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Messages - More Than Mortal

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Completely agree.

Part of the reason I despise religion (intellectually) is because of its focus on the metaphysical.

Serious / Most controversial public figures whom you admire?
« on: January 22, 2015, 01:44:21 PM »
They don't necessarily have to be explicitly political, but any controversial public figure will probably have had some sort of impact on the political landscape.
For me:

- Alan Greenspan.

- Gerald Ford.

- Helmut Kohl.

- Lawrence Krauss.

- Michael Shermer.

- Sam Harris.

- Christopher Hitchens.

- Friedrich Nietzsche.

- Ludwig Erhard.

Serious / Re: Bakery refuses to make anti-gay cake; legal action ensues
« on: January 22, 2015, 01:26:42 PM »
Plenty of stores that sell customized items openly state that they will outright refuse to produce or publish offensive slogans or logos for their customers.

Also, given her more than reasonable solution offerings, I fully suspect that this guy is just trying to make some kind of political statement about the gay wedding cake ruling.
pretty much what I came in to say

Inb4 Max brings in his PSU alt

No! No!

You shake your head, not your dick! No wonder she took out a restraining order!

Serious / Re: Bakery refuses to make anti-gay cake; legal action ensues
« on: January 22, 2015, 01:19:59 PM »
and I'll be the first to say that you can't fucking compare the two.
I will say, however, that you can compare them. If the owner's of a business have certain religious convictions, then it isn't the place of the state to overturn or nullify them in favour of some 'progressive' principles. It's certainly immoral--whereas this instance is not--but the State should have no hand in it.

Serious / Re: Bakery refuses to make anti-gay cake; legal action ensues
« on: January 22, 2015, 01:18:04 PM »
different moral systems.
Only one, however, is correct.

Serious / ISIS suffered its heaviest ever defeats today in Iraq
« on: January 22, 2015, 01:09:54 PM »
Over the last 24 hours, ISIS has been defeated in every front in Iraq in unprecedented way. From Mosul to the north to Anbar to the west and Diyala to the east, Iraqi government forces, Shiite militias, Sunni tribes and Kurdish forces were all victorious in battle.

Since the start of the U.S.-led air campaign, ISIS has lost its momentum in Iraq and lost some of the cities and towns that it captured in June 2014. It still controls the provincial capitals Mosul and Tikrit as well as the city of Fallujah west of Baghdad, and many other small towns throughout.

Liberating Mosul is crucial – it’s Iraq’s second-largest city, and the largest city controlled by ISIS, located in Nineveh province. Ever since the fall of the city in June, ISIS became the leading global terror organization. It surpassed al-Qaeda central by inspiring tens of thousands to join its ranks and many more to commit acts of terrorism on their own. The Jewish Museum of Belgium shooting in May 2014, the Sydney hostage crisis in December 2014, the attacks in France, and the plot to blow up the U.S. Congress earlier this month – all were inspired by ISIS.

But on Wednesday, ISIS was pummeled, and Kurdish Peshmerga forces retook an area near the Mosul dam, liberating seven villages.

Another Kurdish official said that the Kurdish Peshmerga are now 10 miles only away from Mosul, stating that 30 ISIS fighters were killed by air bombing in northern Mosul and 10 ISIS artillery canons were destroyed.

While ISIS was on the defense in Mosul, it was on the offense in al-Anbar province to the west of Baghdad. Al-Anbar is Iraq’s largest province geographically, making up one-third of Iraqi territory. On Wednesday, ISIS attacked the provincial capital al-Ramadi, 70 miles west of Baghdad, using seven car bombs.

“ISIS has left more than 200 bodies of its fighters in the field,” said Masrour Barzani, chancellor of the Kurdistan Region Security Council and the son of the region’s president in a press conference on Wednesday. He added that his forces and the international coalition air force have destroyed 14 car bombs prepared and launched by ISIS during the battle.

