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The Flood / Re: Affirmative action is communism
« on: June 21, 2017, 01:01:37 PM »
if it were communism, i WOULD support it

but it's not, so i don't
How can you say this? Communism is horrible. I have a Cuban friend who lived under Castro and the horror stories he tells me are enough to give you nightmares just from hearing them, let alone living through that.

Do you just say this shit out of spite because of all the fascism flying around these days?
my specific, perfect, entirely infallible brand of communism has never been tried

The Flood / Re: Affirmative action is communism
« on: June 21, 2017, 12:47:52 PM »
if it were communism, i WOULD support it

but it's not, so i don't

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls ninja challenge run
« on: June 21, 2017, 11:58:50 AM »
go for it

The Flood / i just had a dream
« on: June 21, 2017, 02:52:28 AM »
where, after i woke up, my first thought was, "i'm gonna do everything i can to make that a reality, starting now"

do you ever get those

The Flood / Re: Watchin' Shippuden.
« on: June 20, 2017, 05:49:21 PM »
Naruto ended a couple years ago, but there's still technically a followup.

i wouldn't recommend looking into that at all though because even the title alone kind of spoils a lot

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls ninja challenge run
« on: June 20, 2017, 05:37:25 PM »
- Try to kill each boss without taking a hit
what if you do, though

do you just let him kill you so you can try it again, or what

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls ninja challenge run
« on: June 20, 2017, 05:31:58 PM »
i've been playing as well

we'll see if i can't beat it before you do

Why was vaporwave always accompanied by retro Japanese imagery but now it's just shitty anime???
why is it accompanied with japanese shit at all

and why is every dubstep video on youtube accompanied by a naked woman covering her breasts with headphones or wearing a gasmask

The Flood / Re: Saving Private Ryan
« on: June 20, 2017, 11:57:18 AM »
oh, i saw one called Jarhead and it sucked

SPR is probably better than that, at least

The Flood / Re: Saving Private Ryan
« on: June 20, 2017, 11:51:34 AM »
overrated trash tbh

i don't think i've seen one other war movie that i didn't think was better than SPR

the opening scene is really all it ever had going for it imo

This wasn't ever really that big of a deal.

It would be cool if they had the symbol, but it doesn't, and I really don't see a point in getting that upset about it.

Game's gonna suck anyway.

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Central
« on: June 20, 2017, 12:47:52 AM »
Speaking of which, I'm doing a Yellow nuzlocke right now in preparation for Gen II, and I'll probably do one for Red, too—I already completed one for Blue and transferred my champions over to Sun and Moon (one of the coolest moments I've had in a Pokémon for a long time).

Pallet Town: Pikachu, of course
Route 1: Miss (encountered something before I got Poké Balls, as usual)
Route 22: Nidoran F
Route 2: Nidoran F
Viridian Forest: Pidgey

No remaining encounters until after Brock


Gaming / Re: Pokémon Central
« on: June 20, 2017, 12:42:07 AM »
What is everyone's ideal team for a playthrough for each gen? I like to mix it up for new experiences but there's usually certain 'mons I tend to gravitate towards because they're useful. Remember, strictly story teams here. It doesn't have to be strictly from that Gen either, as long as you use them.

Gen 1
-Dugtrio. It's actually really fast, which helps Slash get crits the majority of the time.  Access to Earthquake and Dig really helps, too. Not sure what you'd put in the 4th move slot though.

-Nidoking/Nidoqueen. Large movepools with a lot of options on how you want to set it up. Slap all of the elemental TMs on it, or swap one of them for Earthquake and you're golden.

-Lapras. I never really ended up getting any of the Ice types in Gen 1 and you get Lapras at a level where you don't have to spend too long training it to face the elite 4. It's usually a tossup between Lapras or Vaporeon for me.

Gen 2
-Ampharos, obviously. Are any of the other Electric types in Gen 2 worth it? I guess Magneton is alright because of Steel's resistances but I usually end up having an Ampharos on my team.

-Feraligatr. I don't want to mention too many starters here but he's got access to many moves that are really helpful in the game. With moves like Crunch and Ice Beam you can cover a few weaknesses, Typhlosion and Meganium seem to only really be good for specific purposes while Feraligatr can really pull his weight on the team.

