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Messages - More Than Mortal

Pages: 1 ... 186187188 189190 ... 502
"black people run faster" is a baseless stereotype with no ground to stand on

you have to objectively show, through genetics, that there is a "black gene" that is exclusive to black people
that allows them to be more athletic

you aren't gonna be able to find it, because it doesn't exist
Black people, when aggregated, tend to be faster because of differences in bone density and limb length which shifts the centre of gravity. This is a genetic difference, but it doesn't change the fact that the genetic difference between races is smaller than those within them.

if men could give birth, there would be no purpose for women at all.
Yeah, you're still an idiot.

Not being genetic =/= being socially constructed.
the point is that if it weren't a social construct, stereotypes such as "black men run faster" wouldn't exist
I don't really know what you mean, to be honest. Of course stereotypes and social prejudices can arise from objective and empirical realities.

there is nothing that would genetically identify you as "white" (that we've seen so far)
Not being genetic =/= being socially constructed.

Race is defined phenotypically.

Also, race is not a social concept.


the sentient being's capacity to suffer is the only thing that has any intrinsic value

such that all other values are derived from it

it is the end value
Actually, define "intrinsic".

The Flood / Re: there is no point to life if god doesn't exist
« on: May 26, 2015, 02:50:38 PM »
I hate God so much because a priest fucked me.

That's the issue here, really.

The only purpose of females is to give birth. Otherwise evolution would have wiped them out centuries ago.
If you're serious, you're a fucking moron.

there is nothing intrinsically "male" or "female"--it's all in our heads
Can you name me a single thing which is intrinsic?

The Flood / Re: there is no point to life if god doesn't exist
« on: May 26, 2015, 02:47:54 PM »
It tends to annoy me when people say there is no point to life if an afterlife doesn't exist.

I don't get it; value is usually proportional to scarcity. Utter immortality would completely devalue human experience.

however, i will put that gender (as opposed to sex) is a meaningless social construct
I take issue with that. The fact that something is socially constructed doesn't make it meaningless, and there is still evidence which suggests gender is at least partially innate.

The Flood / Re: opinions you don't think anyone else has
« on: May 26, 2015, 02:41:26 PM »
Communism isn't even "nice" or "desirable" hypothetically.

No doubt some people agree with that, even if they understand the proper definition of communism, but it's nonetheless rather rare.

- At least 75pc (being conservative with that estimate) of the global population have absolutely no right whatsoever to have solid views on the economy or potential policy.
- Most people are just flat out fucking stupid.
- Democracy is a shitty way of organising a government.
- Some people are worth more than others.
- If you're making a proposition without any empirical content, what you're saying is fucking meaningless.
- Obama is probably a borderline psychopath.
- Fundamentalists like ISIS are the way they are because of what they believe, not some hidden economic or social grievance. They're literally just evil.
- Some cultures and values are objectively superior to others.
- The utility of a belief has no bearing on its truth, or the value of it being believed.

based bryan cranston though

- At least 75pc (being conservative with that estimate) of the global population have absolutely no right whatsoever to have solid views on the economy or potential policy.
- Most people are just flat out fucking stupid.
- Democracy is a shitty way of organising a government.
- Some people are worth more than others.
- If you're making a proposition without any empirical content, what you're saying is fucking meaningless.
- Obama is probably a borderline psychopath.
- Fundamentalists like ISIS are the way they are because of what they believe, not some hidden economic or social grievance. They're literally just evil.
- Some cultures and values are objectively superior to others.
- The utility of a belief has no bearing on its truth, or the value of it being believed.

Which one of those is actually incorrect? I don't really get why you would put that gif there, except for le ebin maymay, since most of what I said would have actual fedora tippers trying to pull an Oddjob on me.

- At least 75pc (being conservative with that estimate) of the global population have absolutely no right whatsoever to have solid views on the economy or potential policy.
- Most people are just flat out fucking stupid.
- Democracy is a shitty way of organising a government.
- Some people are worth more than others.
- If you're making a proposition without any empirical content, what you're saying is fucking meaningless.
- Obama is probably a borderline psychopath.
- Fundamentalists like ISIS are the way they are because of what they believe, not some hidden economic or social grievance. They're literally just evil.
- Some cultures and values are objectively superior to others.
- The utility of a belief has no bearing on its truth, or the value of it being believed.

Serious / Re: Russia prosecutes 'undesirable' NGOs
« on: May 26, 2015, 01:56:59 PM »

Serious / Re: China/US tension
« on: May 26, 2015, 09:33:01 AM »
Lol. America should increase its naval presence in the South China Sea.

The Commies won't fucking do anything.

The Flood / Lol, what the fuck happened to Comms?
« on: May 26, 2015, 05:17:14 AM »
I must know.

Well gee, maybe they should have became citizens...
Why should they when they're already citizens in all but formality? It's just a waste of time, really.
Democracy is the system of involved citizenry, not people just hanging around who will be affected. If they'd been paying attention, they'd have known that the probability of a British referendum. If they really wanted to express their interest, they should've become citizens beforehand.

If they want to now that it's definitely on the cards, they forfeited their right to participate with their apathy.