Al-Ramadi has been divided between the Iraqi government and ISIS since January 2014. ISIS has attacked the government controlled parts numerous times throughout the last year. Wednesday’s attack was the strongest. However, the Iraqi army, police, Special Forces and the Sunni tribes were able to repel the attack.

“The terrorist was killed before he reached his target,” said Saadon Shehan, a blogger from al-Ramadi, referring to one of the car bomb attacks. A video of one the car bomb attacks was posted online. The Iraqi army launched an attack to the north of the city, destroying eight ISIS boats that were used to transport fighters and equipment between Mosul and al-Anbar. A day earlier, ISIS has also launched three attacks in Anbar, killing and injuring dozens of Iraqi soldiers and police officers.

In Diyala province northeast of Baghdad, ISIS had already lost most of the province except for a few pockets. One of these is the town of al-Miqdadiya. ISIS established three defensive lines to prevent the Iraqi government from any further advance. The Shiite militia infiltrated ISIS and discovered the exact locations of these lines. A heavy artillery shelling followed and the lines were destroyed. ISIS fighters ran away to nearby farms.

The ISIS defeats of Wednesday are significant. They could lead the way to liberation of Mosul. “ISIS has lost today 20 percent to 25 percent of its controlled territories in Nineveh province…and the liberation forces of Mosul will have 5,000 fighters in five days who are ready for special operations,” said Hisham al-Hashimi, an ISIS specialist. Already many experts are optimistic about what this could mean for the global war on ISIS.

That's it lads, smash the cunts.

In other news, ISIS is probably executing its own fighters.

I laughed.

The Flood / Re: Richard Dawkins receives his love letters
« on: January 22, 2015, 01:04:45 PM »

Abolishing capitalism and creating a socialist state.

You heard me!

Free university for all, no matter how many years!
Free housing!
Free healthcare!

Your soul is the price, Icy.

Abolishing capitalism and creating a socialist state.

Serious / Re: Bakery refuses to make anti-gay cake; legal action ensues
« on: January 22, 2015, 12:19:58 PM »
What the fuck?

Businesses have a right not to serve you.

it will create more jobs... and it's only basic stuff
No it won't, it'll probably artificially inflate the supply of labour in one sector of the economy because people have a guaranteed customer--namely, the government. Not to mention, how is this financed? Subsidies? You'll create over-supply. Price controls? Fucking with the supply-demand mechanism is stupid.

what's wrong with the free computer/food/electricity/clothes?
It's completely unnecessary, horribly paternalistic and history has shown that government controls over such goods and services don't work.

While this is true, funding is a real problem.
I'm always sceptical of that claim since Bush expanded the Dept. of Education's funding by 165pc. I'm sure you know more about the U.S. education system than I do, and we both agree that something ought to be done, but I think the structure of it should be looked at first before any funding alterations are made.

Yes. All the time. I'm incredibly predisposed to fantasies about perfect love, power, wealth and the like.

Serious / Re: Is smoking/drinking/doing drugs while pregnant child abuse?
« on: January 22, 2015, 11:01:50 AM »
Really? I'd always taken you as a 'personhood at birth' kinda guy.
Absolutely not. If you think--as I do--that morality necessarily relates to human well-being, them you get worried about the consequences of being liberal with procedures like abortion.

1. Cut military spending... only the tanks that the military doesn't even want...
As long as it doesn't drop below 3.5pc of GDP, I could get on board with that.

2. No more private jails...
I don't know enough to comment on this.

3. Fund the educational system a lot more...
More funds =/= better education.

4. Free internet, provided by the government...
Well, nothing's free. I do support things like infrastructural investment in high-speed broadband by the government, though.

5. Free government food (basic things like rice and chicken)
Absolutely not.

6. Free electricity (putting solar panels on the salt flats)
Again, absolutely not.

7. Universal healthcare... (done well, not like obamacare)
As long as it isn't socialised/nationalised healthcare.

8.Legalize all drugs... (then regulate the fuck out of them)
I agree with that.