Gen 3
-Gardevoir. It's a special powerhouse, I usually run with Thunderbolt/Psychic/Shadow Ball/Calm Mind. Hits like a fucking truck! Bit frail, but with decent speed and the right coverage you can OHKO foes with ease.

-Swellow, until I catch Rayquaza (Emerald). It's fast as hell and while not overwhelmingly powerful, anything weak to Flying is going down.

-Ludicolo, usually my preferred Water type though I sometimes swap it for Sharpedo. A mix of Grass and Water means it only has one true weakness, really useful all around.

Gen 4
-Machamp. I find him more useful than Lucario, to be honest. I have 2 Ds's so when I get a Machoke I just trade with myself to get it.

-Alakazam.  Just hits really hard.

-Luxray. Yeah he's not amazing, but he looks cool and I usually just use Crunch so I don't need a Dark type.

Unfortunately I can't really recall off the top of my head my teams for the later Gens.
I only play nuzlockes, and Gen 1 and 3 are my go-to nuzlocke games.

Gen I: Gyarados, Fearow, Nidoking, Butterfree, Kadabra, Pidgeot, Vaporeon/Jolteon, Blastoise, Graveler, Tentacruel

If I'm playing Yellow, the first thing I pray for is a good Route 22 encounter, because there are a couple of nice anti-Brock Pokémon on that route which remain faithful partners throughout the rest of the game, including Mankey, but especially male Nidoran. Caterpie is the only other thing I can hope for, because it learns Confusion as soon as it evolves into Butterfree, but then its utility becomes limited later on.

Spearow isn't bad in that game, either, because Fearow learns some strong, reliable moves like Drill Peck, and it can obviously fly. Pidgey can, too, but it doesn't even learn any good Flying-type moves naturally in that generation, making it less reliable. I also prefer Fearow to Pidgeot aesthetically anyway.

If I'm playing Blue, I always pick Squirtle, making Brock a non-issue.
If I'm playing Red, I always pick Charmander, making Brock a huge problem. Caterpie is literally my only hope.

Once I get the ball rolling, since Magikarp are so abundant, Gyarados is usually my ace in the hole for most of the game. If I get lucky and catch an Abra, I can theoretically conduct the Mew glitch before getting the second badge (the earliest possible stage), and I've had one opportunity to do this in a nuzlocke—but I utterly fucked it up and squandered it. I'll work it out some day.

Finally, there's Graveler. Catching a Geodude instead of a Zubat in Mt. Moon is really nice, because its high defense and resistance to Normal attacks allows it to glance off what otherwise would've been deadly moves, making it an excellent teammate and protector for your fragile Butterfree or Pikachu. One of the most deadly and evil trainers in the game resides in Mt. Moon—a Team Rocket member that uses a level 16 Raticate. If its Hyper Fang doesn't one-shot your whole team, it'll probably put a severe dent in it—that is, unless you have a Geodude. Rock Tunnel is also infamous for being an absolute warzone, with a bunch of Hikers that use self-destructing Graveler of their own, so having a Rock-type to absorb those blasts is pretty invaluable.

Shit, having a Gyarados and Graveler in a Gen I nuzlocke almost makes the whole thing too easy.

Gen III: Dustox, Linoone, Shedinja, Crobat, Tentacruel, Gyarados, Graveler

Crobat is a lightning fast and reliable flyer with a cool design that makes me appreciate Zubat's existence a lot more.

Getting Dustox early on is very crucial, because not only is it a reliable check against tough gym leaders like Brawly (and even Wattson, due to its high Sp. Def), it also one of the few Pokémon in the game that learns Protect naturally—which is fantastic against Norman, because of his Slaking's Truant ability. That whole fight becomes a free win, unless you're playing Emerald and you play stupid against his Belly Drum Linoone or something.

Linoone is great, obviously, because it learns a lot of HMs (including Surf, if I'm not mistaken), and most of them have the ability Pickup, which is one of the best abilities ever for a nuzlocke challenge—especially if you're playing Ruby and Sapphire, because they made it slightly less useful in Emerald. It's always a pleasant surprise getting handed a Hyper Potion just before taking on another gym fight.

I've never actually used a Shedinja in a nuzlocke before, but I REALLY want to. It just sounds so cool.

