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The Flood / Re: Why is "people of color" a term people are ok with?
« on: February 28, 2018, 01:40:15 PM »
it really seems like you haven't spent any time reading about this subject at all, and are just talking shit like always
It seems like you have no rebuttal at all. There's nothing to read. It's a bullshit term being used by leftists, and it's the same shit "colored" used to be. That was the politically correct term st the time to label all races who are not white. That way of thinking should be obsolete by now.
and it is

because PoC isn't a revival of it, it's an active indictment of it
How is it an indictment when it's the exact same thought process?
how is it the exact same thought process when it is not the exact same thought process
It's just another way to say nonwhite. In what world is using a term like that NOT racist? Just use the person's race. Why is white the standard?
because they're the majority

it's not really a "standard," it just is what it is, i didn't decide that fact

the term obviously doesn't have the same gravitas outside of densely white countries

The Flood / Re: Why is "people of color" a term people are ok with?
« on: February 28, 2018, 01:29:06 PM »
it really seems like you haven't spent any time reading about this subject at all, and are just talking shit like always
It seems like you have no rebuttal at all. There's nothing to read. It's a bullshit term being used by leftists, and it's the same shit "colored" used to be. That was the politically correct term st the time to label all races who are not white. That way of thinking should be obsolete by now.
and it is

because PoC isn't a revival of it, it's an active indictment of it
How is it an indictment when it's the exact same thought process?
how is it the exact same thought process when it is not the exact same thought process

The Flood / Re: Why is "people of color" a term people are ok with?
« on: February 28, 2018, 01:27:20 PM »
it really seems like you haven't spent any time reading about this subject at all, and are just talking shit like always
It seems like you have no rebuttal at all. There's nothing to read. It's a bullshit term being used by leftists, and it's the same shit "colored" used to be. That was the politically correct term st the time to label all races who are not white. That way of thinking should be obsolete by now.
and it is

because PoC isn't a revival of it, it's an active indictment of it

The Flood / Re: Why is "people of color" a term people are ok with?
« on: February 28, 2018, 01:25:25 PM »
It's totally reaching. "Colored" and "people of color" are literally the same thing.
learn what a connotation is, and maybe i'll take the time to read the rest of your post

The Flood / Re: Why is "people of color" a term people are ok with?
« on: February 28, 2018, 01:21:51 PM »
it really seems like you haven't spent any time reading about this subject at all, and are just talking shit like always

The Flood / Re: Why is "people of color" a term people are ok with?
« on: February 28, 2018, 01:15:51 PM »
>reaching this hard

By this logic saying "black people" is racist because you say people second and the color first. Fucking lol, the point is to not refer to people like this at all. Unless it's official documentation or a description for a suspect or some shit, what the hell? Why is "nonwhite" even a term? It implies white is the base, default, correct. It's all racist. There's nothing progressive or tolerant about any of this terminology. It's an outdated way of thinking about people.
not reaching at all actually, this is pretty basic stuff

if there's one thing i'm always going to know more than you about, it's language

nobody is saying the term "black people" is racist, it's just falling by the wayside as a politically correct term

i'd still use it because that's what i'm used to, but if it stops being used that way it's not a big deal to me

>unless it's official documentation or a description
>unless it's being used the way it's always been used

well at least you see where you messed up now

The Flood / Re: Going for a bit
« on: February 28, 2018, 12:57:08 PM »
peace out dude

The Flood / Re: I have been drunk for 76 hours counting
« on: February 28, 2018, 11:02:13 AM »

you deserve every ounce of the shit that's gonna come your way

The Flood / Re: What do you think of
« on: February 28, 2018, 11:00:00 AM »
pretty cool

people tend to mistake the shitcuntery of humanity as an inherent flaw of communism, and not, you know, humanity

which is kinda funny in a sad way

The Flood / Re: Why is "people of color" a term people are ok with?
« on: February 28, 2018, 10:53:13 AM »
there's also a rather obvious difference between using a word like "nigger," which has a lot of baggage

