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Messages - Nascent Email

Pages: 1 ... 456 78 ... 28
Fuck you, Islamic feminism is a bigger contradiction that 'Communist State'.

Bro, but what about Communist Nazism?

Not much of a contradiction once you replace the cultural component of nazism.

nationalist constitutional monarchist

The Flood / Re: The ONE person you admire/respect most
« on: January 16, 2015, 01:10:37 PM »
Queen Victoria. Rule Britannia!

News / Re: Insurgency - How Not To Be A Noob
« on: January 15, 2015, 10:30:23 PM »
I have a bunch of free time tomorrow are you free?
Ill be on 8-3pm central time tomorrow.

Good. Let's play some ambush.

News / Re: Insurgency - How Not To Be A Noob
« on: January 15, 2015, 10:17:23 PM »
I have a bunch of free time tomorrow are you free?

Serious / Re: Fighting over Donetsk Airport
« on: January 15, 2015, 10:11:18 PM »
Where are the pravy sector stationed Raptor?

I am not to keen on individual units in Ukraine, can you expand on that?

The right-wing nationalists that were the driving force behind the Euro Maidan protests when it got violent.

These guys are Pravy sektor

Serious / Re: Fighting over Donetsk Airport
« on: January 15, 2015, 08:46:39 PM »
Where are the pravy sector stationed Raptor?

Serious / Re: How would you vote in Germany and France?
« on: January 14, 2015, 08:08:32 PM »
In Germany one does not vote they follow the word of the Fuhrer. In France I'd vote National Front.

Serious / Re: Do you agree solitary confinement is torture?
« on: January 14, 2015, 08:46:56 AM »
You gotta say more than just "no" brotato.

I don't find solitary confinement to be torture. Solitary confinement due to space required per inmate is less economical than mass cells as seen in most of the prison system. Therefore solitary confinement is generally used on those inmates for who either are a danger to others or are in danger themselves.

Serious / Re: ISIS has a new unexpected enemy
« on: January 12, 2015, 08:35:38 AM »
You must be pretty nasty that drug lords want to fight you too.
Or you just have to threaten their operation. ISIS aren't too fond of drug dealers, being haram and all that. If ISIS takes over the region there goes the drug dealers money and possibly lives

This is the first time I have explicitly agreed with Kiyo. When is the sky going to fall in?

Serious / Re: What is your opinion on Anonymous?
« on: January 12, 2015, 08:31:09 AM »
Anonymouse are a bunch of script kiddies. KKK counter-hack best day of my life.

Serious / Re: Do you agree solitary confinement is torture?
« on: January 12, 2015, 08:29:44 AM »

The Flood / Re: The best and worst qualities of certain users
« on: January 09, 2015, 03:26:11 PM »
I'd like to see what you guys say of I.

You can always keep a parliament or a democratic body with a certain amount of power.

All hail the King! Death to the traitors in Parliament!

Agreed but the Monarch should be the head of state and make the national decisions. Though I was making a joke about the usurpation of power by the protestant puritan parliament during the English civil war. Charles the 1'st did nothing wrong.

All hail the King! Death to the traitors in Parliament!

News / Re: Top 5 - UNKNOWN Games of 2014
« on: January 05, 2015, 09:39:57 PM »
Insurgency is great. You should play with me sometime.
Sure thing if I am ever online when you are.

I just added you on steam.

News / Re: Sep7agon V2 Launch!
« on: January 05, 2015, 12:39:27 AM »
This is a great thing to wake up to this morning!

Serious / Re: Please take my political/moral survey
« on: January 04, 2015, 03:22:02 AM »
1. Morality is objective, whether given by God or determined by humans. Answering "false" to this question essentially means that there are no moral facts, and statements about morality are a matter of opinion, emotion or sentiments.


2. There are some cultures which are objectively superior to others, the values of which should be upheld and preserved in the face of inferior cultures.


3. The Western world is, taken as an aggregate, the best place on Earth in terms of values and culture.


4. Regardless of your answer to the prior question: the Western world is currently in a state of moral or cultural decline or decadence.


5. Islamic fundamentalism is a bigger threat to world peace than any other geopolitical force currently in play.

True. But only because of mass immigration.

