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Messages - Dapper Droid

Pages: 1234 56
The Flood / Re: Start masturbating
« on: December 06, 2016, 11:50:42 AM »
>Coming from the guy who can't hold an erection


The Flood / Re: Arguing with older conservatives about legalizing pot
« on: December 06, 2016, 11:44:43 AM »
Do you want to ban unhealthy food, too? It makes people fat

If you eat a slice of cake, you can workout and be perfectly healthy.

If you get addicted to meth, that causes irreversible damage to your body.

Saying these two are the same is a straw-man to try and prove a point, but it fails.

The Flood / Re: Arguing with older conservatives about legalizing pot
« on: December 06, 2016, 01:58:54 AM »
Okay well, uh

It's also really fuckin' easy to get weed right now

Yep. Build the wall, secure the border. Crack down on drug trafficking so we can focus on getting rid of the home grown stuff.
But why, nigga?

For what purpose, Master Chief?

Drugs are bad. Alcohol is bad. The only reason why prohibition didn't work is because they flipped a switch instead of easing the populace into it. Those in power werw also not entirely supportive of it. Values the country reflect from the values of our president.

The Flood / Re: I liked The Amazing Spider-man 2
« on: December 06, 2016, 01:43:57 AM »
It was embarrassingly shitty--ESPECIALLY that soundtrack.
Can you explain?

I don't share all this guy's opinions on film, but he fucking nails it in this video.

I saw this before I watched the movie again. 90% of his complaints are just him not paying attention to the plot, which could be an issue with the movie itself, but when there's a 25 minute review that just sounds like he didn't watch the movie with sound, it kinda loses it's weight. Anything specific in the review?

The Flood / Re: Arguing with older conservatives about legalizing pot
« on: December 06, 2016, 01:41:31 AM »
Okay well, uh

It's also really fuckin' easy to get weed right now

Yep. Build the wall, secure the border. Crack down on drug trafficking so we can focus on getting rid of the home grown stuff.

The Flood / Re: I liked The Amazing Spider-man 2
« on: December 06, 2016, 01:30:05 AM »
It was embarrassingly shitty--ESPECIALLY that soundtrack.

Can you explain?

The Flood / Re: Arguing with older conservatives about legalizing pot
« on: December 06, 2016, 01:27:36 AM »
>"Brain damage" is a bit severe. Also, so does alcohol. Just limit it by age like every other federally regulated substance.

While good on paper, this doesn't conform to reality. Teens have an easier access to cigarettes than alcohol, of which weed will most likely be sold at the age of 18 as well. In addition, alcohol is harder to consume. Unless your an alcoholic, you general don't down 4 beers a day, especially if you're a teen. However, a teen easily smokes a pack of cigs a day and could easily smoke 4 blunts a day. Alcohol is a liquid substance, so the average teen isn't likely to drink their brain away, although it does happen. It is much easier to do with weed.

The Flood / Re: I liked The Amazing Spider-man 2
« on: December 06, 2016, 01:07:42 AM »
Never saw it, didn't like the first one enough to bother with it.

I'ma sucker for spider-man. The newest Marvel iteration seems like it will be nice, though it's a bit much to have 3 different film series in 15 years.

The Flood / Re: Arguing with older conservatives about legalizing pot
« on: December 06, 2016, 01:05:21 AM »
>Gateway drug
>Leads to laziness
>Kills braincells faster
>Causes brain damage if used on a developing brain
>Can get a second-hand high

Yeah, no. Last thing I want is to get slightly buzzed cuz some pothead decides to smoke-up a room. At least with cigs, it's just smoke and that shit can clear out easily.

Bahahaha you've slopped up the anti-weed propaganda like a true mindless drone

>Not offering evidence as a rebuttal

go away pothead

The Flood / Re: You can't make this shit up
« on: December 06, 2016, 12:31:07 AM »
Fuck you.

Go back to fucking your wife with a half-chub, before she sleeps with someone else.

