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The Flood / Re: Someone offered me $300 to make a sex tape
« on: May 27, 2020, 01:56:13 AM »
sex work is whatever

it's not an enviable position to be in, but i don't necessarily cast judgment either

i cast more judgment on the people who create a demand for sex work

Serious / Re: What constitutes a narrative?
« on: May 27, 2020, 01:42:28 AM »
If you're asking me what I think makes a narrative? I'm not entirely sure. I'd probably say something like the syntagmatic coherence of a representation of a set of events, where the representation (the narrative) is constituted by a structure of diachronic (fictive) emplotment which renders heterogenous agents, events and objects intelligible in the context of the whole.
and the six-word example doesn't fit this framework?

you have a representation of a set of events which syntactically cohere—there are baby shoes for sale (1), and they have never been worn (2); you've already conceded the diachronic nature of these events, so i won't go over that

as for "heterogeneous agents," you have the seller of the shoes (which also serve as an object, including the sign/placard/whatever the text is clearly intradiegetically written on), the baby that they would've belonged to, and (most nebulously) the people to whom the shoes are being offered—these agents are vague, sure, but not unintelligible

am i forgetting something?

The Flood / Re: Anime fans, what is the appeal?
« on: May 26, 2020, 11:57:12 PM »
How cringe is his Twitter?

Good lord I can't stand to watch that guy after discovering his Twitter.

He is also a litteral cuckold BTW. His girlfriend does porn.
well, just lewd pictures, right

i know people recently turned on idubbbz for this, but i honestly don't see how that makes you a cuck (or why it matters)

The Flood / Re: Anime fans, what is the appeal?
« on: May 26, 2020, 11:14:22 PM »
I think a major thing for a lot of people as a starting point to liking is that it's just precived as different that what's normally broadcast. Especially in the past like the early 2000s

Back when they broadcast there was a notaby difference between something like Dragonball Z and Gundam Wing and even other action cartoons of the time both stylistically and tonnaly which intreuged people. Sooner or later they would discover the larger context of anime and find something they liked about it which carries from person to person.
that's definitely a good point

some people who are into cartoons in general may find it frustrating that 99% of western cartoons are either 1.) for children, or 2.) completely drama-less adult comedy shows

even shows that i want to enjoy for their serious thematic stuff, like steven universe, tend to be off-puttingly juvenile

anime provides a variety in genres that western cartoons simply lack, and i've actually always commended it for that

Serious / Re: What constitutes a narrative?
« on: May 26, 2020, 11:05:42 PM »
This doesn't seem particularly pertinent to me. A narrative can have a self-contained teleological orientation without any affirmation of some metaphysical telos. All this would entail is that there is some mythopoeic element to narrativity (depending on how expansively you want to define myth)--if we think a telos is necessary--and that's a bullet I'd probably be willing to bite.
okay, so before i respond properly, do you have a specific example in mind?
An example of what, exactly?
a story with this "self-contained teleological orientation" that you described—an element that is innate to the story, and is not merely inferred—such that its removal would cede its narrative status by reducing it to a mere sequence of events

anything you'd consider a story, basically—the simpler, the better

as a matter of fact, what's the simplest story that you know, or could come up with, that would appear to satisfy all the criteria that you deem necessary? if you'd like, you could even take the six-word example i gave and add to it

Serious / Re: What constitutes a narrative?
« on: May 26, 2020, 10:51:41 PM »
This doesn't seem particularly pertinent to me. A narrative can have a self-contained teleological orientation without any affirmation of some metaphysical telos. All this would entail is that there is some mythopoeic element to narrativity (depending on how expansively you want to define myth)--if we think a telos is necessary--and that's a bullet I'd probably be willing to bite.
okay, so before i respond properly, do you have a specific example in mind?

The Flood / Re: Anime fans, what is the appeal?
« on: May 26, 2020, 10:36:35 PM »
Not all of us feel obligated to write a sermon to validate our feelings on some cartoons.
that's fine, but forgive me if i think it's better to post something more thoughtful in a thread asking a genuine question

The Flood / Re: Anime fans, what is the appeal?
« on: May 26, 2020, 10:28:07 PM »
note the disparity in my response vs. everyone else's responses

as it turns out, so long as you put yourself in a simplistic enough frame of mind, you can enjoy literally anything
Imagine having such a sad life you have to prove your superiority even on anime
pretty sure i didn't prove my superiority

pretty sure you did lmao

The Flood / Re: Anime fans, what is the appeal?
« on: May 26, 2020, 09:38:18 PM »
note the disparity in my response vs. everyone else's responses

as it turns out, so long as you put yourself in a simplistic enough frame of mind, you can enjoy literally anything

