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Messages - More Than Mortal

Pages: 1 ... 118119120 121122 ... 502
Serious / Re: Is morality objective?
« on: September 08, 2015, 08:57:09 PM »

Serious / Re: Is morality objective?
« on: September 08, 2015, 08:56:17 PM »
You can't define what is wrong and what is right like you can define who is and isn't ill.
Why not? It's pretty easy. There's no such thing as a basis for morality which makes sense--which is rational--which doesn't have anything to do with the well-being of conscious creatures. If the word evil is to mean anything and still make any sense at all, it has to mean somebody who would push the big red button and plunge everybody into the 'worst possible suffering'.

The Flood / Re: Harry Potter is a metaphor for the Holocaust
« on: September 08, 2015, 08:52:13 PM »
I don't need to because you didn't think of this yourself. J.K. Rowling has stated numerous times Voldemort and the Death Eaters are analogous to Nazis, and here you are passing it off as your own revelation to stroke your e-peen.


Serious / Re: Is morality objective?
« on: September 08, 2015, 08:49:06 PM »
I've never understood arguments suggesting that morality is an inherent property of the universe. As if, regardless of whether or not people are here to judge actions as right or wrong, there would still exist some sort of natural "idea" of moral standards, outside of living bias. Somebody explain that to me, because I don't understand it.
So I guess that means medicine, psychology, neurology, sociology, economics and anthropology are all subjective?

Serious / Re: Is morality objective?
« on: September 08, 2015, 08:46:25 PM »
Just replace "morality" with "health". Health is a nebulous concept, with always changing expectations and conclusions, and yet we manage to glean objective facts from it by virtue of "health" having a sane definition.

The well-being of creatures who can experience is the only sane basis we have--or could ever have--when it comes to questions of how we ought to act.

No news story, but it's on GQ's twitter feed. Turns out he's pretty funny; as he left the stage, he said "The Labour Leadership contest hasn't got long to go and I've got three more votes left to cast." (Only Brits will get that).

Also found this amusing joke from him back in 2011, which unfortunately wasn't taken well by the crowd.


Serious / Re: Is morality objective?
« on: September 08, 2015, 08:29:00 PM »
Just to clarify, what do we actually mean by 'negative sensation'?
I'd say gratuitous suffering.

Serious / Re: Is morality objective?
« on: September 08, 2015, 08:15:40 PM »
I dunno, some people actually like that stuff.
Hence it's not a negative sensation.

Serious / Re: Is morality objective?
« on: September 08, 2015, 08:15:03 PM »
Is health objective?
I'd think that health is based in factual information, whereas morality is a human construct. Apples and oranges, so to speak.
Not really; health is only objective because we have identified a sane definition for it. It has something to do with not being dead, or not vomiting all the time. The definition of health allows us to make objective conclusions about propositions relating to health, even if our expectations change over time.

The same is true of morality--identify the sane definition, and you have objective conclusions.

Serious / Re: Is morality objective?
« on: September 08, 2015, 08:08:18 PM »
Is health objective?

Jeeeez you make one comparison and nuka TRANScends the whole point
I don't even know why he disagreed with you; I thought you two agreed with me here?
I think he misinterpreted my post
The two ideas weren't comparable.
Course they are.

It's about committing an act which increases the probability of a negative consequence. Walking through a bad district is obviously going to increase the chances of you being mugged, just as sex is going to increase the chances of you ending up with a kid. It's not a perfect analogy, but the fundamentals are there.

Jeeeez you make one comparison and nuka TRANScends the whole point
I don't even know why he disagreed with you; I thought you two agreed with me here?

Why are we even arguing about this whole rape thing?

The whole "don't walk through a bad district" thing is analogous to "don't have sex if you don't want a kid".

lol at all these feminist shills
It's got nothing to do with feminism and a hell of a lot more to do with the fact that a life you've created--accidentally or otherwise--is a higher priority than being able to walk away from a shitty decision.

lol you know that argument guys present when discussing rape?
"you wouldn't walk through a bad part of town with a stack of fifties, you have to take precautions don't dress like a slut"

i think the same notion applies here no?
wear a condom and take responsibility for yourself cuz we don't live in a perfect world
i mean, unless im wrong, please correct me if i am
That's not the same. Men aren't the ones that have to carry around a baby for 9 months and then give painful birth, have to nurse it and raise the baby for the next 15-20 years.

Not to mention, rape is entirely non-consensual.
Regular sex is consensual. You KNOW the consequence of unprotected sex. Yes, take responsibility and wear a fucking condom. If the girl gets pregnant, it's your fault for whining about how you didn't want to wear a condom.
It's a girls fault if she walks in a minority district and doesn't carry.

Prove me wrong.
I'd say it's the fault of law enforcement of not doing their job in cleaning crime up.
They're much too focused on making their quota in speeding and parking tickets these days.
Cops do not have an obligation or duty to protect you.

Fucking kill me now.
Work and pensions secretary Iain Duncan Smith has been criticised for referring to people without a disability as “normal”.

The Conservative cabinet minister made the remarks in the House of Commons as he defended the government’s record on getting more people with a disability back into work.

“I think the figure is now over 220,000, which I believe is the highest figure since records began, in proportionate terms, but the most important point is that we are looking to get that up to the level of normal, non-disabled people who are back in work. Those with disabilities have every right and every reason to expect exactly the same support into work that everybody else gets,” he said.