In Gen III, they made it so the Old Rod had a chance of getting a Tentacool instead of a Magikarp. If you're in desperate need of a fast Pokémon with a solid typing, loads of Special Defense, and can also surf, Tentacruel can be one of the most clutch teammates ever. It helps that he represents my favorite animal, too, so he's always an absolute joy to use.

Also, Tentacruel's Gen I sprite is the epitome of why I prefer sprite-based graphics over 3D models:

the ending wasn't bad relative to the season, but the season itself wasn't good

just fuck my childhood up fam

If modding tools can be banned, so can video editors and capture cards that allow capturing gameplay. Afterall, its all part of the game that someone else comes along and 'steals'.
If FromSoftware took it upon themselves to DMCA my Dark Souls videos from my channel, I wouldn't complain. That's their right, in my opinion.

The Flood / Re: Lyrics you love from artists you hate/dislike
« on: June 19, 2017, 02:49:48 PM »
You don't like Nirvana?
i don't hate them, i just think they were the most overrated band of the grunge era

i'm more of an alice in chains guy

The Flood / Lyrics you love from artists you hate/dislike
« on: June 19, 2017, 02:44:53 AM »
every now and then, i'll give an artist that i don't particularly like a chance out of boredom—and i'm often glad that i do, because i'm pretty good at picking out their lyrical gems

Nirvana - All Apologies
I wish I was like you—easily amused
Find my nest of salt—everything's my fault
I'll take all the blame, aqua seafoam shame
Sunburn, freezer burn, choking on the ashes of her enemy

that first line, especially how it's delivered, bites like a snake, and the imagery in the next few lines is pretty solid, too

this has always been my favorite nirvana song, and the only one i find myself listening to

The Flood / Re: Should Superman kill?
« on: June 18, 2017, 09:32:00 PM »

No sign-up required!

The Flood / Re: Was the moon landing a hoax?
« on: June 18, 2017, 09:00:29 PM »
Charlie why do you ask us these outlandish questions? Nobody here believes that nonsense.
lately, i'm starting to think it might've been a hoax tbh
Are you kidding me? What the hell is this
i had you going didn't i

The Flood / Re: Was the moon landing a hoax?
« on: June 18, 2017, 08:31:50 PM »
Charlie why do you ask us these outlandish questions? Nobody here believes that nonsense.
lately, i'm starting to think it might've been a hoax tbh

The Flood / Re: Aria
« on: June 18, 2017, 08:10:01 PM »
the desired hex value for the grey is 252526, if i'm not mistaken
actually the site has a very slight transparency, so no matter what that's a shit option.
Entering random letters will break the element in CSS and allow true transparency, including to all people using custom CSS.
shut the fuck up nerd

The Flood / Re: Aria
« on: June 18, 2017, 08:08:22 PM »
how is this NSFW
bare naked titlebars

The Flood / Re: Aria
« on: June 18, 2017, 08:07:48 PM »
wow cheater

The Flood / Re: Aria
« on: June 18, 2017, 08:06:10 PM »
Actually I can slightly see yours

How'd you make yours invisible?
but that's only a pentadecimal

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls build recommendations
« on: June 18, 2017, 08:05:14 PM »
dark wood grain ring
can't wait till i find this

i won't be able to use it since i'm midrolling half the time but w/e

The Flood / Re: Aria
« on: June 18, 2017, 08:04:24 PM »
the desired hex value for the grey is 252526, if i'm not mistaken
I know that, I can actually see the website's pattern through Tru's tb though



The Flood / Re: Aria
« on: June 18, 2017, 08:02:22 PM »
the desired hex value for the grey is 252526, if i'm not mistaken

Yeah, no worries. Global warming is a hoax also, it is not true.
I know you're just baiting but I can't wait to see the look of horror on the dumb faces of people who will realize far too late that climate change isn't a hoax.
What horror? The ones that fuck us will have already died off.
Unfortunately not. I never realized just how many people are climate change deniers until I had a talk about it with my science teacher mother.

The South is a terrible place.
does she at least, you know, teach it? while perhaps offering alternative ideas?

The Flood / Re: Should Superman kill?
« on: June 18, 2017, 07:24:05 PM »
liberal trash
Finally, we can agree on something.
you are both liberals


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