The Flood / You can't make this shit up
« on: December 06, 2016, 12:21:57 AM »
It writes itself



The Flood / Re: I liked The Amazing Spider-man 2
« on: December 06, 2016, 12:16:06 AM »
Why aren't you posting on your main?

I don't use the login info anymore. Outdated.

I like the concept, not so much the execution. The green chick is black irl, so the main couple is white male black female, I wonder why (((they))) did that?
Why do you have such a fixture on race?
I'm just detecting some coincidences. Why don't we ask google what they think about race:

And if you actually do the search yourself for the last one, all the top hits are about having mixed race children. funny that.

Ayy lmao, cool clock ahmed

>Not liking casual humor

Deadpool is edgy Reddit tier. Guardians is just lite fun.

>Shit soundtrack

The original scores are pretty good tho.


The Flood / I liked The Amazing Spider-man 2
« on: December 06, 2016, 12:02:23 AM »
It's not perfect by any means, but its not bad in my opinion. I wouldn't own it, but it was worth the movie ticket in my mind. Can someone who dislikes the film, explain to me why you do?

Soundtrack is good too, as Hans Zimmer always is.


The Flood / Re: Arguing with older conservatives about legalizing pot
« on: December 05, 2016, 11:53:38 PM »
>Gateway drug
>Leads to laziness
>Kills braincells faster
>Causes brain damage if used on a developing brain
>Can get a second-hand high

Yeah, no. Last thing I want is to get slightly buzzed cuz some pothead decides to smoke-up a room. At least with cigs, it's just smoke and that shit can clear out easily.

« on: December 05, 2016, 11:29:11 PM »
ayy lmao


The Flood / Re: Real Talk: Why is everything so fucked?
« on: December 04, 2016, 11:19:07 AM »
We crossed timelines. We used to live in the Berenstein Universe, but something happened. Now we live in the Berenstain Universe.


>It's a "You use internet speak on the internet and aren't acting ass blasted, so you aren't serious" episode.

Call me when you find some arguments.

The Flood / Re: greetings, earthlings 👽
« on: December 04, 2016, 03:13:13 AM »
Fuck off, we're full.

The Flood / Re: Stan Lee is a boss
« on: December 04, 2016, 03:12:44 AM »
I hope he dies tbh

There is no implying.  I explicitly said I failed to see how your first point was at all relevant.
What else is it?

Please refer to and read the previous posts in this thread before typing.

Why is that important?

>Why is it important that people find outlets to express themselves through, especially those that support a nuclear family.

Ayy lmao

2.  Atheism is not political.

Top fucking kek

That would imply that there is something about atheism that leads to communism...which you said wasn't your argument.

Please refer to and read the previous posts in this thread before typing.

It's simple really.  Are there more atheists in America, France, Canada, Sweden, and Britain than there were 50 years ago?  Yes.  Is medicine better than it was 50 years ago?  Yes.  Duh.

>Implying there's a correlation.

More blacks are on welfare than than 50 years ago,  and computers are better than they were 50 years ago. Obviously we need to oppress blacks through the welfare state more in order to get better computers.

Still waiting on the numbers to support your claim, meanwhile historical evidences shows that the rise of Atheism leads to change in mood of the greater populace, which allows for socialist and communist states to rise and destroy their country.

What about it?

It's a christian nation now, instead of an atheist nation like is was during the Cold War era. Due to this, the nuclear family has grown stronger in Russia, which has allows the economy to stimulate, since people aren't dependent as much on government handouts due to having a stable family. Russia is also more in line with western values now.

Here, I'll respond like you would

>Implying I give a shit about nuclear family
>Implying nuclear family is the only metric for positivity

>Avoiding the asked question.

Nice non-argument, got any facts with you?

Where did you get this pronouncement?

Everyone who claims to be an atheist.

You misunderstood if you think that proves your point. When I said I prayed during immense hardships, it was because at the time, I truly believed he was real. 

Proving my point further. You only relied on religion to focus on the negatives, never the positives.

But going to church because you want to isn't what defines being a "true christian" or whatever your point is you are trying to make.

Someone's defensive about their beliefs. Does getting reminded about you old religion trigger you?