9. Free government clothes... (white tee-shirts, blue jeans, winter jackets, and underwear)
Who the fuck really needs free government clothes?

10. Free government made computer (only for basic things... like the internet or Microsoft Word)
Over my dead body.

Serious / Re: Official State of the [only] Union [that matters] thread
« on: January 22, 2015, 10:24:24 AM »
I don't think raising it from $7.25 to even $8 is pricing labor out of the market. $8 still isn't a livable wage for most parts of the US.
That doesn't make it any less of a wrong-headed approach to policy.

Dictator level powers or president level powers?
Dictator. Do whatever you want.

Serious / Re: Official State of the [only] Union [that matters] thread
« on: January 22, 2015, 10:19:23 AM »
I don't know about you, but if I hadn't gotten a raise, even for just cost of living adjustment, in 6 years I would be pretty upset.
So expand the EITC, don't price labour out of the market.

Serious / Re: Official State of the [only] Union [that matters] thread
« on: January 22, 2015, 10:18:07 AM »
Official State of the [only] union [that matters] thread...

how is that not nationalist?
He's probably being ironic. . . BrenMan's pretty much an anarcho-capitalist. He's certainly not a nationalist.

Not that there's anything wrong with nationalism in the first instance.

Serious / Re: Official State of the [only] Union [that matters] thread
« on: January 22, 2015, 10:13:18 AM »
lol nationalist
Who's a nationalist?
It really is quite a simply question, I don't know what's confusing you. Who are you calling a nationalist?
OP is a nationalist...

Hahaha. . .

Hahahahaha. . .


BrenMan? A nationalist?

Sure thing, bud.

Serious / Re: has anyone on this site had problems with substance abuse?
« on: January 22, 2015, 10:00:51 AM »
I could have sworn this was originally in the flood
Don't worry, it was.

Just out of curiosity. What kind of conservatives and liberals?
I'd have to look over Haidt's work in order to give a proper point of demarcation, but conservatism was covered by a moral matrix which included things like aversion to harm, fairness, liberty, tradition, respect for authority and a certain degree of sanctity. Liberals, from a moral perspective on the other hand, only have a degree of appreciation for the first three (with a slightly different definition for the second).

As for the political differences; we all know what the line between them roughly is, even if the term is nebulous.

Serious / Re: Is smoking/drinking/doing drugs while pregnant child abuse?
« on: January 22, 2015, 09:35:19 AM »
I think the word you're looking for is 'person'. Fetuses are human.
Even if they weren't biologically human, it seems pertinent to bestow personhood upon them at least from the point at which the CNS is developed, if not conception.

Just off the top of my head I'd say I'd like to do a trial of no corporate tax, cut agricultural subsidies, create a quick path to citizenship to increase the supply of workers, impose consumption taxes largely in place of income taxes,  a negative income tax in place of typical social welfare programs, legalize soft drugs, nuke Iran, focus heavily on safe fission and funding for fusion, and negotiate a smaller role of America in NATO, to be picked up by our allies, to reduce costs of expensive carrier battle group deployments and overall military spending.
Love it, love everything about it.

The Flood / Re: If you had total immunity from the law for a day...
« on: January 22, 2015, 08:00:26 AM »
I'd just say you're a coldhearted bastard with no remorse.

That may be so, sir.

But I am still no wuss.

The Flood / Re: If you had total immunity from the law for a day...
« on: January 22, 2015, 07:55:44 AM »
Says Mr. Chaotic Evil.....right.
Yes, but I'm no wuss. That's the fundamental question here >.>

The Flood / Re: If you had total immunity from the law for a day...
« on: January 22, 2015, 07:49:18 AM » I a wuss for not wanting to do anything immoral even if I'm immune to the law?
Why yes.

Yes you are.

The Flood / Re: rate my wallet
« on: January 22, 2015, 07:44:14 AM »
Mine is obviously better.

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