6. Islamic fundamentalism is the worst kind of religious fundamentalism.


7. The State of Israel has a right to exist.


8. The Jewish people have a right to their own State.


9. Israel is morally superior to Hamas.

False. Both plan on mass amounts of ethnic cleansing on their opponent.

10. Muslims are currently persecuted/unfairly oppressed in the Western world, in a systemic manner.


11. Europeans (Germans, British, French, Dutch) are right to worry about the influence of Islamic values and traditions over their countries.

True. European countries are the only homes of distinct cultures and peoples.

12. Islamic fundamentalism is more widespread than most people think/would have us believe.


13. Islam is inherently more violent than other religions.

True in the modern age. False if older defunct religions are taken into account.

14. America, Israel and the West are mostly responsible for the existence of groups like ISIS, al-Qaeda, Hezbollah and Boko Haram.

ISIS was a western black op so in that case True, in the other cases False.

15. I can understand and sympathise with the motives behind the 9/11 perpetrators.


16. The current state of Iraq is mostly the fault of the Coalition forces' intervention.


17. It was morally necessary to remove Saddam Hussein.


18. It would be unethical for the U.N. to try and formally declare the Iraq War to be illegal.

False. The UN has no actual power anyway so who gives a shit. Disband that waste of space.

19. On the whole, it is a positive thing that the Iraq War happened.


20. Bashar al-Assad is heading a regime preferable to the one the Free Syrian Army would implement, if they gained power.


21. We should not allow Iran to have nuclear weaponry.

False. All nations should be able to develop nuclear weaponry under their own steam, likewise any nation should be able to invade a nation developing or armed with nuclear weapons in order to ensure the continuation of their nation.

22. It might be necessary to consider a nuclear first-strike if a fundamentalist Islamic group or government somehow got hold of intercontinental nuclear missiles.


23. A Christian theocracy wouldn't be as morally reprehensible as a Muslim theocracy.

True. We even have examples of Christian Theocracies to objectively compare.

24. Christian fundamentalism isn't a problem in the world today.

False. Christian fundamentalism is not militarised but it is still an issue.

25. It should be the right of everybody, including fundamentalist Christians like the WBC, to burn and deface a Qur'an without facing any criminal charges.

True so long as mussies aren't prosecuted for burning bibles.

The Flood / Re: The War of 2015 [TUMBLR RAID ON 4CHAN IMMINENT]
« on: January 04, 2015, 03:05:25 AM »
The raid on 8chan was fucking pathetic. Can't wait for the raiding boards to unleash their master plan upon tumblr (I hear they are planning  a police raid).

Serious / Re: FCC will vote on net neutrality next month
« on: January 03, 2015, 08:16:26 PM »
I feel bad for you Americans. Maybe one day you'll get net neutrality back.

The Flood / Re: Post ITT if you joined Sep7 in August
« on: January 03, 2015, 08:13:55 PM »
27 July 2014

I'm so fresh you can suck my nuts.

Gaming / Re: World War 2 game?
« on: January 03, 2015, 05:46:48 PM »
Play Red Orchestra and Hearts of Iron. Best WWII games on the market IMO.

News / Re: Community Nameplate
« on: January 03, 2015, 05:35:14 PM »
Thanks for all the hard work cheat. You got a good thing going!

News / Re: Top 5 - UNKNOWN Games of 2014
« on: January 03, 2015, 05:31:46 PM »
Insurgency is great. You should play with me sometime.

Gaming / Re: holy fuck why is breeding so complicated
« on: December 29, 2014, 12:46:16 PM »
It's not that hard. All you have to do is stick your cock in her vagoo and rub it a bit.

So all of one citizens are affected by this? How is this news worthy?

Gaming / EUIV dick measuring contest
« on: December 22, 2014, 10:12:20 AM »
Post screencaps of your countries in EUIV.

Latest game as Poland

Older game as lithuania

Gaming / Re: Dreamfall Chapters or Wargame: Red Dragon
« on: December 21, 2014, 07:12:46 AM »
Red Dragon for sure.

Serious / Re: The Official Serious Reading List
« on: December 21, 2014, 07:07:05 AM »

Just one thing: Git gud cazuul!

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