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What I don't understand about the term "people of color" is that it still divides whites and all other races, which to me seems exactly like what white racists want to do.
the problem is that racism threw the first punch

there's a community where members of the black population happen to get disproportionately murdered by police for committing petty crimes that white people are known to get away with all the time, because the cops are trigger-happy racists

in order to point out this issue, you must acknowledge that there's a statistical divide between the races—if we choose to be colorblind, that's inefficient, because we're not actually cutting to the core of the problem

in a perfect world, we wouldn't have to acknowledge race at all—we wouldn't need terms like "people of color"—but because racism exists, we can't

off topic but the term "people of color" always sounded dumb to me.
colored = super offensive and racist
people of color = 100% acceptable and encouraged

I just don't get it man
it's called "people-first" language, because it's considered respectful to recognize people as people first, and whatever traits they happen to have second

"colored" makes it sound like an affliction, like "rabid" or "demented" or "retarded"—these are words that put you into a box, which is part of why they're not PC anymore

you don't have to like it, but i think it makes perfect sense honestly

Gaming / Re: Playing through Dark Souls
« on: May 08, 2020, 03:34:19 PM »
Is he talking about the miracle, though, or the actual lightning spear that the mimic in Sen's Fortress drops?
you know, somehow, i never actually realized how that could be a source of confusion

regardless, he can't use spears either; he's short just 1 Dex point
Can't even use spears at lvl 1? Wow. Is there no ring that boosts dexterity like DKS3 has? I can't even remember. Or would that somehow invalidate the sl1 challenge, I wonder.
Rings like that would be fine if they existed in this game, but I'm not sure if they do. The idea (for me, at least) is just to use all the tools at your disposal while remaining SL1.

Some prefer not to use Black Firebombs and whatnot, but I think tacking on extra rules like that is kind of arbitrary, and tends to ruin the novel simplicity/purity of the challenge.

Gaming / Re: Playing through Dark Souls
« on: May 08, 2020, 02:33:51 PM »
Is he talking about the miracle, though, or the actual lightning spear that the mimic in Sen's Fortress drops?
you know, somehow, i never actually realized how that could be a source of confusion

regardless, he can't use spears either; he's short just 1 Dex point

Gaming / Re: Playing through Dark Souls
« on: May 08, 2020, 02:25:39 PM »
Don't forget to pick up that lightening spear tho
You'll need it
it's a SL1 run, so he can't use those anyway

the requirement parameters for even the least-demanding talismans in the game require 10 Faith; at SL1, you only have 8

there's still some pretty powerful pyromancies to work with, though

i already cleared that shit up

it didn't even need clearing up in the first place

Well I don't think anyone actually really believes I am. I would hope not.

Perhaps I got the wrong impression from Mordo? I just didn't know whether he would consider the scenario I explained to be racist, as I would not. As you said, I would see it as impolite. He seems to believe it is racist though as his response would tell me, regardless of if the white person had any racist intentions.

I think that's something we're probably just not going to see eye to eye.
it doesn't help that you're both incredibly obtuse people

he said that it would be racist because of the word's centuries of racist history

this sort of innately implies that, if you so happen to be ignorant of such history, then it wouldn't be racist

there, does that make you happy or something

Yeah but that would be a total assumption. I really cant stand collectivism in general.

I'm not really trying to defend the use of the word so much as I'm trying to figure out why people believe the act of using it is what is racist instead of the person's intentions behind it.
i don't think anyone believes that, though—nobody in this thread, at least

mordo gave you the acting example, which means that he clearly realizes intention matters

i don't see anyone trying to argue that it's the act itself that's racist


what if, instead of racist, he just said "extremely impolite"

would that be a problem, or do you still want to say the word without being seen as impolite
That would make a lot more sense to me. There are a lot of words that I wouldn't expect to be seen as being polite when saying them.

I just don't understand how, for instance, I would be racist for using the word while having this discussion. There are plenty of contexts in which a person might say it without any intention of being derogatory or having any prejudice against black people.
there's an argument to be made that your weird defensiveness towards the word's usage could be seen as a canary in the coalmine for some unspoken racism you might be holding deep down, while other white people such as myself are perfectly content in saying, "well, it's not a word i would ever use anyway, so it's not a big deal to me" which is the more correct position

though, full disclosure, while i've never used the word to describe a person, i have used it in jokes before on this website, but i'd probably think twice about ever doing it again, because i don't find those jokes funny anymore

Unless you're an actor in a performance piece that is designed to portray that kind of role, (which 99% of the population isn't) then no, there's not much context which justifies a white person to use the word.
How is a word inherently racist? It literally only has meaning because we ascribe meaning to it. If a person has absolutely no racist intentions when saying the word "nigger/nigga" then how does that mean that person hates black people or believes their race is superior?