Serious / Re: Boy Scouts of America fucking ban water gun fights
« on: May 25, 2015, 07:01:23 PM »
What a bunch of pussies. I'm just waiting for the day where any kind of game or sport with physical contact is banned because it'd be "too aggressive".


Have you heard of Tag-Rugby?
Not sure if yanks would have it because rugby is a rather british thing, but imagine american football with tackling banned. Instead you have to pull little coloured ribbons off the belt of other players and shout 'tag' to make them pass you the ball.

The other game that was gimped was British Bulldog, basically a rampage across a field to make sure that you don't get tackled in the middle, if you go down you join the line of people in the middle until there is one final guy left standing.

That has been banned for years now.
I remember British Bulldog, we would play it in Middle School.

Fucking shitlord education system, banning fun.

Serious / Re: In Memoriam
« on: May 25, 2015, 06:45:29 PM »
*So few by so many

Or am I missing something
F00k, you got me.

The Flood / Re: what's your safeword
« on: May 25, 2015, 02:00:23 PM »

Serious / In Memoriam
« on: May 25, 2015, 01:54:44 PM »
It's Memorial Day in the US at the moment; while not a holiday in Britain, but it is nevertheless something I privately participate in. As Churchill said following the Battle of Britain, never has so much been owed by so many to so few. And while the nations of the West have their issues, they have also demonstrated their civilisation and moral superiority; whether it be triumph over Nazism, or the current fight against terrorists who fundamentally oppose our culture and values.

However ambivalent our victories may have been, or will be, we nevertheless honour those who died in defence of civilisation. Not just democracy, not just for King and country, not just for blind patriotism--but for the defence of civil society and freedom for all. Blunders and mistakes have been made, leaders drawn us astray and militaries misused throughout history. But, ultimately, the sacrifice of our soldiers embodies a willingness to maintain the security of our society against all manner of threats.

And to those who have died on the front of whichever war, may you rest in peace. Whether or not your specific sacrifice was ultimately for a good cause is immaterial now, and your death is nevertheless remembered by we, the living.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old.
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning,
We will remember them.

The Flood / Get the bawl over here dawg
« on: May 25, 2015, 12:41:42 PM »

Serious / Boy Scouts of America fucking ban water gun fights
« on: May 25, 2015, 12:21:34 PM »
Because it is 'unkind'
The Boy Scouts of America, an organization with semi-military origins, has put out approved activities for its members, and water gun fights are strictly prohibited.

A blog for the organization’s leaders said May 6 that pointing simulated firearms at people is not allowed.

“Why the rule? A Scouter once told me this explanation I liked quite a bit: A Scout is kind. What part of pointing a firearm [simulated or otherwise] at someone is kind?” said Bryan Wendell on the scouting website.

The rule is clarified in the Boy Scouts of America National Shooting Manual, which says “For water balloons, use small, biodegradable balloons, and fill them no larger than a ping pong ball. […] Water guns and rubber band guns must only be used to shoot at targets, and eye protection must be worn.”

The manual includes a lengthy list of other prohibited items — boomerangs, crossbows, potato guns, spear guns and throwing stars. Scouts also may not use “marshmallow shooters that require placing a straw or similar device in the mouth.”

The Scouting movement began in the early 20th century Britain under the tutelage of Lt. Gen. Robert Baden-Powell, who wrote the first “Scouting for Boys” manual.

Baden-Powell learned from his military experiences in India and southern Africa that young soldiers often lacked outdoor-survival skills. He also cited the Mafeking Cadet Corps, a group of adolescent and pre-adolescent boys that he used to great success during the Second Boer War siege of that town. The boys eagerly took on such essential military duties as couriers and intelligence, freeing older soldiers for more-demanding tasks.

Numerous critical journalists and bloggers noted that Scouting when they were boys included such activities as bottle rockets, wooden sword fights and Midnight Football, which a Gawker author described as “a sort of combat rugby played in blackout conditions on a hard tile floor.”

Negative feedback flowed into the comments section of the blog, complaining of political correctness, of “turning boys into a bunch of wusses,” and of an out-of-touch national leadership.

“This makes BSA look ridiculous and has little if any impact on safety,” said Gary Holeiwnski.

“Sometimes I just have to laugh out loud at how idiotic some things in our society have become. We can’t squirt each other with water guns because it is a ‘simulated’ gun. I can’t believe BSA is so worried about the PC police that it has a policy like this,” added commenter Gary USMC.

“Yes, let’s carry every policy to the absurd extreme. That will certainly help scouts shed that geeky image,” added another commenter.

The Boy Scouts of America National Shooting Manual guidelines are to be followed by anyone involved with Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, Venturing, Sea Scouting, or shooting sports committees, the document adds.

The world is fucking insane.

And seeing as their residence in the UK would probs get revoked when the UK left...
I highly, highly doubt that.

so why only enfranchise a small portion of them?
I don't know; it's a dumb move. But given their size, it isn't really worth worrying about.

Because this referendum would affect them a great deal.
And whichever part of the mandate dealing with foreign aid affects people a lot. . . Questions on welfare affect non-UK citizens a lot.

Simply being affected by something doesn't give you the right to vote.

Why the fuck should non-citizens be able to decide the fate of the country? It defeats the point of a national citizenry altogether.

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