 Never said you weren't a true christian. Just saying chances are you never focused on religion outside of when you wanted personal gain from it.

I actually said the Lord's prayer every night.

lmao, a child's prayer is not prayer. That's something to get your 3 year old interested.

Still, since when is it considered bad to pray when you are sad?

It's not, and I never said it was. Turn off your projector. It's only bad if you pray only when you're sad and want something from God.

I mean, your original post didn't seem pretty serious but it just seems like you are trying to argue for the sake of getting a rise out of people. 

It's a "I'm an edgy lefty, so if someone disagrees with me, they're a troll!11!!!!" episode. They should really stop showing reruns.

I can't do the impossible.

>He thinks this means a literal connection

Stop watching anime, it's warped your perspective. Go outside an talk to people in the sunlight, it's quite fun.

I am tired of correcting your false narrative of my sooooooo

So you don't deny that you only used religion for a crutch during bad times then abandoned it when it was over? Okay.

First, show me some facts then that the majority of atheists are depressed losers.

rofl, when did I say that. You seriously need to turn off that projector dude, it's fucking bright. 

ayy lmao

disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.

a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God.

Maybe you should something besides a google search to see how the words are actually used.

>It's a "Dictionary definitions aren't real definitions, only my personal definitions are" episode.

Let me guess, you also think racism is defined as prejudice plus power?

Agnosticism as some sort of third way is just a bullshit label closeted atheists/theists use to avoid having to defend their beliefs.


"This word is just for this type of person, or this completely other different type of person. It's not a real thing!"

ayy lmao

You're convinced or your not.  It's a binary question.  Believe or not believe.


You must be a middle-schooler  if you think an answer to a question that grandiose is just a simple yes or no.

And that has fuck all to do with whether I am "proactive".

"I-I'm proactive guys!"

>Sits in his room arguing with some stranger on an offsite of a gaming forum full of trannies and weaboos

I fail to see how that is at all relevant to the validity of belief.  The prominence of a belief has no correlation with whether the belief itself is true.

>Implying religion is only a belief system.
>Implying I said Christianity was true.
>Implying I said any religion was true.
>Implying I said I believed in a religion.   

There are a lot of ways to express ideas besides religion.  It's not necessary.

Okay? Did I ever say it was the only way to express ideas and values? It's just one of the many ways, and that's important.

Atheism has no goals.  It cannot lead to anything except "disbelief in god or gods".  You would be looking at other ideologies.

Inaction is action. Atheism does not mean you will be a Communists state, but the prevalence of Atheism allows the rise of Communism to happen easier.

It's like AIDS. AIDS doesn't kill you, it just weaken's your immune system to allow a common cold to kill you.

As the number of people who believe in a God goes down, the quality of life goes up.

Ayy lmao, got any numbers to back that up? History would disagree with you.

I am having a hard time thinking of a good use of religion for "political impact".  Can you list some?


Yeah - most/all atheists are just sad losers who need to experience the real world

At least we agree.

It's just that it's positives are just not unique to it and their are alternatives to it that do not have the unnecessary baggage along with it.

Name one system that has done a better job of promoting and keeping together nuclear family than religion.

You say atheism is a belief system.  What pronouncements does it make?

That higher deities or powers do not exist. No existing afterlife.

Suck "muh" dick.

10/10 rebuttal, really fired my neurons.

A lot of atheists used to be Christian.  I used to be.

Same bro, we're like twins.

I used to deliberately pray as a kid and teen when I was going through immense hardships.

Proving the point I was saying earlier. I bet you didn't attend Church because you wanted to. I bet you never prayed unless your were sad or wanted something. You never tried to connect spiritually to others.  It was just there in your life, you didn't actively participate. It was crutch for your problems, but then you ignored it when things got better.

This caricature of atheists is about as bad as labeling christians as too stupid to see their way out of religion.

Generalizations are based on prominent facts and behaviors.

I'm not sure if you're doing it here, but figured I'd bring it up anyways; there is no distinction between atheist and agnostic.

ayy lmao

disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.

a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God.