If you have a group of friends of various races who all use the word "nigga" as a synonym for "dude" or "bro," how does a white person in that group doing the same thing a racist act?

I genuinely want to know your logic behind that belief.
what if, instead of racist, he just said "extremely impolite"

would that be a problem, or do you still want to say the word without being seen as impolite

Imagine you live with your parents who use curse words all the time without batting an eye.

Then during a Skype call, you drop an f bomb or something and your parents give you 'the eye' or even start shouting at you for cursing in their home.
i really hope you realize just how horrible this comparison is

though if you did, you probably wouldn't have posted it, so i'm not sure

The Flood / Re: this is his wit wtf
« on: May 08, 2020, 01:46:29 AM »
it's a classic

Gaming / Re: Ranking every TGA Game of the Year nominee
« on: May 07, 2020, 09:38:08 PM »

Gaming / Re: Ranking every TGA Game of the Year nominee
« on: May 07, 2020, 09:36:32 PM »
I was going to make a tier list with those games but decided not to because nearly 30 of them I couldn't care less about and Persona 5 was the only game on the list that I thought was near-flawless.
of the ones i'm at least somewhat interested in, are there any you've played that you'd say i shouldn't bother with

Gaming / Re: Ranking every TGA Game of the Year nominee
« on: May 07, 2020, 08:35:50 PM »

Idk if that'll work or not because my computer hates me
no, this just links back to the base tiermaker itself

i just took a screencap and posted it to imgur

Gaming / Ranking every TGA Game of the Year nominee
« on: May 07, 2020, 07:50:19 PM »
Had a somewhat fun idea for a tier list:

Here, you can rank all the games that were nominated for GotY over the past decade by The Game Awards (or their previous incarnation, the Spike Video Game Awards).

Note the hardcore Western bias, and the emphasis placed on the most mind-numbingly commercial crap imaginable. The terrible selection of games should make this all the more interesting, I think. If the tiers don't work for you, you can relabel them to whatever you need them to be. Most of you should probably add a "haven't played" tier, for example.

I'm personally not qualified to make my own list yet, because I haven't played 90% of this bullshit, but I know most of you guys have, so I'll leave it up to you. Instead, I decided to relabel the tiers and rank them in terms of how interested I am in playing them.

If I had to pick a personal GotD from these fifty-two, I'd have to say BotW (it's actually Dark Souls, though).

Oh, and if you're wondering about "RTHST," that's supposed to be Hearthstone, but it wouldn't fit because it doesn't have any packaging artwork. Journey and PUBG are cut off for similar reasons. Sorry about that.

This seems kinda hypocritical seeing how you said that people should rise above natural instincts and here you're saying people shouldn't question their emotional responses at all
when did i say they they shouldn't question them
That was the implication I got when you were refuting the point that people should teach themselves to not be offended
i don't think it's unreasonable to point out that not everybody has the time or patience to do whatever zen mumbo jumbo that chronic just loves to babble about

people should obviously be less sensitive, but to call it a "choice" is just extremely reductive and unfair

like, that's all i'm saying

This seems kinda hypocritical seeing how you said that people should rise above natural instincts and here you're saying people shouldn't question their emotional responses at all
when did i say they they shouldn't question them

and you can't "choose" to be offended by something any more than you can choose not to be upset if i punch you in the face
okay, but I can though.
zen master assassin11D7

and you can't "choose" to be offended by something any more than you can choose not to be upset if i punch you in the face
I'm not saying it's easy
then it shouldn't be said at all

just comes across like a worthless potshot at people who are only trying their best to be respectful people

Gaming / Re: So, The Last of Us 2 leaks....
« on: May 07, 2020, 03:14:16 PM »
Is Last of Us a good game?
haven't played it, but as far as normiecore games go, i've heard nothing but good things about it

Gaming / Re: So, The Last of Us 2 leaks....
« on: May 07, 2020, 02:39:30 PM »
It's really entertaining how defensive people get about this film. Just bizarre.

I honestly do not give one iota of a shit if the fans are butt hurt or satisfied. All I can say with confidence is that TLJ was utter tripe. If that opinion gets your hackles up that much then there's not much point in explaining myself any further.
what gets my hackles up is that you can't provide a single good reason for why it's tripe that can't be summarily torn to shreds

even i could point out better examples of flaws that you probably haven't even noticed or considered

Gaming / Re: So, The Last of Us 2 leaks....
« on: May 07, 2020, 02:07:20 PM »
It's right before the code breaker picks them up with a ship, Rose releases one of the animals:

ROSE: No. Now, it's worth it.