The Flood / Re: Well, it’s been a few years?
« on: May 26, 2020, 09:03:28 PM »
What is it you study, again?
english and compsci

Serious / Re: What constitutes a narrative?
« on: May 26, 2020, 08:56:33 PM »
I don't think this constitutes a reduction of the narrative down to an event. Narratologically the sentence doesn't qualify; the content of whatever the reader infers may constitute a narrative, but this is a different object to the sentence.
i'm not so sure about that—i for one could not propose any additional information to that sentence which could further qualify its narrative status more than it already has; i think it has virtually everything you need, and if not, i'm not sure what it lacks

is it the lack of telos? the problem with this is that, if you were to be a nihilist, then all of teleology is a myth anyway; so you could argue that there's no point to any story beyond that which you can infer for yourself

so to that end, drawing inferences—parsing meaning from a narrative—is the whole raison d'être of storytelling, even if discovering that meaning is an arduous pursuit

the other items you proposed, again, just kinda seem like personal preferences to me—you would naturally prefer that a story possess these qualities, as i would, because it makes them more entertaining, cohesive, or immediately meaningful, but given the subjective nature of these—what resonates with you may not resonate with me—i'm not so quick to co-opt those suggestions

The Flood / Re: Anime fans, what is the appeal?
« on: May 26, 2020, 08:23:39 PM »
the only ones i've been able to enjoy out of the 300 some odd that i've tried are the ones that are decidedly un-anime in their presentation, with the exception of something like neon genesis evangelion, which could be described as quintessential anime, but i still mainly enjoy it for its thematic elements, vaguely cinematic story structure, direction, tone, and pathos more so than i enjoy it for the things that make it anime—the show just has a lot of pseudo-pessimistic shit to say about the human condition (and sometimes not so pseudo) from a psychosociological perspective, and honestly, i'll eat that shit up wherever i find it

i couldn't tell you what makes it appealing from an anime perspective, because the most "anime" aspects of evangelion tend to be the very worst parts of it—and ultimately, i think that mostly just boils down to cultural friction

like, i'm always going to hate how women have been portrayed in anime—it's just viscerally repugnant to me

but at this point, i've just found that there are some shows with enough positive qualities going for them that transcend any hang-ups i might have towards the medium—because i actually prefer to enjoy things, believe it or not, and it would be a shame to write off incredibly deep shows like evangelion just because it does stupid anime shit sometimes

there's a film called Perfect Blue that you might enjoy—it's a movie person's movie even moreso than Akira, i would say, and it inspired Black Swan if you enjoyed that

you're gonna have a tough time finding a good series, though—there's a show on netflix called Devilman: Crybaby that i really like, for all the same reasons that i like evangelion basically, and it's only 10 episodes. you'll know right away whether it's for you or not

Serious / Re: What constitutes a narrative?
« on: May 26, 2020, 08:04:51 PM »
Is a sequence of events sufficient to be a narrative? If not, what else must be added to this recorded sequence of events in order to make it a narrative?

Candidates I can think of would be something like: causal determination between events, intentionality, internally guiding teloi, some kind of overall thematic structure (e.g. monomythical), authorial pretense, fictionalisation etc.
these things might be necessary for an engaging narrative, but whoever said narratives had to be engaging?

i do think you could essentially reduce a narrative down to "any sequence of events" told with the purpose of relaying some kind of ontological experience—or hell, even just one event, like in that famous six-word story:

For sale: baby shoes, never worn.

only one event is described in this story—and if you've never seen it before, yes, that's the entire story—and the idea is that other events can be inferred from the terse descriptions, but not necessarily; it's all up to the reader

A corollary question would be what relation does narrative structure have with dialogue; are things like polyphonic novels different in kind in their narrative structure from 'regular' forms of literature, or do they operate with the same notion of narrativity?
it certainly complicates the story insofar as there are now multiple voices telling it, but i think the same general theory applies

The Flood / Re: Well, it’s been a few years?
« on: May 26, 2020, 04:44:37 PM »
relate to that final point but wouldn’t say I regret it. University has without doubt killed a substantial part of my motivation to read/write things which are fictional, or even just non-academic. That being said, I’m not sure 18-year-old me would’ve invested that time much better anyway.

I’m hoping that the transition to doing a PhD and thus research-based work rather than content-loaded modules will give me the space necessary to pursue some more creative endeavours.