and saying "color" which has no baggage and is relatively benign

"colored" is different because it sounds like an affliction, but "color" is just a benign description of someone's complexion
No shit. The thing is you might as well just call everybody who isn't white niggers if you're just gonna lump everybody together for no reason other than the fact that they aren't white.
"you might as well say nigger because they're the same exact word i mean come on guys"

the difference is that there are good reasons to be offended by words like "nigger" and "colored"

there's no good or sensible reason to be offended by "people of color" because the term was come up with specifically to solve that problem, and if you're genuinely offended by it, then you deserve to be offended by it
Please explain how it's different. It isn't. The intention and thought process is EXACTLY the same. "Nonwhite". Grouping everybody who isn't white together. It's just beating around the bush and sugar coating.
i already explained how it's different, and i shouldn't have to explain why using "nigger" is bad

"nigger" doesn't just mean "nonwhite"

"colored" doesn't just mean "nonwhite"

and there's nothing wrong with being nonwhite, so i'm not sure what your problem is

there's nothing wrong with being nonblack, either, and if "nonblack" became a widespread term i wouldn't care either
Nigger is just a messed up way of saying negro which is black. My problem lies with whites grouping everybody else as "colored" like it's the 1960's and then acting like it's cool and "progressive".
but they're not doing that, because "colored" and "color" fundamentally connote different things, because words are more than what they mean

colorED makes it sound like being nonwhite is some kind of affliction or disability, that's what it sounds like

"color" connotes nothing, it's just an acknowledgement that people of different races tend to have different skin complexions, but it doesn't have a negative connotation because, again, you're referring to them as people first, and their race second

if the two words meant the same exact thing, and had the same exact connotations, then everybody would be on your side

your choice to be offended by the term doesn't make the term offensive

The Flood / Re: Why is "people of color" a term people are ok with?
« on: February 28, 2018, 08:48:27 AM »
there's also a rather obvious difference between using a word like "nigger," which has a lot of baggage

and saying "color" which has no baggage and is relatively benign

"colored" is different because it sounds like an affliction, but "color" is just a benign description of someone's complexion
No shit. The thing is you might as well just call everybody who isn't white niggers if you're just gonna lump everybody together for no reason other than the fact that they aren't white.
"you might as well say nigger because they're the same exact word i mean come on guys"

the difference is that there are good reasons to be offended by words like "nigger" and "colored"

there's no good or sensible reason to be offended by "people of color" because the term was come up with specifically to solve that problem, and if you're genuinely offended by it, then you deserve to be offended by it
Please explain how it's different. It isn't. The intention and thought process is EXACTLY the same. "Nonwhite". Grouping everybody who isn't white together. It's just beating around the bush and sugar coating.
i already explained how it's different, and i shouldn't have to explain why using "nigger" is bad

"nigger" doesn't just mean "nonwhite"

"colored" doesn't just mean "nonwhite"

and there's nothing wrong with being nonwhite, so i'm not sure what your problem is

there's nothing wrong with being nonblack, either, and if "nonblack" became a widespread term i wouldn't care either

The Flood / Re: Why is "people of color" a term people are ok with?
« on: February 28, 2018, 06:37:12 AM »
there's also a rather obvious difference between using a word like "nigger," which has a lot of baggage

and saying "color" which has no baggage and is relatively benign

"colored" is different because it sounds like an affliction, but "color" is just a benign description of someone's complexion
No shit. The thing is you might as well just call everybody who isn't white niggers if you're just gonna lump everybody together for no reason other than the fact that they aren't white.
"you might as well say nigger because they're the same exact word i mean come on guys"

the difference is that there are good reasons to be offended by words like "nigger" and "colored"

there's no good or sensible reason to be offended by "people of color" because the term was come up with specifically to solve that problem, and if you're genuinely offended by it, then you deserve to be offended by it

The Flood / Re: Why is "people of color" a term people are ok with?
« on: February 28, 2018, 12:59:41 AM »
trying to come up with a term that'll make everyone happy is a fool's errand anyway

people will choose to be offended no matter what you say

i say, fuck anyone who is unable to view the expression "people of color" as the gesture of respect and politeness that it is

i don't personally use the term because i find it cumbersome, but see no real issue with those who do