Your second link has her say "Go. Now it's worth it." but that doesn't really make sense since she was talking to Finn about how he said beating up the bad guys was worth it.

EDIT: Both links have her say "Go". I'm going to have to rewatch that scene to see who's she referring to.

i feel like you just made that up, or whatever the real quote is, it doesn't sound as bad as you're making it
regardless, that is SOOOOOOO much different than what napalm said

fedorekd went over it already, so better find something else to mock

Verb, there's a significant difference between saying Nigger and punching somebody in the face.
yet there is no difference in the way we react to things that we perceive as slights against us, physical or verbal

it's all the same cortisol, and you can't really "choose" that

Gaming / Re: So, The Last of Us 2 leaks....
« on: May 07, 2020, 01:42:06 PM »
My favorite part about the save da animals scene is rose saying "this was the real victory" but they left all the little slave children behind

gonna need you to help find that exact quote for me, because i can't

here's a second one

i feel like you just made that up, or whatever the real quote is, it doesn't sound as bad as you're making it

chronic is right about one thing—the question isn't whether white people are "allowed," because at least in america, you're allowed to say pretty much whatever you want, racial slurs included, and nobody can stop you

but in turn, because free speech isn't a one-way street, people are allowed to censure you for it

and they should, because nobody (of any race) should use those words in non-clinical or personal contexts—even black people, in my worthless opinion, because i've always thought that the concept of "reclaiming" words was a little silly, because it leads to stupid and tedious debates like this

There's nothing preventing any white person from saying it. The freedom to speak is an inalienable right. A lot of people still choose to be offended by it, so you'll still have to face possible negative consequences, but I imagine that eventually "nigga" will make its way off the list of taboo words over time just like the countless other words that have. How long that will take, I have no idea.
it won't

and you can't "choose" to be offended by something any more than you can choose not to be upset if i punch you in the face

Gaming / Re: So, The Last of Us 2 leaks....
« on: May 07, 2020, 12:50:58 PM »
Esoteric 4chan memes huh
if that's all you're going to give me, i can't be expected to give much back

and i'm much better at it, so why not
If you're gonna meme your way out of defending a milquetoast, haphazardly constructed film then might as well as respond accordingly, no?
do you know what milquetoast means, or is it just a word that you like to use? because you could justifiably use that word to describe TFA if you wanted—i would still disagree, but i'd be able to see where you're coming from, at least

what exactly did you find "milquetoast" about Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi (2017)

it couldn't have been the film's uniquely aggressive and unwelcoming tone, or the relatively cutthroat script, because those traits would tend towards the opposite of that term you used
It's milquetoast for the wrong reasons whilst simultaneously being incredibly contrarian for also the wrong reasons.

Are you really trying to argue that the self serving, masturbatory "we just gots to save the abwused animals uWu" segment (which we've been subjected to in literally every garden variety disney film before) was narratively poignant in any way shape or form.

Then again, you just opined that TLJ is the best in the franchise, so it wouldn't surprise me if you did.
no, but you see, in a kid's movie about good vs. evil, it's generally a good idea to have your main characters do heroic things, especially if it gives them an excuse to have some high-octane chase scene or whatever

what exactly did you want? every star wars movie has about 12 of these, so i'm not sure what you were expecting

that said, sure, it was probably the lamest part of the movie, okay? now pick something else to harp on

Gaming / Re: Playing through Dark Souls
« on: May 06, 2020, 10:31:53 PM »
update: rang both the bells of awakening and now am trying to get thru sen’s fortress

i vaguely remember going thru the demon ruins last play through but i’m not sure if i ever made it to anor londo

still doing sl1
don't give up skeleton

Gaming / Re: So, The Last of Us 2 leaks....
« on: May 06, 2020, 10:30:52 PM »
And note, I do agree with you on many points regrading the Sequel Trilogy, even though I wish it had never happened.
Aside from what they did to my boy Luke. My love for the character blinds me too much from what they did to him, as a fan of the EU/Legends stuff that didn't suck hot garbage.
that's where a lot of the hatred of these new films comes from too, i think

given the decades upon decades of extra material published and subsequently de-canonized by the mouse, i can understand if you grew attached to those stories (that didn't suck hot garbage) and wanted to see elements of them reincorporated, rather than completely put aside for this new, scary, unfamiliar story

i never cared to consume any of that auxiliary shit, so my perception of the characters has remained untainted by them

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