made me rethink how i interact with people, and i consider him to be a positive influence on me

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: April 10, 2020, 10:16:16 PM »
While I'm on my day off I may as well post some of my work. Some of it has great personal significance to me, and some of it was just practice.





damn, i love that second one

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