Serious / Re: So what is the actual deal with GMOs?
« on: February 27, 2018, 11:33:13 PM »
what was being said about GMOs in the book

all i know is that, regardless of how harmful they are, they're definitely something that ought to be labeled

The Flood / Re: Why is "people of color" a term people are ok with?
« on: February 27, 2018, 09:49:07 PM »
there's also a rather obvious difference between using a word like "nigger," which has a lot of baggage

and saying "color" which has no baggage and is relatively benign

"colored" is different because it sounds like an affliction, but "color" is just a benign description of someone's complexion

The Flood / Re: Why is "people of color" a term people are ok with?
« on: February 27, 2018, 09:42:43 PM »
it's because the word "people" is being used first and foremost

that's literally the reason
Oh cool I guess I'll just say "nigger people" when I see a group of black people. That makes it ok
no, the word people is being used first

so a better analogy would be "people of nigger" if you were gonna make that point

The Flood / Re: Why is "people of color" a term people are ok with?
« on: February 27, 2018, 09:38:05 PM »
it's because the word "people" is being used first and foremost

that's literally the reason

The Flood / Re: Why is "people of color" a term people are ok with?
« on: February 27, 2018, 09:29:39 PM »
is this the first thread you've ever made that isn't a shitpost

The Flood / Re: Hot takes
« on: February 27, 2018, 09:28:45 PM »
Fuck anyone upset at Logan Paul for tasering a dead rat on video if you're not a vegan.

The Flood / Re: Sol Update (yoire mom have big gay lol edition)
« on: February 27, 2018, 08:34:19 PM »
i do not care about you

The Flood / Re: Verb gives his shitty opinions on anime (redux) #FuckAnime
« on: February 27, 2018, 12:17:07 PM »
Is there an anime you think wouldn't be better told in some other medium? That is, were any of them enjoyable because they're anime instead of merely enjoyable despite being anime?
that's a very good question

i think, of my top four favorites, grave of the fireflies is probably the only thing that i enjoyed where the fact that it was an anime did not inhibit or deter the experience of watching it in any way for me whatsoever

i talk a lot about searching for shows that "transcend" the medium, and when i say that, the implication is that anime tends to consign itself to a lot of tropes that i find irredeemably shitty, and unless some very specific buttons are pressed in very specific ways, it's going to be very difficult for me to be able to look past them

but that's just me stereotyping

i would never say that anime doesn't have the potential to be a fucking amazing art form; it just isn't to me right now, because in terms of the garbage-to-worth-watching ratio, i've NEVER had to climb a higher mountain of shit, or swim through a vaster ocean of piss, to find just one fucking diamond in the rough, which makes it difficult for me not to make unfair blanket statements

it's easy to find new music to listen to
it's easy to find good movies to watch
it's easy to find a book worth reading

yet i've seen more shiny pokémon than i've seen good anime THINK ABOUT THAT

that said, i think with devilman and golden boy, i'm only able to enjoy them despite being anime, where as i'm watching them, i'm having to overlook a lot of stuff that i viscerally dislike about the medium in order to enjoy myself

the first time i watched devilman, my brain broke, because i wasn't sure if it was the worst anime i've ever seen, or the best (on top of having the most emotionally taxing climax ever)

then again, between those two, devilman (which may or may not be my current top favorite, i'm not sure) is probably the easier of the two for me to enjoy, because even though there's a couple beats and tropes here and there that i can't help but roll my eyes at, the show presents itself in such a way that just tickles the sweet spot in my brain that says "okay, this is an anime, and it's actually pretty cool"

but with something like grave of the fireflies, the fact that it's an anime is integral to its presentation, because it's a story taking place during the bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki, and in my opinion, there's honestly no better medium than anime to tell that kind of story

The Flood / Re: Verb gives his shitty opinions on anime (redux) #FuckAnime
« on: February 27, 2018, 04:05:26 AM »
The last few entries dropped the mean of my score down to 3.2 even, so we're back on track.