He was criticised by Eilidh Whiteford, the SNP social justice spokeswoman, who heard the comments in the chamber and said they provided a “shocking insight” into Duncan Smith’s mentality.

Unite, the trade union, said “shame on IDS and his shocking language” about disabled people, while the PCS union said the remarks were “disgraceful”.

Labour MP Kate Green said: “Iain Duncan Smith’s remarks about disabled people in parliament are offensive, hurtful and ignorant. It’s completely unacceptable for a government minister to single out disabled people as not ‘normal’. The work and pensions secretary should issue an immediate apology for calling non-disabled people ‘normal’.”

I just. . . I can't do it any more.

The Flood / Re: Did you learn any foreign languages in high school/college?
« on: September 08, 2015, 09:08:18 AM »
I learned some German in high school.

Serious / Farmers riot in Belgium
« on: September 08, 2015, 08:03:53 AM »
Fuck me.

Farmers have been filmed trying to drive tractors through a group of heavily armed riot police during violent clashes in Brussels, Belgium.

Farmers were protesting in the EU capital over milk and meat prices, which they say are down 30-40 percent, causing many farms to go bankrupt.

Rally organisers said at least 6000 farmers had gathered in the city, with 2000 tractors blocking traffic.

Tractors were used to try and break through the police cordon, while hundreds of protestors lit fires and threw stones, eggs and firecrackers at police officers.

The protest took place outside EU headquarters where the European Union’s agricultural ministers have gathered to discuss the market crisis.

Prices for European meat and milk have dropped due to falling Chinese demand, Russian embargos on Western products put in place in response to sanctions over the Ukraine conflict, and changing dietary habits.

The European Commission announced a 500 million euro package aiming to provide relief to farmers.

"This package will allow for 500 million euros of EU funds to be used for the benefit of farmers immediately. This is a robust and decisive response," European Commission Vice-President Jyrki Katainen said.

Secretary-General for the European Copa-Cogeca farmers union, Pekka Pesonen, said the aid package was nowhere near enough to compensate for the loss of the Russian market.

“EU farmers are paying the price for international politics,” he said.


-- Farmers everywhere.

Surely this is just fucking ludicrous? You don't get to turn your back on the responsibility you have for your child simply because--had it been up to you--you'd have had an abortion. That's ridiculous. You accept the risks of sex when you commit the act.

The Flood / Re: 🐙
« on: September 07, 2015, 02:37:18 PM »
octopuses are my second favorite animal

I've got literally dozens of nicknames I use for my wife. Honey isn't one of them.

Never called a partner or mine--serious or otherwise--honey.

I've been called honey before. It's fucking weird as all hell.

I am trained in economic calculation and I’m the top Austrian price theorist in the entire Mises Institute. Your arguments present nothing to me other than the usual New Keynesian claims regarding idle resources and the profit-and-loss mechanism. I will refute your assertions with precision the likes of which academia has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my words. You think you can get away with arguing in a peer-reviewed journal that Say's Law is invalid and the "accelerator" and "multiplier" of the consumption function determine levels of employment? On the contrary, my friend, you are committing a very deep economic fallacy. As we speak I am contacting Peter Klein, Mario Rizzo, and Robert Murphy and your citation is being copied into my abstract, so you would do well to prepare for a comment. The comment that wipes out most of the claims asserted in your paper as though they are a priori principles, despite your other statements to the effect that they must be confirmed inductively somehow. You are going to be hard-pressed to respond in the next volume. I can publish in any journal, in any volume, and I can respond via a great variety of methodological approaches, and that's just with my own arguments. Not only am I extensively trained in the deconstruction of fallacious arguments, but I have access to the entire set of academic databases with economic sciences included as subjects and I will use them to their full extents to respond to your unfounded presuppositions. If only you could have known what response your otherwise non-controversial paper was about to bring down upon you, perhaps you would have reconsidered publishing it. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you are facing the consequences of intellectual laziness. I will bombard you with corrections and expositions, and you will be overwhelmed by them. You may have to reconsider the theoretical underpinnings of your methodology, professor.

Serious / Re: Resources on Orthodox Christianity?
« on: September 07, 2015, 01:29:34 PM »
salvation by work rather than faith alone, and baptism requirements.
Sola fide, right? Where do you stand on that?

The Flood / Re: keyboard test thread
« on: September 07, 2015, 01:12:06 PM »

Serious / Re: Resources on Orthodox Christianity?
« on: September 07, 2015, 01:07:44 PM »

I don't advocate orthodoxy, but here are quite a few articles and commentaries. If you're looking for belief statements, they're universal among orthodox churches and can be found on wikipedia or any of their individual websites.
Genuine question, why do you think Lutheranism is superior to Orthodoxy and Catholicism?

Serious / UK to take in 20,000 migrants over five years
« on: September 07, 2015, 01:04:47 PM »

The Flood / Re: How am I supposed to use all of this kale?
« on: September 06, 2015, 06:47:51 PM »
Eating cheese is immoral.

Serious / Re: Criticising Islam could be made illegal in Quebec
« on: September 06, 2015, 06:19:14 PM »
A tad ironic that liberals are the ones doing that too
I refuse to call these fucking retards liberals.

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