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Messages - More Than Mortal

Pages: 1 ... 626364 6566 ... 502
Whatever this is, I have the opposite
So you're a fucking woman?

The Flood / Re: am drunk
« on: April 13, 2016, 04:38:38 AM »
don't you have exams coming up? should you know be studying for them

The Flood / Re: am drunk
« on: April 13, 2016, 04:38:22 AM »
Wait why are you drunk at 10 in the morning
nothing else to do fam

and this

damn you don't have shit to do and you don't invite me to get drunk with you at 10AM?
nowhere near london man, i'm back home for the easter

The Flood / Re: am drunk
« on: April 13, 2016, 04:32:55 AM »
Wait why are you drunk at 10 in the morning
nothing else to do fam

and this

The Flood / Re: am drunk
« on: April 13, 2016, 04:25:40 AM »
fuck off you faggots

The Flood / AMA am drunk
« on: April 13, 2016, 04:05:06 AM »

Literally only just noticed the typo in the title.

The Flood / Re: Toby Turner comes out against rape allegations
« on: April 13, 2016, 03:15:44 AM »
She hasn't filed any police report afaik do probably bull
I think she kind of hinted that she might have gone to the police.

At this point we just kind of have to wait to see how it develops.

Gaming / Re: what was the last game you were hyped for
« on: April 13, 2016, 03:04:37 AM »
I wouldn't say I get "hyped".

But I'm looking forwards to Warhammer: Total War, Halo Wars 2, Endless Space 2 and No Man's Sky.

sounds like autism
The two are apparently correlated, but alexithymia's impact on interpersonal relationships appears to be entirely emotional. It seems like you could be alexithymiatic and still be perfectly adept at things like making eye contact, being generally aware of those around you and expressing cognitive empathy even if only in a functional sense.

The Flood / Re: Dr Strange trailer
« on: April 13, 2016, 01:03:52 AM »
I'll stick with Dr. Strangelove.

Just discovered this is a thing:

Alexithymia is a personality construct characterized by the sub-clinical inability to identify and describe emotions in the self. The core characteristics of alexithymia are marked dysfunction in emotional awareness, social attachment, and interpersonal relating. Furthermore, individuals suffering from alexithymia also have difficulty in distinguishing and appreciating the emotions of others, which is thought to lead to unempathic and ineffective emotional responding. Alexithymia is prevalent in approximately 10% of the general population and is known to be comorbid with a number of psychiatric conditions.

[. . .]

  • difficulty identifying feelings and distinguishing between feelings and the bodily sensations of emotional arousal
  • difficulty describing feelings to other people
  • constricted imaginal processes, as evidenced by a scarcity of fantasies
  • a stimulus-bound, externally oriented cognitive style.

This. . . Actually explains quite a lot. Anybody else heard of this? Have any thoughts?

Who'd you play if you did Endless Legend?
I'd put it to a vote.

Although, to be honest, I haven't managed to give it a proper play-through yet. Broken Lords seem closest to my style of play, although I did try and play a game as the Cultists and found it engaging.

The Flood / Re: So I got mugged
« on: April 12, 2016, 11:22:22 PM »
You have the worst luck, man. I hope they catch the guys.

Serious / Re: Bernie Sanders' college plan is dumb
« on: April 12, 2016, 11:17:12 PM »
People that aren't college material are being pushed and forced through college because if you don't have a degree then you don't get a good job, plain and simple.
This is at least partially a problem because so many people have college degrees that employers can effectively demand them even if they aren't needed. Degrees aren't very effective signallers any more.

Serious / Re: Bernie Sanders' college plan is dumb
« on: April 12, 2016, 11:08:47 PM »
30ish years ago it cost less to go to university than it costs to go to community now. That's not right.
You're ignoring the fact that the college wage premium is not constant. . .

Also, is that in inflation-corrected terms?

The Flood / Re: I like dogs more than people
« on: April 12, 2016, 11:04:41 PM »
Dogs kinda suck. Especially big dogs.
Literally what the fuck.

Dogs are the greatest.
Cats >
Cats are cool too.

I have two, myself.

The Flood / Re: I like dogs more than people
« on: April 12, 2016, 11:02:11 PM »
Dogs kinda suck. Especially big dogs.
Literally what the fuck.

Dogs are the greatest.

The Flood / I like dogs more than people
« on: April 12, 2016, 10:58:18 PM »

How can you not?