A few things MAL is recommending to me:

Your Lie in April - I don't know what this is, but it's ranked #22 right now, and it's made by A-1 Pictures (the fucking SAO and Eromanga Sensei people), so I honestly have no fucking idea why they're trying to recommend me this. It doesn't even look like something I'd be remotely into, but I guess I'll have to try it at some point.

Hajime no Ippo - That one boxing anime that everyone seems to like. I think it looks kinda stupid myself, but maybe I'll be surprised. Maybe. Madhouse tends to be hit-or-miss, but that's already miles better than most studios.

Mushishi - I was watching a Digibro video where he's talking about what the most boring 3x3 looks like, where you're just adding shows that everyone respects in order to get people to think you're super cultured and intelligent, and according to him, this is one of the shows. Hmmmm.

Monster - The only thing I know about this show is that Cat told Flee to watch it once, so I looked up a few clips on YouTube of it. It looked kinda weird, but not weird enough for me to go out of my way to watch the whole thing.

Haikyu!! - Why am I being recommended a sports anime? Literally two of my least favorite things in the world.

The Tatami Galaxy - Masaaki Yuasa (Devilman: Crybaby guy) directed this show, so I might actually have to check it out.

ERASED - More from A-1 Pictures. Looks retarded.

Hotarubi no Mori e - No clue what this is. Haven't heard anyone talk about it. I like the poster, I guess, and it's the same studio that made Baccano! (which wasn't terrible) and Durarara! (which I haven't seen but apparently is good).

Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day - Is MAL paid by A-1 Pictures, or some shit? Why are they shilling so hard for them?

Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma - This looks stupid too, and doesn't really seem to pertain to my interests at all. What I'm gathering is that I shoudn't take MAL's recommendations too seriously.

I suppose of these, I'll prioritize Tatami Galaxy.

The Flood / Re: Verb gives his shitty opinions on anime (redux) #FuckAnime
« on: February 27, 2018, 12:06:07 AM »
Neon Genesis Evangelion (Gainax, 1995, completed) Just changing my score. Originally, I gave it a 3/10, which is still how I feel about it on the absolute worst of days. The new score is what I'd give it on the absolute best of days. I'd elaborate more, but I'm going to withhold my updated thoughts for when I watch the two movies, Death & Rebirth and End of Evangelion. As I explained in my "year-end" list, however, my opinion of the show has substantially increased and I have a lot more respect for it now. It's still not going in my favorites, or anything, but I've come to appreciate a lot of what the show is going for, and I can't wait to extrapolate further on this. I just wanna get the complete story before doing so. 6/10

Virtua Fighter (Tokyo Movie Shinsha, 1995, five episodes) For a show based on a fighting game franchise that I love, which was also released on the exact date of my birth, yet is also  geared towards children, this could've been a lot worse. I'm biased in favor of the characters, having already gotten to know them through playing hours and hours of Virtua Fighter 2, 4, and 5 back in the day. But with that said, the show is about as good as you'd ultimately expect it to be. Personally, I'm just kinda glad that it exists. 4/10

Red Hawk - Weapon of Death (Unknown studio, 1995, completed) A shameful, ugly, and embarrassing DBZ ripoff. But apparently, under the definition of anime that I've been using, this isn't actually an anime at all. It was made in South Korea. It's still listed on MAL, though, so fuck it, I guess that's my new definition and qualifier for "anime" now. And no, even then, Avatar: The Last Airbender is still not listed. Neither is RWBY. Neither is Jaden Smith's anime. So I'm not sure how they justify having Red Hawk on the website, but whatever. It was a stupid-ass movie, that's all I know. 2/10

Majackou (OLM, 1995, one episode) Dumb kids' show. 3/10

Gunsmith Cats (OLM, 1995, one episode) Dumb perverts' show. 2/10

The Silent Service (Unknown studio, 1995, two episodes) A boring and uninspired military drama type thing that tries to make a few poignant statements about international conflict, but falls short in too many ways to count. If the show had any characters, it might've been slightly more compelling. 3/10

Gakkou no Yuurei (Unknown studio, 1995, two episodes) I guess this is my first horror anime? But the horror is so fucking tame, I can't even tell if it's trying to be genuinely scary. This is something I might've skipped out on if I knew more about it, but I was suckered in by this really cool-looking poster. To be fair, my principle for watching horror movies has always been, "Don't watch it to be scared. Watch it as you would anything else and rate it accordingly." Basically, if the show doesn't scare you, is it still an interesting story? The answer in this case is no, I'm afraid. 3/10

Shin Kaitei Gunkan (Unknown studio, 1995, one episode) 3/10

All right, now I can officially move on to 1996 (along with the other stuff, like Tecxnolyze).

