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Messages - More Than Mortal

Pages: 1 ... 352353354 355356 ... 502
Serious / Liberty or Security?
« on: November 26, 2014, 04:43:04 PM »
Of course, the two must be balanced, but it's patently obvious that the liberal world is going too far in its emphasis on the latter.

The Flood / Re: AMA me anything
« on: November 26, 2014, 04:38:33 PM »
You're getting that new mic Friday right?
Yeah, any recommendations?
Whats your budget?
Nothing excessively expensive, although I get paid a couple of hundred pounds so if I feel impulsive enough I might splurge >.>

Name a range, if you can.
This is relatively cheap.
Bang on.

The Flood / Re: AMA me anything
« on: November 26, 2014, 04:26:47 PM »
Is there a particular city in ca that you would like to go to?
Don't know, to be honest. Depends which universities in California are part of the transfer scheme. I haven't set myself on a particular place at the moment.

The Flood / Re: AMA me anything
« on: November 26, 2014, 04:21:53 PM »
You're treating it as if it were a word.
o mate

u just #reked me



The Flood / Re: AMA me anything
« on: November 26, 2014, 04:21:19 PM »
Do you have an interest in moving to the US? If so, what state and city would you move to? If not, would you at least want to visit?
I'll be spending a year studying in the U.S. as part of my BA degree. It'll probably be California.

I have actually thought about emigrating.

The Flood / Re: AMA me anything
« on: November 26, 2014, 04:17:51 PM »

The Flood / Re: AMA me anything
« on: November 26, 2014, 04:17:33 PM »
You're getting that new mic Friday right?
Yeah, any recommendations?
Whats your budget?
Nothing excessively expensive, although I get paid a couple of hundred pounds so if I feel impulsive enough I might splurge >.>

Name a range, if you can.

The Flood / Re: AMA me anything
« on: November 26, 2014, 04:14:43 PM »
You're getting that new mic Friday right?
Yeah, any recommendations?

The Flood / Re: AMA me anything
« on: November 26, 2014, 04:12:50 PM »
At least I don't fantascize about pounding my daughter.
At least I'm not a furry.

The Flood / Re: AMA me anything
« on: November 26, 2014, 04:06:59 PM »
Are you a furry?
Would you consider converting to furryism?
I'd rather shoot myself in the balls.

Or better yet, I could shoot you in the balls.

The Flood / Re: AMA me anything
« on: November 26, 2014, 04:05:02 PM »

The Flood / Re: Who wants a Chistmasified avatar?
« on: November 26, 2014, 04:01:29 PM »

The Flood / Re: What kind of car do you have?
« on: November 26, 2014, 03:48:13 PM »
1997 Ford Fiesta.

The Flood / Re: AMA me anything
« on: November 26, 2014, 03:43:20 PM »
What about birds?
Those are the things I kill to show my cat she's an inferior hunter to me.

The Flood / Re: AMA since I'm at least 4 times better than you lot
« on: November 26, 2014, 03:41:58 PM »
You aren't funny. You have the same sense of humour as a dishcloth.
That isn't cool, man, you just upset my dishcloth.
This triggered my linens.
I didn't know you could keep socialists as pets anymore.

The Flood / Re: AMA me anything
« on: November 26, 2014, 03:40:31 PM »
Respect for you has been lowered you little shit
I love dogs more.

But I have more respect for cats.

I pass my cat in the corridor and we give each other curt nods - the passing of equals.

The Flood / Re: AMA since I'm at least 4 times better than you lot
« on: November 26, 2014, 03:34:55 PM »
You aren't funny. You have the same sense of humour as a dishcloth.
That isn't cool, man, you just upset my dishcloth.

The Flood / Re: AMA since I'm at least 4 times better than you lot
« on: November 26, 2014, 03:33:38 PM »
Fuck off, Zesty.

Your mother considers my cock a better son than you.

The Flood / Re: AMA me anything
« on: November 26, 2014, 03:31:52 PM »
Why are cats better than dogs?
Trick question.

The answer is that you're actually a faggot for thinking that in the first place.

The Flood / Re: AMA me anything
« on: November 26, 2014, 03:27:18 PM »
More of a chance for you to stop being a pedo.
Don't be silly.

There's a 0pc chance of that.
My point exactly.
Oh shit, you out-mathed me.

You win this round, Santee Klaus.

The Flood / Re: AMA me anything
« on: November 26, 2014, 03:25:08 PM »
More of a chance for you to stop being a pedo.
Don't be silly.

There's a 0pc chance of that.

The Flood / Re: Favorite Doritos flavor?
« on: November 26, 2014, 03:24:25 PM »

The Flood / Re: AMA me anything
« on: November 26, 2014, 03:22:39 PM »
How many dicks a day, on average, do you suck?
Well your grandma and your mother visit me on Saturdays.

So, what's that, like 0.288/day?

The Flood / Re: AMA me anything
« on: November 26, 2014, 03:19:28 PM »
THis is what, the fifteenth AMA you've done?
I should think so, considering the fact that I'm fifteen times better than you.

The Flood / Re: AMA me anything
« on: November 26, 2014, 03:15:52 PM »
How much do people have to pay you if they want to create a thread in Serious?
My monopoly allows me to artificially inflate prices.