How has university been for you, overall?
shitty, although that's mostly my own fault

because living on campus is too expensive, i have to commute—and since i don't drive, i have to take public transit, which turns a 30 minute trip into a 75 minute trip, every single day of class, both to and from campus

i haven't learned much of anything, and although some of my professors are nice, a lot of them are cunts

i've made no new friends, and i haven't made myself a part of any clubs, orgs, or fraternities—i typically just go to class and then leave—all the friends i did have are out of state, and don't use social media, so it's been rather lonely as well. virtually everything i do is punctuated by the notion that i'm just wasting my time and money

so yeah, it's honestly been quite miserable

although, like i said, most of that is my own fault—i just can't be fucked. too depressed, too anxious

the best thing i can say is that my experiences here have provided a goldmine of inspiration for my writing

The Flood / Re: Well, it’s been a few years?
« on: May 26, 2020, 03:54:06 PM »
What’s the skinny on your writing, at the moment/over the last four years?
as far as my novel goes, the pen has officially made contact with the paper, and as you would imagine, the quarantine has given me ample excuse to work on it more than i ever have—which makes me feel like a gross opportunist, but whatever

i'm at a point where i can play the entire story out in my head like a movie from beginning to end—it's just a matter of getting it all down on the page, which is easier said than done, but relatively speaking, i'm making headway on it

but i'm also pacing myself—a lot of writers will tell you that you should write even if you don't feel like writing, but personally, i think that's an extremely unhealthy way of looking at it, and a good way to burn yourself out, or to start resenting your passion

if i don't feel like writing for a week, i don't write for a week—i'm looking at this as an artistic endeavor, not a commercial one, so there's no sense in rushing if all i want to do is tell a good and meaningful story

i'm also trying to come to grips that it doesn't have to be perfect, and that not everybody has to enjoy it—in fact, it's my intention for it to be somewhat alienating, but comforting to those who absolutely need it

it's a tricky process and it might take me all summer yet, but i appreciate your interest

frankly, nothing has held me back more than college has—enrolling to my university straight out of high school in 2014 was the single biggest mistake of my life, but it'll be all over in just one more semester

The Flood / Re: Learning an instrument
« on: May 26, 2020, 02:05:39 AM »
i hate work and i hate practice, and learning instruments is a lot of work and a lot of practice

i've dabbled with keyboards and DAWs but never on a serious level, because i already have enough unmarketable hobbies as it is

The Flood / Re: Well, it’s been a few years?
« on: May 25, 2020, 08:46:36 PM »
so how do you think trump's doing, given your support of him
I don't support Trump; I was hoping Sanders would win the Democratic primary.
i mean in 2016 of course

you thought he was better than hillary, and here we are now

what do you think

The Flood / Re: Well, it’s been a few years?
« on: May 25, 2020, 08:42:13 PM »
so how do you think trump's doing, given your support of him

The Flood / Re: Watch this video of me it’s hilarious
« on: May 25, 2020, 08:20:42 PM »
In fact, he even sucked off a hobo underneath a bridge for some
"meth" being the missing word here

The Flood / Re: When Did You Begin To Hate Life?
« on: May 25, 2020, 07:30:29 PM »
it was good of you to specify life itself, rather than my own specifically

that said, it definitely solidified at some point in high school, although the seeds were sown from birth obviously
fuck kierkegaard tbh

The Flood / Re: When Did You Begin To Hate Life?
« on: May 25, 2020, 01:43:40 PM »
also i guess Meta created a new account and responded to one of my posts here, but i can't read it yet

someone better hurry up and let him in

although neat if true, i personally have no use for this—i'm perfectly content with the originals, and i actually need to get back to playing prime 1 (i'm liking it, but it doesn't really grab me the same way super metroid does, hence why it's on hold)

i do have at least one friend who's been waiting for this trilogy to drop on switch, though, so i hope it's real for his sake

The Flood / Re: When Did You Begin To Hate Life?
« on: May 25, 2020, 01:05:44 PM »
i don't think it could ever be just one event—if you only hate life for one thing, you basically have your head in the sand

i suppose learning about the holocaust probably had the most profoundly negative impact on me in terms of how i feel about life on earth—i just remember being in complete shock, not knowing how to take it in, not understanding how we ever could have allowed such a thing to happen

constantly being lied to by adults as a child about the most important subjects in the world did a number on me as well

The Flood / Re: When Did You Begin To Hate Life?
« on: May 24, 2020, 02:07:13 PM »
it was good of you to specify life itself, rather than my own specifically

that said, it definitely solidified at some point in high school, although the seeds were sown from birth obviously

Gaming / Re: Backlog 2020
« on: May 23, 2020, 01:41:19 PM »
Gamestop has a B2G1 thing for Memorial Day, and I had some money and a few games to buy so I bought some (all on PS4):

- Control
- Bayonetta and Vanquish 10th Anniversary Bundle
- BioShock: The Collection (1+2+Infinite)

Six games, $60, not bad I'd say.