Already posted, but here's my Top 10 of 1995 in case anyone missed it. I still haven't watched every little thing from this year, but I think I've watched a pretty good amount.

The Flood / Re: Hot takes
« on: February 26, 2018, 10:50:50 PM »
There is no scenario where appealing to the lowest common denominator could ever be beneficial to your work of art (unless your work contains some sort of social experiment or something of that nature that requires you to do so to achieve your artistic vision), and if you appeal to it enough, you may well not be making any sort of art at all.

For example, calling Marvel films "art" is about as far as I'm willing to stretch the definition of art. Any further, it's probably not art. It's a factory product not unlike a bag of Doritos or a 12-pack of Mountain Dew, just in movie form.

Modern art is awesome and you're stupid if you don't appreciate some of it.

The Flood / Re: Kino- I mean best movie themes
« on: February 26, 2018, 01:56:50 PM »
i don't know if i'd call it the best, but certainly one of my all-time favorites


The Flood / Re: Top 10 Best Japanese Cartoons of 1995
« on: February 26, 2018, 01:01:08 AM »
That was 3676 words that could have been used on job applications or a college thesis but instead they were spent hating Japanese cartoons on some backwater internet forum
it's actually the most positive thing i've ever posted about japanese cartoons, and i've reposted it in several places

if this website was my only audience then i wouldn't put any effort into any of my longer threads

The Flood / Re: Writer Block
« on: February 26, 2018, 12:34:10 AM »
haven't been writing as much as i'd like to lately

i could never do that thing some people do, where they force themselves to write 1000 words a day or some shit

the last thing i wanna do is turn one of my few life passions into a job or chore

The Flood / Re: Top 10 Best Japanese Cartoons of 1995
« on: February 26, 2018, 12:17:25 AM »
The 90s had some classics. ruroni kenshin, yu yu hakusho, cowboy bebop, trigun, etc.
ruroni kenshin was 96, so i'll be watching that very soon

what even is it

The Flood / Re: Hot takes
« on: February 25, 2018, 06:42:29 PM »
Video games are the lowest art form, but it has the potential to be the highest.
Can you elaborate on how it’s the lowest and what the next lowest might be
When compared to other art forms, video games tend to leave the largest amount of room for error, because of how interactive they are.

You can't really get away with making mistakes in literature, film, painting, sculpture, poetry, and other stuff. They're fairly easy to point out, and it takes a little bit away from the overall quality of the piece, because it's that far away from being perfect. The greatest pieces of art are the ones with the fewest noticeable mistakes and the most impressive accomplishments.

Video games tend to be riddled with flaws, errors, glitches, and logical inconsistencies. It's understandable why, but as a result, it's extremely difficult to make a "perfect" game, simply because of how easy it is for a player to fuck with stuff. You can't really fuck with a movie as you're watching it, or fuck with a story as you're reading it, because they're static in that sense. But when you're creating a world from scratch, if you want to make that world perfect, you as a developer have to account for an infinity's worth of things that could be messed around with as a player.

As a result, people are more forgiving with video games. If someone points out something dumb in a game, it's easy to just say, "yeah well, it's just a game," but if games are to be taken seriously as an art form, it makes more sense to stop saying things like that and push developers to continue ironing out all the imperfections that exist in their art, just as we do with other things.

The next lowest is probably serialized anime or television shows.

The highest IMO is film, from a modern perspective, but painting/literature from a traditional all-encompassing perspective.

The Flood / Re: Hot takes
« on: February 25, 2018, 06:28:14 PM »

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