But I'm worried about the current Chimp Out, and the amount of nig-nogs in Serious has me offering some discounts until the whole thing blows over.

The Flood / AMA me anything
« on: November 26, 2014, 03:13:18 PM »
I've recently been bed-ridden in Serious.

On top of doing politics homework and trying to catch up with my fucking reading. So I haven't been around these parts for some time. This was originally going to be a "Have I missed anything in the Flood?" thread, but I realised I'm better than that and much more interesting than all of you.

So AMA me anything.

Serious / Most competent politician/public official in history?
« on: November 26, 2014, 02:58:54 PM »
In recent history, I'd have to say the most competent public official was neither elected and is largely reviled; the man in my picture, Alan Greenspan.

Of all time, though? I'm not entirely sure.

Serious / Police added journalists to database of domestic extremists
« on: November 26, 2014, 02:49:14 PM »
It included their details, as well as the medical history of their family members.
A group of journalists has launched a legal action against Scotland Yard after discovering that the Metropolitan police has been recording their professional activities on a secret database designed to monitor so-called domestic extremists.

The six journalists have obtained official files that reveal how police logged details of their work as they reported on protests. One video journalist discovered that the Met police had more than 130 entries detailing his movements, including what he was wearing, at demonstrations he attended as a member of the press.

They have started the legal action to expose what they say is a persistent pattern of journalists being assaulted, monitored and stopped and searched by police during their work, which often includes documenting police misconduct.

In legal paperwork, the journalists who have worked for national newspapers describe how they have regularly exposed malpractice by the state and big corporations and have campaigned for press freedom.

The group includes a journalist on the Times. Jules Mattsson, who, police noted, was “always looking for a story”. Mattsson said that when he had been a victim of crime, police had transferred on to the domestic extremism database details of his appearance, childhood and a family member’s medical history.

Adrian Arbib, a press photographer for three decades, found that police had recorded him taking photographs of Heathrow airport for a Guardian story about the decline of English orchards.

Freelance photographer Jess Hurd discovered that her file dated back to 2000.

Five of the journalists have successfully sued the police in the past, winning damages or apologies over wrongdoing such as being assaulted or unjustifiably searched by officers while they worked.

The legal action, backed by the National Union of Journalists (NUJ), has been initiated at a time when the media are protesting that police are misusing surveillance powers to access reporters’ telephone records to unmask confidential sources.

The journalists are seeking to force the Met to destroy the files held on them as they say the surveillance violates the liberty of the press and their privacy.

They have used the Data Protection Act to obtain copies of the files. Many of the 130-plus entries in the file of freelance video journalist Jason Parkinson since 2005 note that he is a photographer working for the media and log how he is using a camera or video to record events.

Several entries note that he is a member of the NUJ and had a visible card around his neck declaring this fact. Another entry records that on a 2009 demonstration, he was “present throughout the protest, undertaking his photographic duties”. Often his dress, body piercings, and facial hair are described.

The file on David Hoffman, a freelance photographer who has been chronicling demonstrations for the media since 1976, appears to label him twice as “an Anti-Nazi League photographer”. He said he had never been a member or worked for the Anti-Nazi League, a campaign that was wound up more than a decade ago.

He questioned why there was a file on him on the database compiled by the Met’s domestic extremism unit. “I have never contemplated any sort of extreme action of a political or criminal nature”, he said.

The covert unit has been tracking thousands of campaigners and storing files on them. It says it is seeking to pinpoint the minority who have, or are about to, commit crime to promote their political aims.

The Met says the domestic extremism unit deleted many files recently after a watchdog found there was no justification for retaining them.

There has been criticism that many on the database, including Jenny Jones, the Green party’s sole peer, have no criminal record. One campaigner discovered that police had recorded how he had sold anti-capitalist publications from a stall at the Glastonbury festival.

Police are going to the supreme court in December to overturn a landmark ruling that they unlawfully kept the political activities of 89-year-old peace campaigner, John Catt, on the database.

A freedom of information request last month found that the unit has more than 2,000 references in its files to journalists and press photographers.

Bernard Hogan-Howe, the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, told MPs
last week that this did not mean that there were that number of files on
individuals, as terms such as “journalists” were used to describe events,
indicating for instance that there were a group of them at a demonstration.

The commissioner said police did not “routinely collect” information on journalists and their sources, adding that the police only took an interest in people if they were either victims or suspects.

The file on journalist and comedian Mark Thomas, who is part of the legal action, contained more than 60 pieces of intelligence in what he has described as “being wonderfully odd in an Ealing Comedy-meets-the-Stasi sort of way”.

Michelle Stanistreet, the NUJ general secretary, said: “There is no justification for treating journalists as criminals or enemies of the state”.

The Met confirmed it had received a legal letter from Bhatt Murphy, the law firm working for the journalists, and would respond in due course.

Fuck me.

Serious / Re: Why is the whole protest in Ferguson even a thing.
« on: November 26, 2014, 12:52:28 PM »
There's a serious issue of racism in the Ferguson police dept. (and other areas) which needs addressing. The shooting of Brown, however, is being blown out of proportion and the riots are being used as an excuse to violate law and order.

Now, if a big-ass wannabe gangster black kid was attacking me - I'm sure I'd have done the same as the cop in question.

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