Define hardcore.

Yeah, pretty successfully too.

Yet here you are, posting on a forum full of Weaboos and mentally ill trannies.

The Flood / Re: what we all wanna know: is verb a virgin
« on: December 03, 2016, 01:45:35 AM »
Damn imagine Verb falling in love..Would pay  to see that unfold
it's happened to me a couple times

like, there was this girl i met in germany who i was pretty infatuated with--i still write to her

...but she never writes back, does she?

Gaming / Re: Overwatch won GOTY
« on: December 03, 2016, 01:38:49 AM »
Someone explain to me why people bitch and moan at titanfall for having no singleplayer, yet Team Fortress for Normies gets away with it scott free and wins GOTY.

At least Titanfall actually had an ingame story. Even Destiny doesn't make you pay for Brian Reed-tier Sword Art Online comics books to get the story.

Team Fortress established all of its characters except Pyro pre launch. OVerwatch did something similar, but not as in depth with the characters, and more the universe. Titanfall did none of this.

Gaming / Re: Halo Wars 2 has the best art direction of the series
« on: December 03, 2016, 01:34:40 AM »
Reach is objectively the best.

Halo Wars 2 is just reused assets from H2A with some mud on it, so I guess H2A has the best art style according to you?

Keep trying to justify your sexism and bigotry, man.

You're a known troll anyway.

The only person who has ever called me a troll on this site is you. Nice job avoiding the discussion.

There's still widespread discrimination against women

lmao where

and trans people

The only thing that could qualify is the bathroom thing, which is them getting special treatment. Not equality. The only exception to the rule is for stuff like that is the handicapped, unless you want to qualify trans people as mentally ill, which I'm okay with.

Even in New York, an assertive woman is seen as "bitchy" while an assertive man is "tough / no-nonsense".

I think that's projecting. If a woman is being a bitch, she's being a bitch, not authoritative. A guy can  be an asshole while trying to be authoritative. It's mostly due to the type of person you are, not your sex. It's just more easier for men to be assertive due to testosterone. If a non assertive guy tries to act assertive, he's gonna be an ass. Just like if a non assertive woman tries to be assertive, she's gonna be a bitch.

That just boils down to the person. No need to assign group identity politics to it.

There's still institutionalized discrimination such as the wage gap

I assume you mean earnings gap? A wage gap implies that men get payed more for the same work, which isn't true.

Earnings gap shows on national average, men earn more, but that because they take higher paying jobs. A woman secretary should not be making the same as a male brain surgeon. To claim that as gender inequality just shows you are retarded. A way to fix this is by having women go into stem fields and work their entire life, ignoring happyness and the want to start a family, but that's just not realistic. It's a non issue.

and glass ceiling

Because men are naturally better at doing some things better than women on average. You don't see men complaing that there's a glass ceiling on them because they can't give birth.

Extremist Christians want to kill all gays and trans people, too.


And how many are there? For every 1 radical Christian attack, there are over 256 Islamic attacks. Roughly 25% of muslims world wide support Jihadism and over 60% support Sharia Law. Do you know how much 25% of 1.6 billion is?
400,000,000. That's more than the population of the United States. Maybe it wouldn't be a large deal if we were importing muslims from civilized areas, but we aren't. We're importing them from where the radicalization breeds.

And social justice has nothing to do with immigration.

Agreed, yet they seem to try to stick their nose in everything and try to make it about social justice.

We need to fix the injustice in this country before we start letting in (potential) terrorists.

Agreed, but what injustice? Faggots, Shitskins, and Trannies all have the same rights as normal people. Unless, you want to be a protected class, in which case, how is that equality?

The Flood / Re: Think fast: The boys are at Ex Mrs Charlie's...
« on: December 03, 2016, 12:41:02 AM »
> It's a "He couldn't even pleasure his wife, so she cheated on him" episode
It's a "He could never find a single friend, so he talks shit on an internet forum" episode

>It's a "SecondClass always gets triggered by what I say without failure" episode.

Pages: 1234 56