Gaming / Re: Backlog 2020
« on: May 22, 2020, 09:08:43 PM »
i was thinking about going for Ninjala just because it's free even though it looks dumb
this got delayed of course, so i guess i'm gonna see about this game called Wildfire which looks kind of interesting i guess

otherwise, pretty much nothing else came out this month (understandably)

inb4 that gets delayed too

The Flood / Re: Watch this video of me it’s hilarious
« on: May 22, 2020, 08:55:49 PM »
what is on your arms
probably THC patches

The Flood / Re: Sleep deprivaion
« on: May 22, 2020, 04:00:07 PM »
SC, why are you leading a lifestyle like your country has free healthcare?!

Your liver and kidneys are probably on the way out already. Stop, please.
i would have to say that her brain is in much more danger at the moment

The Flood / Re: Covid lockdown status update
« on: May 21, 2020, 02:27:12 AM »
Self-indulgence could be classified as hedonism. How is exercising hedonistic behavior? Even if you exercise solely to make yourself happy, your loved ones would benefit from your improved behavior.
i would only make that classification if pleasure is all you care about—you're not necessarily a hedonist just because you engage in self-indulgent behavior every once in a while

that doesn't make it intelligent behavior, i just think hedonism is taking it to another extreme that i'm not trying to argue

so how is your behavior tied to your physical well-being, how does exercise improve it, and how would your loved ones benefit from it
Well it’s a fact that exercise improves mental health. But if you’re going to exercise, be bitter while you’re doing it, and then when you accomplish whatever goal you set out to accomplish use it to try and deny science, you’re just wasting your life. Everyone will know you’re lying and chalk it up to you just being you. Just like what happened with all that anime you watched, you ended up enjoying various shows.
do you think anomalies are unscientific or something

also thank you for admitting that exercise is a waste of life lmao
Well that’s the thing, you want to be an anomaly. You self-indulge in trying to be (in your mind, not in actually reality) superior to others.
and that's bad?
I would say yes, you would say no. The point is, what makes what you do any better or worse than exercising for a six pack?
you don't think there's ANYTHING better that i could be doing than getting a six pack?

i know you're just trying to say that i'm not doing any of those things, but you already know that's just ad hominem
That’s exactly what I’m saying. There’s plenty of things you could be doing instead of getting a six pack out of spite.
i thought exercise was incontrovertibly good for me, and is guaranteed to improve my mental health
Well it’s a fact that exercise improves mental health. But if you’re going to exercise, be bitter while you’re doing it, and then when you accomplish whatever goal you set out to accomplish use it to try and deny science, you’re just wasting your life. Everyone will know you’re lying and chalk it up to you just being you. Just like what happened with all that anime you watched, you ended up enjoying various shows.
yeah but it's important to be healthy and shit bro, it feels great and it like, really really matters and stuff

The Flood / Re: Covid lockdown status update
« on: May 21, 2020, 02:13:27 AM »
Self-indulgence could be classified as hedonism. How is exercising hedonistic behavior? Even if you exercise solely to make yourself happy, your loved ones would benefit from your improved behavior.
i would only make that classification if pleasure is all you care about—you're not necessarily a hedonist just because you engage in self-indulgent behavior every once in a while

that doesn't make it intelligent behavior, i just think hedonism is taking it to another extreme that i'm not trying to argue

so how is your behavior tied to your physical well-being, how does exercise improve it, and how would your loved ones benefit from it
Well it’s a fact that exercise improves mental health. But if you’re going to exercise, be bitter while you’re doing it, and then when you accomplish whatever goal you set out to accomplish use it to try and deny science, you’re just wasting your life. Everyone will know you’re lying and chalk it up to you just being you. Just like what happened with all that anime you watched, you ended up enjoying various shows.
do you think anomalies are unscientific or something

also thank you for admitting that exercise is a waste of life lmao
Well that’s the thing, you want to be an anomaly. You self-indulge in trying to be (in your mind, not in actually reality) superior to others.
and that's bad?
I would say yes, you would say no. The point is, what makes what you do any better or worse than exercising for a six pack?
you don't think there's ANYTHING better that i could be doing than getting a six pack?

i know you're just trying to say that i'm not doing any of those things, but you already know that's just ad hominem
That’s exactly what I’m saying. There’s plenty of things you could be doing instead of getting a six pack out of spite.
i thought exercise was incontrovertibly good for me, and is guaranteed to improve my mental health

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