Serious / Bernie Sanders' college plan is dumb
« on: April 12, 2016, 10:21:48 PM »
Credit constraints are not something we should be basing policy around:

Given the current college financial support arrangements that are available to low income and minority children in the U.S, the phenomenon of bright students being denied access to college because of credit constraints is an empirically unimportant phenomenon.

As Verbatim is often fond of saying--correctly--having an educated population is indeed important, and policy has a role in promoting that. But college is already very heavily subsidised (with recent increases in tuition being driven entirely by increases in subsidisation), and no argument has actually been made by Bernie or his supporters as to why the current level of subsidisation is below optimal.

And, as I've said many times, reform of K-12 education absolutely needs to take precedence here. Trying to implement sweeping reforms to tertiary education when most high school grads aren't even ready for college is a waste of both political capital and opportunities for the people we're trying to help in the first place. Given movement in the college wage premium, it's also hyperbole to suggest students are going to be saddled with crippling debt.

It's also not true, as Bernie claims, that the US gov't makes a profit on student loans. Actually, they make a loss of $88bn. Cutting interest rates also won't help all that much, given the loans are usually repaid on a 10-year schedule.

I actually have to wonder how somebody so ignorant has so much support in the Democratic Party. Then again the frontrunner is at worst a criminal, at best negligent. And the GOP race is divided between an invertebrate, a grumpy old man who should've dropped out already and a hyper-religious sociopath.

The Flood / Re: Virgins only thread
« on: April 12, 2016, 10:07:07 PM »
How to get fucked everywhere?
Stop being a dirty fucking Red and sell your body.

Gaming / Re: Favourite strategy game?
« on: April 12, 2016, 10:05:59 PM »
How am I the first person to mention Forged Allience? Or Empire At War?
ngl playing Supreme Commander 2 pretty much put me off picking up any other SC title.

Empire at War has been on my wishlist for a while, though.

The Flood / Re: Virgins only thread
« on: April 12, 2016, 09:54:26 PM »
Didn't touch my first pussy until I was 23.
Literally only a beta faggot would ever say this sentence under any circumstance.

The Flood / Re: tfw your paper was so great the professor is going
« on: April 12, 2016, 09:47:47 PM »

Check out my sick new Bennu Mount.

Why can't you be into the cool side of weeb culture?


The Flood / Re: Toby Turner comes out against rape allegations
« on: April 12, 2016, 09:45:35 PM »
Actual victims wouldn't go to Tumblr after getting raped.
As much as I doubt the integrity of his ex making these allegations, the degree to which people assume how victims of sexual assault would act never ceases to amaze me.

Thank God you are here to show us the truth, and put all our doubts to bed.
It's common sense.

Poke a million people with a stick, and you'll get a million different reactions.
At least one of them will shout rape.

It'll be me.

So, basically, I thought it would be a cool idea for me to play through a strategy game while taking the strategy entirely from this forum. I have no idea how this will work in a technical sense--I'll have to come up with a system for distinguishing between contradictory proposals, etc.--but it seems like it'll be pretty fun nonetheless.

It's also totally doomed to crash and burn and probably only last five turns before the Sep7Civ collapses and everybody is slaughtered under our tyrannical boot.

So this is like the initial options poll to determine, in the first place, which game to use. A further poll will be used to decide which nation/faction to play as.

If anybody also knows some awesome strategy game they'd rather have used then vote other and recommend it; if I like the look of it, I'll pick it up.

The Flood / Re: tfw your paper was so great the professor is going
« on: April 12, 2016, 09:34:04 PM »
I get bad grades now because my grades were so good at the start of the year that there's no way I won't pass.

Come at me.

The Flood / Re: Toby Turner comes out against rape allegations
« on: April 12, 2016, 09:32:59 PM »
It's common sense.
We live in a world where Islamic State exists, developed countries torture people, drug addicts are sent to prison and Donald Trump is the Republican frontrunner.

And you expect sexual assault victims to adhere to what you consider to be common sense?

You aren't paying attention. To anything. At all.

Serious / Re: CAN'T CUCK, WON'T CUCK!
« on: April 12, 2016, 09:30:56 PM »
I'd rather you just told me what's going on.

I don't have enough time to listen to people screaming in redundant languages.

The Flood / Re: anyone remember this noise
« on: April 12, 2016, 09:21:05 PM »

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